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@@ -225,24 +225,26 @@
         Window t_window = (Window)target;
         Window owner = t_window.getOwner();
         if (owner != null) {
             ownerPeer = (XWindowPeer)owner.getPeer();
             if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
-                focusLog.fine("Owner is " + owner);
-                focusLog.fine("Owner peer is " + ownerPeer);
-                focusLog.fine("Owner X window " + Long.toHexString(ownerPeer.getWindow()));
-                focusLog.fine("Owner content X window " + Long.toHexString(ownerPeer.getContentWindow()));
+                focusLog.finer("Owner is " + owner);
+                focusLog.finer("Owner peer is " + ownerPeer);
+                focusLog.finer("Owner X window " + Long.toHexString(ownerPeer.getWindow()));
+                focusLog.finer("Owner content X window " + Long.toHexString(ownerPeer.getContentWindow()));
             // as owner window may be an embedded window, we must get a toplevel window
             // to set as TRANSIENT_FOR hint
             long ownerWindow = ownerPeer.getWindow();
             if (ownerWindow != 0) {
                 try {
                     // Set WM_TRANSIENT_FOR
-                    if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) focusLog.fine("Setting transient on " + Long.toHexString(getWindow())
+                    if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
+                        focusLog.fine("Setting transient on " + Long.toHexString(getWindow())
                                                                        + " for " + Long.toHexString(ownerWindow));
+                    }
                     setToplevelTransientFor(this, ownerPeer, false, true);
                     // Set group leader
                     XWMHints hints = getWMHints();
                     hints.set_flags(hints.get_flags() | (int)XUtilConstants.WindowGroupHint);

@@ -775,11 +777,13 @@
     protected void requestXFocus(long time, boolean timeProvided) {
         // Since in XAWT focus is synthetic and all basic Windows are
         // override_redirect all we can do is check whether our parent
         // is active. If it is - we can freely synthesize focus transfer.
         // Luckily, this logic is already implemented in requestWindowFocus.
-        if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) focusLog.fine("Requesting window focus");
+        if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
+            focusLog.fine("Requesting window focus");
+        }
         requestWindowFocus(time, timeProvided);
     public final boolean focusAllowedFor() {
         if (isNativelyNonFocusableWindow()) {

@@ -1898,11 +1902,13 @@
     public void xSetVisible(boolean visible) {
-        if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) log.fine("Setting visible on " + this + " to " + visible);
+        if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
+            log.fine("Setting visible on " + this + " to " + visible);
+        }
         try {
             this.visible = visible;
             if (visible) {