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 983     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  if (k < n)\n");
 984     fprintf(fp_cpp, "    delta = currpipe->operand_latency(k,predpipe);\n\n");
 985     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return currpipe->functional_unit_latency(delta, predpipe);\n");
 986   }
 987   else {
 988     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  // assert(false, \"pipeline functionality is not defined\");\n");
 989     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return %d;\n",
 990       non_operand_latency);
 991   }
 992   fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n\n");
 994   // Output the list of nop nodes
 995   fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Descriptions for emitting different functional unit nops\n");
 996   const char *nop;
 997   int nopcnt = 0;
 998   for ( _pipeline->_noplist.reset(); (nop = _pipeline->_noplist.iter()) != NULL; nopcnt++ );
1000   fprintf(fp_cpp, "void Bundle::initialize_nops(MachNode * nop_list[%d], Compile *C) {\n", nopcnt);
1001   int i = 0;
1002   for ( _pipeline->_noplist.reset(); (nop = _pipeline->_noplist.iter()) != NULL; i++ ) {
1003     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  nop_list[%d] = (MachNode *) new (C) %sNode();\n", i, nop);
1004   }
1005   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
1006   fprintf(fp_cpp, "#ifndef PRODUCT\n");
1007   fprintf(fp_cpp, "void Bundle::dump(outputStream *st) const {\n");
1008   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  static const char * bundle_flags[] = {\n");
1009   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"\",\n");
1010   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"use nop delay\",\n");
1011   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"use unconditional delay\",\n");
1012   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"use conditional delay\",\n");
1013   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"used in conditional delay\",\n");
1014   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"used in unconditional delay\",\n");
1015   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"used in all conditional delays\",\n");
1016   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  };\n\n");
1018   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  static const char *resource_names[%d] = {", _pipeline->_rescount);
1019   for (i = 0; i < _pipeline->_rescount; i++)
1020     fprintf(fp_cpp, " \"%s\"%c", _pipeline->, i < _pipeline->_rescount-1 ? ',' : ' ');
1021   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
1023   // See if the same string is in the table

1311 //   ComponentList components_right = instr->_components;
1312 //   char *right_comp_type =>_type;
1313 //   OpClassForm *right_opclass = globals[right_comp_type]->is_opclass();
1314 //   Form::InterfaceType  right_interface_type = right_opclass->interface_type(globals);
1315 //
1316 //   return;
1317 // }
1319 // Construct the new sub-tree
1320 static void generate_peepreplace( FILE *fp, FormDict &globals, PeepMatch *pmatch, PeepConstraint *pconstraint, PeepReplace *preplace, int max_position ) {
1321   fprintf(fp, "      // IF instructions and constraints matched\n");
1322   fprintf(fp, "      if( matches ) {\n");
1323   fprintf(fp, "        // generate the new sub-tree\n");
1324   fprintf(fp, "        assert( true, \"Debug stopping point\");\n");
1325   if( preplace != NULL ) {
1326     // Get the root of the new sub-tree
1327     const char *root_inst = NULL;
1328     preplace->next_instruction(root_inst);
1329     InstructForm *root_form = globals[root_inst]->is_instruction();
1330     assert( root_form != NULL, "Replacement instruction was not previously defined");
1331     fprintf(fp, "        %sNode *root = new (C) %sNode();\n", root_inst, root_inst);
1333     int         inst_num;
1334     const char *op_name;
1335     int         opnds_index = 0;            // define result operand
1336     // Then install the use-operands for the new sub-tree
1337     // preplace->reset();             // reset breaks iteration
1338     for( preplace->next_operand( inst_num, op_name );
1339          op_name != NULL;
1340          preplace->next_operand( inst_num, op_name ) ) {
1341       InstructForm *inst_form;
1342       inst_form  = globals[pmatch->instruction_name(inst_num)]->is_instruction();
1343       assert( inst_form, "Parser should guaranty this is an instruction");
1344       int inst_op_num = inst_form->operand_position(op_name, Component::USE);
1345       if( inst_op_num == NameList::Not_in_list )
1346         inst_op_num = inst_form->operand_position(op_name, Component::USE_DEF);
1347       assert( inst_op_num != NameList::Not_in_list, "Did not find operand as USE");
1348       // find the name of the OperandForm from the local name
1349       const Form *form   = inst_form->_localNames[op_name];
1350       OperandForm  *op_form = form->is_operand();
1351       if( opnds_index == 0 ) {

1480   // Generate expand code
1481   if( node->expands() ) {
1482     const char   *opid;
1483     int           new_pos, exp_pos;
1484     const char   *new_id   = NULL;
1485     const Form   *frm      = NULL;
1486     InstructForm *new_inst = NULL;
1487     OperandForm  *new_oper = NULL;
1488     unsigned      numo     = node->num_opnds() +
1489                                 node->_exprule->_newopers.count();
1491     // If necessary, generate any operands created in expand rule
1492     if (node->_exprule->_newopers.count()) {
1493       for(node->_exprule->_newopers.reset();
1494           (new_id = node->_exprule->_newopers.iter()) != NULL; cnt++) {
1495         frm = node->_localNames[new_id];
1496         assert(frm, "Invalid entry in new operands list of expand rule");
1497         new_oper = frm->is_operand();
1498         char *tmp = (char *)node->_exprule->_newopconst[new_id];
1499         if (tmp == NULL) {
1500           fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *op%d = new (C) %sOper();\n",
1501                   cnt, new_oper->_ident);
1502         }
1503         else {
1504           fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *op%d = new (C) %sOper(%s);\n",
1505                   cnt, new_oper->_ident, tmp);
1506         }
1507       }
1508     }
1509     cnt = 0;
1510     // Generate the temps to use for DAG building
1511     for(i = 0; i < numo; i++) {
1512       if (i < node->num_opnds()) {
1513         fprintf(fp,"  MachNode *tmp%d = this;\n", i);
1514       }
1515       else {
1516         fprintf(fp,"  MachNode *tmp%d = NULL;\n", i);
1517       }
1518     }
1519     // Build mapping from num_edges to local variables
1520     fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num0 = 0;\n");
1521     for( i = 1; i < node->num_opnds(); i++ ) {
1522       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num%d = opnd_array(%d)->num_edges();\n",i,i);
1523     }

