1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  27 // Very much based on XListPeer from javaos
  29 package sun.awt.X11;
  31 import java.awt.*;
  32 import java.awt.event.*;
  33 import java.awt.peer.*;
  34 import java.util.Vector;
  35 import java.awt.geom.*;
  36 import java.awt.image.*;
  37 import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
  39 // TODO: some input actions should do nothing if Shift or Control are down
  41 class XListPeer extends XComponentPeer implements ListPeer, XScrollbarClient {
  43     private static final PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.XListPeer");
  45     public final static int     MARGIN = 2;
  46     public final static int     SPACE = 1;
  47     public final static int     SCROLLBAR_AREA = 17;  // Area reserved for the
  48                                                       // scrollbar
  49     public final static int     SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = 13; // Actual width of the
  50                                                       // scrollbar
  51     public final static int     NONE = -1;
  52     public final static int     WINDOW = 0;
  53     public final static int     VERSCROLLBAR = 1;
  54     public final static int     HORSCROLLBAR = 2;
  55     public final static int     DEFAULT_VISIBLE_ROWS = 4; // From java.awt.List,
  56     public final static int     HORIZ_SCROLL_AMT = 10;
  58     private final static int    PAINT_VSCROLL = 2;
  59     private final static int    PAINT_HSCROLL = 4;
  60     private final static int    PAINT_ITEMS = 8;
  61     private final static int    PAINT_FOCUS = 16;
  62     private final static int    PAINT_BACKGROUND = 32;
  63     private final static int    PAINT_HIDEFOCUS = 64;
  64     private final static int    PAINT_ALL =
  66     private final static int    COPY_AREA = 128;
  68     XVerticalScrollbar       vsb;
  69     XHorizontalScrollbar     hsb;
  70     ListPainter painter;
  72     // TODO: ick - Vector?
  73     Vector                      items;
  74     boolean                     multipleSelections;
  75     int                         active = NONE;
  77     // Holds the array of the indexes of the elements which is selected
  78     // This array should be kept sorted, low to high.
  79     int                         selected[];
  80     int                         fontHeight;
  81     int                         fontAscent;
  82     int                         fontLeading;
  84     // Holds the index of the item used in the previous operation (selectItem, deselectItem)
  85     // Adding of an item or clearing of the list sets this index to -1
  86     // The index is used at the moment of the post of ACTION_PERFORMED event after the mouse double click event.
  87     int                         currentIndex = -1;
  89     // Used for tracking selection/deselection between mousePress/Release
  90     // and for ItemEvents
  91     int                         eventIndex = -1;
  92     int                         eventType = NONE;
  94     // Holds the index of the item that receive focus
  95     // This variable is reasonable only for multiple list
  96     // since 'focusIndex' and 'selected[0]' are equal for single-selection list
  97     int                         focusIndex;
  99     int                         maxLength;
 100     boolean                     vsbVis;  // visibility of scrollbars
 101     boolean                     hsbVis;
 102     int                         listWidth;  // Width of list portion of List
 103     int                         listHeight; // Height of list portion of List
 104     // (i.e. without scrollbars)
 106     private int firstTimeVisibleIndex = 0;
 108     // Motif Lists don't seem to inherit the background color from their
 109     // parent when an app is first started up.  So, we track if the colors have
 110     // been set.  See getListBackground()/getListForeground().
 111     boolean bgColorSet;
 112     boolean fgColorSet;
 114     // Holds the true if mouse is dragging outside of the area of the list
 115     // The flag is used at the moment of the dragging and releasing mouse
 116     // See 6243382 for more information
 117     boolean mouseDraggedOutHorizontally = false;
 118     boolean mouseDraggedOutVertically = false;
 120     // Holds the true if a mouse event was originated on the scrollbar
 121     // See 6300527 for more information
 122     boolean isScrollBarOriginated = false;
 124     // This variable is set to true after the "mouse pressed" event and to false after the "mouse released" event
 125     // Fixed 6293432: Key events ('SPACE', 'UP', 'DOWN') aren't blocked if mouse is kept in 'PRESSED' state for List, XAWT
 126     boolean isMousePressed = false;
 128     /**
 129      * Create a list
 130      */
 131     XListPeer(List target) {
 132         super(target);
 133     }
 135     /**
 136      * Overridden from XWindow
 137      */
 138     public void preInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 139         super.preInit(params);
 141         // Stuff that must be initialized before layout() is called
 142         items = new Vector();
 143         createVerScrollbar();
 144         createHorScrollbar();
 146         painter = new ListPainter();
 148         // See 6246467 for more information
 149         bgColorSet = target.isBackgroundSet();
 150         fgColorSet = target.isForegroundSet();
 151     }
 153     public void postInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 154         super.postInit(params);
 155         initFontMetrics();
 156         // TODO: more efficient way?
 157         //       do we really want/need a copy of all the items?
 158         // get all items from target
 159         List l = (List)target;
 160         int stop = l.getItemCount();
 161         for (int i = 0 ; i < stop; i++) {
 162             items.addElement(l.getItem(i));
 163         }
 165         /* make the visible position visible. */
 166         int index = l.getVisibleIndex();
 167         if (index >= 0) {
 168             // Can't call makeVisible since it check scroll bar,
 169             // initialize scroll bar instead
 170             vsb.setValues(index, 0, 0, items.size());
 171         }
 173         // NOTE: needs to have target set
 174         maxLength = maxLength();
 176         // get the index containing all indexes to selected items
 177         int sel[] = l.getSelectedIndexes();
 178         selected = new int[sel.length];
 179         // TODO: shouldn't this be arraycopy()?
 180         for (int i = 0 ; i < sel.length ; i ++) {
 181             selected[i] = sel[i];
 182         }
 183         // The select()ed item should become the focused item, but we don't
 184         // get the select() call because the peer generally hasn't yet been
 185         // created during app initialization.
 186         // TODO: For multi-select lists, it should be the highest selected index
 187         if (sel.length > 0) {
 188             setFocusIndex(sel[sel.length - 1]);
 189         }
 190         else {
 191             setFocusIndex(0);
 192         }
 194         multipleSelections = l.isMultipleMode();
 195     }
 198     /**
 199      * add Vertical Scrollbar
 200      */
 201     void createVerScrollbar() {
 202         vsb = new XVerticalScrollbar(this);
 203         vsb.setValues(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1);
 204     }
 207     /**
 208      * add Horizontal scrollbar
 209      */
 210     void createHorScrollbar() {
 211         hsb = new XHorizontalScrollbar(this);
 212         hsb.setValues(0, 0, 0, 0, HORIZ_SCROLL_AMT, HORIZ_SCROLL_AMT);
 213     }
 215     /* New method name for 1.1 */
 216     public void add(String item, int index) {
 217         addItem(item, index);
 218     }
 220     /* New method name for 1.1 */
 221     public void removeAll() {
 222         clear();
 223         maxLength = 0;
 224     }
 226     /* New method name for 1.1 */
 227     public void setMultipleMode (boolean b) {
 228         setMultipleSelections(b);
 229     }
 231     /* New method name for 1.1 */
 232     public Dimension getPreferredSize(int rows) {
 233         return preferredSize(rows);
 234     }
 236     /* New method name for 1.1 */
 237     public Dimension getMinimumSize(int rows) {
 238         return minimumSize(rows);
 239     }
 241     /**
 242      * Minimum size.
