1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   3  * Copyright (c) 2014, Red Hat Inc. All rights reserved.
   5  *
   6  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   9  *
  10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  13  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  14  * accompanied this code).
  15  *
  16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  *
  20  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  * questions.
  23  *
  24  */
  25 // This file is a derivative work resulting from (and including) modifications
  26 // made by Azul Systems, Inc.  The dates of such changes are 2013-2016.
  27 // Copyright 2013-2016 Azul Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
  28 //
  29 // Please contact Azul Systems, 385 Moffett Park Drive, Suite 115, Sunnyvale,
  30 // CA 94089 USA or visit www.azul.com if you need additional information or
  31 // have any questions.
  33 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  34 #include "c1/c1_CodeStubs.hpp"
  35 #include "c1/c1_FrameMap.hpp"
  36 #include "c1/c1_LIRAssembler.hpp"
  37 #include "c1/c1_MacroAssembler.hpp"
  38 #include "c1/c1_Runtime1.hpp"
  39 #include "nativeInst_aarch32.hpp"
  40 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  41 #include "vmreg_aarch32.inline.hpp"
  43 #include "gc_implementation/g1/g1SATBCardTableModRefBS.hpp"
  44 #endif
  46 #define __ ce->masm()->
  48 #define should_not_reach_here() should_not_reach_here_line(__FILE__, __LINE__)
  50 void CounterOverflowStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
  51   __ bind(_entry);
  52   ce->store_parameter(_method->as_register(), 1);
  53   ce->store_parameter(_bci, 0);
  54   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::counter_overflow_id)));
  55   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
  56   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
  57   __ b(_continuation);
  58 }
  60 RangeCheckStub::RangeCheckStub(CodeEmitInfo* info, LIR_Opr index,
  61                                bool throw_index_out_of_bounds_exception)
  62   : _throw_index_out_of_bounds_exception(throw_index_out_of_bounds_exception)
  63   , _index(index)
  64 {
  65   assert(info != NULL, "must have info");
  66   _info = new CodeEmitInfo(info);
  67 }
  69 void RangeCheckStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
  70   __ bind(_entry);
  71   if (_info->deoptimize_on_exception()) {
  72     address a = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::predicate_failed_trap_id);
  73     __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(a));
  74     ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
  75     ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
  76     debug_only(__ should_not_reach_here());
  77     return;
  78   }
  80   if (_index->is_cpu_register()) {
  81     __ mov(rscratch1, _index->as_register());
  82   } else {
  83     __ mov(rscratch1, _index->as_jint());
  84   }
  85   Runtime1::StubID stub_id;
  86   if (_throw_index_out_of_bounds_exception) {
  87     stub_id = Runtime1::throw_index_exception_id;
  88   } else {
  89     stub_id = Runtime1::throw_range_check_failed_id;
  90   }
  91   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(stub_id)), NULL, rscratch2);
  92   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
  93   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
  94   debug_only(__ should_not_reach_here());
  95 }
  97 PredicateFailedStub::PredicateFailedStub(CodeEmitInfo* info) {
  98   _info = new CodeEmitInfo(info);
  99 }
 101 void PredicateFailedStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 102   __ bind(_entry);
 103   address a = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::predicate_failed_trap_id);
 104   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(a));
 105   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 106   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
 107   debug_only(__ should_not_reach_here());
 108 }
 110 void DivByZeroStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 111   if (_offset != -1) {
 112     ce->compilation()->implicit_exception_table()->append(_offset, __ offset());
 113   }
 114   __ bind(_entry);
 115   __ far_call(Address(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::throw_div0_exception_id), relocInfo::runtime_call_type));
 116   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 117   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
 118 #ifdef ASSERT
 119   __ should_not_reach_here();
 120 #endif
 121 }
 125 // Implementation of NewInstanceStub
 127 NewInstanceStub::NewInstanceStub(LIR_Opr klass_reg, LIR_Opr result, ciInstanceKlass* klass, CodeEmitInfo* info, Runtime1::StubID stub_id) {
 128   _result = result;
 129   _klass = klass;
 130   _klass_reg = klass_reg;
 131   _info = new CodeEmitInfo(info);
 132   assert(stub_id == Runtime1::new_instance_id                 ||
 133          stub_id == Runtime1::fast_new_instance_id            ||
