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 891 #endif
 893 //----------------------------LoadNode::make-----------------------------------
 894 // Polymorphic factory method:
 895 Node *LoadNode::make(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node *ctl, Node *mem, Node *adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, const Type *rt, BasicType bt, MemOrd mo) {
 896   Compile* C = gvn.C;
 898   // sanity check the alias category against the created node type
 899   assert(!(adr_type->isa_oopptr() &&
 900            adr_type->offset() == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()),
 901          "use LoadKlassNode instead");
 902   assert(!(adr_type->isa_aryptr() &&
 903            adr_type->offset() == arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes()),
 904          "use LoadRangeNode instead");
 905   // Check control edge of raw loads
 906   assert( ctl != NULL || C->get_alias_index(adr_type) != Compile::AliasIdxRaw ||
 907           // oop will be recorded in oop map if load crosses safepoint
 908           rt->isa_oopptr() || is_immutable_value(adr),
 909           "raw memory operations should have control edge");
 910   switch (bt) {
 911   case T_BOOLEAN: return new (C) LoadUBNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 912   case T_BYTE:    return new (C) LoadBNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 913   case T_INT:     return new (C) LoadINode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 914   case T_CHAR:    return new (C) LoadUSNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 915   case T_SHORT:   return new (C) LoadSNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 916   case T_LONG:    return new (C) LoadLNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_long(), mo);
 917   case T_FLOAT:   return new (C) LoadFNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt,            mo);
 918   case T_DOUBLE:  return new (C) LoadDNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt,            mo);
 919   case T_ADDRESS: return new (C) LoadPNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_ptr(),  mo);
 920   case T_OBJECT:
 921 #ifdef _LP64
 922     if (adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop()) {
 923       Node* load  = gvn.transform(new (C) LoadNNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->make_narrowoop(), mo));
 924       return new (C) DecodeNNode(load, load->bottom_type()->make_ptr());
 925     } else
 926 #endif
 927     {
 928       assert(!adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop() && !adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowklass(), "should have got back a narrow oop");
 929       return new (C) LoadPNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_oopptr(), mo);
 930     }
 931   }
 932   ShouldNotReachHere();
 933   return (LoadNode*)NULL;
 934 }
 936 LoadLNode* LoadLNode::make_atomic(Compile *C, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, const Type* rt, MemOrd mo) {
 937   bool require_atomic = true;
 938   return new (C) LoadLNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_long(), mo, require_atomic);
 939 }
 941 LoadDNode* LoadDNode::make_atomic(Compile *C, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, const Type* rt, MemOrd mo) {
 942   bool require_atomic = true;
 943   return new (C) LoadDNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt, mo, require_atomic);
 944 }
 948 //------------------------------hash-------------------------------------------
 949 uint LoadNode::hash() const {
 950   // unroll addition of interesting fields
 951   return (uintptr_t)in(Control) + (uintptr_t)in(Memory) + (uintptr_t)in(Address);
 952 }
 954 static bool skip_through_membars(Compile::AliasType* atp, const TypeInstPtr* tp, bool eliminate_boxing) {
 955   if ((atp != NULL) && (atp->index() >= Compile::AliasIdxRaw)) {
 956     bool non_volatile = (atp->field() != NULL) && !atp->field()->is_volatile();
 957     bool is_stable_ary = FoldStableValues &&
 958                          (tp != NULL) && (tp->isa_aryptr() != NULL) &&
 959                          tp->isa_aryptr()->is_stable();
 961     return (eliminate_boxing && non_volatile) || is_stable_ary;
 962   }

1211           if (ik->nof_nonstatic_fields() == 1) {
1212             // This should be true nonstatic_field_at requires calling
1213             // nof_nonstatic_fields so check it anyway
1214             ciConstant c = box->field_value(ik->nonstatic_field_at(0));
1215             BasicType bt = c.basic_type();
1216             // Only integer types have boxing cache.
1217             assert(bt == T_BOOLEAN || bt == T_CHAR  ||
1218                    bt == T_BYTE    || bt == T_SHORT ||
1219                    bt == T_INT     || bt == T_LONG, err_msg_res("wrong type = %s", type2name(bt)));
1220             jlong cache_low = (bt == T_LONG) ? c.as_long() : c.as_int();
1221             if (cache_low != (int)cache_low) {
1222               return NULL; // should not happen since cache is array indexed by value
1223             }
1224             jlong offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT) - (cache_low << shift);
1225             if (offset != (int)offset) {
1226               return NULL; // should not happen since cache is array indexed by value
1227             }
1228            // Add up all the offsets making of the address of the load
1229             Node* result = elements[0];
1230             for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
1231               result = phase->transform(new (phase->C) AddXNode(result, elements[i]));
1232             }
1233             // Remove the constant offset from the address and then
1234             result = phase->transform(new (phase->C) AddXNode(result, phase->MakeConX(-(int)offset)));
1235             // remove the scaling of the offset to recover the original index.
1236             if (result->Opcode() == Op_LShiftX && result->in(2) == phase->intcon(shift)) {
1237               // Peel the shift off directly but wrap it in a dummy node
1238               // since Ideal can't return existing nodes
1239               result = new (phase->C) RShiftXNode(result->in(1), phase->intcon(0));
1240             } else if (result->is_Add() && result->in(2)->is_Con() &&
1241                        result->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_LShiftX &&
1242                        result->in(1)->in(2) == phase->intcon(shift)) {
1243               // We can't do general optimization: ((X<<Z) + Y) >> Z ==> X + (Y>>Z)
1244               // but for boxing cache access we know that X<<Z will not overflow
1245               // (there is range check) so we do this optimizatrion by hand here.
1246               Node* add_con = new (phase->C) RShiftXNode(result->in(2), phase->intcon(shift));
1247               result = new (phase->C) AddXNode(result->in(1)->in(1), phase->transform(add_con));
1248             } else {
1249               result = new (phase->C) RShiftXNode(result, phase->intcon(shift));
1250             }
1251 #ifdef _LP64
1252             if (bt != T_LONG) {
1253               result = new (phase->C) ConvL2INode(phase->transform(result));
1254             }
1255 #else
1256             if (bt == T_LONG) {
1257               result = new (phase->C) ConvI2LNode(phase->transform(result));
1258             }
1259 #endif
1260             return result;
1261           }
1262         }
1263       }
1264     }
1265   }
1266   return NULL;
1267 }
1269 static bool stable_phi(PhiNode* phi, PhaseGVN *phase) {
1270   Node* region = phi->in(0);
1271   if (region == NULL) {
1272     return false; // Wait stable graph
1273   }
1274   uint cnt = phi->req();
1275   for (uint i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
1276     Node* rc = region->in(i);
1277     if (rc == NULL || phase->type(rc) == Type::TOP)

1368       region = base->in(0);
1369     } else if (MemNode::all_controls_dominate(address, mem->in(0))) {
1370       region = mem->in(0);
1371     } else {
1372       return NULL; // complex graph
1373     }
1374   } else {
1375     assert(base->in(0) == mem->in(0), "sanity");
1376     region = mem->in(0);
1377   }
1379   const Type* this_type = this->bottom_type();
1380   int this_index  = C->get_alias_index(t_oop);
1381   int this_offset = t_oop->offset();
1382   int this_iid    = t_oop->instance_id();
1383   if (!t_oop->is_known_instance() && load_boxed_values) {
1384     // Use _idx of address base for boxed values.
1385     this_iid = base->_idx;
1386   }
1387   PhaseIterGVN* igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
1388   Node* phi = new (C) PhiNode(region, this_type, NULL, this_iid, this_index, this_offset);
1389   for (uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++) {
1390     Node* x;
1391     Node* the_clone = NULL;
1392     if (region->in(i) == C->top()) {
1393       x = C->top();      // Dead path?  Use a dead data op
1394     } else {
1395       x = this->clone();        // Else clone up the data op
1396       the_clone = x;            // Remember for possible deletion.
1397       // Alter data node to use pre-phi inputs
1398       if (this->in(0) == region) {
1399         x->set_req(0, region->in(i));
1400       } else {
1401         x->set_req(0, NULL);
1402       }
1403       if (mem->is_Phi() && (mem->in(0) == region)) {
1404         x->set_req(Memory, mem->in(i)); // Use pre-Phi input for the clone.
1405       }
1406       if (address->is_Phi() && address->in(0) == region) {
1407         x->set_req(Address, address->in(i)); // Use pre-Phi input for the clone
1408       }
1409       if (base_is_phi && (base->in(0) == region)) {
1410         Node* base_x = base->in(i); // Clone address for loads from boxed objects.
1411         Node* adr_x = phase->transform(new (C) AddPNode(base_x,base_x,address->in(AddPNode::Offset)));
1412         x->set_req(Address, adr_x);
1413       }
1414     }
1415     // Check for a 'win' on some paths
1416     const Type *t = x->Value(igvn);
1418     bool singleton = t->singleton();
1420     // See comments in PhaseIdealLoop::split_thru_phi().
1421     if (singleton && t == Type::TOP) {
1422       singleton &= region->is_Loop() && (i != LoopNode::EntryControl);
1423     }
1425     if (singleton) {
1426       x = igvn->makecon(t);
1427     } else {
1428       // We now call Identity to try to simplify the cloned node.
1429       // Note that some Identity methods call phase->type(this).
1430       // Make sure that the type array is big enough for
1431       // our new node, even though we may throw the node away.