1549     ExpandRule  *expand       = node->_exprule;
1550     NameAndList *expand_instr = NULL;
1551     for(expand->reset_instructions();
1552         (expand_instr = expand->iter_instructions()) != NULL; cnt++) {
1553       new_id = expand_instr->name();
1555       InstructForm* expand_instruction = (InstructForm*)globalAD->globalNames()[new_id];
1557       if (!expand_instruction) {
1558         globalAD->syntax_err(node->_linenum, "In %s: instruction %s used in expand not declared\n",
1559                              node->_ident, new_id);
1560         continue;
1561       }
1563       if (expand_instruction->has_temps()) {
1564         globalAD->syntax_err(node->_linenum, "In %s: expand rules using instructs with TEMPs aren't supported: %s",
1565                              node->_ident, new_id);
1566       }
1568       // Build the node for the instruction
1569       fprintf(fp,"\n  %sNode *n%d = new (C) %sNode();\n", new_id, cnt, new_id);
1570       // Add control edge for this node
1571       fprintf(fp,"  n%d->add_req(_in[0]);\n", cnt);
1572       // Build the operand for the value this node defines.
1573       Form *form = (Form*)_globalNames[new_id];
1574       assert( form, "'new_id' must be a defined form name");
1575       // Grab the InstructForm for the new instruction
1576       new_inst = form->is_instruction();
1577       assert( new_inst, "'new_id' must be an instruction name");
1578       if( node->is_ideal_if() && new_inst->is_ideal_if() ) {
1579         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachIfNode*)n%d)->_prob = _prob;\n",cnt);
1580         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachIfNode*)n%d)->_fcnt = _fcnt;\n",cnt);
1581       }
1583       if( node->is_ideal_fastlock() && new_inst->is_ideal_fastlock() ) {
1584         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachFastLockNode*)n%d)->_counters = _counters;\n",cnt);
1585         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachFastLockNode*)n%d)->_rtm_counters = _rtm_counters;\n",cnt);
1586         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachFastLockNode*)n%d)->_stack_rtm_counters = _stack_rtm_counters;\n",cnt);
1587       }
1589       // Fill in the bottom_type where requested

1712     Component *comp = NULL;
1713     // For kills, the choice of projection numbers is arbitrary
1714     int proj_no = 1;
1715     bool declared_def  = false;
1716     bool declared_kill = false;
1718     while( (comp = node->_components.iter()) != NULL ) {
1719       // Lookup register class associated with operand type
1720       Form        *form = (Form*)_globalNames[comp->_type];
1721       assert( form, "component type must be a defined form");
1722       OperandForm *op   = form->is_operand();
1724       if (comp->is(Component::TEMP)) {
1725         fprintf(fp, "  // TEMP %s\n", comp->_name);
1726         if (!declared_def) {
1727           // Define the variable "def" to hold new MachProjNodes
1728           fprintf(fp, "  MachTempNode *def;\n");
1729           declared_def = true;
1730         }
1731         if (op && op->_interface && op->_interface->is_RegInterface()) {
1732           fprintf(fp,"  def = new (C) MachTempNode(state->MachOperGenerator( %s, C ));\n",
1733                   machOperEnum(op->_ident));
1734           fprintf(fp,"  add_req(def);\n");
1735           // The operand for TEMP is already constructed during
1736           // this mach node construction, see buildMachNode().
1737           //
1738           // int idx  = node->operand_position_format(comp->_name);
1739           // fprintf(fp,"  set_opnd_array(%d, state->MachOperGenerator( %s, C ));\n",
1740           //         idx, machOperEnum(op->_ident));
1741         } else {
1742           assert(false, "can't have temps which aren't registers");
1743         }
1744       } else if (comp->isa(Component::KILL)) {
1745         fprintf(fp, "  // DEF/KILL %s\n", comp->_name);
1747         if (!declared_kill) {
1748           // Define the variable "kill" to hold new MachProjNodes
1749           fprintf(fp, "  MachProjNode *kill;\n");
1750           declared_kill = true;
1751         }
1753         assert( op, "Support additional KILLS for base operands");
1754         const char *regmask    = reg_mask(*op);
1755         const char *ideal_type = op->ideal_type(_globalNames, _register);
1757         if (!op->is_bound_register()) {
1758           syntax_err(node->_linenum, "In %s only bound registers can be killed: %s %s\n",
1759                      node->_ident, comp->_type, comp->_name);
1760         }
1762         fprintf(fp,"  kill = ");
1763         fprintf(fp,"new (C) MachProjNode( %s, %d, (%s), Op_%s );\n",
1764                 machNode, proj_no++, regmask, ideal_type);
1765         fprintf(fp,"  proj_list.push(kill);\n");
1766       }
1767     }
1768   }
1770   if( !node->expands() && node->_matrule != NULL ) {
1771     // Remove duplicated operands and inputs which use the same name.
1772     // Seach through match operands for the same name usage.
1773     uint cur_num_opnds = node->num_opnds();
1774     if( cur_num_opnds > 1 && cur_num_opnds != node->num_unique_opnds() ) {
1775       Component *comp = NULL;
1776       // Build mapping from num_edges to local variables
1777       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num0 = 0;\n");
1778       for( i = 1; i < cur_num_opnds; i++ ) {
1779         fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num%d = opnd_array(%d)->num_edges();",i,i);
1780         fprintf(fp, " \t// %s\n", node->opnd_ident(i));
1781       }
1782       // Build a mapping from operand index to input edges
1783       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned idx0 = oper_input_base();\n");

2823           fprintf(fp, "  case %d: return &(Compile::current()->FIRST_STACK_mask());\n", index);
2824         } else {
2825           const char* reg_class_to_upper = toUpper(reg_class);
2826           fprintf(fp, "  case %d: return &%s_mask();\n", index, reg_class_to_upper);
2827           delete[] reg_class_to_upper;
2828         }
2829       }
2830       fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
2831       fprintf(fp,"  ShouldNotReachHere();\n");
2832       fprintf(fp,"  return NULL;\n");
2833     }
2835     // Method close
2836     fprintf(fp, "}\n\n");
2837   }
2838 }
2840 // generate code to create a clone for a class derived from MachOper
2841 //
2842 // (0)  MachOper  *MachOperXOper::clone(Compile* C) const {
2843 // (1)    return new (C) MachXOper( _ccode, _c0, _c1, ..., _cn);
2844 // (2)  }
2845 //
2846 static void defineClone(FILE *fp, FormDict &globalNames, OperandForm &oper) {
2847   fprintf(fp,"MachOper *%sOper::clone(Compile* C) const {\n", oper._ident);
2848   // Check for constants that need to be copied over
2849   const int  num_consts    = oper.num_consts(globalNames);
2850   const bool is_ideal_bool = oper.is_ideal_bool();
2851   if( (num_consts > 0) ) {
2852     fprintf(fp,"  return new (C) %sOper(", oper._ident);
2853     // generate parameters for constants
2854     int i = 0;
2855     fprintf(fp,"_c%d", i);
2856     for( i = 1; i < num_consts; ++i) {
2857       fprintf(fp,", _c%d", i);
2858     }
2859     // finish line (1)
2860     fprintf(fp,");\n");
2861   }
2862   else {
2863     assert( num_consts == 0, "Currently support zero or one constant per operand clone function");
2864     fprintf(fp,"  return new (C) %sOper();\n", oper._ident);
2865   }
2866   // finish method
2867   fprintf(fp,"}\n");
2868 }
2870 // Helper functions for bug 4796752, abstracted with minimal modification
2871 // from define_oper_interface()
2872 OperandForm *rep_var_to_operand(const char *encoding, OperandForm &oper, FormDict &globals) {
2873   OperandForm *op = NULL;
2874   // Check for replacement variable
2875   if( *encoding == '$' ) {
2876     // Replacement variable
2877     const char *rep_var = encoding + 1;
2878     // Lookup replacement variable, rep_var, in operand's component list
2879     const Component *comp =;
2880     assert( comp != NULL, "Replacement variable not found in components");
2881     // Lookup operand form for replacement variable's type
2882     const char      *type = comp->_type;
2883     Form            *form = (Form*)globals[type];
2884     assert( form != NULL, "Replacement variable's type not found");