 134          stub_id == Runtime1::fast_new_instance_init_check_id,
 135          "need new_instance id");
 136   _stub_id   = stub_id;
 137 }
 141 void NewInstanceStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 142   assert(__ rsp_offset() == 0, "frame size should be fixed");
 143   __ bind(_entry);
 144   __ mov(r3, _klass_reg->as_register());
 145   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(_stub_id)));
 146   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 147   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
 148   assert(_result->as_register() == r0, "result must in r0,");
 149   __ b(_continuation);
 150 }
 153 // Implementation of NewTypeArrayStub
 155 // Implementation of NewTypeArrayStub
 157 NewTypeArrayStub::NewTypeArrayStub(LIR_Opr klass_reg, LIR_Opr length, LIR_Opr result, CodeEmitInfo* info) {
 158   _klass_reg = klass_reg;
 159   _length = length;
 160   _result = result;
 161   _info = new CodeEmitInfo(info);
 162 }
 165 void NewTypeArrayStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 166   assert(__ rsp_offset() == 0, "frame size should be fixed");
 167   __ bind(_entry);
 168   assert(_length->as_register() == r6, "length must in r6,");
 169   assert(_klass_reg->as_register() == r3, "klass_reg must in r3");
 170   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::new_type_array_id)));
 171   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 172   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
 173   assert(_result->as_register() == r0, "result must in r0");
 174   __ b(_continuation);
 175 }
 178 // Implementation of NewObjectArrayStub
 180 NewObjectArrayStub::NewObjectArrayStub(LIR_Opr klass_reg, LIR_Opr length, LIR_Opr result, CodeEmitInfo* info) {
 181   _klass_reg = klass_reg;
 182   _result = result;
 183   _length = length;
 184   _info = new CodeEmitInfo(info);
 185 }
 188 void NewObjectArrayStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 189   assert(__ rsp_offset() == 0, "frame size should be fixed");
 190   __ bind(_entry);
 191   assert(_length->as_register() == r6, "length must in r6");
 192   assert(_klass_reg->as_register() == r3, "klass_reg must in r3");
 193   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::new_object_array_id)));
 194   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 195   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
 196   assert(_result->as_register() == r0, "result must in r0");
 197   __ b(_continuation);
 198 }
 199 // Implementation of MonitorAccessStubs
 201 MonitorEnterStub::MonitorEnterStub(LIR_Opr obj_reg, LIR_Opr lock_reg, CodeEmitInfo* info)
 202 : MonitorAccessStub(obj_reg, lock_reg)
 203 {
 204   _info = new CodeEmitInfo(info);
 205 }
 208 void MonitorEnterStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 209   assert(__ rsp_offset() == 0, "frame size should be fixed");
 210   __ bind(_entry);
 211   ce->store_parameter(_obj_reg->as_register(),  1);
 212   ce->store_parameter(_lock_reg->as_register(), 0);
 213   Runtime1::StubID enter_id;
 214   if (ce->compilation()->has_fpu_code()) {
 215     enter_id = Runtime1::monitorenter_id;
 216   } else {
 217     enter_id = Runtime1::monitorenter_nofpu_id;
 218   }
 219   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(enter_id)));
 220   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 221   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
 222   __ b(_continuation);
 223 }
 226 void MonitorExitStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 227   __ bind(_entry);
 228   if (_compute_lock) {
 229     // lock_reg was destroyed by fast unlocking attempt => recompute it
 230     ce->monitor_address(_monitor_ix, _lock_reg);
 231   }
 232   ce->store_parameter(_lock_reg->as_register(), 0);
 233   // note: non-blocking leaf routine => no call info needed
 234   Runtime1::StubID exit_id;
 235   if (ce->compilation()->has_fpu_code()) {
 236     exit_id = Runtime1::monitorexit_id;
 237   } else {
 238     exit_id = Runtime1::monitorexit_nofpu_id;
 239   }
 240   __ adr(lr, _continuation);
 241   __ far_jump(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(exit_id)));
 242 }
 245 // Implementation of patching:
 246 // - Copy the code at given offset to an inlined buffer (first the bytes, then the number of bytes)
 247 // - Replace original code with a call to the stub
 248 // At Runtime:
 249 // - call to stub, jump to runtime
 250 // - in runtime: preserve all registers (rspecially objects, i.e., source and destination object)
 251 // - in runtime: after initializing class, restore original code, reexecute instruction
 253 int PatchingStub::_patch_info_offset = 0;
 255 void PatchingStub::align_patch_site(MacroAssembler* masm) {
 256 }
 258 void PatchingStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 259   // NativeCall::instruction_size is dynamically calculated based on CPU,
 260   // armv7 -> 3 instructions, armv6 -> 5 instructions. Initialize _patch_info_offset
 261   // here, when CPU is determined already.