 243      */
 244     public Dimension minimumSize() {
 245         return minimumSize(DEFAULT_VISIBLE_ROWS);
 246     }
 248     /**
 249      * return the preferredSize
 250      */
 251     public Dimension preferredSize(int v) {
 252         return minimumSize(v);
 253     }
 255     /**
 256      * return the minimumsize
 257      */
 258     public Dimension minimumSize(int v) {
 259         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 260         initFontMetrics();
 261         return new Dimension(20 + fm.stringWidth("0123456789abcde"),
 262                              getItemHeight() * v + (2*MARGIN));
 263     }
 265     /**
 266      * Calculate font metrics
 267      */
 268     void initFontMetrics() {
 269         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 270         fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
 271         fontAscent = fm.getAscent();
 272         fontLeading = fm.getLeading();
 273     }
 276     /**
 277      * return the length of the largest item in the list
 278      */
 279     int maxLength() {
 280         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 281         int m = 0;
 282         int end = items.size();
 283         for(int i = 0 ; i < end ; i++) {
 284             int l = fm.stringWidth(((String)items.elementAt(i)));
 285             m = Math.max(m, l);
 286         }
 287         return m;
 288     }
 290     /**
 291      * Calculates the width of item's label
 292      */
 293     int getItemWidth(int i) {
 294         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(getFont());
 295         return fm.stringWidth((String)items.elementAt(i));
 296     }
 298     /**
 299      * return the on-screen width of the given string "str"
 300      */
 301     int stringLength(String str) {
 302         FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics(target.getFont());
 303         return fm.stringWidth(str);
 304     }
 306     public void setForeground(Color c) {
 307         fgColorSet = true;
 308         super.setForeground(c);
 309     }
 311     public void setBackground(Color c) {
 312         bgColorSet = true;
 313         super.setBackground(c);
 314     }
 316     /**
 317      * Returns the color that should be used to paint the background of
 318      * the list of items.  Note that this is not the same as
 319      * target.getBackground() which is the color of the scrollbars, and the
 320      * lower-right corner of the Component when the scrollbars are displayed.
 321      */
 322     private Color getListBackground(Color[] colors) {
 323         if (bgColorSet) {
 324             return colors[BACKGROUND_COLOR];
 325         }
 326         else {
 327             return SystemColor.text;
 328         }
 329     }
 331     /**
 332      * Returns the color that should be used to paint the list item text.
 333      */
 334     private Color getListForeground(Color[] colors) {
 335         if (fgColorSet) {
 336             return colors[FOREGROUND_COLOR];
 337         }
 338         else {
 339             return SystemColor.textText;
 340         }
 341     }
 343     Rectangle getVScrollBarRec() {
 344         return new Rectangle(width - (SCROLLBAR_WIDTH), 0, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH+1, height);
 345     }
 347     Rectangle getHScrollBarRec() {
 348         return new Rectangle(0, height - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, width, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH);
 349     }
 351     int getFirstVisibleItem() {
 352         if (vsbVis) {
 353             return vsb.getValue();
 354         } else {
 355             return 0;
 356         }
 357     }
 359     int getLastVisibleItem() {
 360         if (vsbVis) {
 361             return Math.min(items.size()-1, vsb.getValue() + itemsInWindow() -1);
 362         } else {
 363             return Math.min(items.size()-1, itemsInWindow()-1);
 364         }
 365     }
 366     public void repaintScrollbarRequest(XScrollbar scrollbar) {
 367         if (scrollbar == hsb)  {
 368             repaint(PAINT_HSCROLL);
 369         }
 370         else if (scrollbar == vsb) {
 371             repaint(PAINT_VSCROLL);
 372         }
 373     }
 374     /**
 375      * Overridden for performance
 376      */
 377     public void repaint() {
 378         repaint(getFirstVisibleItem(), getLastVisibleItem(), PAINT_ALL);
 379     }
 381     private void repaint(int options) {
 382         repaint(getFirstVisibleItem(), getLastVisibleItem(), options);
 383     }
 385     private void repaint(int firstItem, int lastItem, int options) {
 386         repaint(firstItem, lastItem, options, null, null);
 387     }
 389     /**
 390      * In most cases the entire area of the component doesn't have
 391      * to be repainted. The method repaints the particular areas of
 392      * the component. The areas to repaint is specified by the option
 393      * parameter. The possible values of the option parameter are:
 396      *
 397      * Note that the COPY_AREA value initiates copy of a source area
 398      * of the component by a distance by means of the copyArea method
 399      * of the Graphics class.
 400      *
 401      * @param firstItem the position of the first item of the range to repaint
 402      * @param lastItem the position of the last item of the range to repaint
 403      * @param options specifies the particular area of the component to repaint
 404      * @param source the area of the component to copy
 405      * @param distance the distance to copy the source area
 406      */
 407     private void repaint(int firstItem, int lastItem, int options, Rectangle source, Point distance) {
 408         final Graphics g = getGraphics();
 409         if (g != null) {
 410             try {
 411                 painter.paint(g, firstItem, lastItem, options, source, distance);
 412                 target.paint(g);
 413             } finally {
 414                 g.dispose();
 415             }
 416         }
 417     }
 418     @Override
 419     void paintPeer(final Graphics g) {
 420         painter.paint(g, getFirstVisibleItem(), getLastVisibleItem(), PAINT_ALL);
 421     }
 422     public boolean isFocusable() { return true; }
 424     // TODO: share/promote the Focus methods?
 425     public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
 426         super.focusGained(e);
 427         repaint(PAINT_FOCUS);
 428     }
 430     public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
 431         super.focusLost(e);
 432         repaint(PAINT_FOCUS);
 433     }
 435     /**
 436      * Layout the sub-components of the List - that is, the scrollbars and the
 437      * list of items.
 438      */
 439     public void layout() {
 440         int vis, maximum;
 441         boolean vsbWasVisible;
 442         int origVSBVal;
 443         assert(target != null);
 445         // Start with assumption there is not a horizontal scrollbar,
 446         // see if we need a vertical scrollbar
 448         // Bug: If the list DOES have a horiz scrollbar and the value is set to
 449         // the very bottom value, value is reset in setValues() because it isn't
 450         // a valid value for cases when the list DOESN'T have a horiz scrollbar.
 451         // This is currently worked-around with origVSGVal.
 452         origVSBVal = vsb.getValue();
 453         vis = itemsInWindow(false);
 454         maximum = items.size() < vis ? vis : items.size();
 455         vsb.setValues(vsb.getValue(), vis, vsb.getMinimum(), maximum);
 456         vsbVis = vsbWasVisible = vsbIsVisible(false);
 457         listHeight = height;
 459         // now see if we need a horizontal scrollbar
 460         listWidth = getListWidth();
 461         vis = listWidth - ((2 * SPACE) + (2 * MARGIN));
 462         maximum = maxLength < vis ? vis : maxLength;
 463         hsb.setValues(hsb.getValue(), vis, hsb.getMinimum(), maximum);
 464         hsbVis = hsbIsVisible(vsbVis);
 466         if (hsbVis) {
 467             // do need a horizontal scrollbar, so recalculate height of
 468             // vertical s crollbar
 469             listHeight = height - SCROLLBAR_AREA;
 470             vis = itemsInWindow(true);
 471             maximum = items.size() < vis ? vis : items.size();
 472             vsb.setValues(origVSBVal, vis, vsb.getMinimum(), maximum);
 473             vsbVis = vsbIsVisible(true);
 474         }
 476         // now check to make sure we haven't changed need for vertical
 477         // scrollbar - if we have, we need to
 478         // recalculate horizontal scrollbar width - then we're done...
 479         if (vsbWasVisible != vsbVis) {
 480             listWidth = getListWidth();
 481             vis = listWidth - ((2 * SPACE) + (2 * MARGIN));
 482             maximum = maxLength < vis ? 0 : maxLength;
 483             hsb.setValues(hsb.getValue(), vis, hsb.getMinimum(), maximum);
 484             hsbVis = hsbIsVisible(vsbVis);
 485         }
 487         vsb.setSize(SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, listHeight);
 488         hsb.setSize(listWidth, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH);
 490         vsb.setBlockIncrement(itemsInWindow());
 491         hsb.setBlockIncrement(width - ((2 * SPACE) + (2 * MARGIN) + (vsbVis ? SCROLLBAR_AREA : 0)));
 492     }
 494     int getItemWidth() {
 495         return width - ((2 * MARGIN) + (vsbVis ? SCROLLBAR_AREA : 0));
 496     }
 498     /* Returns height of an item in the list */
 499     int getItemHeight() {
 500         return (fontHeight - fontLeading) + (2*SPACE);
 501     }
 503     int getItemX() {
 504         return MARGIN + SPACE;
 505     }
 507     int getItemY(int item) {
 508         return index2y(item);
 509     }
 511     int getFocusIndex() {
 512         return focusIndex;
 513     }
 515     void setFocusIndex(int value) {
 516         focusIndex = value;
 517     }
 519     /**
 520      * Update and return the focus rectangle.
 521      * Focus is around the focused item, if it is visible, or
 522      * around the border of the list if the focused item is scrolled off the top
 523      * or bottom of the list.
