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2389     // Fill in the signature array, for the calling-convention call.
2390     int total_args_passed = method->size_of_parameters(); // All args on stack
2392     BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, total_args_passed);
2393     VMRegPair* regs   = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, total_args_passed);
2394     int i = 0;
2395     if (!method->is_static())  // Pass in receiver first
2396       sig_bt[i++] = T_OBJECT;
2397     for (SignatureStream ss(method->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); {
2398       sig_bt[i++] = ss.type();  // Collect remaining bits of signature
2399       if (ss.type() == T_LONG || ss.type() == T_DOUBLE)
2400         sig_bt[i++] = T_VOID;   // Longs & doubles take 2 Java slots
2401     }
2402     assert(i == total_args_passed, "");
2404     // Lookup method signature's fingerprint
2405     entry = _adapters->lookup(total_args_passed, sig_bt);
2407 #ifdef ASSERT
2408     AdapterHandlerEntry* shared_entry = NULL;
2409     if (VerifyAdapterSharing && entry != NULL) {

2410       shared_entry = entry;
2411       entry = NULL;
2412     }
2413 #endif
2415     if (entry != NULL) {

2416       return entry;
2417     }

2419     // Get a description of the compiled java calling convention and the largest used (VMReg) stack slot usage
2420     int comp_args_on_stack = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, total_args_passed, false);
2422     // Make a C heap allocated version of the fingerprint to store in the adapter
2423     fingerprint = new AdapterFingerPrint(total_args_passed, sig_bt);
2425     // Create I2C & C2I handlers
2427     BufferBlob* buf = buffer_blob(); // the temporary code buffer in CodeCache
2428     if (buf != NULL) {
2429       CodeBuffer buffer(buf);
2430       short buffer_locs[20];
2431       buffer.insts()->initialize_shared_locs((relocInfo*)buffer_locs,
2432                                              sizeof(buffer_locs)/sizeof(relocInfo));
2433       MacroAssembler _masm(&buffer);

2435       entry = SharedRuntime::generate_i2c2i_adapters(&_masm,
2436                                                      total_args_passed,
2437                                                      comp_args_on_stack,
2438                                                      sig_bt,
2439                                                      regs,
2440                                                      fingerprint);
2442 #ifdef ASSERT
2443       if (VerifyAdapterSharing) {
2444         if (shared_entry != NULL) {
2445           assert(shared_entry->compare_code(buf->code_begin(), buffer.insts_size(), total_args_passed, sig_bt),
2446                  "code must match");
2447           // Release the one just created and return the original
2448           _adapters->free_entry(entry);
2449           return shared_entry;
2450         } else  {
2451           entry->save_code(buf->code_begin(), buffer.insts_size(), total_args_passed, sig_bt);
2452         }
2453       }
2454 #endif
2456       B = AdapterBlob::create(&buffer);
2457       NOT_PRODUCT(insts_size = buffer.insts_size());
2458     }
2459     if (B == NULL) {
2460       // CodeCache is full, disable compilation
2461       // Ought to log this but compile log is only per compile thread
2462       // and we're some non descript Java thread.
2463       MutexUnlocker mu(AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock);
2464       CompileBroker::handle_full_code_cache();
2465       return NULL; // Out of CodeCache space
2466     }
2467     entry->relocate(B->content_begin());
2468 #ifndef PRODUCT
2469     // debugging suppport
2470     if (PrintAdapterHandlers || PrintStubCode) {
2471       ttyLocker ttyl;