3089   build_register_masks(_CPP_EXPAND_file._fp);
3090   // Define the pipe_classes
3091   build_pipe_classes(_CPP_PIPELINE_file._fp);
3093   // Generate Machine Classes for each operand defined in AD file
3094   fprintf(fp,"\n");
3095   fprintf(fp,"\n");
3096   fprintf(fp,"//------------------Define classes derived from MachOper---------------------\n");
3097   // Iterate through all operands
3098   _operands.reset();
3099   OperandForm *oper;
3100   for( ; (oper = (OperandForm*)_operands.iter()) != NULL; ) {
3101     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
3102     if ( oper->ideal_only() ) continue;
3103     // !!!!!
3104     // The declaration of labelOper is in machine-independent file: machnode
3105     if ( strcmp(oper->_ident,"label") == 0 ) {
3106       defineIn_RegMask(_CPP_MISC_file._fp, _globalNames, *oper);
3108       fprintf(fp,"MachOper  *%sOper::clone(Compile* C) const {\n", oper->_ident);
3109       fprintf(fp,"  return  new (C) %sOper(_label, _block_num);\n", oper->_ident);
3110       fprintf(fp,"}\n");
3112       fprintf(fp,"uint %sOper::opcode() const { return %s; }\n",
3113               oper->_ident, machOperEnum(oper->_ident));
3114       // // Currently all XXXOper::Hash() methods are identical (990820)
3115       // define_hash(fp, oper->_ident);
3116       // // Currently all XXXOper::Cmp() methods are identical (990820)
3117       // define_cmp(fp, oper->_ident);
3118       fprintf(fp,"\n");
3120       continue;
3121     }
3123     // The declaration of methodOper is in machine-independent file: machnode
3124     if ( strcmp(oper->_ident,"method") == 0 ) {
3125       defineIn_RegMask(_CPP_MISC_file._fp, _globalNames, *oper);
3127       fprintf(fp,"MachOper  *%sOper::clone(Compile* C) const {\n", oper->_ident);
3128       fprintf(fp,"  return  new (C) %sOper(_method);\n", oper->_ident);
3129       fprintf(fp,"}\n");
3131       fprintf(fp,"uint %sOper::opcode() const { return %s; }\n",
3132               oper->_ident, machOperEnum(oper->_ident));
3133       // // Currently all XXXOper::Hash() methods are identical (990820)
3134       // define_hash(fp, oper->_ident);
3135       // // Currently all XXXOper::Cmp() methods are identical (990820)
3136       // define_cmp(fp, oper->_ident);
3137       fprintf(fp,"\n");
3139       continue;
3140     }
3142     defineIn_RegMask(fp, _globalNames, *oper);
3143     defineClone(_CPP_CLONE_file._fp, _globalNames, *oper);
3144     // // Currently all XXXOper::Hash() methods are identical (990820)
3145     // define_hash(fp, oper->_ident);
3146     // // Currently all XXXOper::Cmp() methods are identical (990820)
3147     // define_cmp(fp, oper->_ident);

3798   }
3799   // If constant is in right child, build path and recurse
3800   if ( (mnode->_rChild) && (rConsts > (idx - lConsts) ) ) {
3801     idx = idx - lConsts;
3802     fprintf(fp, "_kids[1]->");
3803     path_to_constant(fp, globals, mnode->_rChild, idx);
3804     return;
3805   }
3806   assert( false, "ShouldNotReachHere()");
3807 }
3809 // Generate code that is executed when generating a specific Machine Operand
3810 static void genMachOperCase(FILE *fp, FormDict &globalNames, ArchDesc &AD,
3811                             OperandForm &op) {
3812   const char *opName         = op._ident;
3813   const char *opEnumName     = AD.machOperEnum(opName);
3814   uint        num_consts     = op.num_consts(globalNames);
3816   // Generate the case statement for this opcode
3817   fprintf(fp, "  case %s:", opEnumName);
3818   fprintf(fp, "\n    return new (C) %sOper(", opName);
3819   // Access parameters for constructor from the stat object
3820   //
3821   // Build access to condition code value
3822   if ( (num_consts > 0) ) {
3823     uint i = 0;
3824     path_to_constant(fp, globalNames, op._matrule, i);
3825     for ( i = 1; i < num_consts; ++i ) {
3826       fprintf(fp, ", ");
3827       path_to_constant(fp, globalNames, op._matrule, i);
3828     }
3829   }
3830   fprintf(fp, " );\n");
3831 }
3834 // Build switch to invoke "new" MachNode or MachOper
3835 void ArchDesc::buildMachOperGenerator(FILE *fp_cpp) {
3836   int idx = 0;
3838   // Build switch to invoke 'new' for a specific MachOper

3877   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  \n");
3878   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  default:\n");
3879   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    fprintf(stderr, \"Default MachOper Generator invoked for: \\n\");\n");
3880   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    fprintf(stderr, \"   opcode = %cd\\n\", opcode);\n", '%');
3881   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    break;\n");
3882   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  }\n");
3884   // Generate the closing for method Matcher::MachOperGenerator
3885   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return NULL;\n");
3886   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n");
3887 }
3890 //---------------------------buildMachNode-------------------------------------
3891 // Build a new MachNode, for MachNodeGenerator or cisc-spilling
3892 void ArchDesc::buildMachNode(FILE *fp_cpp, InstructForm *inst, const char *indent) {
3893   const char *opType  = NULL;
3894   const char *opClass = inst->_ident;
3896   // Create the MachNode object
3897   fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s %sNode *node = new (C) %sNode();\n",indent, opClass,opClass);
3899   if ( (inst->num_post_match_opnds() != 0) ) {
3900     // Instruction that contains operands which are not in match rule.
3901     //
3902     // Check if the first post-match component may be an interesting def
3903     bool           dont_care = false;
3904     ComponentList &comp_list = inst->_components;
3905     Component     *comp      = NULL;
3906     comp_list.reset();
3907     if ( comp_list.match_iter() != NULL )    dont_care = true;
3909     // Insert operands that are not in match-rule.
3910     // Only insert a DEF if the do_care flag is set
3911     comp_list.reset();
3912     while ( comp = comp_list.post_match_iter() ) {
3913       // Check if we don't care about DEFs or KILLs that are not USEs
3914       if ( dont_care && (! comp->isa(Component::USE)) ) {
3915         continue;
3916       }
3917       dont_care = true;