 524      */
 525     Rectangle getFocusRect() {
 526         Rectangle focusRect = new Rectangle();
 527         // width is always only based on presence of vert sb
 528         focusRect.x = 1;
 529         focusRect.width = getListWidth() - 3;
 530         // if focused item is not currently displayed in the list,  paint
 531         // focus around entire list (not including scrollbars)
 532         if (isIndexDisplayed(getFocusIndex())) {
 533             // focus rect is around the item
 534             focusRect.y = index2y(getFocusIndex()) - 2;
 535             focusRect.height = getItemHeight()+1;
 536         } else {
 537             // focus rect is around the list
 538             focusRect.y = 1;
 539             focusRect.height = hsbVis ? height - SCROLLBAR_AREA : height;
 540             focusRect.height -= 3;
 541         }
 542         return focusRect;
 543     }
 545     public void handleConfigureNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) {
 546         super.handleConfigureNotifyEvent(xev);
 548         // Update buffer
 549         painter.invalidate();
 550     }
 551     public boolean handlesWheelScrolling() { return true; }
 553     // FIXME: need to support MouseWheel scrolling, too
 554     void handleJavaMouseEvent(MouseEvent e) {
 555         super.handleJavaMouseEvent(e);
 556         int i = e.getID();
 557         switch (i) {
 558           case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED:
 559               mousePressed(e);
 560               break;
 561           case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED:
 562               mouseReleased(e);
 563               break;
 564           case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
 565               mouseDragged(e);
 566               break;
 567         }
 568     }
 570     void handleJavaMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent e) {
 571         if (ListHelper.doWheelScroll(vsbVis ? vsb : null,
 572                                      hsbVis ? hsb : null, e)) {
 573             repaint();
 574         }
 575     }
 577     void mousePressed(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
 578         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) log.finer(mouseEvent.toString() + ", hsb " + hsbVis + ", vsb " + vsbVis);
 579         if (isEnabled() && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
 580             if (inWindow(mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY())) {
 581                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Mouse press in items area");
 582                 active = WINDOW;
 583                 int i = y2index(mouseEvent.getY());
 584                 if (i >= 0) {
 585                     if (multipleSelections) {
 586                         if (isSelected(i)) {
 587                             // See 6243382 for more information
 588                             deselectItem(i);
 589                             eventIndex = i;
 590                             eventType = ItemEvent.DESELECTED;
 591                         }
 592                         else {
 593                             selectItem(i);
 594                             eventIndex = i;
 595                             eventType = ItemEvent.SELECTED;
 596                         }
 597                     }
 598                     // Backward-compatible bug: even if a single-select
 599                     // item is already selected, we send an ITEM_STATE_CHANGED/
 600                     // SELECTED event.  Engineer's Toolbox appears to rely on
 601                     // this.
 602                     //else if (!isSelected(i)) {
 603                     else {
 604                         selectItem(i);
 605                         eventIndex = i;
 606                         eventType = ItemEvent.SELECTED;
 607                     }
 608                     // Restoring Windows behaviour
 609                     // We should update focus index after "mouse pressed" event
 610                     setFocusIndex(i);
 611                     repaint(PAINT_FOCUS);
 612                 } else {
 613                     // 6426186: reset variable to prevent action event
 614                     // if user clicks on unoccupied area of list
 615                     currentIndex = -1;
 616                 }
 617             } else if (inVerticalScrollbar(mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY())) {
 618                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Mouse press in vertical scrollbar");
 619                 active = VERSCROLLBAR;
 620                 vsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 621                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 622                                      mouseEvent.getX() - (width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH),
 623                                      mouseEvent.getY());
 624             } else if (inHorizontalScrollbar(mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY())) {
 625                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Mouse press in horizontal scrollbar");
 626                 active = HORSCROLLBAR;
 627                 hsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 628                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 629                                      mouseEvent.getX(),
 630                                      mouseEvent.getY() - (height - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH));
 632             }
 633             isMousePressed = true;
 634         }
 635     }
 636     void mouseReleased(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
 637         if (isEnabled() && mouseEvent.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
 638             //winReleaseCursorFocus();
 639             int clickCount = mouseEvent.getClickCount();
 640             if (active == VERSCROLLBAR) {
 641                 vsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 642                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 643                                      mouseEvent.getX()-(width-SCROLLBAR_WIDTH),
 644                                      mouseEvent.getY());
 645             } else if(active == HORSCROLLBAR) {
 646                 hsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 647                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 648                                      mouseEvent.getX(),
 649                                      mouseEvent.getY()-(height-SCROLLBAR_WIDTH));
 650             } else if ( ( currentIndex >= 0 ) && ( clickCount >= 2 ) &&
 651                         ( clickCount % 2 == 0 ) ) {
 652                 postEvent(new ActionEvent(target,
 653                                           ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
 654                                           (String)items.elementAt(currentIndex),
 655                                           mouseEvent.getWhen(),
 656                                           mouseEvent.getModifiers()));  // No ext mods
 657             } else if (active == WINDOW) {
 658                 // See 6243382 for more information
 659                 trackMouseReleasedScroll();
 661                 if (eventType == ItemEvent.DESELECTED) {
 662                     assert multipleSelections : "Shouldn't get a deselect for a single-select List";
 663                     // Paint deselection the release
 664                     deselectItem(eventIndex);
 665                 }
 666                 if (eventType != NONE) {
 667                     postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 668                                 ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 669                                 Integer.valueOf(eventIndex),
 670                                 eventType));
 671                 }
 672             }
 673             active = NONE;
 674             eventIndex = -1;
 675             eventType = NONE;
 676             isMousePressed = false;
 677         }
 678     }
 680     void mouseDragged(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
 681         // TODO: can you drag w/ any other buttons?  what about multiple buttons?
 682         if (isEnabled() &&
 683             (mouseEvent.getModifiersEx() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK) != 0) {
 684             if ((active == VERSCROLLBAR)) {
 685                 vsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 686                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 687                                      mouseEvent.getX()-(width-SCROLLBAR_WIDTH),
 688                                      mouseEvent.getY());
 689             } else if ((active == HORSCROLLBAR)) {
 690                 hsb.handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent.getID(),
 691                                      mouseEvent.getModifiers(),
 692                                      mouseEvent.getX(),
 693                                      mouseEvent.getY()-(height-SCROLLBAR_WIDTH));
 694             } else if (active == WINDOW) {
 695                 int i = y2index(mouseEvent.getY());
 696                 if (multipleSelections) {
 697                     // Multi-select only:
 698                     // If a selected item was pressed on and then dragged off
 699                     // of, cancel the pending deselect.
 700                     if (eventType == ItemEvent.DESELECTED) {
 701                         if (i != eventIndex) {
 702                             eventType = NONE;
 703                             eventIndex = -1;
 704                         }
 705                     }
 706                 }
 707                 else if (eventType == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
 708                     // Single-select only:
 709                     // If an unselected item was pressed on, track the drag
 710                     // and select the item under the mouse
 712                     // See 6243382 for more information
 713                     trackMouseDraggedScroll(mouseEvent);
 715                     if (i >= 0 && !isSelected(i)) {
 716                         int oldSel = eventIndex;
 717                         selectItem(i);
 718                         eventIndex = i;
 719                         repaint(oldSel, eventIndex, PAINT_ITEMS);
 720                     }
 721                 }
 722                 // Restoring Windows behaviour
 723                 // We should update focus index after "mouse dragged" event
 724                 if (i >= 0) {
 725                     setFocusIndex(i);
 726                     repaint(PAINT_FOCUS);
 727                 }
 728             }
 729         }
 730     }
 732     /*
 733      * Helper method for XListPeer with integrated vertical scrollbar.
