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  77   int num_regs = RegMask::num_registers(ireg);
  78   bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(ireg);
  79   if( w_mask->overlap( *o_mask ) && // Overlap AND
  80       ((num_regs == 1) // Single use or aligned
  81         ||  is_vect    // or vector
  82         || !is_vect && o_mask->is_aligned_pairs()) ) {
  83     assert(!is_vect || o_mask->is_aligned_sets(num_regs), "vectors are aligned");
  84     // Don't come here for mis-aligned doubles
  85     w_o_mask = w_mask;
  86   } else {                      // wide ideal mask does not overlap with o_mask
  87     // Mis-aligned doubles come here and XMM->FPR moves on x86.
  88     w_o_mask = o_mask;          // Must target desired registers
  89     // Does the ideal-reg-mask overlap with o_mask?  I.e., can I use
  90     // a reg-reg move or do I need a trip across register classes
  91     // (and thus through memory)?
  92     if( !C->matcher()->idealreg2regmask[ireg]->overlap( *o_mask) && o_mask->is_UP() )
  93       // Here we assume a trip through memory is required.
  94       w_i_mask = &C->FIRST_STACK_mask();
  95   }
  96   return new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(spill_type, def, *w_i_mask, *w_o_mask );
  97 }
  99 //------------------------------insert_proj------------------------------------
 100 // Insert the spill at chosen location.  Skip over any intervening Proj's or
 101 // Phis.  Skip over a CatchNode and projs, inserting in the fall-through block
 102 // instead.  Update high-pressure indices.  Create a new live range.
 103 void PhaseChaitin::insert_proj( Block *b, uint i, Node *spill, uint maxlrg ) {
 104   // Skip intervening ProjNodes.  Do not insert between a ProjNode and
 105   // its definer.
 106   while( i < b->number_of_nodes() &&
 107          (b->get_node(i)->is_Proj() ||
 108           b->get_node(i)->is_Phi() ) )
 109     i++;
 111   // Do not insert between a call and his Catch
 112   if( b->get_node(i)->is_Catch() ) {
 113     // Put the instruction at the top of the fall-thru block.
 114     // Find the fall-thru projection
 115     while( 1 ) {
 116       const CatchProjNode *cp = b->get_node(++i)->as_CatchProj();

 646           break;
 647         }
 648         // must be looking at a phi
 649         if (_lrg_map.find_id(n1) == {
 650           // found the necessary phi
 651           needs_phi = false;
 652           has_phi = true;
 653           // initialize the Reaches entry for this LRG
 654           Reachblock[slidx] = phi;
 655           break;
 656         }  // end if found correct phi
 657       }  // end for all phi's
 659       // If a phi is needed or exist, check for it
 660       if( needs_phi || has_phi ) {
 661         // add new phinode if one not already found
 662         if( needs_phi ) {
 663           // create a new phi node and insert it into the block
 664           // type is taken from left over pointer to a predecessor
 665           assert(n3,"No non-NULL reaching DEF for a Phi");
 666           phi = new (C) PhiNode(b->head(), n3->bottom_type());
 667           // initialize the Reaches entry for this LRG
 668           Reachblock[slidx] = phi;
 670           // add node to block & node_to_block mapping
 671           insert_proj(b, insidx++, phi, maxlrg++);
 672           non_phi++;
 673           // Reset new phi's mapping to be the spilling live range
 674 >_idx, lidx);
 675           assert(_lrg_map.find_id(phi) == lidx, "Bad update on Union-Find mapping");
 676         }  // end if not found correct phi
 677         // Here you have either found or created the Phi, so record it
 678         assert(phi != NULL,"Must have a Phi Node here");
 679         phis->push(phi);
 680         // PhiNodes should either force the LRG UP or DOWN depending
 681         // on its inputs and the register pressure in the Phi's block.
 682         UPblock[slidx] = true;  // Assume new DEF is UP
 683         // If entering a high-pressure area with no immediate use,
 684         // assume Phi is DOWN
 685         if( is_high_pressure( b, &lrgs(lidx), b->end_idx()) && !prompt_use(b,lidx) )
 686           UPblock[slidx] = false;