3919       // with the enum for the opcode that needs to be built.
3920       ComponentList clist = inst->_components;
3921       int         index  = clist.operand_position(comp->_name, comp->_usedef, inst);
3922       const char *opcode = machOperEnum(comp->_type);
3923       fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s node->set_opnd_array(%d, ", indent, index);
3924       fprintf(fp_cpp, "MachOperGenerator(%s, C));\n", opcode);
3925       }
3926   }
3927   else if ( inst->is_chain_of_constant(_globalNames, opType) ) {
3928     // An instruction that chains from a constant!
3929     // In this case, we need to subsume the constant into the node
3930     // at operand position, oper_input_base().
3931     //
3932     // Fill in the constant
3933     fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s node->_opnd_array[%d] = ", indent,
3934             inst->oper_input_base(_globalNames));
3935     // #####
3936     // Check for multiple constants and then fill them in.
3937     // Just like MachOperGenerator
3938     const char *opName = inst->_matrule->_rChild->_opType;
3939     fprintf(fp_cpp, "new (C) %sOper(", opName);
3940     // Grab operand form
3941     OperandForm *op = (_globalNames[opName])->is_operand();
3942     // Look up the number of constants
3943     uint num_consts = op->num_consts(_globalNames);
3944     if ( (num_consts > 0) ) {
3945       uint i = 0;
3946       path_to_constant(fp_cpp, _globalNames, op->_matrule, i);
3947       for ( i = 1; i < num_consts; ++i ) {
3948         fprintf(fp_cpp, ", ");
3949         path_to_constant(fp_cpp, _globalNames, op->_matrule, i);
3950       }
3951     }
3952     fprintf(fp_cpp, " );\n");
3953     // #####
3954   }
3956   // Fill in the bottom_type where requested
3957   if (inst->captures_bottom_type(_globalNames)) {
3958     if (strncmp("MachCall", inst->mach_base_class(_globalNames), strlen("MachCall"))) {
3959       fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s node->_bottom_type = _leaf->bottom_type();\n", indent);

3993     const char   *name      = inst_cisc->_ident;
3994     assert( inst_cisc->num_opnds() == this->num_opnds(), "Must have same number of operands");
3995     OperandForm *cisc_oper = AD.cisc_spill_operand();
3996     assert( cisc_oper != NULL, "insanity check");
3997     const char *cisc_oper_name  = cisc_oper->_ident;
3998     assert( cisc_oper_name != NULL, "insanity check");
3999     //
4000     // Set the correct reg_mask_or_stack for the cisc operand
4001     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4002     fprintf(fp_cpp, "void %sNode::use_cisc_RegMask() {\n", this->_ident);
4003     // Lookup the correct reg_mask_or_stack
4004     const char *reg_mask_name = cisc_reg_mask_name();
4005     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  _cisc_RegMask = &STACK_OR_%s;\n", reg_mask_name);
4006     fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
4007     //
4008     // Construct CISC version of this instruction
4009     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4010     fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Build CISC version of this instruction\n");
4011     fprintf(fp_cpp, "MachNode *%sNode::cisc_version( int offset, Compile* C ) {\n", this->_ident);
4012     // Create the MachNode object
4013     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  %sNode *node = new (C) %sNode();\n", name, name);
4014     // Fill in the bottom_type where requested
4015     if ( this->captures_bottom_type(AD.globalNames()) ) {
4016       fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->_bottom_type = bottom_type();\n");
4017     }
4019     uint cur_num_opnds = num_opnds();
4020     if (cur_num_opnds > 1 && cur_num_opnds != num_unique_opnds()) {
4021       fprintf(fp_cpp,"  node->_num_opnds = %d;\n", num_unique_opnds());
4022     }
4024     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4025     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  // Copy _idx, inputs and operands to new node\n");
4026     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  fill_new_machnode(node, C);\n");
4027     // Construct operand to access [stack_pointer + offset]
4028     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  // Construct operand to access [stack_pointer + offset]\n");
4029     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->set_opnd_array(cisc_operand(), new (C) %sOper(offset));\n", cisc_oper_name);
4030     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4032     // Return result and exit scope
4033     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return node;\n");
4034     fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
4035     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4036     return true;
4037   }
4038   return false;
4039 }
4041 //---------------------------declare_short_branch_methods----------------------
4042 // Build prototypes for short branch methods
4043 void InstructForm::declare_short_branch_methods(FILE *fp_hpp) {
4044   if (has_short_branch_form()) {
4045     fprintf(fp_hpp, "  virtual MachNode      *short_branch_version(Compile* C);\n");
4046   }
4047 }
4049 //---------------------------define_short_branch_methods-----------------------
4050 // Build definitions for short branch methods
4051 bool InstructForm::define_short_branch_methods(ArchDesc &AD, FILE *fp_cpp) {
4052   if (has_short_branch_form()) {
4053     InstructForm *short_branch = short_branch_form();
4054     const char   *name         = short_branch->_ident;
4056     // Construct short_branch_version() method.
4057     fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Build short branch version of this instruction\n");
4058     fprintf(fp_cpp, "MachNode *%sNode::short_branch_version(Compile* C) {\n", this->_ident);
4059     // Create the MachNode object
4060     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  %sNode *node = new (C) %sNode();\n", name, name);
4061     if( is_ideal_if() ) {
4062       fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->_prob = _prob;\n");
4063       fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->_fcnt = _fcnt;\n");
4064     }
4065     // Fill in the bottom_type where requested
4066     if ( this->captures_bottom_type(AD.globalNames()) ) {
4067       fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->_bottom_type = bottom_type();\n");
4068     }
4070     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4071     // Short branch version must use same node index for access
4072     // through allocator's tables
4073     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  // Copy _idx, inputs and operands to new node\n");
4074     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  fill_new_machnode(node, C);\n");
4076     // Return result and exit scope
4077     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return node;\n");
4078     fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
4079     fprintf(fp_cpp,"\n");
4080     return true;