 262   if (!_patch_info_offset)
 263     _patch_info_offset = -NativeCall::instruction_size;
 264   assert(_patch_info_offset == -NativeCall::instruction_size, "must not change");
 265   assert(NativeCall::instruction_size <= _bytes_to_copy && _bytes_to_copy <= 0xFF, "not enough room for call");
 267   Label call_patch;
 269   // static field accesses have special semantics while the class
 270   // initializer is being run so we emit a test which can be used to
 271   // check that this code is being executed by the initializing
 272   // thread.
 273   address being_initialized_entry = __ pc();
 274   if (CommentedAssembly) {
 275     __ block_comment(" patch template");
 276   }
 277   if (_id == load_klass_id) {
 278     // produce a copy of the load klass instruction for use by the being initialized case
 279 #ifdef ASSERT
 280     address start = __ pc();
 281 #endif
 282     Metadata* o = NULL;
 283     __ mov_metadata(_obj, o);
 284     __ nop(); // added to call site by LIR_Assembler::patching_epilog
 285 #ifdef ASSERT
 286     for (int i = 0; i < _bytes_to_copy; i++) {
 287       address ptr = (address)(_pc_start + i);
 288       int a_byte = (*ptr) & 0xFF;
 289       assert(a_byte == *start++, "should be the same code");
 290     }
 291 #endif
 292   } else if (_id == load_mirror_id || _id == load_appendix_id) {
 293     // produce a copy of the load mirror instruction for use by the being
 294     // initialized case
 295 #ifdef ASSERT
 296     address start = __ pc();
 297 #endif
 298     jobject o = NULL;
 299     __ movoop(_obj, o, true);
 300     __ nop(); // added to call site by LIR_Assembler::patching_epilog
 301 #ifdef ASSERT
 302     for (int i = 0; i < _bytes_to_copy; i++) {
 303       address ptr = (address)(_pc_start + i);
 304       int a_byte = (*ptr) & 0xFF;
 305       assert(a_byte == *start++, "should be the same code");
 306     }
 307 #endif
 308   } else {
 309     // make a copy the code which is going to be patched.
 310     assert(_bytes_to_copy % BytesPerWord == 0, "all instructions are 4byte");
 311     assert(((unsigned long) _pc_start) % BytesPerWord == 0, "patch offset should be aligned");
 312     const int words_to_copy = _bytes_to_copy / BytesPerWord;
 313     for (int i = 0; i < words_to_copy; i++) {
 314       int *ptr = ((int *) _pc_start) + i;
 315       __ emit_int32(*ptr);
 316       *ptr = 0xe320f000; // make the site look like a nop
 317     }
 318   }
 320   int bytes_to_skip = _bytes_to_copy;
 322   // this switch will be patched by NativeGeneralJump::replace_mt_safe,
 323   // it inteded to distinguish enters from by being_initialized_entry and
 324   // from call site
 325   int switch_offset = __ offset();
 326   Label patching_switch;
 327   __ b(patching_switch);
 328   __ bind(patching_switch);
 329   bytes_to_skip += __ offset() - switch_offset;
 331   if (_id == load_mirror_id) {
 332     int offset = __ offset();
 333     if (CommentedAssembly) {
 334       __ block_comment(" being_initialized check");
 335     }
 336     assert(_obj != noreg, "must be a valid register");
 337     // Load without verification to keep code size small. We need it because
 338     // begin_initialized_entry_offset has to fit in a byte. Also, we know it's not null.
 339     __ ldr(rscratch1, Address(_obj, java_lang_Class::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
 340     __ ldr(rscratch1, Address(rscratch1, InstanceKlass::init_thread_offset()));
 341     __ cmp(rthread, rscratch1);
 342     __ b(call_patch, Assembler::NE);
 344     // access_field patches may execute the patched code before it's
 345     // copied back into place so we need to jump back into the main
 346     // code of the nmethod to continue execution.
 347     __ b(_patch_site_continuation);
 348     // make sure this extra code gets skipped
 349     bytes_to_skip += __ offset() - offset;
 350   }
 352   // Now emit the patch record telling the runtime how to find the
 353   // pieces of the patch.  We only need 3 bytes but it has to be
 354   // aligned as an instruction so emit 4 bytes.