 734      * Start or stop vertical scrolling when mouse dragged in / out the area of the list if it's required
 735      * Restoring Motif behavior
 736      * See 6243382 for more information
 737      */
 738     void trackMouseDraggedScroll(MouseEvent mouseEvent){
 740         if (vsb.beforeThumb(mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY())) {
 741             vsb.setMode(AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_DECREMENT);
 742         } else {
 743             vsb.setMode(AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_INCREMENT);
 744         }
 746         if(mouseEvent.getY() < 0 || mouseEvent.getY() >= listHeight){
 747             if (!mouseDraggedOutVertically){
 748                 mouseDraggedOutVertically = true;
 749                 vsb.startScrollingInstance();
 750             }
 751         }else{
 752             if (mouseDraggedOutVertically){
 753                 mouseDraggedOutVertically = false;
 754                 vsb.stopScrollingInstance();
 755             }
 756         }
 758         if (hsb.beforeThumb(mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY())) {
 759             hsb.setMode(AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_DECREMENT);
 760         } else {
 761             hsb.setMode(AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_INCREMENT);
 762         }
 764         if (mouseEvent.getX() < 0 || mouseEvent.getX() >= listWidth) {
 765             if (!mouseDraggedOutHorizontally){
 766                 mouseDraggedOutHorizontally = true;
 767                 hsb.startScrollingInstance();
 768             }
 769         }else{
 770             if (mouseDraggedOutHorizontally){
 771                 mouseDraggedOutHorizontally = false;
 772                 hsb.stopScrollingInstance();
 773             }
 774         }
 775     }
 777     /*
 778      * Helper method for XListPeer with integrated vertical scrollbar.
 779      * Stop vertical scrolling when mouse released in / out the area of the list if it's required
 780      * Restoring Motif behavior
 781      * see 6243382 for more information
 782      */
 783     void trackMouseReleasedScroll(){
 785         if (mouseDraggedOutVertically){
 786             mouseDraggedOutVertically = false;
 787             vsb.stopScrollingInstance();
 788         }
 790         if (mouseDraggedOutHorizontally){
 791             mouseDraggedOutHorizontally = false;
 792             hsb.stopScrollingInstance();
 793         }
 794     }
 796     void handleJavaKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
 797         switch(e.getID()) {
 798           case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED:
 799               if (!isMousePressed){
 800                   keyPressed(e);
 801               }
 802               break;
 803         }
 804     }
 806     void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
 807         int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
 808         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine(e.toString());
 809         switch(keyCode) {
 810           case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
 811           case KeyEvent.VK_KP_UP: // TODO: I assume we also want this, too
 812               if (getFocusIndex() > 0) {
 813                   setFocusIndex(getFocusIndex()-1);
 814                   repaint(PAINT_HIDEFOCUS);
 815                   // If single-select, select the item
 816                   if (!multipleSelections) {
 817                       selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 818                       postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 819                                               ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 820                                               Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 821                                               ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 822                   }
 823                   if (isItemHidden(getFocusIndex())) {
 824                       makeVisible(getFocusIndex());
 825                   }
 826                   else {
 827                       repaint(PAINT_FOCUS);
 828                   }
 829               }
 830               break;
 831           case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
 832           case KeyEvent.VK_KP_DOWN: // TODO: I assume we also want this, too
 833               if (getFocusIndex() < items.size() - 1) {
 834                   setFocusIndex(getFocusIndex()+1);
 835                   repaint(PAINT_HIDEFOCUS);
 836                   // If single-select, select the item
 837                   if (!multipleSelections) {
 838                       selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 839                       postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 840                                               ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 841                                               Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 842                                               ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 843                   }
 844                   if (isItemHidden(getFocusIndex())) {
 845                       makeVisible(getFocusIndex());
 846                   }
 847                   else {
 848                       repaint(PAINT_FOCUS);
 849                   }
 850               }
 851               break;
 852           case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP: {
 853               // Assumes that scrollbar does its own bounds-checking
 854               int previousValue = vsb.getValue();
 855               vsb.setValue(vsb.getValue() - vsb.getBlockIncrement());
 856               int currentValue = vsb.getValue();
 857               // 6190768 pressing pg-up on AWT multiple selection lists the items but no item event is triggered, on XToolkit
 858               // Restoring Motif behavior
 859               if (previousValue!=currentValue) {
 860                   setFocusIndex(Math.max(getFocusIndex()-itemsInWindow(), 0));
 861                   if (!multipleSelections){
 862                       selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 863                       postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 864                                               ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 865                                               Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 866                                               ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 867                   }
 868               }
 869               repaint();
 870               break;
 871           }
 872           case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN: {
 873               // Assumes that scrollbar does its own bounds-checking
 874               int previousValue = vsb.getValue();
 875               vsb.setValue(vsb.getValue() + vsb.getBlockIncrement());
 876               int currentValue = vsb.getValue();
 877               // 6190768 pressing pg-down on AWT multiple selection list selects the items but no item event is triggered, on XToolkit
 878               // Restoring Motif behavior
 879               if (previousValue!=currentValue) {
 880                   setFocusIndex(Math.min(getFocusIndex() + itemsInWindow(), items.size()-1));
 881                   if (!multipleSelections){
 882                       selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 883                       postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 884                                               ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 885                                               Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 886                                               ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 887                   }
 888               }
 889               repaint();
 890               break;
 891           }
 892           case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
 893           case KeyEvent.VK_KP_LEFT:
 894               if (hsbVis & hsb.getValue() > 0) {
 895                   hsb.setValue(hsb.getValue() - HORIZ_SCROLL_AMT);
 896                   repaint();
 897               }
 898               break;
 899           case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
 900           case KeyEvent.VK_KP_RIGHT:
 901               if (hsbVis) { // Should check if already at end
 902                   hsb.setValue(hsb.getValue() + HORIZ_SCROLL_AMT);
 903                   repaint();
 904               }
 905               break;
 906           // 6190778 CTRL + HOME, CTRL + END keys do not work properly for list on XToolkit
 907           // Restoring Motif behavior
 908           case KeyEvent.VK_HOME:
 909               if (!e.isControlDown() || ((List)target).getItemCount() <= 0)
 910                   break;
 911               if (vsbVis) {
 912                   vsb.setValue(vsb.getMinimum());
 913               }
 914               setFocusIndex(0);
 915               if (!multipleSelections) {
 916                   selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 917                   postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 918                                           ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 919                                           Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 920                                           ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 921               }
 922               repaint();
 923               break;
 924           case KeyEvent.VK_END:
 925               if (!e.isControlDown() || ((List)target).getItemCount() <= 0)
 926                   break;
 927               if (vsbVis) {
 928                   vsb.setValue(vsb.getMaximum());
 929               }
 930               setFocusIndex(items.size()-1);
 931               if (!multipleSelections) {
 932                   selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 933                   postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 934                                           ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 935                                           Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 936                                           ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 937               }
 938               repaint();
 939               break;
 940           case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE:
 941               // Fixed 6299853: XToolkit: Pressing space triggers ItemStateChanged event after List.removeAll called
 942               // If getFocusIndex() is less than 0, the event will not be triggered when space pressed
 943               if (getFocusIndex() < 0 || ((List)target).getItemCount() <= 0) {
 944                   break;
 945               }
 947               boolean isSelected = isSelected(getFocusIndex());
 949               // Spacebar only deselects for multi-select Lists
 950               if (multipleSelections && isSelected) {
 951                   deselectItem(getFocusIndex());
 952                   postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 953                                           ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 954                                           Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 955                                           ItemEvent.DESELECTED));
 956               }
 957               else if (!isSelected) { // Note: this changes the Solaris/Linux
 958                   // behavior to match that of win32.
 959                   // That is, pressing space bar on a
 960                   // single-select list when the focused
 961                   // item is already selected does NOT
 962                   // send an ItemEvent.SELECTED event.
 963                   selectItem(getFocusIndex());
 964                   postEvent(new ItemEvent((List)target,
 965                                           ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,
 966                                           Integer.valueOf(getFocusIndex()),
 967                                           ItemEvent.SELECTED));
 968               }
 969               break;
 970           case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER:
 971               // It looks to me like there are bugs as well as inconsistencies
 972               // in the way the Enter key is handled by both Solaris and Windows.
 973               // So for now in XAWT, I'm going to simply go by what the List docs
 974               // say: "AWT also generates an action event when the user presses
 975               // the return key while an item in the list is selected."
 976               if (selected.length > 0) {
 977                   postEvent(new ActionEvent((List)target,
 978                                             ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED,
 979                                             (String)items.elementAt(getFocusIndex()),
 980                                             e.getWhen(),
 981                                             e.getModifiers()));  // ActionEvent doesn't have
 982                   // extended modifiers.