1880   return _type;
1881 }
1883 //------------------------------match_edge-------------------------------------
1884 // Do we Match on this edge index or not?  Match only the address.
1885 uint LoadNode::match_edge(uint idx) const {
1886   return idx == MemNode::Address;
1887 }
1889 //--------------------------LoadBNode::Ideal--------------------------------------
1890 //
1891 //  If the previous store is to the same address as this load,
1892 //  and the value stored was larger than a byte, replace this load
1893 //  with the value stored truncated to a byte.  If no truncation is
1894 //  needed, the replacement is done in LoadNode::Identity().
1895 //
1896 Node *LoadBNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
1897   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1898   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1899   if( value && !phase->type(value)->higher_equal( _type ) ) {
1900     Node *result = phase->transform( new (phase->C) LShiftINode(value, phase->intcon(24)) );
1901     return new (phase->C) RShiftINode(result, phase->intcon(24));
1902   }
1903   // Identity call will handle the case where truncation is not needed.
1904   return LoadNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
1905 }
1907 const Type* LoadBNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
1908   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1909   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1910   if (value != NULL && value->is_Con() &&
1911       !value->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_type)) {
1912     // If the input to the store does not fit with the load's result type,
1913     // it must be truncated. We can't delay until Ideal call since
1914     // a singleton Value is needed for split_thru_phi optimization.
1915     int con = value->get_int();
1916     return TypeInt::make((con << 24) >> 24);
1917   }
1918   return LoadNode::Value(phase);
1919 }
1921 //--------------------------LoadUBNode::Ideal-------------------------------------
1922 //
1923 //  If the previous store is to the same address as this load,
1924 //  and the value stored was larger than a byte, replace this load
1925 //  with the value stored truncated to a byte.  If no truncation is
1926 //  needed, the replacement is done in LoadNode::Identity().
1927 //
1928 Node* LoadUBNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN* phase, bool can_reshape) {
1929   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1930   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem, phase);
1931   if (value && !phase->type(value)->higher_equal(_type))
1932     return new (phase->C) AndINode(value, phase->intcon(0xFF));
1933   // Identity call will handle the case where truncation is not needed.
1934   return LoadNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
1935 }
1937 const Type* LoadUBNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
1938   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1939   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1940   if (value != NULL && value->is_Con() &&
1941       !value->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_type)) {
1942     // If the input to the store does not fit with the load's result type,
1943     // it must be truncated. We can't delay until Ideal call since
1944     // a singleton Value is needed for split_thru_phi optimization.
1945     int con = value->get_int();
1946     return TypeInt::make(con & 0xFF);
1947   }
1948   return LoadNode::Value(phase);
1949 }
1951 //--------------------------LoadUSNode::Ideal-------------------------------------
1952 //
1953 //  If the previous store is to the same address as this load,
1954 //  and the value stored was larger than a char, replace this load
1955 //  with the value stored truncated to a char.  If no truncation is
1956 //  needed, the replacement is done in LoadNode::Identity().
1957 //
1958 Node *LoadUSNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
1959   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1960   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1961   if( value && !phase->type(value)->higher_equal( _type ) )
1962     return new (phase->C) AndINode(value,phase->intcon(0xFFFF));
1963   // Identity call will handle the case where truncation is not needed.
1964   return LoadNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
1965 }
1967 const Type* LoadUSNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
1968   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1969   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1970   if (value != NULL && value->is_Con() &&
1971       !value->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_type)) {
1972     // If the input to the store does not fit with the load's result type,
1973     // it must be truncated. We can't delay until Ideal call since
1974     // a singleton Value is needed for split_thru_phi optimization.
1975     int con = value->get_int();
1976     return TypeInt::make(con & 0xFFFF);
1977   }
1978   return LoadNode::Value(phase);
1979 }
1981 //--------------------------LoadSNode::Ideal--------------------------------------
1982 //
1983 //  If the previous store is to the same address as this load,
1984 //  and the value stored was larger than a short, replace this load
1985 //  with the value stored truncated to a short.  If no truncation is
1986 //  needed, the replacement is done in LoadNode::Identity().
1987 //
1988 Node *LoadSNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
1989   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1990   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1991   if( value && !phase->type(value)->higher_equal( _type ) ) {
1992     Node *result = phase->transform( new (phase->C) LShiftINode(value, phase->intcon(16)) );
1993     return new (phase->C) RShiftINode(result, phase->intcon(16));
1994   }
1995   // Identity call will handle the case where truncation is not needed.
1996   return LoadNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
1997 }
1999 const Type* LoadSNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
2000   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
2001   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
2002   if (value != NULL && value->is_Con() &&
2003       !value->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_type)) {
2004     // If the input to the store does not fit with the load's result type,
2005     // it must be truncated. We can't delay until Ideal call since
2006     // a singleton Value is needed for split_thru_phi optimization.
2007     int con = value->get_int();
2008     return TypeInt::make((con << 16) >> 16);
2009   }
2010   return LoadNode::Value(phase);
2011 }
2013 //=============================================================================
2014 //----------------------------LoadKlassNode::make------------------------------
2015 // Polymorphic factory method:
2016 Node *LoadKlassNode::make( PhaseGVN& gvn, Node *mem, Node *adr, const TypePtr* at, const TypeKlassPtr *tk ) {
2017   Compile* C = gvn.C;
2018   Node *ctl = NULL;
2019   // sanity check the alias category against the created node type
2020   const TypePtr *adr_type = adr->bottom_type()->isa_ptr();
2021   assert(adr_type != NULL, "expecting TypeKlassPtr");
2022 #ifdef _LP64
2023   if (adr_type->is_ptr_to_narrowklass()) {
2024     assert(UseCompressedClassPointers, "no compressed klasses");
2025     Node* load_klass = gvn.transform(new (C) LoadNKlassNode(ctl, mem, adr, at, tk->make_narrowklass(), MemNode::unordered));
2026     return new (C) DecodeNKlassNode(load_klass, load_klass->bottom_type()->make_ptr());
2027   }
2028 #endif
2029   assert(!adr_type->is_ptr_to_narrowklass() && !adr_type->is_ptr_to_narrowoop(), "should have got back a narrow oop");
2030   return new (C) LoadKlassNode(ctl, mem, adr, at, tk, MemNode::unordered);
2031 }
2033 //------------------------------Value------------------------------------------
2034 const Type *LoadKlassNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
2035   return klass_value_common(phase);
2036 }
2038 const Type *LoadNode::klass_value_common( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
2039   // Either input is TOP ==> the result is TOP
2040   const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(MemNode::Memory) );
2041   if (t1 == Type::TOP)  return Type::TOP;
2042   Node *adr = in(MemNode::Address);
2043   const Type *t2 = phase->type( adr );
2044   if (t2 == Type::TOP)  return Type::TOP;
2045   const TypePtr *tp = t2->is_ptr();
2046   if (TypePtr::above_centerline(tp->ptr()) ||
2047       tp->ptr() == TypePtr::Null)  return Type::TOP;
2049   // Return a more precise klass, if possible
2050   const TypeInstPtr *tinst = tp->isa_instptr();

2238 //------------------------------Value------------------------------------------
2239 const Type *LoadNKlassNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
2240   const Type *t = klass_value_common(phase);
2241   if (t == Type::TOP)
2242     return t;
2244   return t->make_narrowklass();
2245 }
2247 //------------------------------Identity---------------------------------------
2248 // To clean up reflective code, simplify k.java_mirror.as_klass to narrow k.
2249 // Also feed through the klass in Allocate(...klass...)._klass.
2250 Node* LoadNKlassNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
2251   Node *x = klass_identity_common(phase);
2253   const Type *t = phase->type( x );
2254   if( t == Type::TOP ) return x;
2255   if( t->isa_narrowklass()) return x;
2256   assert (!t->isa_narrowoop(), "no narrow oop here");
2258   return phase->transform(new (phase->C) EncodePKlassNode(x, t->make_narrowklass()));
2259 }
2261 //------------------------------Value-----------------------------------------
2262 const Type *LoadRangeNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
2263   // Either input is TOP ==> the result is TOP
2264   const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(MemNode::Memory) );
2265   if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
2266   Node *adr = in(MemNode::Address);
2267   const Type *t2 = phase->type( adr );
2268   if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
2269   const TypePtr *tp = t2->is_ptr();
2270   if (TypePtr::above_centerline(tp->ptr()))  return Type::TOP;
2271   const TypeAryPtr *tap = tp->isa_aryptr();
2272   if( !tap ) return _type;
2273   return tap->size();
2274 }
2276 //-------------------------------Ideal---------------------------------------
2277 // Feed through the length in AllocateArray(...length...)._length.
2278 Node *LoadRangeNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {

2333         return allocated_length;
2334       }
2335     }
2336   }
2338   return this;
2340 }
2342 //=============================================================================
2343 //---------------------------StoreNode::make-----------------------------------
2344 // Polymorphic factory method:
2345 StoreNode* StoreNode::make(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, Node* val, BasicType bt, MemOrd mo) {
2346   assert((mo == unordered || mo == release), "unexpected");
2347   Compile* C = gvn.C;
2348   assert(C->get_alias_index(adr_type) != Compile::AliasIdxRaw ||
2349          ctl != NULL, "raw memory operations should have control edge");
2351   switch (bt) {
2352   case T_BOOLEAN:
2353   case T_BYTE:    return new (C) StoreBNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2354   case T_INT:     return new (C) StoreINode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2355   case T_CHAR:
2356   case T_SHORT:   return new (C) StoreCNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2357   case T_LONG:    return new (C) StoreLNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2358   case T_FLOAT:   return new (C) StoreFNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2359   case T_DOUBLE:  return new (C) StoreDNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2360   case T_METADATA:
2361   case T_ADDRESS:
2362   case T_OBJECT:
2363 #ifdef _LP64
2364     if (adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop()) {
2365       val = gvn.transform(new (C) EncodePNode(val, val->bottom_type()->make_narrowoop()));
2366       return new (C) StoreNNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2367     } else if (adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowklass() ||
2368                (UseCompressedClassPointers && val->bottom_type()->isa_klassptr() &&
2369                 adr->bottom_type()->isa_rawptr())) {
2370       val = gvn.transform(new (C) EncodePKlassNode(val, val->bottom_type()->make_narrowklass()));
2371       return new (C) StoreNKlassNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2372     }
2373 #endif
2374     {
2375       return new (C) StorePNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2376     }
2377   }
2378   ShouldNotReachHere();
2379   return (StoreNode*)NULL;
2380 }
2382 StoreLNode* StoreLNode::make_atomic(Compile *C, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, Node* val, MemOrd mo) {
2383   bool require_atomic = true;
2384   return new (C) StoreLNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo, require_atomic);
2385 }
2387 StoreDNode* StoreDNode::make_atomic(Compile *C, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, Node* val, MemOrd mo) {
2388   bool require_atomic = true;
2389   return new (C) StoreDNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo, require_atomic);
2390 }
2393 //--------------------------bottom_type----------------------------------------
2394 const Type *StoreNode::bottom_type() const {
2395   return Type::MEMORY;
2396 }
2398 //------------------------------hash-------------------------------------------
2399 uint StoreNode::hash() const {
2400   // unroll addition of interesting fields
2401   //return (uintptr_t)in(Control) + (uintptr_t)in(Memory) + (uintptr_t)in(Address) + (uintptr_t)in(ValueIn);
2403   // Since they are not commoned, do not hash them:
2404   return NO_HASH;
2405 }
2407 //------------------------------Ideal------------------------------------------
2408 // Change back-to-back Store(, p, x) -> Store(m, p, y) to Store(m, p, x).
2409 // When a store immediately follows a relevant allocation/initialization,

2762   // (see jck test stmt114.stmt11402.val).
2763   if (size <= 0 || size % unit != 0)  return NULL;
2764   intptr_t count = size / unit;
2765   // Length too long; use fast hardware clear
2766   if (size > Matcher::init_array_short_size)  return NULL;
2767   Node *mem = in(1);
2768   if( phase->type(mem)==Type::TOP ) return NULL;
2769   Node *adr = in(3);
2770   const Type* at = phase->type(adr);
2771   if( at==Type::TOP ) return NULL;
2772   const TypePtr* atp = at->isa_ptr();
2773   // adjust atp to be the correct array element address type
2774   if (atp == NULL)  atp = TypePtr::BOTTOM;
2775   else              atp = atp->add_offset(Type::OffsetBot);
2776   // Get base for derived pointer purposes
2777   if( adr->Opcode() != Op_AddP ) Unimplemented();
2778   Node *base = adr->in(1);
2780   Node *zero = phase->makecon(TypeLong::ZERO);
2781   Node *off  = phase->MakeConX(BytesPerLong);
2782   mem = new (phase->C) StoreLNode(in(0),mem,adr,atp,zero,MemNode::unordered,false);
2783   count--;
2784   while( count-- ) {
2785     mem = phase->transform(mem);
2786     adr = phase->transform(new (phase->C) AddPNode(base,adr,off));
2787     mem = new (phase->C) StoreLNode(in(0),mem,adr,atp,zero,MemNode::unordered,false);
2788   }
2789   return mem;
2790 }
2792 //----------------------------step_through----------------------------------
2793 // Return allocation input memory edge if it is different instance
2794 // or itself if it is the one we are looking for.
2795 bool ClearArrayNode::step_through(Node** np, uint instance_id, PhaseTransform* phase) {
2796   Node* n = *np;
2797   assert(n->is_ClearArray(), "sanity");
2798   intptr_t offset;
2799   AllocateNode* alloc = AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(n->in(3), phase, offset);
2800   // This method is called only before Allocate nodes are expanded during
2801   // macro nodes expansion. Before that ClearArray nodes are only generated
2802   // in LibraryCallKit::generate_arraycopy() which follows allocations.
2803   assert(alloc != NULL, "should have allocation");
2804   if (alloc->_idx == instance_id) {
2805     // Can not bypass initialization of the instance we are looking for.
2806     return false;
2807   }
2808   // Otherwise skip it.
2809   InitializeNode* init = alloc->initialization();
2810   if (init != NULL)
2811     *np = init->in(TypeFunc::Memory);
2812   else
2813     *np = alloc->in(TypeFunc::Memory);
2814   return true;
2815 }
2817 //----------------------------clear_memory-------------------------------------
2818 // Generate code to initialize object storage to zero.
2819 Node* ClearArrayNode::clear_memory(Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* dest,
2820                                    intptr_t start_offset,
2821                                    Node* end_offset,
2822                                    PhaseGVN* phase) {
2823   Compile* C = phase->C;
2824   intptr_t offset = start_offset;
2826   int unit = BytesPerLong;
2827   if ((offset % unit) != 0) {
2828     Node* adr = new (C) AddPNode(dest, dest, phase->MakeConX(offset));
2829     adr = phase->transform(adr);
2830     const TypePtr* atp = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;
2831     mem = StoreNode::make(*phase, ctl, mem, adr, atp, phase->zerocon(T_INT), T_INT, MemNode::unordered);
2832     mem = phase->transform(mem);
2833     offset += BytesPerInt;
2834   }
2835   assert((offset % unit) == 0, "");
2837   // Initialize the remaining stuff, if any, with a ClearArray.
2838   return clear_memory(ctl, mem, dest, phase->MakeConX(offset), end_offset, phase);
2839 }
2841 Node* ClearArrayNode::clear_memory(Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* dest,
2842                                    Node* start_offset,
2843                                    Node* end_offset,
2844                                    PhaseGVN* phase) {
2845   if (start_offset == end_offset) {
2846     // nothing to do
2847     return mem;
2848   }
2850   Compile* C = phase->C;
2851   int unit = BytesPerLong;
2852   Node* zbase = start_offset;
2853   Node* zend  = end_offset;
2855   // Scale to the unit required by the CPU:
2856   if (!Matcher::init_array_count_is_in_bytes) {
2857     Node* shift = phase->intcon(exact_log2(unit));
2858     zbase = phase->transform( new(C) URShiftXNode(zbase, shift) );
2859     zend  = phase->transform( new(C) URShiftXNode(zend,  shift) );
2860   }
2862   // Bulk clear double-words
2863   Node* zsize = phase->transform( new(C) SubXNode(zend, zbase) );
2864   Node* adr = phase->transform( new(C) AddPNode(dest, dest, start_offset) );
2865   mem = new (C) ClearArrayNode(ctl, mem, zsize, adr);
2866   return phase->transform(mem);
2867 }
2869 Node* ClearArrayNode::clear_memory(Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* dest,
2870                                    intptr_t start_offset,
2871                                    intptr_t end_offset,
2872                                    PhaseGVN* phase) {
2873   if (start_offset == end_offset) {
2874     // nothing to do
2875     return mem;
2876   }
2878   Compile* C = phase->C;
2879   assert((end_offset % BytesPerInt) == 0, "odd end offset");
2880   intptr_t done_offset = end_offset;
2881   if ((done_offset % BytesPerLong) != 0) {
2882     done_offset -= BytesPerInt;
2883   }
2884   if (done_offset > start_offset) {
2885     mem = clear_memory(ctl, mem, dest,
2886                        start_offset, phase->MakeConX(done_offset), phase);
2887   }
2888   if (done_offset < end_offset) { // emit the final 32-bit store
2889     Node* adr = new (C) AddPNode(dest, dest, phase->MakeConX(done_offset));
2890     adr = phase->transform(adr);
2891     const TypePtr* atp = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;
2892     mem = StoreNode::make(*phase, ctl, mem, adr, atp, phase->zerocon(T_INT), T_INT, MemNode::unordered);
2893     mem = phase->transform(mem);
2894     done_offset += BytesPerInt;
2895   }
2896   assert(done_offset == end_offset, "");
2897   return mem;
2898 }
2900 //=============================================================================
2901 MemBarNode::MemBarNode(Compile* C, int alias_idx, Node* precedent)
2902   : MultiNode(TypeFunc::Parms + (precedent == NULL? 0: 1)),
2903     _adr_type(C->get_adr_type(alias_idx))
2904 {
2905   init_class_id(Class_MemBar);
2906   Node* top = C->top();
2907   init_req(TypeFunc::I_O,top);
2908   init_req(TypeFunc::FramePtr,top);
2909   init_req(TypeFunc::ReturnAdr,top);
2910   if (precedent != NULL)
2911     init_req(TypeFunc::Parms, precedent);
2912 }
2914 //------------------------------cmp--------------------------------------------
2915 uint MemBarNode::hash() const { return NO_HASH; }
2916 uint MemBarNode::cmp( const Node &n ) const {
2917   return (&n == this);          // Always fail except on self
2918 }
2920 //------------------------------make-------------------------------------------
2921 MemBarNode* MemBarNode::make(Compile* C, int opcode, int atp, Node* pn) {
2922   switch (opcode) {
2923   case Op_MemBarAcquire:     return new(C) MemBarAcquireNode(C, atp, pn);
2924   case Op_LoadFence:         return new(C) LoadFenceNode(C, atp, pn);
2925   case Op_MemBarRelease:     return new(C) MemBarReleaseNode(C, atp, pn);
2926   case Op_StoreFence:        return new(C) StoreFenceNode(C, atp, pn);
2927   case Op_MemBarAcquireLock: return new(C) MemBarAcquireLockNode(C, atp, pn);
2928   case Op_MemBarReleaseLock: return new(C) MemBarReleaseLockNode(C, atp, pn);
2929   case Op_MemBarVolatile:    return new(C) MemBarVolatileNode(C, atp, pn);
2930   case Op_MemBarCPUOrder:    return new(C) MemBarCPUOrderNode(C, atp, pn);
2931   case Op_Initialize:        return new(C) InitializeNode(C, atp, pn);
2932   case Op_MemBarStoreStore:  return new(C) MemBarStoreStoreNode(C, atp, pn);
2933   default: ShouldNotReachHere(); return NULL;
2934   }
2935 }
2937 //------------------------------Ideal------------------------------------------
2938 // Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.  Strip out
2939 // control copies
2940 Node *MemBarNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
2941   if (remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape)) return this;
2942   // Don't bother trying to transform a dead node
2943   if (in(0) && in(0)->is_top()) {
2944     return NULL;
2945   }
2947   // Eliminate volatile MemBars for scalar replaced objects.
2948   if (can_reshape && req() == (Precedent+1)) {
2949     bool eliminate = false;
2950     int opc = Opcode();
2951     if ((opc == Op_MemBarAcquire || opc == Op_MemBarVolatile)) {
2952       // Volatile field loads and stores.

