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 311   TwoOopHashtable(int table_size, int entry_size, HashtableBucket<F>* t,
 312                   int number_of_entries)
 313     : Hashtable<T, F>(table_size, entry_size, t, number_of_entries) {}
 315 public:
 316   unsigned int compute_hash(Symbol* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 317     unsigned int name_hash = name->identity_hash();
 318     // loader is null with CDS
 319     assert(loader_data != NULL || UseSharedSpaces || DumpSharedSpaces,
 320            "only allowed with shared spaces");
 321     unsigned int loader_hash = loader_data == NULL ? 0 : loader_data->identity_hash();
 322     return name_hash ^ loader_hash;
 323   }
 325   int index_for(Symbol* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 326     return this->hash_to_index(compute_hash(name, loader_data));
 327   }
 328 };
 331 /*
 332  * Usage of GenericHashtable:
 333  *
 334  * class X : public GenericHashtableEntry<X, ResourceObj> {
 335  *
 336  *   // Implement virtual functions in class X
 337  *   bool      equals(X* sig) const;
 338  *   uintptr_t hash()         const;
 339  * };
 340  *
 341  * void foo() {
 342  *   GenericHashtable<X, ResourceObj>* table = new GenericHashtable<X, ResourceObj>(11027, false);
 343  *
 344  *   X* elem = new X();
 345  *   table->add(elem);
 346  *   table->contains(elem);
 347  * }
 348  *
 349  * You can choose other allocation types as well. For example, to store the hashtable to a
 350  * particular region (CHeapObj<type>) simply replace ResourceObj with the desired type:
 351  *
 352  * class X : public GenericHashtableEntry<X, CHeapObj<mtCode> > { ... };
 353  *
 354  * To make the destructor (and remove) of the hashtable work:
 355  * 1) override the delete operator of X
 356  * 2) provide a destructor of the X
 357  *
 358  * You may also find it convenient to override the new operator.
 359  *
 360  * If you use this templates do not forget to add an explicit initialization
 361  * (at the end of hashtable.cpp).
 362  *
 363  *  template class GenericHashtable<X, ResourceObj>;
 364  */
 365 template <class T, class M> class GenericHashtableEntry : public M {
 366  private:
 367   T* _next;
 368   T* _prev;
 369  public:
 370   // Must be implemented by subclass.
 371   virtual uintptr_t key()            const = 0;
 372   virtual bool      equals(T* other) const = 0;
 374   T* next() const        { return _next; }
 375   T* prev() const        { return _prev; }
 376   void set_next(T* item) { _next = item; }
 377   void set_prev(T* item) { _prev = item; }
 379   // Constructor and destructor
 380   GenericHashtableEntry() : _next(NULL), _prev(NULL) { };
 381   virtual ~GenericHashtableEntry() {};
 382 };
 384 template <class T, class M> class GenericHashtable : public M {
 385  private:
 386   T**      _items;
 387   int      _size;
 388   bool     _C_heap;
 389   MEMFLAGS _memflag;
 391   // Accessor methods
 392   T*   head    (int idx) const    { return _items[idx]; }
 393   void set_head(T* item, int idx) { _items[idx] = item; }
 394   int  index   (T* item)          { assert(item != NULL, "missing null check"); return item->key() % size(); }
 396   // Helper function
 397   T* contains_impl(T* item, int idx);
 399   DEBUG_ONLY(int _num_items;)
 400  public:
 401   GenericHashtable(int size, bool C_heap = false, MEMFLAGS memflag = mtNone);
 402   ~GenericHashtable();
 403   T*   contains(T* match_item);
 404   T*   remove  (T* match_item);
 405   bool add     (T* item);
 408   bool on_C_heap() const { return _C_heap; }
 409   int  size()      const { return _size; }
 410 };

 311   TwoOopHashtable(int table_size, int entry_size, HashtableBucket<F>* t,
 312                   int number_of_entries)
 313     : Hashtable<T, F>(table_size, entry_size, t, number_of_entries) {}
 315 public:
 316   unsigned int compute_hash(Symbol* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 317     unsigned int name_hash = name->identity_hash();
 318     // loader is null with CDS
 319     assert(loader_data != NULL || UseSharedSpaces || DumpSharedSpaces,
 320            "only allowed with shared spaces");
 321     unsigned int loader_hash = loader_data == NULL ? 0 : loader_data->identity_hash();
 322     return name_hash ^ loader_hash;
 323   }
 325   int index_for(Symbol* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 326     return this->hash_to_index(compute_hash(name, loader_data));
 327   }
 328 };

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