 983               }
 984               break;
 985         }
 986     }
 988     /**
 989      * return value from the scrollbar
 990      */
 991     public void notifyValue(XScrollbar obj, int type, int v, boolean isAdjusting) {
 993         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Notify value changed on " + obj + " to " + v);
 994         int value = obj.getValue();
 995         if (obj == vsb) {
 996             scrollVertical(v - value);
 998             // See 6243382 for more information
 999             int oldSel = eventIndex;
1000             int newSel = eventIndex+v-value;
1001             if (mouseDraggedOutVertically && !isSelected(newSel)){
1002                 selectItem(newSel);
1003                 eventIndex = newSel;
1004                 repaint(oldSel, eventIndex, PAINT_ITEMS);
1005                 // Scrolling select() should also set the focus index
1006                 // Otherwise, the updating of the 'focusIndex' variable will be incorrect
1007                 // if user drag mouse out of the area of the list
1008                 setFocusIndex(newSel);
1009                 repaint(PAINT_FOCUS);
1010             }
1012         } else if ((XHorizontalScrollbar)obj == hsb) {
1013             scrollHorizontal(v - value);
1014         }
1016     }
1018     /**
1019      * deselect all items in List
1020      */
1021     private void deselectAllItems() {
1022         selected = new int [0];
1023         repaint(PAINT_ITEMS);
1024     }
1026     /**
1027      * set multiple selections
1028      */
1029     public void setMultipleSelections(boolean v) {
1030         if (multipleSelections != v) {
1031             if ( !v) {
1032                 int selPos = ( isSelected( focusIndex )) ? focusIndex: -1;
1033                 deselectAllItems();
1034                 if (selPos != -1){
1035                     selectItem(selPos);
1036                 }
1037             }
1038             multipleSelections = v;
1039         }
1040     }
1042     /**
1043      * add an item
1044      * if the index of the item is < 0 or >= than items.size()
1045      * then add the item to the end of the list
1046      */
1047     public void addItem(String item, int i) {
1048         int oldMaxLength = maxLength;
1049         boolean hsbWasVis = hsbVis;
1050         boolean vsbWasVis = vsbVis;
1052         int addedIndex = 0; // Index where the new item ended up
1053         if (i < 0 || i >= items.size()) {
1054             i = -1;
1055         }
1057         // Why we set this variable to -1 in spite of the fact that selected[] is changed in other way?
1058         // It's not clear how to reproduce incorrect behaviour based on this assignment
1059         // since before using this variable (mouseReleased) we certainly update it to correct value
1060         // So we don't modify this behaviour now
1061         currentIndex = -1;
1063         if (i == -1) {
1064             items.addElement(item);
1065             i = 0;              // fix the math for the paintItems test
1066             addedIndex = items.size() - 1;
1067         } else {
1068             items.insertElementAt(item, i);
1069             addedIndex = i;
1070             for (int j = 0 ; j < selected.length ; j++) {
1071                 if (selected[j] >= i) {
1072                     selected[j] += 1;
1073                 }
1074             }
1075         }
1076         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) log.finer("Adding item '" + item + "' to " + addedIndex);
1078         // Update maxLength
1079         boolean repaintItems = !isItemHidden(addedIndex);
1080         maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, getItemWidth(addedIndex));
1081         layout();
1083         int options = 0;
1084         if (vsbVis != vsbWasVis || hsbVis != hsbWasVis) {
1085             // Scrollbars are being added or removed, so we must repaint all
1086             options = PAINT_ALL;
1087         }
1088         else {
1089             options = (repaintItems ? (PAINT_ITEMS):0)
1090                 | ((maxLength != oldMaxLength || (hsbWasVis ^ hsbVis))?(PAINT_HSCROLL):0)
1091                 | ((vsb.needsRepaint())?(PAINT_VSCROLL):0);
1093         }
1094         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Last visible: " + getLastVisibleItem() +
1095                                                      ", hsb changed : " + (hsbWasVis ^ hsbVis) + ", items changed " + repaintItems);
1096         repaint(addedIndex, getLastVisibleItem(), options);
1097     }
1099     /**
1100      * delete items starting with s (start position) to e (end position) including s and e
1101      * if s < 0 then s = 0
1102      * if e >= items.size() then e = items.size() - 1
1103      */
1104     public void delItems(int s, int e) {
1105         // save the current state of the scrollbars
1106         boolean hsbWasVisible = hsbVis;
1107         boolean vsbWasVisible = vsbVis;
1108         int oldLastDisplayed = lastItemDisplayed();
1110         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Deleting from " + s + " to " + e);
1112         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Last displayed item: " + oldLastDisplayed + ", items in window " + itemsInWindow() +
1113                                                      ", size " + items.size());
1115         if (items.size() == 0) {
1116             return;
1117         }
1119         // if user passed in flipped args, reverse them
1120         if (s > e) {
1121             int tmp = s;
1122             s = e;
1123             e = tmp;
1124         }
1126         // check for starting point less than zero
1127         if (s < 0) {
1128             s = 0;
1129         }
1131         // check for end point greater than the size of the list
1132         if (e >= items.size()) {
1133             e = items.size() - 1;
1134         }
1136         // determine whether we're going to delete any visible elements
1137         // repaint must also be done if scrollbars appear/disappear, which
1138         // can happen from removing a non-showing list item
1139         /*
1140           boolean repaintNeeded =
1141           ((s <= lastItemDisplayed()) && (e >= vsb.getValue()));
1142         */
1143         boolean repaintNeeded = (s >= getFirstVisibleItem() && s <= getLastVisibleItem());
1145         // delete the items out of the items list and out of the selected list
1146         for (int i = s ; i <= e ; i++) {
1147             items.removeElementAt(s);
1148             int j = posInSel(i);
1149             if (j != -1) {
1150                 int newsel[] = new int[selected.length - 1];
1151                 System.arraycopy(selected, 0, newsel, 0, j);
1152                 System.arraycopy(selected, j + 1, newsel, j, selected.length - (j + 1));
1153                 selected = newsel;
1154             }
1156         }
1158         // update the indexes in the selected array
1159         int diff = (e - s) + 1;
1160         for (int i = 0 ; i < selected.length ; i++) {
1161             if (selected[i] > e) {
1162                 selected[i] -= diff;
1163             }
1164         }
1166         int options = PAINT_VSCROLL;
1167         // focusedIndex updating according to native (Window, Motif) behaviour
1168         if (getFocusIndex() > e) {
1169             setFocusIndex(getFocusIndex() - (e - s + 1));
1170             options |= PAINT_FOCUS;
1171         } else if (getFocusIndex() >= s && getFocusIndex() <= e) {
1172             // Fixed 6299858: PIT. Focused border not shown on List if selected item is removed, XToolkit
1173             // We should set focus to new first item if the current first item was removed
1174             // except if the list is empty
1175             int focusBound = (items.size() > 0) ? 0 : -1;
1176             setFocusIndex(Math.max(s-1, focusBound));
1177             options |= PAINT_FOCUS;
1178         }
1180         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Multiple selections: " + multipleSelections);
1182         // update vsb.val
1183         if (vsb.getValue() >= s) {
1184             if (vsb.getValue() <= e) {
1185                 vsb.setValue(e+1 - diff);
1186             } else {
1187                 vsb.setValue(vsb.getValue() - diff);
1188             }
1189         }
1191         int oldMaxLength = maxLength;
1192         maxLength = maxLength();
1193         if (maxLength != oldMaxLength) {
1194             // Width of the items changed affecting the range of
1195             // horizontal scrollbar
1196             options |= PAINT_HSCROLL;
1197         }
1198         layout();
1199         repaintNeeded |= (vsbWasVisible ^ vsbVis) || (hsbWasVisible ^ hsbVis); // If scrollbars visibility changed
1200         if (repaintNeeded) {
1201             options |= PAINT_ALL;
1202         }
1203         repaint(s, oldLastDisplayed, options);
1204     }
1206     /**
1207      * ListPeer method
1208      */
1209     public void select(int index) {
1210         // Programmatic select() should also set the focus index
1211         setFocusIndex(index);
1212         repaint(PAINT_FOCUS);
1213         selectItem(index);
1214     }
1216     /**
1217      * select the index
1218      * redraw the list to the screen
1219      */
1220     void selectItem(int index) {
1221         // NOTE: instead of recalculating and the calling repaint(), painting
1222         // is done immediately
1224         // 6190746 List does not trigger ActionEvent when double clicking a programmatically selected item, XToolkit
1225         // If we invoke select(int) before setVisible(boolean), then variable currentIndex will equals -1. At the same time isSelected may be true.