2513 }
2515 void AdapterHandlerEntry::relocate(address new_base) {
2516   address old_base = base_address();
2517   assert(old_base != NULL, "");
2518   ptrdiff_t delta = new_base - old_base;
2519   if (_i2c_entry != NULL)
2520     _i2c_entry += delta;
2521   if (_c2i_entry != NULL)
2522     _c2i_entry += delta;
2523   if (_c2i_unverified_entry != NULL)
2524     _c2i_unverified_entry += delta;
2525   assert(base_address() == new_base, "");
2526 }
2529 void AdapterHandlerEntry::deallocate() {
2530   delete _fingerprint;
2531 #ifdef ASSERT
2532   if (_saved_code) FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(unsigned char, _saved_code, mtCode);
2533   if (_saved_sig)  FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(Basictype, _saved_sig, mtCode);
2534 #endif
2535 }
2538 #ifdef ASSERT
2539 // Capture the code before relocation so that it can be compared
2540 // against other versions.  If the code is captured after relocation
2541 // then relative instructions won't be equivalent.
2542 void AdapterHandlerEntry::save_code(unsigned char* buffer, int length, int total_args_passed, BasicType* sig_bt) {
2543   _saved_code = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(unsigned char, length, mtCode);
2544   _code_length = length;
2545   memcpy(_saved_code, buffer, length);
2546   _total_args_passed = total_args_passed;
2547   _saved_sig = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(BasicType, _total_args_passed, mtCode);
2548   memcpy(_saved_sig, sig_bt, _total_args_passed * sizeof(BasicType));
2549 }
2552 bool AdapterHandlerEntry::compare_code(unsigned char* buffer, int length, int total_args_passed, BasicType* sig_bt) {
2553   if (length != _code_length) {
2554     return false;
2555   }
2556   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
2557     if (buffer[i] != _saved_code[i]) {
2558       return false;
2559     }
2560   }
2561   return true;
2562 }
2563 #endif
2566 // Create a native wrapper for this native method.  The wrapper converts the
2567 // java compiled calling convention to the native convention, handlizes
2568 // arguments, and transitions to native.  On return from the native we transition
2569 // back to java blocking if a safepoint is in progress.
2570 nmethod *AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_native_wrapper(methodHandle method, int compile_id) {
2571   ResourceMark rm;
2572   nmethod* nm = NULL;
2574   assert(method->is_native(), "must be native");
2575   assert(method->is_method_handle_intrinsic() ||
2576          method->has_native_function(), "must have something valid to call!");
2578   {
2579     // perform the work while holding the lock, but perform any printing outside the lock
2580     MutexLocker mu(AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock);
2581     // See if somebody beat us to it

2389     // Fill in the signature array, for the calling-convention call.
2390     int total_args_passed = method->size_of_parameters(); // All args on stack
2392     BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, total_args_passed);
2393     VMRegPair* regs   = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, total_args_passed);
2394     int i = 0;
2395     if (!method->is_static())  // Pass in receiver first
2396       sig_bt[i++] = T_OBJECT;
2397     for (SignatureStream ss(method->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); {
2398       sig_bt[i++] = ss.type();  // Collect remaining bits of signature
2399       if (ss.type() == T_LONG || ss.type() == T_DOUBLE)
2400         sig_bt[i++] = T_VOID;   // Longs & doubles take 2 Java slots
2401     }
2402     assert(i == total_args_passed, "");
2404     // Lookup method signature's fingerprint
2405     entry = _adapters->lookup(total_args_passed, sig_bt);
2407 #ifdef ASSERT
2408     AdapterHandlerEntry* shared_entry = NULL;
2409     // Start adapter sharing verification only after the VM is booted.
2410     if (VerifyAdapterSharing && (entry != NULL) && entry->contains_all_checks()) {
2411       shared_entry = entry;
2412       entry = NULL;
2413     }
2414 #endif
2416     if (entry != NULL) {
2417       // Re-use generated adapter only if VM is booted (StubRoutines::code2() != NULL
2418       // or VerifyAdapterCalls is false. The reason is that gen_i2c_adapter() generates
2419       // code based on the existence of StubRoutines::code1() and StubRoutines::code2().
2420       // Since these fields can be initialized after adapters are generated, VerifyAdapterCalls
2421       // potentially reports a false error and/or VerifyAdapterSharing will fail.
2422       if (!entry->contains_all_checks()) {
2423         _adapters->free_entry(entry);
2424       } else {
2425         return entry;
2426       }
2427     }
2429     // Get a description of the compiled java calling convention and the largest used (VMReg) stack slot usage
2430     int comp_args_on_stack = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, total_args_passed, false);
2432     // Make a C heap allocated version of the fingerprint to store in the adapter
2433     fingerprint = new AdapterFingerPrint(total_args_passed, sig_bt);
2435     // Create I2C & C2I handlers
2437     BufferBlob* buf = buffer_blob(); // the temporary code buffer in CodeCache
2438     if (buf != NULL) {
2439       CodeBuffer buffer(buf);
2440       short buffer_locs[20];
2441       buffer.insts()->initialize_shared_locs((relocInfo*)buffer_locs,
2442                                              sizeof(buffer_locs)/sizeof(relocInfo));