2975             t_oop->offset() != Type::OffsetTop) {
2976           eliminate = true;
2977         }
2978       }
2979     } else if (opc == Op_MemBarRelease) {
2980       // Final field stores.
2981       Node* alloc = AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(in(MemBarNode::Precedent), phase);
2982       if ((alloc != NULL) && alloc->is_Allocate() &&
2983           alloc->as_Allocate()->_is_non_escaping) {
2984         // The allocated object does not escape.
2985         eliminate = true;
2986       }
2987     }
2988     if (eliminate) {
2989       // Replace MemBar projections by its inputs.
2990       PhaseIterGVN* igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
2991       igvn->replace_node(proj_out(TypeFunc::Memory), in(TypeFunc::Memory));
2992       igvn->replace_node(proj_out(TypeFunc::Control), in(TypeFunc::Control));
2993       // Must return either the original node (now dead) or a new node
2994       // (Do not return a top here, since that would break the uniqueness of top.)
2995       return new (phase->C) ConINode(TypeInt::ZERO);
2996     }
2997   }
2998   return NULL;
2999 }
3001 //------------------------------Value------------------------------------------
3002 const Type *MemBarNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
3003   if( !in(0) ) return Type::TOP;
3004   if( phase->type(in(0)) == Type::TOP )
3005     return Type::TOP;
3006   return TypeTuple::MEMBAR;
3007 }
3009 //------------------------------match------------------------------------------
3010 // Construct projections for memory.
3011 Node *MemBarNode::match( const ProjNode *proj, const Matcher *m ) {
3012   switch (proj->_con) {
3013   case TypeFunc::Control:
3014   case TypeFunc::Memory:
3015     return new (m->C) MachProjNode(this,proj->_con,RegMask::Empty,MachProjNode::unmatched_proj);
3016   }
3017   ShouldNotReachHere();
3018   return NULL;
3019 }
3021 //===========================InitializeNode====================================
3022 // SUMMARY:
3023 // This node acts as a memory barrier on raw memory, after some raw stores.
3024 // The 'cooked' oop value feeds from the Initialize, not the Allocation.
3025 // The Initialize can 'capture' suitably constrained stores as raw inits.
3026 // It can coalesce related raw stores into larger units (called 'tiles').
3027 // It can avoid zeroing new storage for memory units which have raw inits.
3028 // At macro-expansion, it is marked 'complete', and does not optimize further.
3029 //
3030 // EXAMPLE:
3031 // The object 'new short[2]' occupies 16 bytes in a 32-bit machine.
3032 //   ctl = incoming control; mem* = incoming memory
3033 // (Note:  A star * on a memory edge denotes I/O and other standard edges.)
3034 // First allocate uninitialized memory and fill in the header:
3035 //   alloc = (Allocate ctl mem* 16 #short[].klass ...)

3421                                           PhaseTransform* phase) {
3422   assert(stores_are_sane(phase), "");
3423   int i = captured_store_insertion_point(start, size_in_bytes, phase);
3424   if (i == 0) {
3425     return NULL;                // something is dead
3426   } else if (i < 0) {
3427     return zero_memory();       // just primordial zero bits here
3428   } else {
3429     Node* st = in(i);           // here is the store at this position
3430     assert(get_store_offset(st->as_Store(), phase) == start, "sanity");
3431     return st;
3432   }
3433 }
3435 // Create, as a raw pointer, an address within my new object at 'offset'.
3436 Node* InitializeNode::make_raw_address(intptr_t offset,
3437                                        PhaseTransform* phase) {
3438   Node* addr = in(RawAddress);
3439   if (offset != 0) {
3440     Compile* C = phase->C;
3441     addr = phase->transform( new (C) AddPNode(C->top(), addr,
3442                                                  phase->MakeConX(offset)) );
3443   }
3444   return addr;
3445 }
3447 // Clone the given store, converting it into a raw store
3448 // initializing a field or element of my new object.
3449 // Caller is responsible for retiring the original store,
3450 // with subsume_node or the like.
3451 //
3452 // From the example above InitializeNode::InitializeNode,
3453 // here are the old stores to be captured:
3454 //   store1 = (StoreC init.Control init.Memory (+ oop 12) 1)
3455 //   store2 = (StoreC init.Control store1      (+ oop 14) 2)
3456 //
3457 // Here is the changed code; note the extra edges on init:
3458 //   alloc = (Allocate ...)
3459 //   rawoop = alloc.RawAddress
3460 //   rawstore1 = (StoreC alloc.Control alloc.Memory (+ rawoop 12) 1)
3461 //   rawstore2 = (StoreC alloc.Control alloc.Memory (+ rawoop 14) 2)

4110   for (uint i = Compile::AliasIdxTop; i < req(); i++) {
4111     init_req(i,empty_mem);
4112   }
4113   assert(empty_memory() == empty_mem, "");
4115   if( new_base != NULL && new_base->is_MergeMem() ) {
4116     MergeMemNode* mdef = new_base->as_MergeMem();
4117     assert(mdef->empty_memory() == empty_mem, "consistent sentinels");
4118     for (MergeMemStream mms(this, mdef); mms.next_non_empty2(); ) {
4119       mms.set_memory(mms.memory2());
4120     }
4121     assert(base_memory() == mdef->base_memory(), "");
4122   } else {
4123     set_base_memory(new_base);
4124   }
4125 }
4127 // Make a new, untransformed MergeMem with the same base as 'mem'.
4128 // If mem is itself a MergeMem, populate the result with the same edges.
4129 MergeMemNode* MergeMemNode::make(Compile* C, Node* mem) {
4130   return new(C) MergeMemNode(mem);
4131 }
4133 //------------------------------cmp--------------------------------------------
4134 uint MergeMemNode::hash() const { return NO_HASH; }
4135 uint MergeMemNode::cmp( const Node &n ) const {
4136   return (&n == this);          // Always fail except on self
4137 }
4139 //------------------------------Identity---------------------------------------
4140 Node* MergeMemNode::Identity(PhaseTransform *phase) {
4141   // Identity if this merge point does not record any interesting memory
4142   // disambiguations.
4143   Node* base_mem = base_memory();
4144   Node* empty_mem = empty_memory();
4145   if (base_mem != empty_mem) {  // Memory path is not dead?
4146     for (uint i = Compile::AliasIdxRaw; i < req(); i++) {
4147       Node* mem = in(i);
4148       if (mem != empty_mem && mem != base_mem) {
4149         return this;            // Many memory splits; no change
4150       }