1226         // Restoring Motif behavior
1227         currentIndex = index;
1229         if (isSelected(index)) {
1230             return;
1231         }
1232         if (!multipleSelections) {
1233             if (selected.length == 0) { // No current selection
1234                 selected = new int[1];
1235                 selected[0] = index;
1236             }
1237             else {
1238                 int oldSel = selected[0];
1239                 selected[0] = index;
1240                 if (!isItemHidden(oldSel)) {
1241                     // Only bother painting if item is visible (4895367)
1242                     repaint(oldSel, oldSel, PAINT_ITEMS);
1243                 }
1244             }
1245         } else {
1246             // insert "index" into the selection array
1247             int newsel[] = new int[selected.length + 1];
1248             int i = 0;
1249             while (i < selected.length && index > selected[i]) {
1250                 newsel[i] = selected[i];
1251                 i++;
1252             }
1253             newsel[i] = index;
1254             System.arraycopy(selected, i, newsel, i+1, selected.length - i);
1255             selected = newsel;
1256         }
1257         if (!isItemHidden(index)) {
1258             // Only bother painting if item is visible (4895367)
1259             repaint(index, index, PAINT_ITEMS);
1260         }
1261     }
1263     /**
1264      * ListPeer method
1265      * focusedIndex isn't updated according to native (Window, Motif) behaviour
1266      */
1267     public void deselect(int index) {
1268         deselectItem(index);
1269     }
1271     /**
1272      * deselect the index
1273      * redraw the list to the screen
1274      */
1275     void deselectItem(int index) {
1276         if (!isSelected(index)) {
1277             return;
1278         }
1279         if (!multipleSelections) {
1280             // TODO: keep an int[0] and int[1] around and just use them instead
1281             // creating new ones all the time
1282             selected = new int[0];
1283         } else {
1284             int i = posInSel(index);
1285             int newsel[] = new int[selected.length - 1];
1286             System.arraycopy(selected, 0, newsel, 0, i);
1287             System.arraycopy(selected, i+1, newsel, i, selected.length - (i+1));
1288             selected = newsel;
1289         }
1290         currentIndex = index;
1291         if (!isItemHidden(index)) {
1292             // Only bother repainting if item is visible
1293             repaint(index, index, PAINT_ITEMS);
1294         }
1295     }
1297     /**
1298      * ensure that the given index is visible, scrolling the List
1299      * if necessary, or doing nothing if the item is already visible.
1300      * The List must be repainted for changes to be visible.
1301      */
1302     public void makeVisible(int index) {
1303         if (index < 0 || index >= items.size()) {
1304             return;
1305         }
1306         if (isItemHidden(index)) {  // Do I really need to call this?
1307             // If index is above the top, scroll up
1308             if (index < vsb.getValue()) {
1309                 scrollVertical(index - vsb.getValue());
1310             }
1311             // If index is below the bottom, scroll down
1312             else if (index > lastItemDisplayed()) {
1313                 int val = index - lastItemDisplayed();
1314                 scrollVertical(val);
1315             }
1316         }
1317     }
1319     /**
1320      * clear
1321      */
1322     public void clear() {
1323         selected = new int[0];
1324         items = new Vector();
1325         currentIndex = -1;
1326         // Fixed 6291736: ITEM_STATE_CHANGED triggered after List.removeAll(), XToolkit
1327         // We should update 'focusIndex' variable more carefully
1328         setFocusIndex(-1);
1329         vsb.setValue(0);
1330         maxLength = 0;
1331         layout();
1332         repaint();
1333     }
1335     /**
1336      * return the selected indexes
1337      */
1338     public int[] getSelectedIndexes() {
1339         return selected;
1340     }
1342     /**
1343      * return the y value of the given index "i".
1344      * the y value represents the top of the text
1345      * NOTE: index can be larger than items.size as long
1346      * as it can fit the window
1347      */
1348     int index2y(int index) {
1349         int h = getItemHeight();
1351         //if (index < vsb.getValue() || index > vsb.getValue() + itemsInWindow()) {
1352         return MARGIN + ((index - vsb.getValue()) * h) + SPACE;
1353     }
1355     /* return true if the y is a valid y coordinate for
1356      *  a VISIBLE list item, otherwise returns false
1357      */
1358     boolean validY(int y) {
1360         int shown = itemsDisplayed();
1361         int lastY = shown * getItemHeight() + MARGIN;
1363         if (shown == itemsInWindow()) {
1364             lastY += MARGIN;
1365         }
1367         if (y < 0 || y >= lastY) {
1368             return false;
1369         }
1371         return true;
1372     }
1374     /**
1375      * return the position of the index in the selected array
1376      * if the index isn't in the array selected return -1;
1377      */
1378     int posInSel(int index) {
1379         for (int i = 0 ; i < selected.length ; i++) {
1380             if (index == selected[i]) {
1381                 return i;
1382             }
1383         }
1384         return -1;
1385     }
1387     boolean isIndexDisplayed(int idx) {
1388         int lastDisplayed = lastItemDisplayed();
1390         return idx <= lastDisplayed &&
1391             idx >= Math.max(0, lastDisplayed - itemsInWindow() + 1);
1392     }
1394     /**
1395      * returns index of last item displayed in the List
1396      */
1397     int lastItemDisplayed() {
1398         int n = itemsInWindow();
1399         return (Math.min(items.size() - 1, (vsb.getValue() + n) - 1));
1400     }
1402     /**
1403      * returns whether the given index is currently scrolled off the top or
1404      * bottom of the List.
1405      */
1406     boolean isItemHidden(int index) {
1407         return index < vsb.getValue() ||
1408             index >= vsb.getValue() + itemsInWindow();
1409     }
1411     /**
1412      * returns the width of the list portion of the component (accounts for
1413      * presence of vertical scrollbar)
1414      */
1415     int getListWidth() {
1416         return vsbVis ? width - SCROLLBAR_AREA : width;
1417     }
1419     /**
1420      * returns number of  items actually displayed in the List
1421      */
1422     int itemsDisplayed() {
1424         return (Math.min(items.size()-vsb.getValue(), itemsInWindow()));
1426     }
1428     /**
1429      * scrollVertical
1430      * y is the number of items to scroll
1431      */
1432     void scrollVertical(int y) {
1433         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Scrolling vertically by " + y);
1434         int itemsInWin = itemsInWindow();
1435         int h = getItemHeight();
1436         int pixelsToScroll = y * h;
1438         if (vsb.getValue() < -y) {
1439             y = -vsb.getValue();
1440         }
1441         vsb.setValue(vsb.getValue() + y);
1443         Rectangle source = null;
1444         Point distance = null;
1445         int firstItem = 0, lastItem = 0;
1447         if (y > 0) {
1448             if (y < itemsInWin) {
1449                 source = new Rectangle(MARGIN, MARGIN + pixelsToScroll, width - SCROLLBAR_AREA, h * (itemsInWin - y - 1)-1);
1450                 distance = new Point(0, -pixelsToScroll);
1451                 options |= COPY_AREA;
1452             }
1453             firstItem = vsb.getValue() + itemsInWin - y - 1;
1454             lastItem = vsb.getValue() + itemsInWin - 1;
1456         } else if (y < 0) {
1457             if (y + itemsInWindow() > 0) {
1458                 source = new Rectangle(MARGIN, MARGIN, width - SCROLLBAR_AREA, h * (itemsInWin + y));
1459                 distance = new Point(0, -pixelsToScroll);
1460                 options |= COPY_AREA;
1461             }
1462             firstItem = vsb.getValue();
1463             lastItem = Math.min(getLastVisibleItem(), vsb.getValue() + -y);
1464         }
1465         repaint(firstItem, lastItem, options, source, distance);
1466     }
1468     /**
1469      * scrollHorizontal
1470      * x is the number of pixels to scroll
1471      */
1472     void scrollHorizontal(int x) {
1473         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Scrolling horizontally by " + y);
1474         int w = getListWidth();
1475         w -= ((2 * SPACE) + (2 * MARGIN));
1476         int h = height - (SCROLLBAR_AREA + (2 * MARGIN));
1477         hsb.setValue(hsb.getValue() + x);
1479         int options = PAINT_ITEMS | PAINT_HSCROLL;
1481         Rectangle source = null;
1482         Point distance = null;
1483         if (x < 0) {
1484             source = new Rectangle(MARGIN + SPACE, MARGIN, w + x, h);
1485             distance = new Point(-x, 0);
1486             options |= COPY_AREA;
1487         } else if (x > 0) {
1488             source = new Rectangle(MARGIN + SPACE + x, MARGIN, w - x, h);
1489             distance = new Point(-x, 0);
1490             options |= COPY_AREA;
1491         }
1492         repaint(vsb.getValue(), lastItemDisplayed(), options, source, distance);
1493     }
1495     /**
1496      * return the index
1497      */
1498     int y2index(int y) {
1499         if (!validY(y)) {
1500             return -1;
1501         }