 983     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  if (k < n)\n");
 984     fprintf(fp_cpp, "    delta = currpipe->operand_latency(k,predpipe);\n\n");
 985     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return currpipe->functional_unit_latency(delta, predpipe);\n");
 986   }
 987   else {
 988     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  // assert(false, \"pipeline functionality is not defined\");\n");
 989     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return %d;\n",
 990       non_operand_latency);
 991   }
 992   fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n\n");
 994   // Output the list of nop nodes
 995   fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Descriptions for emitting different functional unit nops\n");
 996   const char *nop;
 997   int nopcnt = 0;
 998   for ( _pipeline->_noplist.reset(); (nop = _pipeline->_noplist.iter()) != NULL; nopcnt++ );
1000   fprintf(fp_cpp, "void Bundle::initialize_nops(MachNode * nop_list[%d], Compile *C) {\n", nopcnt);
1001   int i = 0;
1002   for ( _pipeline->_noplist.reset(); (nop = _pipeline->_noplist.iter()) != NULL; i++ ) {
1003     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  nop_list[%d] = (MachNode *) new %sNode();\n", i, nop);
1004   }
1005   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
1006   fprintf(fp_cpp, "#ifndef PRODUCT\n");
1007   fprintf(fp_cpp, "void Bundle::dump(outputStream *st) const {\n");
1008   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  static const char * bundle_flags[] = {\n");
1009   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"\",\n");
1010   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"use nop delay\",\n");
1011   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"use unconditional delay\",\n");
1012   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"use conditional delay\",\n");
1013   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"used in conditional delay\",\n");
1014   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"used in unconditional delay\",\n");
1015   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    \"used in all conditional delays\",\n");
1016   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  };\n\n");
1018   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  static const char *resource_names[%d] = {", _pipeline->_rescount);
1019   for (i = 0; i < _pipeline->_rescount; i++)
1020     fprintf(fp_cpp, " \"%s\"%c", _pipeline->, i < _pipeline->_rescount-1 ? ',' : ' ');
1021   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n\n");
1023   // See if the same string is in the table

1311 //   ComponentList components_right = instr->_components;
1312 //   char *right_comp_type =>_type;
1313 //   OpClassForm *right_opclass = globals[right_comp_type]->is_opclass();
1314 //   Form::InterfaceType  right_interface_type = right_opclass->interface_type(globals);
1315 //
1316 //   return;
1317 // }
1319 // Construct the new sub-tree
1320 static void generate_peepreplace( FILE *fp, FormDict &globals, PeepMatch *pmatch, PeepConstraint *pconstraint, PeepReplace *preplace, int max_position ) {
1321   fprintf(fp, "      // IF instructions and constraints matched\n");
1322   fprintf(fp, "      if( matches ) {\n");
1323   fprintf(fp, "        // generate the new sub-tree\n");
1324   fprintf(fp, "        assert( true, \"Debug stopping point\");\n");
1325   if( preplace != NULL ) {
1326     // Get the root of the new sub-tree
1327     const char *root_inst = NULL;
1328     preplace->next_instruction(root_inst);
1329     InstructForm *root_form = globals[root_inst]->is_instruction();
1330     assert( root_form != NULL, "Replacement instruction was not previously defined");
1331     fprintf(fp, "        %sNode *root = new %sNode();\n", root_inst, root_inst);
1333     int         inst_num;
1334     const char *op_name;
1335     int         opnds_index = 0;            // define result operand
1336     // Then install the use-operands for the new sub-tree
1337     // preplace->reset();             // reset breaks iteration
1338     for( preplace->next_operand( inst_num, op_name );
1339          op_name != NULL;
1340          preplace->next_operand( inst_num, op_name ) ) {
1341       InstructForm *inst_form;
1342       inst_form  = globals[pmatch->instruction_name(inst_num)]->is_instruction();
1343       assert( inst_form, "Parser should guaranty this is an instruction");
1344       int inst_op_num = inst_form->operand_position(op_name, Component::USE);
1345       if( inst_op_num == NameList::Not_in_list )
1346         inst_op_num = inst_form->operand_position(op_name, Component::USE_DEF);
1347       assert( inst_op_num != NameList::Not_in_list, "Did not find operand as USE");
1348       // find the name of the OperandForm from the local name
1349       const Form *form   = inst_form->_localNames[op_name];
1350       OperandForm  *op_form = form->is_operand();
1351       if( opnds_index == 0 ) {

1480   // Generate expand code
1481   if( node->expands() ) {
1482     const char   *opid;
1483     int           new_pos, exp_pos;
1484     const char   *new_id   = NULL;
1485     const Form   *frm      = NULL;
1486     InstructForm *new_inst = NULL;
1487     OperandForm  *new_oper = NULL;
1488     unsigned      numo     = node->num_opnds() +
1489                                 node->_exprule->_newopers.count();
1491     // If necessary, generate any operands created in expand rule
1492     if (node->_exprule->_newopers.count()) {
1493       for(node->_exprule->_newopers.reset();
1494           (new_id = node->_exprule->_newopers.iter()) != NULL; cnt++) {
1495         frm = node->_localNames[new_id];
1496         assert(frm, "Invalid entry in new operands list of expand rule");
1497         new_oper = frm->is_operand();
1498         char *tmp = (char *)node->_exprule->_newopconst[new_id];
1499         if (tmp == NULL) {
1500           fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *op%d = new %sOper();\n",
1501                   cnt, new_oper->_ident);
1502         }
1503         else {
1504           fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *op%d = new %sOper(%s);\n",
1505                   cnt, new_oper->_ident, tmp);
1506         }
1507       }
1508     }
1509     cnt = 0;
1510     // Generate the temps to use for DAG building
1511     for(i = 0; i < numo; i++) {
1512       if (i < node->num_opnds()) {
1513         fprintf(fp,"  MachNode *tmp%d = this;\n", i);
1514       }
1515       else {
1516         fprintf(fp,"  MachNode *tmp%d = NULL;\n", i);
1517       }
1518     }
1519     // Build mapping from num_edges to local variables
1520     fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num0 = 0;\n");
1521     for( i = 1; i < node->num_opnds(); i++ ) {
1522       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num%d = opnd_array(%d)->num_edges();\n",i,i);
1523     }