 891 #endif
 893 //----------------------------LoadNode::make-----------------------------------
 894 // Polymorphic factory method:
 895 Node *LoadNode::make(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node *ctl, Node *mem, Node *adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, const Type *rt, BasicType bt, MemOrd mo) {
 896   Compile* C = gvn.C;
 898   // sanity check the alias category against the created node type
 899   assert(!(adr_type->isa_oopptr() &&
 900            adr_type->offset() == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()),
 901          "use LoadKlassNode instead");
 902   assert(!(adr_type->isa_aryptr() &&
 903            adr_type->offset() == arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes()),
 904          "use LoadRangeNode instead");
 905   // Check control edge of raw loads
 906   assert( ctl != NULL || C->get_alias_index(adr_type) != Compile::AliasIdxRaw ||
 907           // oop will be recorded in oop map if load crosses safepoint
 908           rt->isa_oopptr() || is_immutable_value(adr),
 909           "raw memory operations should have control edge");
 910   switch (bt) {
 911   case T_BOOLEAN: return new LoadUBNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 912   case T_BYTE:    return new LoadBNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 913   case T_INT:     return new LoadINode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 914   case T_CHAR:    return new LoadUSNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 915   case T_SHORT:   return new LoadSNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo);
 916   case T_LONG:    return new LoadLNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_long(), mo);
 917   case T_FLOAT:   return new LoadFNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt,            mo);
 918   case T_DOUBLE:  return new LoadDNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt,            mo);
 919   case T_ADDRESS: return new LoadPNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_ptr(),  mo);
 920   case T_OBJECT:
 921 #ifdef _LP64
 922     if (adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop()) {
 923       Node* load  = gvn.transform(new LoadNNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->make_narrowoop(), mo));
 924       return new DecodeNNode(load, load->bottom_type()->make_ptr());
 925     } else
 926 #endif
 927     {
 928       assert(!adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop() && !adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowklass(), "should have got back a narrow oop");
 929       return new LoadPNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_oopptr(), mo);
 930     }
 931   }
 932   ShouldNotReachHere();
 933   return (LoadNode*)NULL;
 934 }
 936 LoadLNode* LoadLNode::make_atomic(Compile *C, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, const Type* rt, MemOrd mo) {
 937   bool require_atomic = true;
 938   return new LoadLNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_long(), mo, require_atomic);
 939 }
 941 LoadDNode* LoadDNode::make_atomic(Compile *C, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, const Type* rt, MemOrd mo) {
 942   bool require_atomic = true;
 943   return new LoadDNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt, mo, require_atomic);
 944 }
 948 //------------------------------hash-------------------------------------------
 949 uint LoadNode::hash() const {
 950   // unroll addition of interesting fields
 951   return (uintptr_t)in(Control) + (uintptr_t)in(Memory) + (uintptr_t)in(Address);
 952 }
 954 static bool skip_through_membars(Compile::AliasType* atp, const TypeInstPtr* tp, bool eliminate_boxing) {
 955   if ((atp != NULL) && (atp->index() >= Compile::AliasIdxRaw)) {
 956     bool non_volatile = (atp->field() != NULL) && !atp->field()->is_volatile();
 957     bool is_stable_ary = FoldStableValues &&
 958                          (tp != NULL) && (tp->isa_aryptr() != NULL) &&
 959                          tp->isa_aryptr()->is_stable();
 961     return (eliminate_boxing && non_volatile) || is_stable_ary;
 962   }

1211           if (ik->nof_nonstatic_fields() == 1) {
1212             // This should be true nonstatic_field_at requires calling
1213             // nof_nonstatic_fields so check it anyway
1214             ciConstant c = box->field_value(ik->nonstatic_field_at(0));
1215             BasicType bt = c.basic_type();
1216             // Only integer types have boxing cache.
1217             assert(bt == T_BOOLEAN || bt == T_CHAR  ||
1218                    bt == T_BYTE    || bt == T_SHORT ||
1219                    bt == T_INT     || bt == T_LONG, err_msg_res("wrong type = %s", type2name(bt)));
1220             jlong cache_low = (bt == T_LONG) ? c.as_long() : c.as_int();
1221             if (cache_low != (int)cache_low) {
1222               return NULL; // should not happen since cache is array indexed by value
1223             }
1224             jlong offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT) - (cache_low << shift);
1225             if (offset != (int)offset) {
1226               return NULL; // should not happen since cache is array indexed by value
1227             }
1228            // Add up all the offsets making of the address of the load
1229             Node* result = elements[0];
1230             for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
1231               result = phase->transform(new AddXNode(result, elements[i]));
1232             }
1233             // Remove the constant offset from the address and then
1234             result = phase->transform(new AddXNode(result, phase->MakeConX(-(int)offset)));
1235             // remove the scaling of the offset to recover the original index.
1236             if (result->Opcode() == Op_LShiftX && result->in(2) == phase->intcon(shift)) {
1237               // Peel the shift off directly but wrap it in a dummy node
1238               // since Ideal can't return existing nodes
1239               result = new RShiftXNode(result->in(1), phase->intcon(0));
1240             } else if (result->is_Add() && result->in(2)->is_Con() &&
1241                        result->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_LShiftX &&
1242                        result->in(1)->in(2) == phase->intcon(shift)) {
1243               // We can't do general optimization: ((X<<Z) + Y) >> Z ==> X + (Y>>Z)
1244               // but for boxing cache access we know that X<<Z will not overflow
1245               // (there is range check) so we do this optimizatrion by hand here.
1246               Node* add_con = new RShiftXNode(result->in(2), phase->intcon(shift));
1247               result = new AddXNode(result->in(1)->in(1), phase->transform(add_con));
1248             } else {
1249               result = new RShiftXNode(result, phase->intcon(shift));
1250             }
1251 #ifdef _LP64
1252             if (bt != T_LONG) {
1253               result = new ConvL2INode(phase->transform(result));
1254             }
1255 #else
1256             if (bt == T_LONG) {
1257               result = new ConvI2LNode(phase->transform(result));
1258             }
1259 #endif
1260             return result;
1261           }
1262         }
1263       }
1264     }
1265   }
1266   return NULL;
1267 }
1269 static bool stable_phi(PhiNode* phi, PhaseGVN *phase) {
1270   Node* region = phi->in(0);
1271   if (region == NULL) {
1272     return false; // Wait stable graph
1273   }
1274   uint cnt = phi->req();
1275   for (uint i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
1276     Node* rc = region->in(i);
1277     if (rc == NULL || phase->type(rc) == Type::TOP)

1368       region = base->in(0);
1369     } else if (MemNode::all_controls_dominate(address, mem->in(0))) {
1370       region = mem->in(0);
1371     } else {
1372       return NULL; // complex graph
1373     }
1374   } else {
1375     assert(base->in(0) == mem->in(0), "sanity");
1376     region = mem->in(0);
1377   }
1379   const Type* this_type = this->bottom_type();
1380   int this_index  = C->get_alias_index(t_oop);
1381   int this_offset = t_oop->offset();
1382   int this_iid    = t_oop->instance_id();
1383   if (!t_oop->is_known_instance() && load_boxed_values) {
1384     // Use _idx of address base for boxed values.
1385     this_iid = base->_idx;
1386   }
1387   PhaseIterGVN* igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
1388   Node* phi = new PhiNode(region, this_type, NULL, this_iid, this_index, this_offset);
1389   for (uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++) {
1390     Node* x;
1391     Node* the_clone = NULL;
1392     if (region->in(i) == C->top()) {
1393       x = C->top();      // Dead path?  Use a dead data op
1394     } else {
1395       x = this->clone();        // Else clone up the data op
1396       the_clone = x;            // Remember for possible deletion.
1397       // Alter data node to use pre-phi inputs
1398       if (this->in(0) == region) {
1399         x->set_req(0, region->in(i));
1400       } else {
1401         x->set_req(0, NULL);
1402       }
1403       if (mem->is_Phi() && (mem->in(0) == region)) {
1404         x->set_req(Memory, mem->in(i)); // Use pre-Phi input for the clone.
1405       }
1406       if (address->is_Phi() && address->in(0) == region) {
1407         x->set_req(Address, address->in(i)); // Use pre-Phi input for the clone
1408       }
1409       if (base_is_phi && (base->in(0) == region)) {
1410         Node* base_x = base->in(i); // Clone address for loads from boxed objects.
1411         Node* adr_x = phase->transform(new AddPNode(base_x,base_x,address->in(AddPNode::Offset)));
1412         x->set_req(Address, adr_x);
1413       }
1414     }
1415     // Check for a 'win' on some paths
1416     const Type *t = x->Value(igvn);
1418     bool singleton = t->singleton();
1420     // See comments in PhaseIdealLoop::split_thru_phi().
1421     if (singleton && t == Type::TOP) {
1422       singleton &= region->is_Loop() && (i != LoopNode::EntryControl);
1423     }
1425     if (singleton) {
1426       x = igvn->makecon(t);
1427     } else {
1428       // We now call Identity to try to simplify the cloned node.
1429       // Note that some Identity methods call phase->type(this).
1430       // Make sure that the type array is big enough for
1431       // our new node, even though we may throw the node away.