1503         int i = (y - MARGIN) / getItemHeight() + vsb.getValue();
1504         int last = lastItemDisplayed();
1506         if (i > last) {
1507             i = last;
1508         }
1510         return i;
1512     }
1514     /**
1515      * is the index "index" selected
1516      */
1517     boolean isSelected(int index) {
1518         if (eventType == ItemEvent.SELECTED && index == eventIndex) {
1519             return true;
1520         }
1521         for (int i = 0 ; i < selected.length ; i++) {
1522             if (selected[i] == index) {
1523                 return true;
1524             }
1525         }
1526         return false;
1527     }
1529     /**
1530      * return the number of items that can fit
1531      * in the current window
1532      */
1533     int itemsInWindow(boolean scrollbarVisible) {
1534         int h;
1535         if (scrollbarVisible) {
1536             h = height - ((2 * MARGIN) + SCROLLBAR_AREA);
1537         } else {
1538             h = height - 2*MARGIN;
1539         }
1540         return (h / getItemHeight());
1541     }
1543     int itemsInWindow() {
1544         return itemsInWindow(hsbVis);
1545     }
1547     /**
1548      * return true if the x and y position is in the horizontal scrollbar
1549      */
1550     boolean inHorizontalScrollbar(int x, int y) {
1551         int w = getListWidth();
1552         int h = height - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;
1553         return (hsbVis &&  (x >= 0) && (x <= w) && (y > h));
1554     }
1556     /**
1557      * return true if the x and y position is in the verticalscrollbar
1558      */
1559     boolean inVerticalScrollbar(int x, int y) {
1560         int w = width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH;
1561         int h = hsbVis ? height - SCROLLBAR_AREA : height;
1562         return (vsbVis && (x > w) && (y >= 0) && (y <= h));
1563     }
1565     /**
1566      * return true if the x and y position is in the window
1567      */
1568     boolean inWindow(int x, int y) {
1569         int w = getListWidth();
1570         int h = hsbVis ? height - SCROLLBAR_AREA : height;
1571         return ((x >= 0) && (x <= w)) && ((y >= 0) && (y <= h));
1572     }
1574     /**
1575      * return true if vertical scrollbar is visible and false otherwise;
1576      * hsbVisible is the visibility of the horizontal scrollbar
1577      */
1578     boolean vsbIsVisible(boolean hsbVisible){
1579         return (items.size() > itemsInWindow(hsbVisible));
1580     }
1582     /**
1583      * return true if horizontal scrollbar is visible and false otherwise;
1584      * vsbVisible is the visibility of the vertical scrollbar
1585      */
1586     boolean hsbIsVisible(boolean vsbVisible){
1587         int w = width - ((2*SPACE) + (2*MARGIN) + (vsbVisible ? SCROLLBAR_AREA : 0));
1588         return (maxLength > w);
1589     }
1591     /*
1592      * Returns true if the event has been handled and should not be
1593      * posted to Java
1594      */
1595     boolean prePostEvent(final AWTEvent e) {
1596         if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {
1597             return prePostMouseEvent((MouseEvent)e);
1598         }
1599         return super.prePostEvent(e);
1600     }
1602     /*
1603      * Fixed 6240151: XToolkit: Dragging the List scrollbar initiates DnD
1604      * To be compatible with Motif, MouseEvent originated on the scrollbar
1605      * should be sent into Java in this way:
1608      */
1609     boolean prePostMouseEvent(final MouseEvent me){
1610         if (getToplevelXWindow().isModalBlocked()) {
1611             return false;
1612         }
1614         int eventId = me.getID();
1616         if (eventId == MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED)
1617         {
1618             // only for performance improvement
1619         }else if((eventId == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED ||
1620                   eventId == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED) &&
1621                  isScrollBarOriginated)
1622         {
1623             if (eventId == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED) {
1624                 isScrollBarOriginated = false;
1625             }
1626             handleJavaMouseEventOnEDT(me);
1627             return true;
1628         }else if ((eventId == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED ||
1629                    eventId == MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED) &&
1630                   (inVerticalScrollbar(me.getX(), me.getY()) ||
1631                    inHorizontalScrollbar(me.getX(), me.getY())))
1632         {
1633             if (eventId == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) {
1634                 isScrollBarOriginated = true;
1635             }
1636             handleJavaMouseEventOnEDT(me);
1637             return true;
1638         }
1639         return false;
1640     }
1642     /*
1643      * Do handleJavaMouseEvent on EDT
1644      */
1645     void handleJavaMouseEventOnEDT(final MouseEvent me){
1646         EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
1647                 public void run() {
1648                     handleJavaMouseEvent(me);
1649                 }
1650             });
1651     }
1653     /*
1654      * Fixed 5010944: List's rows overlap one another
1655      * The bug is due to incorrent caching of the list item size
1656      * So we should recalculate font metrics on setFont
1657      */
1658     public void setFont(Font f){
1659         super.setFont(f);
1660         initFontMetrics();
1661         layout();
1662         repaint();
1663     }
1665     /**
1666      * Sometimes painter is called on Toolkit thread, so the lock sequence is:
1667      *     awtLock -> Painter -> awtLock
1668      * Sometimes it is called on other threads:
1669      *     Painter -> awtLock
1670      * Since we can't guarantee the sequence, use awtLock.
1671      */
1672     class ListPainter {
1673         VolatileImage buffer;
1674         Color[] colors;
1676         private Color getListForeground() {
1677             if (fgColorSet) {
1678                 return colors[FOREGROUND_COLOR];
1679             }
1680             else {
1681             return SystemColor.textText;
1682             }
1683         }
1684         private Color getListBackground() {
1685             if (bgColorSet) {
1686                 return colors[BACKGROUND_COLOR];
1687             }
1688             else {
1689                 return SystemColor.text;
1690             }
1691         }
1693         private Color getDisabledColor() {
1694             Color backgroundColor = getListBackground();
1695             Color foregroundColor = getListForeground();
1696             return (backgroundColor.equals(Color.BLACK)) ? foregroundColor.darker() : backgroundColor.darker();
1697         }
1699         private boolean createBuffer() {
1700             VolatileImage localBuffer = null;
1701             XToolkit.awtLock();
1702             try {
1703                 localBuffer = buffer;
1704             } finally {
1705                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1706             }
1708             if (localBuffer == null) {
1709                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Creating buffer " + width + "x" + height);
1710                 // use GraphicsConfig.cCVI() instead of Component.cVI(),
1711                 // because the latter may cause a deadlock with the tree lock
1712                 localBuffer =
1713                     graphicsConfig.createCompatibleVolatileImage(width+1,
1714                                                                  height+1);
1715             }
1716             XToolkit.awtLock();
1717             try {
1718                 if (buffer == null) {
1719                     buffer = localBuffer;
1720                     return true;
1721                 }
1722             } finally {
1723                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1724             }
1725             return false;
1726         }
1728         public void invalidate() {
1729             XToolkit.awtLock();
1730             try {
1731                 if (buffer != null) {
1732                     buffer.flush();
1733                 }
1734                 buffer = null;
1735             } finally {
1736                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1737             }
1738         }
1740         private void paint(Graphics listG, int firstItem, int lastItem, int options) {
1741             paint(listG, firstItem, lastItem, options, null, null);
1742         }
1744         private void paint(Graphics listG, int firstItem, int lastItem, int options,
1745                            Rectangle source, Point distance) {
1746             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) log.finer("Repaint from " + firstItem + " to " + lastItem + " options " + options);
1747             if (firstItem > lastItem) {
1748                 int t = lastItem;
1749                 lastItem = firstItem;
1750                 firstItem = t;
1751             }
1752             if (firstItem < 0) {
1753                 firstItem = 0;
1754             }
1755             colors = getGUIcolors();
1756             VolatileImage localBuffer = null;
1757             do {
1758                 XToolkit.awtLock();
1759                 try {
1760                     if (createBuffer()) {
1761                         // First time created buffer should be painted over at full.