1549     ExpandRule  *expand       = node->_exprule;
1550     NameAndList *expand_instr = NULL;
1551     for(expand->reset_instructions();
1552         (expand_instr = expand->iter_instructions()) != NULL; cnt++) {
1553       new_id = expand_instr->name();
1555       InstructForm* expand_instruction = (InstructForm*)globalAD->globalNames()[new_id];
1557       if (!expand_instruction) {
1558         globalAD->syntax_err(node->_linenum, "In %s: instruction %s used in expand not declared\n",
1559                              node->_ident, new_id);
1560         continue;
1561       }
1563       if (expand_instruction->has_temps()) {
1564         globalAD->syntax_err(node->_linenum, "In %s: expand rules using instructs with TEMPs aren't supported: %s",
1565                              node->_ident, new_id);
1566       }
1568       // Build the node for the instruction
1569       fprintf(fp,"\n  %sNode *n%d = new %sNode();\n", new_id, cnt, new_id);
1570       // Add control edge for this node
1571       fprintf(fp,"  n%d->add_req(_in[0]);\n", cnt);
1572       // Build the operand for the value this node defines.
1573       Form *form = (Form*)_globalNames[new_id];
1574       assert( form, "'new_id' must be a defined form name");
1575       // Grab the InstructForm for the new instruction
1576       new_inst = form->is_instruction();
1577       assert( new_inst, "'new_id' must be an instruction name");
1578       if( node->is_ideal_if() && new_inst->is_ideal_if() ) {
1579         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachIfNode*)n%d)->_prob = _prob;\n",cnt);
1580         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachIfNode*)n%d)->_fcnt = _fcnt;\n",cnt);
1581       }
1583       if( node->is_ideal_fastlock() && new_inst->is_ideal_fastlock() ) {
1584         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachFastLockNode*)n%d)->_counters = _counters;\n",cnt);
1585         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachFastLockNode*)n%d)->_rtm_counters = _rtm_counters;\n",cnt);
1586         fprintf(fp, "  ((MachFastLockNode*)n%d)->_stack_rtm_counters = _stack_rtm_counters;\n",cnt);
1587       }
1589       // Fill in the bottom_type where requested

1712     Component *comp = NULL;
1713     // For kills, the choice of projection numbers is arbitrary
1714     int proj_no = 1;
1715     bool declared_def  = false;
1716     bool declared_kill = false;
1718     while( (comp = node->_components.iter()) != NULL ) {
1719       // Lookup register class associated with operand type
1720       Form        *form = (Form*)_globalNames[comp->_type];
1721       assert( form, "component type must be a defined form");
1722       OperandForm *op   = form->is_operand();
1724       if (comp->is(Component::TEMP)) {
1725         fprintf(fp, "  // TEMP %s\n", comp->_name);
1726         if (!declared_def) {
1727           // Define the variable "def" to hold new MachProjNodes
1728           fprintf(fp, "  MachTempNode *def;\n");
1729           declared_def = true;
1730         }
1731         if (op && op->_interface && op->_interface->is_RegInterface()) {
1732           fprintf(fp,"  def = new MachTempNode(state->MachOperGenerator( %s, C ));\n",
1733                   machOperEnum(op->_ident));
1734           fprintf(fp,"  add_req(def);\n");
1735           // The operand for TEMP is already constructed during
1736           // this mach node construction, see buildMachNode().
1737           //
1738           // int idx  = node->operand_position_format(comp->_name);
1739           // fprintf(fp,"  set_opnd_array(%d, state->MachOperGenerator( %s, C ));\n",
1740           //         idx, machOperEnum(op->_ident));
1741         } else {
1742           assert(false, "can't have temps which aren't registers");
1743         }
1744       } else if (comp->isa(Component::KILL)) {
1745         fprintf(fp, "  // DEF/KILL %s\n", comp->_name);
1747         if (!declared_kill) {
1748           // Define the variable "kill" to hold new MachProjNodes
1749           fprintf(fp, "  MachProjNode *kill;\n");
1750           declared_kill = true;
1751         }
1753         assert( op, "Support additional KILLS for base operands");
1754         const char *regmask    = reg_mask(*op);
1755         const char *ideal_type = op->ideal_type(_globalNames, _register);
1757         if (!op->is_bound_register()) {
1758           syntax_err(node->_linenum, "In %s only bound registers can be killed: %s %s\n",
1759                      node->_ident, comp->_type, comp->_name);
1760         }
1762         fprintf(fp,"  kill = ");
1763         fprintf(fp,"new MachProjNode( %s, %d, (%s), Op_%s );\n",
1764                 machNode, proj_no++, regmask, ideal_type);
1765         fprintf(fp,"  proj_list.push(kill);\n");
1766       }
1767     }
1768   }
1770   if( !node->expands() && node->_matrule != NULL ) {
1771     // Remove duplicated operands and inputs which use the same name.
1772     // Seach through match operands for the same name usage.
1773     uint cur_num_opnds = node->num_opnds();
1774     if( cur_num_opnds > 1 && cur_num_opnds != node->num_unique_opnds() ) {
1775       Component *comp = NULL;
1776       // Build mapping from num_edges to local variables
1777       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num0 = 0;\n");
1778       for( i = 1; i < cur_num_opnds; i++ ) {
1779         fprintf(fp,"  unsigned num%d = opnd_array(%d)->num_edges();",i,i);
1780         fprintf(fp, " \t// %s\n", node->opnd_ident(i));
1781       }
1782       // Build a mapping from operand index to input edges
1783       fprintf(fp,"  unsigned idx0 = oper_input_base();\n");

2823           fprintf(fp, "  case %d: return &(Compile::current()->FIRST_STACK_mask());\n", index);
2824         } else {
2825           const char* reg_class_to_upper = toUpper(reg_class);
2826           fprintf(fp, "  case %d: return &%s_mask();\n", index, reg_class_to_upper);
2827           delete[] reg_class_to_upper;
2828         }
2829       }
2830       fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
2831       fprintf(fp,"  ShouldNotReachHere();\n");
2832       fprintf(fp,"  return NULL;\n");
2833     }
2835     // Method close
2836     fprintf(fp, "}\n\n");
2837   }
2838 }
2840 // generate code to create a clone for a class derived from MachOper
2841 //
2842 // (0)  MachOper  *MachOperXOper::clone(Compile* C) const {
2843 // (1)    return new MachXOper( _ccode, _c0, _c1, ..., _cn);
2844 // (2)  }
2845 //
2846 static void defineClone(FILE *fp, FormDict &globalNames, OperandForm &oper) {
2847   fprintf(fp,"MachOper *%sOper::clone(Compile* C) const {\n", oper._ident);
2848   // Check for constants that need to be copied over
2849   const int  num_consts    = oper.num_consts(globalNames);
2850   const bool is_ideal_bool = oper.is_ideal_bool();
2851   if( (num_consts > 0) ) {
2852     fprintf(fp,"  return new %sOper(", oper._ident);
2853     // generate parameters for constants
2854     int i = 0;
2855     fprintf(fp,"_c%d", i);
2856     for( i = 1; i < num_consts; ++i) {
2857       fprintf(fp,", _c%d", i);
2858     }
2859     // finish line (1)
2860     fprintf(fp,");\n");
2861   }
2862   else {
2863     assert( num_consts == 0, "Currently support zero or one constant per operand clone function");
2864     fprintf(fp,"  return new %sOper();\n", oper._ident);
2865   }
2866   // finish method
2867   fprintf(fp,"}\n");
2868 }
2870 // Helper functions for bug 4796752, abstracted with minimal modification
2871 // from define_oper_interface()
2872 OperandForm *rep_var_to_operand(const char *encoding, OperandForm &oper, FormDict &globals) {
2873   OperandForm *op = NULL;
2874   // Check for replacement variable
2875   if( *encoding == '$' ) {
2876     // Replacement variable
2877     const char *rep_var = encoding + 1;
2878     // Lookup replacement variable, rep_var, in operand's component list
2879     const Component *comp =;
2880     assert( comp != NULL, "Replacement variable not found in components");
2881     // Lookup operand form for replacement variable's type
2882     const char      *type = comp->_type;
2883     Form            *form = (Form*)globals[type];
2884     assert( form != NULL, "Replacement variable's type not found");