1880   return _type;
1881 }
1883 //------------------------------match_edge-------------------------------------
1884 // Do we Match on this edge index or not?  Match only the address.
1885 uint LoadNode::match_edge(uint idx) const {
1886   return idx == MemNode::Address;
1887 }
1889 //--------------------------LoadBNode::Ideal--------------------------------------
1890 //
1891 //  If the previous store is to the same address as this load,
1892 //  and the value stored was larger than a byte, replace this load
1893 //  with the value stored truncated to a byte.  If no truncation is
1894 //  needed, the replacement is done in LoadNode::Identity().
1895 //
1896 Node *LoadBNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
1897   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1898   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1899   if( value && !phase->type(value)->higher_equal( _type ) ) {
1900     Node *result = phase->transform( new LShiftINode(value, phase->intcon(24)) );
1901     return new RShiftINode(result, phase->intcon(24));
1902   }
1903   // Identity call will handle the case where truncation is not needed.
1904   return LoadNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
1905 }
1907 const Type* LoadBNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
1908   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1909   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1910   if (value != NULL && value->is_Con() &&
1911       !value->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_type)) {
1912     // If the input to the store does not fit with the load's result type,
1913     // it must be truncated. We can't delay until Ideal call since
1914     // a singleton Value is needed for split_thru_phi optimization.
1915     int con = value->get_int();
1916     return TypeInt::make((con << 24) >> 24);
1917   }
1918   return LoadNode::Value(phase);
1919 }
1921 //--------------------------LoadUBNode::Ideal-------------------------------------
1922 //
1923 //  If the previous store is to the same address as this load,
1924 //  and the value stored was larger than a byte, replace this load
1925 //  with the value stored truncated to a byte.  If no truncation is
1926 //  needed, the replacement is done in LoadNode::Identity().
1927 //
1928 Node* LoadUBNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN* phase, bool can_reshape) {
1929   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1930   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem, phase);
1931   if (value && !phase->type(value)->higher_equal(_type))
1932     return new AndINode(value, phase->intcon(0xFF));
1933   // Identity call will handle the case where truncation is not needed.
1934   return LoadNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
1935 }
1937 const Type* LoadUBNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
1938   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1939   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1940   if (value != NULL && value->is_Con() &&
1941       !value->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_type)) {
1942     // If the input to the store does not fit with the load's result type,
1943     // it must be truncated. We can't delay until Ideal call since
1944     // a singleton Value is needed for split_thru_phi optimization.
1945     int con = value->get_int();
1946     return TypeInt::make(con & 0xFF);
1947   }
1948   return LoadNode::Value(phase);
1949 }
1951 //--------------------------LoadUSNode::Ideal-------------------------------------
1952 //
1953 //  If the previous store is to the same address as this load,
1954 //  and the value stored was larger than a char, replace this load
1955 //  with the value stored truncated to a char.  If no truncation is
1956 //  needed, the replacement is done in LoadNode::Identity().
1957 //
1958 Node *LoadUSNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
1959   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1960   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1961   if( value && !phase->type(value)->higher_equal( _type ) )
1962     return new AndINode(value,phase->intcon(0xFFFF));
1963   // Identity call will handle the case where truncation is not needed.
1964   return LoadNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
1965 }
1967 const Type* LoadUSNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
1968   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1969   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1970   if (value != NULL && value->is_Con() &&
1971       !value->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_type)) {
1972     // If the input to the store does not fit with the load's result type,
1973     // it must be truncated. We can't delay until Ideal call since
1974     // a singleton Value is needed for split_thru_phi optimization.
1975     int con = value->get_int();
1976     return TypeInt::make(con & 0xFFFF);
1977   }
1978   return LoadNode::Value(phase);
1979 }
1981 //--------------------------LoadSNode::Ideal--------------------------------------
1982 //
1983 //  If the previous store is to the same address as this load,
1984 //  and the value stored was larger than a short, replace this load
1985 //  with the value stored truncated to a short.  If no truncation is
1986 //  needed, the replacement is done in LoadNode::Identity().
1987 //
1988 Node *LoadSNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
1989   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
1990   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
1991   if( value && !phase->type(value)->higher_equal( _type ) ) {
1992     Node *result = phase->transform( new LShiftINode(value, phase->intcon(16)) );
1993     return new RShiftINode(result, phase->intcon(16));
1994   }
1995   // Identity call will handle the case where truncation is not needed.
1996   return LoadNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
1997 }
1999 const Type* LoadSNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
2000   Node* mem = in(MemNode::Memory);
2001   Node* value = can_see_stored_value(mem,phase);
2002   if (value != NULL && value->is_Con() &&
2003       !value->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_type)) {
2004     // If the input to the store does not fit with the load's result type,
2005     // it must be truncated. We can't delay until Ideal call since
2006     // a singleton Value is needed for split_thru_phi optimization.
2007     int con = value->get_int();
2008     return TypeInt::make((con << 16) >> 16);
2009   }
2010   return LoadNode::Value(phase);
2011 }
2013 //=============================================================================
2014 //----------------------------LoadKlassNode::make------------------------------
2015 // Polymorphic factory method:
2016 Node *LoadKlassNode::make( PhaseGVN& gvn, Node *mem, Node *adr, const TypePtr* at, const TypeKlassPtr *tk ) {
2017   Compile* C = gvn.C;
2018   Node *ctl = NULL;
2019   // sanity check the alias category against the created node type
2020   const TypePtr *adr_type = adr->bottom_type()->isa_ptr();
2021   assert(adr_type != NULL, "expecting TypeKlassPtr");
2022 #ifdef _LP64
2023   if (adr_type->is_ptr_to_narrowklass()) {
2024     assert(UseCompressedClassPointers, "no compressed klasses");
2025     Node* load_klass = gvn.transform(new LoadNKlassNode(ctl, mem, adr, at, tk->make_narrowklass(), MemNode::unordered));
2026     return new DecodeNKlassNode(load_klass, load_klass->bottom_type()->make_ptr());
2027   }
2028 #endif
2029   assert(!adr_type->is_ptr_to_narrowklass() && !adr_type->is_ptr_to_narrowoop(), "should have got back a narrow oop");
2030   return new LoadKlassNode(ctl, mem, adr, at, tk, MemNode::unordered);
2031 }
2033 //------------------------------Value------------------------------------------
2034 const Type *LoadKlassNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
2035   return klass_value_common(phase);
2036 }
2038 const Type *LoadNode::klass_value_common( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
2039   // Either input is TOP ==> the result is TOP
2040   const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(MemNode::Memory) );
2041   if (t1 == Type::TOP)  return Type::TOP;
2042   Node *adr = in(MemNode::Address);
2043   const Type *t2 = phase->type( adr );
2044   if (t2 == Type::TOP)  return Type::TOP;
2045   const TypePtr *tp = t2->is_ptr();
2046   if (TypePtr::above_centerline(tp->ptr()) ||
2047       tp->ptr() == TypePtr::Null)  return Type::TOP;
2049   // Return a more precise klass, if possible
2050   const TypeInstPtr *tinst = tp->isa_instptr();

2238 //------------------------------Value------------------------------------------
2239 const Type *LoadNKlassNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
2240   const Type *t = klass_value_common(phase);
2241   if (t == Type::TOP)
2242     return t;
2244   return t->make_narrowklass();
2245 }
2247 //------------------------------Identity---------------------------------------
2248 // To clean up reflective code, simplify k.java_mirror.as_klass to narrow k.
2249 // Also feed through the klass in Allocate(...klass...)._klass.
2250 Node* LoadNKlassNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
2251   Node *x = klass_identity_common(phase);
2253   const Type *t = phase->type( x );
2254   if( t == Type::TOP ) return x;
2255   if( t->isa_narrowklass()) return x;
2256   assert (!t->isa_narrowoop(), "no narrow oop here");
2258   return phase->transform(new EncodePKlassNode(x, t->make_narrowklass()));
2259 }
2261 //------------------------------Value-----------------------------------------
2262 const Type *LoadRangeNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
2263   // Either input is TOP ==> the result is TOP
2264   const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(MemNode::Memory) );
2265   if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
2266   Node *adr = in(MemNode::Address);
2267   const Type *t2 = phase->type( adr );
2268   if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
2269   const TypePtr *tp = t2->is_ptr();
2270   if (TypePtr::above_centerline(tp->ptr()))  return Type::TOP;
2271   const TypeAryPtr *tap = tp->isa_aryptr();
2272   if( !tap ) return _type;
2273   return tap->size();
2274 }
2276 //-------------------------------Ideal---------------------------------------
2277 // Feed through the length in AllocateArray(...length...)._length.
2278 Node *LoadRangeNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {

2333         return allocated_length;
2334       }
2335     }
2336   }
2338   return this;
2340 }
2342 //=============================================================================
2343 //---------------------------StoreNode::make-----------------------------------
2344 // Polymorphic factory method:
2345 StoreNode* StoreNode::make(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, Node* val, BasicType bt, MemOrd mo) {
2346   assert((mo == unordered || mo == release), "unexpected");
2347   Compile* C = gvn.C;
2348   assert(C->get_alias_index(adr_type) != Compile::AliasIdxRaw ||
2349          ctl != NULL, "raw memory operations should have control edge");
2351   switch (bt) {
2352   case T_BOOLEAN:
2353   case T_BYTE:    return new StoreBNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2354   case T_INT:     return new StoreINode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2355   case T_CHAR:
2356   case T_SHORT:   return new StoreCNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2357   case T_LONG:    return new StoreLNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2358   case T_FLOAT:   return new StoreFNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2359   case T_DOUBLE:  return new StoreDNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2360   case T_METADATA:
2361   case T_ADDRESS:
2362   case T_OBJECT:
2363 #ifdef _LP64
2364     if (adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowoop()) {
2365       val = gvn.transform(new EncodePNode(val, val->bottom_type()->make_narrowoop()));
2366       return new StoreNNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2367     } else if (adr->bottom_type()->is_ptr_to_narrowklass() ||
2368                (UseCompressedClassPointers && val->bottom_type()->isa_klassptr() &&
2369                 adr->bottom_type()->isa_rawptr())) {
2370       val = gvn.transform(new EncodePKlassNode(val, val->bottom_type()->make_narrowklass()));
2371       return new StoreNKlassNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2372     }
2373 #endif
2374     {
2375       return new StorePNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo);
2376     }
2377   }
2378   ShouldNotReachHere();
2379   return (StoreNode*)NULL;
2380 }
2382 StoreLNode* StoreLNode::make_atomic(Compile *C, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, Node* val, MemOrd mo) {
2383   bool require_atomic = true;
2384   return new StoreLNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo, require_atomic);
2385 }
2387 StoreDNode* StoreDNode::make_atomic(Compile *C, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, Node* val, MemOrd mo) {
2388   bool require_atomic = true;
2389   return new StoreDNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, val, mo, require_atomic);
2390 }
2393 //--------------------------bottom_type----------------------------------------
2394 const Type *StoreNode::bottom_type() const {
2395   return Type::MEMORY;
2396 }
2398 //------------------------------hash-------------------------------------------
2399 uint StoreNode::hash() const {
2400   // unroll addition of interesting fields
2401   //return (uintptr_t)in(Control) + (uintptr_t)in(Memory) + (uintptr_t)in(Address) + (uintptr_t)in(ValueIn);
2403   // Since they are not commoned, do not hash them:
2404   return NO_HASH;
2405 }
2407 //------------------------------Ideal------------------------------------------
2408 // Change back-to-back Store(, p, x) -> Store(m, p, y) to Store(m, p, x).
2409 // When a store immediately follows a relevant allocation/initialization,

2762   // (see jck test stmt114.stmt11402.val).
2763   if (size <= 0 || size % unit != 0)  return NULL;
2764   intptr_t count = size / unit;
2765   // Length too long; use fast hardware clear
2766   if (size > Matcher::init_array_short_size)  return NULL;
2767   Node *mem = in(1);
2768   if( phase->type(mem)==Type::TOP ) return NULL;
2769   Node *adr = in(3);
2770   const Type* at = phase->type(adr);
2771   if( at==Type::TOP ) return NULL;
2772   const TypePtr* atp = at->isa_ptr();
2773   // adjust atp to be the correct array element address type
2774   if (atp == NULL)  atp = TypePtr::BOTTOM;
2775   else              atp = atp->add_offset(Type::OffsetBot);
2776   // Get base for derived pointer purposes
2777   if( adr->Opcode() != Op_AddP ) Unimplemented();
2778   Node *base = adr->in(1);
2780   Node *zero = phase->makecon(TypeLong::ZERO);
2781   Node *off  = phase->MakeConX(BytesPerLong);
2782   mem = new StoreLNode(in(0),mem,adr,atp,zero,MemNode::unordered,false);
2783   count--;
2784   while( count-- ) {
2785     mem = phase->transform(mem);
2786     adr = phase->transform(new AddPNode(base,adr,off));
2787     mem = new StoreLNode(in(0),mem,adr,atp,zero,MemNode::unordered,false);
2788   }
2789   return mem;
2790 }
2792 //----------------------------step_through----------------------------------
2793 // Return allocation input memory edge if it is different instance
2794 // or itself if it is the one we are looking for.
2795 bool ClearArrayNode::step_through(Node** np, uint instance_id, PhaseTransform* phase) {
2796   Node* n = *np;
2797   assert(n->is_ClearArray(), "sanity");
2798   intptr_t offset;
2799   AllocateNode* alloc = AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(n->in(3), phase, offset);
2800   // This method is called only before Allocate nodes are expanded during
2801   // macro nodes expansion. Before that ClearArray nodes are only generated
2802   // in LibraryCallKit::generate_arraycopy() which follows allocations.
2803   assert(alloc != NULL, "should have allocation");
2804   if (alloc->_idx == instance_id) {
2805     // Can not bypass initialization of the instance we are looking for.
2806     return false;
2807   }
2808   // Otherwise skip it.
2809   InitializeNode* init = alloc->initialization();
2810   if (init != NULL)
2811     *np = init->in(TypeFunc::Memory);
2812   else
2813     *np = alloc->in(TypeFunc::Memory);
2814   return true;
2815 }
2817 //----------------------------clear_memory-------------------------------------
2818 // Generate code to initialize object storage to zero.
2819 Node* ClearArrayNode::clear_memory(Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* dest,
2820                                    intptr_t start_offset,
2821                                    Node* end_offset,
2822                                    PhaseGVN* phase) {
2823   Compile* C = phase->C;
2824   intptr_t offset = start_offset;
2826   int unit = BytesPerLong;
2827   if ((offset % unit) != 0) {
2828     Node* adr = new AddPNode(dest, dest, phase->MakeConX(offset));
2829     adr = phase->transform(adr);
2830     const TypePtr* atp = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;
2831     mem = StoreNode::make(*phase, ctl, mem, adr, atp, phase->zerocon(T_INT), T_INT, MemNode::unordered);
2832     mem = phase->transform(mem);
2833     offset += BytesPerInt;
2834   }
2835   assert((offset % unit) == 0, "");
2837   // Initialize the remaining stuff, if any, with a ClearArray.
2838   return clear_memory(ctl, mem, dest, phase->MakeConX(offset), end_offset, phase);
2839 }
2841 Node* ClearArrayNode::clear_memory(Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* dest,
2842                                    Node* start_offset,
2843                                    Node* end_offset,
2844                                    PhaseGVN* phase) {
2845   if (start_offset == end_offset) {
2846     // nothing to do
2847     return mem;
2848   }
2850   Compile* C = phase->C;
2851   int unit = BytesPerLong;
2852   Node* zbase = start_offset;
2853   Node* zend  = end_offset;
2855   // Scale to the unit required by the CPU:
2856   if (!Matcher::init_array_count_is_in_bytes) {
2857     Node* shift = phase->intcon(exact_log2(unit));
2858     zbase = phase->transform(new URShiftXNode(zbase, shift) );
2859     zend  = phase->transform(new URShiftXNode(zend,  shift) );
2860   }
2862   // Bulk clear double-words
2863   Node* zsize = phase->transform(new SubXNode(zend, zbase) );
2864   Node* adr = phase->transform(new AddPNode(dest, dest, start_offset) );
2865   mem = new ClearArrayNode(ctl, mem, zsize, adr);
2866   return phase->transform(mem);
2867 }
2869 Node* ClearArrayNode::clear_memory(Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* dest,
2870                                    intptr_t start_offset,
2871                                    intptr_t end_offset,
2872                                    PhaseGVN* phase) {
2873   if (start_offset == end_offset) {
2874     // nothing to do
2875     return mem;
2876   }
2878   Compile* C = phase->C;
2879   assert((end_offset % BytesPerInt) == 0, "odd end offset");
2880   intptr_t done_offset = end_offset;
2881   if ((done_offset % BytesPerLong) != 0) {
2882     done_offset -= BytesPerInt;
2883   }
2884   if (done_offset > start_offset) {
2885     mem = clear_memory(ctl, mem, dest,
2886                        start_offset, phase->MakeConX(done_offset), phase);
2887   }
2888   if (done_offset < end_offset) { // emit the final 32-bit store
2889     Node* adr = new AddPNode(dest, dest, phase->MakeConX(done_offset));
2890     adr = phase->transform(adr);
2891     const TypePtr* atp = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;
2892     mem = StoreNode::make(*phase, ctl, mem, adr, atp, phase->zerocon(T_INT), T_INT, MemNode::unordered);
2893     mem = phase->transform(mem);
2894     done_offset += BytesPerInt;
2895   }
2896   assert(done_offset == end_offset, "");
2897   return mem;
2898 }
2900 //=============================================================================
2901 MemBarNode::MemBarNode(Compile* C, int alias_idx, Node* precedent)
2902   : MultiNode(TypeFunc::Parms + (precedent == NULL? 0: 1)),
2903     _adr_type(C->get_adr_type(alias_idx))
2904 {
2905   init_class_id(Class_MemBar);
2906   Node* top = C->top();
2907   init_req(TypeFunc::I_O,top);
2908   init_req(TypeFunc::FramePtr,top);
2909   init_req(TypeFunc::ReturnAdr,top);
2910   if (precedent != NULL)
2911     init_req(TypeFunc::Parms, precedent);
2912 }
2914 //------------------------------cmp--------------------------------------------
2915 uint MemBarNode::hash() const { return NO_HASH; }
2916 uint MemBarNode::cmp( const Node &n ) const {
2917   return (&n == this);          // Always fail except on self
2918 }
2920 //------------------------------make-------------------------------------------
2921 MemBarNode* MemBarNode::make(Compile* C, int opcode, int atp, Node* pn) {
2922   switch (opcode) {
2923   case Op_MemBarAcquire:     return new MemBarAcquireNode(C, atp, pn);
2924   case Op_LoadFence:         return new LoadFenceNode(C, atp, pn);
2925   case Op_MemBarRelease:     return new MemBarReleaseNode(C, atp, pn);
2926   case Op_StoreFence:        return new StoreFenceNode(C, atp, pn);
2927   case Op_MemBarAcquireLock: return new MemBarAcquireLockNode(C, atp, pn);
2928   case Op_MemBarReleaseLock: return new MemBarReleaseLockNode(C, atp, pn);
2929   case Op_MemBarVolatile:    return new MemBarVolatileNode(C, atp, pn);
2930   case Op_MemBarCPUOrder:    return new MemBarCPUOrderNode(C, atp, pn);
2931   case Op_Initialize:        return new InitializeNode(C, atp, pn);
2932   case Op_MemBarStoreStore:  return new MemBarStoreStoreNode(C, atp, pn);
2933   default: ShouldNotReachHere(); return NULL;
2934   }
2935 }
2937 //------------------------------Ideal------------------------------------------
2938 // Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.  Strip out
2939 // control copies
2940 Node *MemBarNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
2941   if (remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape)) return this;
2942   // Don't bother trying to transform a dead node
2943   if (in(0) && in(0)->is_top()) {
2944     return NULL;
2945   }
2947   // Eliminate volatile MemBars for scalar replaced objects.
2948   if (can_reshape && req() == (Precedent+1)) {
2949     bool eliminate = false;
2950     int opc = Opcode();
2951     if ((opc == Op_MemBarAcquire || opc == Op_MemBarVolatile)) {
2952       // Volatile field loads and stores.

