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@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@
 class NMethodSweeper : public AllStatic {
   static long      _traversals;      // Stack scan count, also sweep ID.
   static nmethod*  _current;         // Current nmethod
   static int       _seen;            // Nof. nmethod we have currently processed in current pass of CodeCache
   static int       _flushed_count;   // Nof. nmethods flushed in current sweep
+  static size_t    _flushed_size;    // Total size of nmethods flushed in current sweep
   static int       _zombified_count; // Nof. nmethods made zombie in current sweep
   static int       _marked_count;    // Nof. nmethods marked for reclaim in current sweep
   static volatile int  _invocations;   // No. of invocations left until we are completed with this pass
   static volatile int  _sweep_started; // Flag to control conc sweeper

@@ -57,10 +58,11 @@
   static int       _dead_compile_ids; // number of compile ids that where not in the cache last flush
   // Stat counters
   static int       _number_of_flushes;            // Total of full traversals caused by full cache
   static int       _total_nof_methods_reclaimed;  // Accumulated nof methods flushed
+  static size_t    _total_flushed_size;           // Total size of flushed methods
   static jlong     _total_time_sweeping;          // Accumulated time sweeping
   static jlong     _total_time_this_sweep;        // Total time this sweep
   static jlong     _peak_sweep_time;              // Peak time for a full sweep
   static jlong     _peak_sweep_fraction_time;     // Peak time sweeping one fraction
   static jlong     _total_disconnect_time;        // Total time cleaning code mem

@@ -101,8 +103,11 @@
      _resweep = true;
   static void handle_full_code_cache(bool is_full); // Called by compilers who fail to allocate
   static void speculative_disconnect_nmethods(bool was_full);   // Called by vm op to deal with alloc failure
+  // Printing/debugging
+  static void print();