
Print this page

 582     static final long iarg8 = iarg7+4;
 585     static int dataModel;
 586     static final boolean isBuildInternal;
 588     static {
 589         String dataModelProp = (String)AccessController.doPrivileged(
 590             new PrivilegedAction() {
 591                     public Object run() {
 592                         return System.getProperty("");
 593                     }
 594                 });
 595         try {
 596             dataModel = Integer.parseInt(dataModelProp);
 597         } catch (Exception e) {
 598             dataModel = 32;
 599         }
 601         isBuildInternal = getBuildInternal();
 603 //      System.loadLibrary("mawt");
 604     }
 606     static int getDataModel() {
 607         return dataModel;
 608     }
 610     static String hintsToString(long flags) {
 611         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
 612         if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMaxSize) != 0) {
 613             buf.append("PMaxSize ");
 614         }
 615         if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMinSize) != 0) {
 616             buf.append("PMinSize ");
 617         }
 618         if ((flags & XUtilConstants.USSize) != 0) {
 619             buf.append("USSize ");
 620         }
 621         if ((flags & XUtilConstants.USPosition) != 0) {
 622             buf.append("USPosition ");
 623         }

 631             buf.append("PWinGravity ");
 632         }
 633         return buf.toString();
 634     }
 635     static String getEventToString( int type ) {
 636         if( (type >= 0) && (type < eventToString.length)) {
 637             return eventToString[type];
 638         }else if( type == XToolkit.getXKBBaseEventCode() ) {
 639             //XXX TODO various xkb types
 640             return "XkbEvent";
 641         }
 642         return eventToString[0];
 643     }
 645     private static boolean getBuildInternal() {
 646         String javaVersion = XToolkit.getSystemProperty("java.version");
 647         return javaVersion != null && javaVersion.contains("internal");
 648     }
 650     static native void PrintXErrorEvent(long display, long event_ptr);

 651 }

 582     static final long iarg8 = iarg7+4;
 585     static int dataModel;
 586     static final boolean isBuildInternal;
 588     static {
 589         String dataModelProp = (String)AccessController.doPrivileged(
 590             new PrivilegedAction() {
 591                     public Object run() {
 592                         return System.getProperty("");
 593                     }
 594                 });
 595         try {
 596             dataModel = Integer.parseInt(dataModelProp);
 597         } catch (Exception e) {
 598             dataModel = 32;
 599         }
 601         isBuildInternal = getBuildInternal();

 602     }
 604     static int getDataModel() {
 605         return dataModel;
 606     }
 608     static String hintsToString(long flags) {
 609         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
 610         if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMaxSize) != 0) {
 611             buf.append("PMaxSize ");
 612         }
 613         if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMinSize) != 0) {
 614             buf.append("PMinSize ");
 615         }
 616         if ((flags & XUtilConstants.USSize) != 0) {
 617             buf.append("USSize ");
 618         }
 619         if ((flags & XUtilConstants.USPosition) != 0) {
 620             buf.append("USPosition ");
 621         }

 629             buf.append("PWinGravity ");
 630         }
 631         return buf.toString();
 632     }
 633     static String getEventToString( int type ) {
 634         if( (type >= 0) && (type < eventToString.length)) {
 635             return eventToString[type];
 636         }else if( type == XToolkit.getXKBBaseEventCode() ) {
 637             //XXX TODO various xkb types
 638             return "XkbEvent";
 639         }
 640         return eventToString[0];
 641     }
 643     private static boolean getBuildInternal() {
 644         String javaVersion = XToolkit.getSystemProperty("java.version");
 645         return javaVersion != null && javaVersion.contains("internal");
 646     }
 648     static native void PrintXErrorEvent(long display, long event_ptr);
 650     /**
 651      * The interface to be implemented by a predicate object used with the
 652      * CheckIfEvent() method.
 653      */
 654     public static interface CheckEventPredicate {
 656         /**
 657          * Returns true if the event matches some criteria, false otherwise.
 658          */
 659         boolean doesMatch(XEvent event);
 660     }
 662     /**
 663      * Invokes the XCheckIfEvent().
 664      * The returned event (if any) MUST BE disposed by the caller.
 665      *
 666      * @return the matched event or null if no match found.
 667      */
 668     public static XEvent CheckIfEvent(long display, CheckEventPredicate predicate) {
 669         XEvent ev = new XEvent();
 671         if (CheckIfEvent(display, ev, ev.pData, predicate)) {
 672             return ev;
 673         } else {
 674             ev.dispose();
 675             return null;
 676         }
 677     }
 679     /*
 680      * NOTE: The passed event_return MUST be equal to the event.pData.
 681      */
 682     private static native boolean CheckIfEvent(long display, XEvent event,
 683             long event_return, CheckEventPredicate predicate);
 684 }