1058             if( dup == uup ) {
1059               if( dmask.overlap(umask) ) {
1060                 // Both are either up or down, and there is overlap, No Split
1061                 n->set_req(inpidx, def);
1062               }
1063               else {  // Both are either up or down, and there is no overlap
1064                 if( dup ) {  // If UP, reg->reg copy
1065                   // COPY ACROSS HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1066                   maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::RegToReg, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1067                   // If it wasn't split bail
1068                   if (!maxlrg) {
1069                     return 0;
1070                   }
1071                   insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1072                 }
1073                 else {       // DOWN, mem->mem copy
1074                   // COPY UP & DOWN HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1075                   // First Split-UP to move value into Register
1076                   uint def_ideal = def->ideal_reg();
1077                   const RegMask* tmp_rm = Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal];
1078                   Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(MachSpillCopyNode::MemToReg, def, dmask, *tmp_rm);
1079                   insert_proj( b, insidx, spill, maxlrg );
1080                   // Then Split-DOWN as if previous Split was DEF
1081                   maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::RegToMem, spill,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1082                   // If it wasn't split bail
1083                   if (!maxlrg) {
1084                     return 0;
1085                   }
1086                   insidx += 2;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side splits
1087                 }
1088               }  // End else no overlap
1089             }  // End if dup == uup
1090             // dup != uup, so check dup for direction of Split
1091             else {
1092               if( dup ) {  // If UP, Split-DOWN and check Debug Info
1093                 // If this node is already a SpillCopy, just patch the edge
1094                 // except the case of spilling to stack.
1095                 if( n->is_SpillCopy() ) {
1096                   RegMask tmp_rm(umask);
1097                   tmp_rm.SUBTRACT(Matcher::STACK_ONLY_mask);
1098                   if( dmask.overlap(tmp_rm) ) {

1212       // ********** Split Left Over Mem-Mem Moves **********
1213       // Check for mem-mem copies and split them now.  Do not do this
1214       // to copies about to be spilled; they will be Split shortly.
1215       if (copyidx) {
1216         Node *use = n->in(copyidx);
1217         uint useidx = _lrg_map.find_id(use);
1218         if (useidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() &&       // This is not a new split
1219             OptoReg::is_stack(deflrg.reg()) &&
1220             deflrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG ) { // And DEF is from stack
1221           LRG &uselrg = lrgs(useidx);
1222           if( OptoReg::is_stack(uselrg.reg()) &&
1223               uselrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG && // USE is from stack
1224               deflrg.reg() != uselrg.reg() ) { // Not trivially removed
1225             uint def_ideal_reg = n->bottom_type()->ideal_reg();
1226             const RegMask &def_rm = *Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal_reg];
1227             const RegMask &use_rm = n->in_RegMask(copyidx);
1228             if( def_rm.overlap(use_rm) && n->is_SpillCopy() ) {  // Bug 4707800, 'n' may be a storeSSL
1229               if (C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {  // Check when generating nodes
1230                 return 0;
1231               }
1232               Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(MachSpillCopyNode::MemToReg, use,use_rm,def_rm);
1233               n->set_req(copyidx,spill);
1234               n->as_MachSpillCopy()->set_in_RegMask(def_rm);
1235               // Put the spill just before the copy
1236               insert_proj( b, insidx++, spill, maxlrg++ );
1237             }
1238           }
1239         }
1240       }
1241     }  // End For All Instructions in Block - Non-PHI Pass
1243     // Check if each LRG is live out of this block so as not to propagate
1244     // beyond the last use of a LRG.
1245     for( slidx = 0; slidx < spill_cnt; slidx++ ) {
1246       uint defidx =;
1247       IndexSet *liveout = _live->live(b);
1248       if( !liveout->member(defidx) ) {
1249 #ifdef ASSERT
1250         // The index defidx is not live.  Check the liveout array to ensure that
1251         // it contains no members which compress to defidx.  Finding such an
1252         // instance may be a case to add liveout adjustment in compress_uf_map().