3089   build_register_masks(_CPP_EXPAND_file._fp);
3090   // Define the pipe_classes
3091   build_pipe_classes(_CPP_PIPELINE_file._fp);
3093   // Generate Machine Classes for each operand defined in AD file
3094   fprintf(fp,"\n");
3095   fprintf(fp,"\n");
3096   fprintf(fp,"//------------------Define classes derived from MachOper---------------------\n");
3097   // Iterate through all operands
3098   _operands.reset();
3099   OperandForm *oper;
3100   for( ; (oper = (OperandForm*)_operands.iter()) != NULL; ) {
3101     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
3102     if ( oper->ideal_only() ) continue;
3103     // !!!!!
3104     // The declaration of labelOper is in machine-independent file: machnode
3105     if ( strcmp(oper->_ident,"label") == 0 ) {
3106       defineIn_RegMask(_CPP_MISC_file._fp, _globalNames, *oper);
3108       fprintf(fp,"MachOper  *%sOper::clone(Compile* C) const {\n", oper->_ident);
3109       fprintf(fp,"  return  new %sOper(_label, _block_num);\n", oper->_ident);
3110       fprintf(fp,"}\n");
3112       fprintf(fp,"uint %sOper::opcode() const { return %s; }\n",
3113               oper->_ident, machOperEnum(oper->_ident));
3114       // // Currently all XXXOper::Hash() methods are identical (990820)
3115       // define_hash(fp, oper->_ident);
3116       // // Currently all XXXOper::Cmp() methods are identical (990820)
3117       // define_cmp(fp, oper->_ident);
3118       fprintf(fp,"\n");
3120       continue;
3121     }
3123     // The declaration of methodOper is in machine-independent file: machnode
3124     if ( strcmp(oper->_ident,"method") == 0 ) {
3125       defineIn_RegMask(_CPP_MISC_file._fp, _globalNames, *oper);
3127       fprintf(fp,"MachOper  *%sOper::clone(Compile* C) const {\n", oper->_ident);
3128       fprintf(fp,"  return  new %sOper(_method);\n", oper->_ident);
3129       fprintf(fp,"}\n");
3131       fprintf(fp,"uint %sOper::opcode() const { return %s; }\n",
3132               oper->_ident, machOperEnum(oper->_ident));
3133       // // Currently all XXXOper::Hash() methods are identical (990820)
3134       // define_hash(fp, oper->_ident);
3135       // // Currently all XXXOper::Cmp() methods are identical (990820)
3136       // define_cmp(fp, oper->_ident);
3137       fprintf(fp,"\n");
3139       continue;
3140     }
3142     defineIn_RegMask(fp, _globalNames, *oper);
3143     defineClone(_CPP_CLONE_file._fp, _globalNames, *oper);
3144     // // Currently all XXXOper::Hash() methods are identical (990820)
3145     // define_hash(fp, oper->_ident);
3146     // // Currently all XXXOper::Cmp() methods are identical (990820)
3147     // define_cmp(fp, oper->_ident);

3798   }
3799   // If constant is in right child, build path and recurse
3800   if ( (mnode->_rChild) && (rConsts > (idx - lConsts) ) ) {
3801     idx = idx - lConsts;
3802     fprintf(fp, "_kids[1]->");
3803     path_to_constant(fp, globals, mnode->_rChild, idx);
3804     return;
3805   }
3806   assert( false, "ShouldNotReachHere()");
3807 }
3809 // Generate code that is executed when generating a specific Machine Operand
3810 static void genMachOperCase(FILE *fp, FormDict &globalNames, ArchDesc &AD,
3811                             OperandForm &op) {
3812   const char *opName         = op._ident;
3813   const char *opEnumName     = AD.machOperEnum(opName);
3814   uint        num_consts     = op.num_consts(globalNames);
3816   // Generate the case statement for this opcode
3817   fprintf(fp, "  case %s:", opEnumName);
3818   fprintf(fp, "\n    return new %sOper(", opName);
3819   // Access parameters for constructor from the stat object
3820   //
3821   // Build access to condition code value
3822   if ( (num_consts > 0) ) {
3823     uint i = 0;
3824     path_to_constant(fp, globalNames, op._matrule, i);
3825     for ( i = 1; i < num_consts; ++i ) {
3826       fprintf(fp, ", ");
3827       path_to_constant(fp, globalNames, op._matrule, i);
3828     }
3829   }
3830   fprintf(fp, " );\n");
3831 }
3834 // Build switch to invoke "new" MachNode or MachOper
3835 void ArchDesc::buildMachOperGenerator(FILE *fp_cpp) {
3836   int idx = 0;
3838   // Build switch to invoke 'new' for a specific MachOper

3877   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  \n");
3878   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  default:\n");
3879   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    fprintf(stderr, \"Default MachOper Generator invoked for: \\n\");\n");
3880   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    fprintf(stderr, \"   opcode = %cd\\n\", opcode);\n", '%');
3881   fprintf(fp_cpp, "    break;\n");
3882   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  }\n");
3884   // Generate the closing for method Matcher::MachOperGenerator
3885   fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return NULL;\n");
3886   fprintf(fp_cpp, "};\n");
3887 }
3890 //---------------------------buildMachNode-------------------------------------
3891 // Build a new MachNode, for MachNodeGenerator or cisc-spilling
3892 void ArchDesc::buildMachNode(FILE *fp_cpp, InstructForm *inst, const char *indent) {
3893   const char *opType  = NULL;
3894   const char *opClass = inst->_ident;
3896   // Create the MachNode object
3897   fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s %sNode *node = new %sNode();\n",indent, opClass,opClass);
3899   if ( (inst->num_post_match_opnds() != 0) ) {
3900     // Instruction that contains operands which are not in match rule.
3901     //
3902     // Check if the first post-match component may be an interesting def
3903     bool           dont_care = false;
3904     ComponentList &comp_list = inst->_components;
3905     Component     *comp      = NULL;
3906     comp_list.reset();
3907     if ( comp_list.match_iter() != NULL )    dont_care = true;
3909     // Insert operands that are not in match-rule.
3910     // Only insert a DEF if the do_care flag is set
3911     comp_list.reset();
3912     while ( comp = comp_list.post_match_iter() ) {
3913       // Check if we don't care about DEFs or KILLs that are not USEs
3914       if ( dont_care && (! comp->isa(Component::USE)) ) {
3915         continue;
3916       }
3917       dont_care = true;