1762                         options = PAINT_ALL;
1763                     }
1764                     localBuffer = buffer;
1765                 } finally {
1766                     XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1767                 }
1768                 switch (localBuffer.validate(getGraphicsConfiguration())) {
1769                   case VolatileImage.IMAGE_INCOMPATIBLE:
1770                       invalidate();
1771                       options = PAINT_ALL;
1772                       continue;
1773                   case VolatileImage.IMAGE_RESTORED:
1774                       options = PAINT_ALL;
1775                 }
1776                 Graphics g = localBuffer.createGraphics();
1778                 // Note that the order of the following painting operations
1779                 // should not be modified
1780                 try {
1781                     g.setFont(getFont());
1783                     // hiding the focus rectangle must be done prior to copying
1784                     // area and so this is the first action to be performed
1785                     if ((options & (PAINT_HIDEFOCUS)) != 0) {
1786                         paintFocus(g, PAINT_HIDEFOCUS);
1787                     }
1788                     /*
1789                      * The shift of the component contents occurs while someone
1790                      * scrolls the component, the only purpose of the shift is to
1791                      * increase the painting performance. The shift should be done
1792                      * prior to painting any area (except hiding focus) and actually
1793                      * it should never be done jointly with erase background.
1794                      */
1795                     if ((options & COPY_AREA) != 0) {
1796                         g.copyArea(source.x, source.y, source.width, source.height,
1797                             distance.x, distance.y);
1798                     }
1799                     if ((options & PAINT_BACKGROUND) != 0) {
1800                         paintBackground(g);
1801                         // Since we made full erase update items
1802                         firstItem = getFirstVisibleItem();
1803                         lastItem = getLastVisibleItem();
1804                     }
1805                     if ((options & PAINT_ITEMS) != 0) {
1806                         paintItems(g, firstItem, lastItem, options);
1807                     }
1808                     if ((options & PAINT_VSCROLL) != 0 && vsbVis) {
1809                         g.setClip(getVScrollBarRec());
1810                         paintVerScrollbar(g, true);
1811                     }
1812                     if ((options & PAINT_HSCROLL) != 0 && hsbVis) {
1813                         g.setClip(getHScrollBarRec());
1814                         paintHorScrollbar(g, true);
1815                     }
1816                     if ((options & (PAINT_FOCUS)) != 0) {
1817                         paintFocus(g, PAINT_FOCUS);
1818                     }
1819                 } finally {
1820                     g.dispose();
1821                 }
1822             } while (localBuffer.contentsLost());
1823             listG.drawImage(localBuffer, 0, 0, null);
1824         }
1826         private void paintBackground(Graphics g) {
1827             g.setColor(SystemColor.window);
1828             g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
1829             g.setColor(getListBackground());
1830             g.fillRect(0, 0, listWidth, listHeight);
1831             draw3DRect(g, getSystemColors(), 0, 0, listWidth - 1, listHeight - 1, false);
1832         }
1834         private void paintItems(Graphics g, int firstItem, int lastItem, int options) {
1835             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) log.finer("Painting items from " + firstItem + " to " + lastItem + ", focused " + focusIndex + ", first " + getFirstVisibleItem() + ", last " + getLastVisibleItem());
1837             firstItem = Math.max(getFirstVisibleItem(), firstItem);
1838             if (firstItem > lastItem) {
1839                 int t = lastItem;
1840                 lastItem = firstItem;
1841                 firstItem = t;
1842             }
1843             firstItem = Math.max(getFirstVisibleItem(), firstItem);
1844             lastItem = Math.min(lastItem, items.size()-1);
1846             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) log.finer("Actually painting items from " + firstItem + " to " + lastItem +
1847                                                        ", items in window " + itemsInWindow());
1848             for (int i = firstItem; i <= lastItem; i++) {
1849                 paintItem(g, i);
1850             }
1851         }
1853         private void paintItem(Graphics g, int index) {
1854             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Painting item " + index);
1855             // 4895367 - only paint items which are visible
1856             if (!isItemHidden(index)) {
1857                 Shape clip = g.getClip();
1858                 int w = getItemWidth();
1859                 int h = getItemHeight();
1860                 int y = getItemY(index);
1861                 int x = getItemX();
1862                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Setting clip " + new Rectangle(x, y, w - (SPACE*2), h-(SPACE*2)));
1863                 g.setClip(x, y, w - (SPACE*2), h-(SPACE*2));
1865                 // Always paint the background so that focus is unpainted in
1866                 // multiselect mode
1867                 if (isSelected(index)) {
1868                     if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Painted item is selected");
1869                     g.setColor(getListForeground());
1870                 } else {
1871                     g.setColor(getListBackground());
1872                 }
1873                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Filling " + new Rectangle(x, y, w, h));
1874                 g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
1876                 if (index <= getLastVisibleItem() && index < items.size()) {
1877                     if (!isEnabled()){
1878                         g.setColor(getDisabledColor());
1879                     } else if (isSelected(index)) {
1880                         g.setColor(getListBackground());
1881                     } else {
1882                         g.setColor(getListForeground());
1883                     }
1884                     String str = (String)items.elementAt(index);
1885                     g.drawString(str, x - hsb.getValue(), y + fontAscent);
1886                 } else {
1887                     // Clear the remaining area around the item - focus area and the rest of border
1888                     g.setClip(x, y, listWidth, h);
1889                     g.setColor(getListBackground());
1890                     g.fillRect(x, y, listWidth, h);
1891                 }
1892                 g.setClip(clip);
1893             }
1894         }
1896         void paintScrollBar(XScrollbar scr, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean paintAll) {
1897             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Painting scrollbar " + scr + " width " +
1898                                                          width + " height " + height + ", paintAll " + paintAll);
1899             g.translate(x, y);
1900             scr.paint(g, getSystemColors(), paintAll);
1901             g.translate(-x, -y);
1902         }
1904         /**
1905          * Paint the horizontal scrollbar to the screen
1906          *
1907          * @param g the graphics context to draw into
1908          * @param colors the colors used to draw the scrollbar
1909          * @param paintAll paint the whole scrollbar if true, just the thumb if false
1910          */
1911         void paintHorScrollbar(Graphics g, boolean paintAll) {
1912             int w = getListWidth();
1913             paintScrollBar(hsb, g, 0, height - (SCROLLBAR_WIDTH), w, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, paintAll);
1914         }
1916         /**
1917          * Paint the vertical scrollbar to the screen
1918          *
1919          * @param g the graphics context to draw into
1920          * @param colors the colors used to draw the scrollbar
1921          * @param paintAll paint the whole scrollbar if true, just the thumb if false
1922          */
1923         void paintVerScrollbar(Graphics g, boolean paintAll) {
1924             int h = height - (hsbVis ? (SCROLLBAR_AREA-2) : 0);
1925             paintScrollBar(vsb, g, width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, 0, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 2, h, paintAll);
1926         }
1929         private Rectangle prevFocusRect;
1930         private void paintFocus(Graphics g, int options) {
1931             boolean paintFocus = (options & PAINT_FOCUS) != 0;
1932             if (paintFocus && !hasFocus()) {
1933                 paintFocus = false;
1934             }
1935             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Painting focus, focus index " + getFocusIndex() + ", focus is " +
1936                                                      (isItemHidden(getFocusIndex())?("invisible"):("visible")) + ", paint focus is " + paintFocus);
1937             Shape clip = g.getClip();
1938             g.setClip(0, 0, listWidth, listHeight);
1939             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Setting focus clip " + new Rectangle(0, 0, listWidth, listHeight));
1940             Rectangle rect = getFocusRect();
1941             if (prevFocusRect != null) {
1942                 // Erase focus rect
1943                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Erasing previous focus rect " + prevFocusRect);
1944                 g.setColor(getListBackground());
1945                 g.drawRect(prevFocusRect.x, prevFocusRect.y, prevFocusRect.width, prevFocusRect.height);
1946                 prevFocusRect = null;
1947             }
1948             if (paintFocus) {
1949                 // Paint new
1950                 if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) log.finest("Painting focus rect " + rect);
1951                 g.setColor(getListForeground());  // Focus color is always black on Linux
1952                 g.drawRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
1953                 prevFocusRect = rect;
1954             }
1955             g.setClip(clip);
1956         }
1957     }
1958 }