  77   int num_regs = RegMask::num_registers(ireg);
  78   bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(ireg);
  79   if( w_mask->overlap( *o_mask ) && // Overlap AND
  80       ((num_regs == 1) // Single use or aligned
  81         ||  is_vect    // or vector
  82         || !is_vect && o_mask->is_aligned_pairs()) ) {
  83     assert(!is_vect || o_mask->is_aligned_sets(num_regs), "vectors are aligned");
  84     // Don't come here for mis-aligned doubles
  85     w_o_mask = w_mask;
  86   } else {                      // wide ideal mask does not overlap with o_mask
  87     // Mis-aligned doubles come here and XMM->FPR moves on x86.
  88     w_o_mask = o_mask;          // Must target desired registers
  89     // Does the ideal-reg-mask overlap with o_mask?  I.e., can I use
  90     // a reg-reg move or do I need a trip across register classes
  91     // (and thus through memory)?
  92     if( !C->matcher()->idealreg2regmask[ireg]->overlap( *o_mask) && o_mask->is_UP() )
  93       // Here we assume a trip through memory is required.
  94       w_i_mask = &C->FIRST_STACK_mask();
  95   }
  96   return new MachSpillCopyNode(spill_type, def, *w_i_mask, *w_o_mask );
  97 }
  99 //------------------------------insert_proj------------------------------------
 100 // Insert the spill at chosen location.  Skip over any intervening Proj's or
 101 // Phis.  Skip over a CatchNode and projs, inserting in the fall-through block
 102 // instead.  Update high-pressure indices.  Create a new live range.
 103 void PhaseChaitin::insert_proj( Block *b, uint i, Node *spill, uint maxlrg ) {
 104   // Skip intervening ProjNodes.  Do not insert between a ProjNode and
 105   // its definer.
 106   while( i < b->number_of_nodes() &&
 107          (b->get_node(i)->is_Proj() ||
 108           b->get_node(i)->is_Phi() ) )
 109     i++;
 111   // Do not insert between a call and his Catch
 112   if( b->get_node(i)->is_Catch() ) {
 113     // Put the instruction at the top of the fall-thru block.
 114     // Find the fall-thru projection
 115     while( 1 ) {
 116       const CatchProjNode *cp = b->get_node(++i)->as_CatchProj();

 646           break;
 647         }
 648         // must be looking at a phi
 649         if (_lrg_map.find_id(n1) == {
 650           // found the necessary phi
 651           needs_phi = false;
 652           has_phi = true;
 653           // initialize the Reaches entry for this LRG
 654           Reachblock[slidx] = phi;
 655           break;
 656         }  // end if found correct phi
 657       }  // end for all phi's
 659       // If a phi is needed or exist, check for it
 660       if( needs_phi || has_phi ) {
 661         // add new phinode if one not already found
 662         if( needs_phi ) {
 663           // create a new phi node and insert it into the block
 664           // type is taken from left over pointer to a predecessor
 665           assert(n3,"No non-NULL reaching DEF for a Phi");
 666           phi = new PhiNode(b->head(), n3->bottom_type());
 667           // initialize the Reaches entry for this LRG
 668           Reachblock[slidx] = phi;
 670           // add node to block & node_to_block mapping
 671           insert_proj(b, insidx++, phi, maxlrg++);
 672           non_phi++;
 673           // Reset new phi's mapping to be the spilling live range
 674 >_idx, lidx);
 675           assert(_lrg_map.find_id(phi) == lidx, "Bad update on Union-Find mapping");
 676         }  // end if not found correct phi
 677         // Here you have either found or created the Phi, so record it
 678         assert(phi != NULL,"Must have a Phi Node here");
 679         phis->push(phi);
 680         // PhiNodes should either force the LRG UP or DOWN depending
 681         // on its inputs and the register pressure in the Phi's block.
 682         UPblock[slidx] = true;  // Assume new DEF is UP
 683         // If entering a high-pressure area with no immediate use,
 684         // assume Phi is DOWN
 685         if( is_high_pressure( b, &lrgs(lidx), b->end_idx()) && !prompt_use(b,lidx) )
 686           UPblock[slidx] = false;