2444       bool contains_all_checks = (StubRoutines::code2() != NULL) || !VerifyAdapterCalls;
2445       MacroAssembler _masm(&buffer);
2446       entry = SharedRuntime::generate_i2c2i_adapters(&_masm,
2447                                                      total_args_passed,
2448                                                      comp_args_on_stack,
2449                                                      sig_bt,
2450                                                      regs,
2451                                                      fingerprint);
2452       entry->set_contains_all_checks(contains_all_checks);
2453 #ifdef ASSERT
2454       if (VerifyAdapterSharing) {
2455         if (shared_entry != NULL) {
2456           assert(shared_entry->compare_code(buf->code_begin(), buffer.insts_size()), "code must match");

2457           // Release the one just created and return the original
2458           _adapters->free_entry(entry);
2459           return shared_entry;
2460         } else  {
2461           entry->save_code(buf->code_begin(), buffer.insts_size());
2462         }
2463       }
2464 #endif
2466       B = AdapterBlob::create(&buffer);
2467       NOT_PRODUCT(insts_size = buffer.insts_size());
2468     }
2469     if (B == NULL) {
2470       // CodeCache is full, disable compilation
2471       // Ought to log this but compile log is only per compile thread
2472       // and we're some non descript Java thread.
2473       MutexUnlocker mu(AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock);
2474       CompileBroker::handle_full_code_cache();
2475       return NULL; // Out of CodeCache space
2476     }
2477     entry->relocate(B->content_begin());
2478 #ifndef PRODUCT
2479     // debugging suppport
2480     if (PrintAdapterHandlers || PrintStubCode) {
2481       ttyLocker ttyl;

2523 }
2525 void AdapterHandlerEntry::relocate(address new_base) {
2526   address old_base = base_address();
2527   assert(old_base != NULL, "");
2528   ptrdiff_t delta = new_base - old_base;
2529   if (_i2c_entry != NULL)
2530     _i2c_entry += delta;
2531   if (_c2i_entry != NULL)
2532     _c2i_entry += delta;
2533   if (_c2i_unverified_entry != NULL)
2534     _c2i_unverified_entry += delta;
2535   assert(base_address() == new_base, "");
2536 }
2539 void AdapterHandlerEntry::deallocate() {
2540   delete _fingerprint;
2541 #ifdef ASSERT
2542   if (_saved_code) FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(unsigned char, _saved_code, mtCode);

2543 #endif
2544 }
2547 #ifdef ASSERT
2548 // Capture the code before relocation so that it can be compared
2549 // against other versions.  If the code is captured after relocation
2550 // then relative instructions won't be equivalent.
2551 void AdapterHandlerEntry::save_code(unsigned char* buffer, int length) {
2552   _saved_code = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(unsigned char, length, mtCode);
2553   _saved_code_length = length;
2554   memcpy(_saved_code, buffer, length);

2555 }
2558 bool AdapterHandlerEntry::compare_code(unsigned char* buffer, int length) {
2559   if (length != _saved_code_length) {

2560     return false;
2561   }
2563   return (memcmp(buffer, _saved_code, length) == 0) ? true : false;
2564 }
2565 #endif
2568 // Create a native wrapper for this native method.  The wrapper converts the
2569 // java compiled calling convention to the native convention, handlizes
2570 // arguments, and transitions to native.  On return from the native we transition
2571 // back to java blocking if a safepoint is in progress.
2572 nmethod *AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_native_wrapper(methodHandle method, int compile_id) {
2573   ResourceMark rm;
2574   nmethod* nm = NULL;
2576   assert(method->is_native(), "must be native");
2577   assert(method->is_method_handle_intrinsic() ||
2578          method->has_native_function(), "must have something valid to call!");
2580   {
2581     // perform the work while holding the lock, but perform any printing outside the lock
2582     MutexLocker mu(AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock);
2583     // See if somebody beat us to it

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