3919       // with the enum for the opcode that needs to be built.
3920       ComponentList clist = inst->_components;
3921       int         index  = clist.operand_position(comp->_name, comp->_usedef, inst);
3922       const char *opcode = machOperEnum(comp->_type);
3923       fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s node->set_opnd_array(%d, ", indent, index);
3924       fprintf(fp_cpp, "MachOperGenerator(%s, C));\n", opcode);
3925       }
3926   }
3927   else if ( inst->is_chain_of_constant(_globalNames, opType) ) {
3928     // An instruction that chains from a constant!
3929     // In this case, we need to subsume the constant into the node
3930     // at operand position, oper_input_base().
3931     //
3932     // Fill in the constant
3933     fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s node->_opnd_array[%d] = ", indent,
3934             inst->oper_input_base(_globalNames));
3935     // #####
3936     // Check for multiple constants and then fill them in.
3937     // Just like MachOperGenerator
3938     const char *opName = inst->_matrule->_rChild->_opType;
3939     fprintf(fp_cpp, "new %sOper(", opName);
3940     // Grab operand form
3941     OperandForm *op = (_globalNames[opName])->is_operand();
3942     // Look up the number of constants
3943     uint num_consts = op->num_consts(_globalNames);
3944     if ( (num_consts > 0) ) {
3945       uint i = 0;
3946       path_to_constant(fp_cpp, _globalNames, op->_matrule, i);
3947       for ( i = 1; i < num_consts; ++i ) {
3948         fprintf(fp_cpp, ", ");
3949         path_to_constant(fp_cpp, _globalNames, op->_matrule, i);
3950       }
3951     }
3952     fprintf(fp_cpp, " );\n");
3953     // #####
3954   }
3956   // Fill in the bottom_type where requested
3957   if (inst->captures_bottom_type(_globalNames)) {
3958     if (strncmp("MachCall", inst->mach_base_class(_globalNames), strlen("MachCall"))) {
3959       fprintf(fp_cpp, "%s node->_bottom_type = _leaf->bottom_type();\n", indent);

3993     const char   *name      = inst_cisc->_ident;
3994     assert( inst_cisc->num_opnds() == this->num_opnds(), "Must have same number of operands");
3995     OperandForm *cisc_oper = AD.cisc_spill_operand();
3996     assert( cisc_oper != NULL, "insanity check");
3997     const char *cisc_oper_name  = cisc_oper->_ident;
3998     assert( cisc_oper_name != NULL, "insanity check");
3999     //
4000     // Set the correct reg_mask_or_stack for the cisc operand
4001     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4002     fprintf(fp_cpp, "void %sNode::use_cisc_RegMask() {\n", this->_ident);
4003     // Lookup the correct reg_mask_or_stack
4004     const char *reg_mask_name = cisc_reg_mask_name();
4005     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  _cisc_RegMask = &STACK_OR_%s;\n", reg_mask_name);
4006     fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
4007     //
4008     // Construct CISC version of this instruction
4009     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4010     fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Build CISC version of this instruction\n");
4011     fprintf(fp_cpp, "MachNode *%sNode::cisc_version( int offset, Compile* C ) {\n", this->_ident);
4012     // Create the MachNode object
4013     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  %sNode *node = new %sNode();\n", name, name);
4014     // Fill in the bottom_type where requested
4015     if ( this->captures_bottom_type(AD.globalNames()) ) {
4016       fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->_bottom_type = bottom_type();\n");
4017     }
4019     uint cur_num_opnds = num_opnds();
4020     if (cur_num_opnds > 1 && cur_num_opnds != num_unique_opnds()) {
4021       fprintf(fp_cpp,"  node->_num_opnds = %d;\n", num_unique_opnds());
4022     }
4024     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4025     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  // Copy _idx, inputs and operands to new node\n");
4026     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  fill_new_machnode(node, C);\n");
4027     // Construct operand to access [stack_pointer + offset]
4028     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  // Construct operand to access [stack_pointer + offset]\n");
4029     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->set_opnd_array(cisc_operand(), new %sOper(offset));\n", cisc_oper_name);
4030     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4032     // Return result and exit scope
4033     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return node;\n");
4034     fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
4035     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4036     return true;
4037   }
4038   return false;
4039 }
4041 //---------------------------declare_short_branch_methods----------------------
4042 // Build prototypes for short branch methods
4043 void InstructForm::declare_short_branch_methods(FILE *fp_hpp) {
4044   if (has_short_branch_form()) {
4045     fprintf(fp_hpp, "  virtual MachNode      *short_branch_version(Compile* C);\n");
4046   }
4047 }
4049 //---------------------------define_short_branch_methods-----------------------
4050 // Build definitions for short branch methods
4051 bool InstructForm::define_short_branch_methods(ArchDesc &AD, FILE *fp_cpp) {
4052   if (has_short_branch_form()) {
4053     InstructForm *short_branch = short_branch_form();
4054     const char   *name         = short_branch->_ident;
4056     // Construct short_branch_version() method.
4057     fprintf(fp_cpp, "// Build short branch version of this instruction\n");
4058     fprintf(fp_cpp, "MachNode *%sNode::short_branch_version(Compile* C) {\n", this->_ident);
4059     // Create the MachNode object
4060     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  %sNode *node = new %sNode();\n", name, name);
4061     if( is_ideal_if() ) {
4062       fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->_prob = _prob;\n");
4063       fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->_fcnt = _fcnt;\n");
4064     }
4065     // Fill in the bottom_type where requested
4066     if ( this->captures_bottom_type(AD.globalNames()) ) {
4067       fprintf(fp_cpp, "  node->_bottom_type = bottom_type();\n");
4068     }
4070     fprintf(fp_cpp, "\n");
4071     // Short branch version must use same node index for access
4072     // through allocator's tables
4073     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  // Copy _idx, inputs and operands to new node\n");
4074     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  fill_new_machnode(node, C);\n");
4076     // Return result and exit scope
4077     fprintf(fp_cpp, "  return node;\n");
4078     fprintf(fp_cpp, "}\n");
4079     fprintf(fp_cpp,"\n");
4080     return true;

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