1058             if( dup == uup ) {
1059               if( dmask.overlap(umask) ) {
1060                 // Both are either up or down, and there is overlap, No Split
1061                 n->set_req(inpidx, def);
1062               }
1063               else {  // Both are either up or down, and there is no overlap
1064                 if( dup ) {  // If UP, reg->reg copy
1065                   // COPY ACROSS HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1066                   maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::RegToReg, def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1067                   // If it wasn't split bail
1068                   if (!maxlrg) {
1069                     return 0;
1070                   }
1071                   insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
1072                 }
1073                 else {       // DOWN, mem->mem copy
1074                   // COPY UP & DOWN HERE - NO DEF - NO CISC SPILL
1075                   // First Split-UP to move value into Register
1076                   uint def_ideal = def->ideal_reg();
1077                   const RegMask* tmp_rm = Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal];
1078                   Node *spill = new MachSpillCopyNode(MachSpillCopyNode::MemToReg, def, dmask, *tmp_rm);
1079                   insert_proj( b, insidx, spill, maxlrg );
1080                   // Then Split-DOWN as if previous Split was DEF
1081                   maxlrg = split_USE(MachSpillCopyNode::RegToMem, spill,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
1082                   // If it wasn't split bail
1083                   if (!maxlrg) {
1084                     return 0;
1085                   }
1086                   insidx += 2;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side splits
1087                 }
1088               }  // End else no overlap
1089             }  // End if dup == uup
1090             // dup != uup, so check dup for direction of Split
1091             else {
1092               if( dup ) {  // If UP, Split-DOWN and check Debug Info
1093                 // If this node is already a SpillCopy, just patch the edge
1094                 // except the case of spilling to stack.
1095                 if( n->is_SpillCopy() ) {
1096                   RegMask tmp_rm(umask);
1097                   tmp_rm.SUBTRACT(Matcher::STACK_ONLY_mask);
1098                   if( dmask.overlap(tmp_rm) ) {

1212       // ********** Split Left Over Mem-Mem Moves **********
1213       // Check for mem-mem copies and split them now.  Do not do this
1214       // to copies about to be spilled; they will be Split shortly.
1215       if (copyidx) {
1216         Node *use = n->in(copyidx);
1217         uint useidx = _lrg_map.find_id(use);
1218         if (useidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() &&       // This is not a new split
1219             OptoReg::is_stack(deflrg.reg()) &&
1220             deflrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG ) { // And DEF is from stack
1221           LRG &uselrg = lrgs(useidx);
1222           if( OptoReg::is_stack(uselrg.reg()) &&
1223               uselrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG && // USE is from stack
1224               deflrg.reg() != uselrg.reg() ) { // Not trivially removed
1225             uint def_ideal_reg = n->bottom_type()->ideal_reg();
1226             const RegMask &def_rm = *Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal_reg];
1227             const RegMask &use_rm = n->in_RegMask(copyidx);
1228             if( def_rm.overlap(use_rm) && n->is_SpillCopy() ) {  // Bug 4707800, 'n' may be a storeSSL
1229               if (C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {  // Check when generating nodes
1230                 return 0;
1231               }
1232               Node *spill = new MachSpillCopyNode(MachSpillCopyNode::MemToReg, use,use_rm,def_rm);
1233               n->set_req(copyidx,spill);
1234               n->as_MachSpillCopy()->set_in_RegMask(def_rm);
1235               // Put the spill just before the copy
1236               insert_proj( b, insidx++, spill, maxlrg++ );
1237             }
1238           }
1239         }
1240       }
1241     }  // End For All Instructions in Block - Non-PHI Pass
1243     // Check if each LRG is live out of this block so as not to propagate
1244     // beyond the last use of a LRG.
1245     for( slidx = 0; slidx < spill_cnt; slidx++ ) {
1246       uint defidx =;
1247       IndexSet *liveout = _live->live(b);
1248       if( !liveout->member(defidx) ) {
1249 #ifdef ASSERT
1250         // The index defidx is not live.  Check the liveout array to ensure that
1251         // it contains no members which compress to defidx.  Finding such an
1252         // instance may be a case to add liveout adjustment in compress_uf_map().

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