2975             t_oop->offset() != Type::OffsetTop) {
2976           eliminate = true;
2977         }
2978       }
2979     } else if (opc == Op_MemBarRelease) {
2980       // Final field stores.
2981       Node* alloc = AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(in(MemBarNode::Precedent), phase);
2982       if ((alloc != NULL) && alloc->is_Allocate() &&
2983           alloc->as_Allocate()->_is_non_escaping) {
2984         // The allocated object does not escape.
2985         eliminate = true;
2986       }
2987     }
2988     if (eliminate) {
2989       // Replace MemBar projections by its inputs.
2990       PhaseIterGVN* igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
2991       igvn->replace_node(proj_out(TypeFunc::Memory), in(TypeFunc::Memory));
2992       igvn->replace_node(proj_out(TypeFunc::Control), in(TypeFunc::Control));
2993       // Must return either the original node (now dead) or a new node
2994       // (Do not return a top here, since that would break the uniqueness of top.)
2995       return new ConINode(TypeInt::ZERO);
2996     }
2997   }
2998   return NULL;
2999 }
3001 //------------------------------Value------------------------------------------
3002 const Type *MemBarNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
3003   if( !in(0) ) return Type::TOP;
3004   if( phase->type(in(0)) == Type::TOP )
3005     return Type::TOP;
3006   return TypeTuple::MEMBAR;
3007 }
3009 //------------------------------match------------------------------------------
3010 // Construct projections for memory.
3011 Node *MemBarNode::match( const ProjNode *proj, const Matcher *m ) {
3012   switch (proj->_con) {
3013   case TypeFunc::Control:
3014   case TypeFunc::Memory:
3015     return new MachProjNode(this,proj->_con,RegMask::Empty,MachProjNode::unmatched_proj);
3016   }
3017   ShouldNotReachHere();
3018   return NULL;
3019 }
3021 //===========================InitializeNode====================================
3022 // SUMMARY:
3023 // This node acts as a memory barrier on raw memory, after some raw stores.
3024 // The 'cooked' oop value feeds from the Initialize, not the Allocation.
3025 // The Initialize can 'capture' suitably constrained stores as raw inits.
3026 // It can coalesce related raw stores into larger units (called 'tiles').
3027 // It can avoid zeroing new storage for memory units which have raw inits.
3028 // At macro-expansion, it is marked 'complete', and does not optimize further.
3029 //
3030 // EXAMPLE:
3031 // The object 'new short[2]' occupies 16 bytes in a 32-bit machine.
3032 //   ctl = incoming control; mem* = incoming memory
3033 // (Note:  A star * on a memory edge denotes I/O and other standard edges.)
3034 // First allocate uninitialized memory and fill in the header:
3035 //   alloc = (Allocate ctl mem* 16 #short[].klass ...)

3421                                           PhaseTransform* phase) {
3422   assert(stores_are_sane(phase), "");
3423   int i = captured_store_insertion_point(start, size_in_bytes, phase);
3424   if (i == 0) {
3425     return NULL;                // something is dead
3426   } else if (i < 0) {
3427     return zero_memory();       // just primordial zero bits here
3428   } else {
3429     Node* st = in(i);           // here is the store at this position
3430     assert(get_store_offset(st->as_Store(), phase) == start, "sanity");
3431     return st;
3432   }
3433 }
3435 // Create, as a raw pointer, an address within my new object at 'offset'.
3436 Node* InitializeNode::make_raw_address(intptr_t offset,
3437                                        PhaseTransform* phase) {
3438   Node* addr = in(RawAddress);
3439   if (offset != 0) {
3440     Compile* C = phase->C;
3441     addr = phase->transform( new AddPNode(C->top(), addr,
3442                                                  phase->MakeConX(offset)) );
3443   }
3444   return addr;
3445 }
3447 // Clone the given store, converting it into a raw store
3448 // initializing a field or element of my new object.
3449 // Caller is responsible for retiring the original store,
3450 // with subsume_node or the like.
3451 //
3452 // From the example above InitializeNode::InitializeNode,
3453 // here are the old stores to be captured:
3454 //   store1 = (StoreC init.Control init.Memory (+ oop 12) 1)
3455 //   store2 = (StoreC init.Control store1      (+ oop 14) 2)
3456 //
3457 // Here is the changed code; note the extra edges on init:
3458 //   alloc = (Allocate ...)
3459 //   rawoop = alloc.RawAddress
3460 //   rawstore1 = (StoreC alloc.Control alloc.Memory (+ rawoop 12) 1)
3461 //   rawstore2 = (StoreC alloc.Control alloc.Memory (+ rawoop 14) 2)

4110   for (uint i = Compile::AliasIdxTop; i < req(); i++) {
4111     init_req(i,empty_mem);
4112   }
4113   assert(empty_memory() == empty_mem, "");
4115   if( new_base != NULL && new_base->is_MergeMem() ) {
4116     MergeMemNode* mdef = new_base->as_MergeMem();
4117     assert(mdef->empty_memory() == empty_mem, "consistent sentinels");
4118     for (MergeMemStream mms(this, mdef); mms.next_non_empty2(); ) {
4119       mms.set_memory(mms.memory2());
4120     }
4121     assert(base_memory() == mdef->base_memory(), "");
4122   } else {
4123     set_base_memory(new_base);
4124   }
4125 }
4127 // Make a new, untransformed MergeMem with the same base as 'mem'.
4128 // If mem is itself a MergeMem, populate the result with the same edges.
4129 MergeMemNode* MergeMemNode::make(Compile* C, Node* mem) {
4130   return new MergeMemNode(mem);
4131 }
4133 //------------------------------cmp--------------------------------------------
4134 uint MergeMemNode::hash() const { return NO_HASH; }
4135 uint MergeMemNode::cmp( const Node &n ) const {
4136   return (&n == this);          // Always fail except on self
4137 }
4139 //------------------------------Identity---------------------------------------
4140 Node* MergeMemNode::Identity(PhaseTransform *phase) {
4141   // Identity if this merge point does not record any interesting memory
4142   // disambiguations.
4143   Node* base_mem = base_memory();
4144   Node* empty_mem = empty_memory();
4145   if (base_mem != empty_mem) {  // Memory path is not dead?
4146     for (uint i = Compile::AliasIdxRaw; i < req(); i++) {
4147       Node* mem = in(i);
4148       if (mem != empty_mem && mem != base_mem) {
4149         return this;            // Many memory splits; no change
4150       }

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