 355   int sizeof_patch_record = 4;
 356   bytes_to_skip += sizeof_patch_record;
 358   // emit the offsets needed to find the code to patch
 359   int being_initialized_entry_offset = __ pc() - being_initialized_entry + sizeof_patch_record;
 361   __ emit_int8(0);
 362   __ emit_int8(being_initialized_entry_offset);
 363   __ emit_int8(bytes_to_skip);
 364   __ emit_int8(0);
 366   address patch_info_pc = __ pc();
 368   address entry = __ pc();
 369   NativeGeneralJump::insert_unconditional((address)_pc_start, entry);
 370   address target = NULL;
 371   relocInfo::relocType reloc_type = relocInfo::none;
 372   switch (_id) {
 373     case access_field_id:  target = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::access_field_patching_id); break;
 374     case load_klass_id:    target = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::load_klass_patching_id); reloc_type = relocInfo::metadata_type; break;
 375     case load_mirror_id:   target = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::load_mirror_patching_id); reloc_type = relocInfo::oop_type; break;
 376     case load_appendix_id:      target = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::load_appendix_patching_id); reloc_type = relocInfo::oop_type; break;
 377     default: ShouldNotReachHere();
 378   }
 379   __ bind(call_patch);
 381   if (CommentedAssembly) {
 382     __ block_comment("patch entry point");
 383   }
 384   __ mov(rscratch1, RuntimeAddress(target));
 385   __ bl(rscratch1);
 386   // pad with nops to globally known upper bound of patch site size
 387   while (patch_info_pc - __ pc() < _patch_info_offset)
 388     __ nop();
 389   assert(_patch_info_offset == (patch_info_pc - __ pc()), "must not change, required by shared code");
 390   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 391   int jmp_off = __ offset();
 392   __ b(_patch_site_entry);
 393   // Add enough nops so deoptimization can overwrite the jmp above with a call
 394   // and not destroy the world.
 395   for (int j = __ offset() ; j < jmp_off + NativeCall::instruction_size; j += NativeInstruction::arm_insn_sz) {
 396     __ nop();
 397   }
 399   if (_id == load_klass_id || _id == load_mirror_id || _id == load_appendix_id) {
 400     CodeSection* cs = __ code_section();
 401     RelocIterator iter(cs, (address)_pc_start, (address)(_pc_start + 1));
 402     relocInfo::change_reloc_info_for_address(&iter, (address) _pc_start, reloc_type, relocInfo::none);
 403   }
 404 }
 407 void DeoptimizeStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 408   __ bind(_entry);
 409   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::deoptimize_id)));
 410   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 411   DEBUG_ONLY(__ should_not_reach_here());
 412 }
 415 void ImplicitNullCheckStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 416   address a;
 417   if (_info->deoptimize_on_exception()) {
 418     // Deoptimize, do not throw the exception, because it is probably wrong to do it here.
 419     a = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::predicate_failed_trap_id);
 420   } else {
 421     a = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::throw_null_pointer_exception_id);
 422   }
 424   ce->compilation()->implicit_exception_table()->append(_offset, __ offset());
 425   __ bind(_entry);
 426   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(a));
 427   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 428   ce->verify_oop_map(_info);
 429   debug_only(__ should_not_reach_here());
 430 }
 433 void SimpleExceptionStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 434   assert(__ rsp_offset() == 0, "frame size should be fixed");
 436   __ bind(_entry);
 437   // pass the object in a scratch register because all other registers
 438   // must be preserved
 439   if (_obj->is_cpu_register()) {
 440     __ mov(rscratch1, _obj->as_register());
 441   }
 442   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(_stub)), NULL, rscratch2);
 443   ce->add_call_info_here(_info);
 444   debug_only(__ should_not_reach_here());
 445 }
 448 void ArrayCopyStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 449   //---------------slow case: call to native-----------------
 450   __ bind(_entry);
 451   // Figure out where the args should go
 452   // This should really convert the IntrinsicID to the Method* and signature
 453   // but I don't know how to do that.
 454   //
 455   VMRegPair args[5];
 456   BasicType signature[5] = { T_OBJECT, T_INT, T_OBJECT, T_INT, T_INT};
 457   SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(signature, args, 5, true);
 459   // push parameters
 460   // (src, src_pos, dest, destPos, length)
 461   Register r[5];
 462   r[0] = src()->as_register();
 463   r[1] = src_pos()->as_register();
 464   r[2] = dst()->as_register();
 465   r[3] = dst_pos()->as_register();
 466   r[4] = length()->as_register();
 468   // next registers will get stored on the stack
 469   for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++ ) {
 470     VMReg r_1 = args[i].first();
 471     if (r_1->is_stack()) {
 472       int st_off = r_1->reg2stack() * wordSize;
 473       __ str (r[i], Address(sp, st_off));
 474     } else {
 475       assert(r[i] == args[i].first()->as_Register(), "Wrong register for arg ");
 476     }
 477   }
 479   ce->align_call(lir_static_call);
 481   ce->emit_static_call_stub();
 482   Address resolve(SharedRuntime::get_resolve_static_call_stub(),
 483                   relocInfo::static_call_type);
 484   __ trampoline_call(resolve);
 485   ce->add_call_info_here(info());
 487 #ifndef PRODUCT
 488   __ lea(rscratch2, ExternalAddress((address)&Runtime1::_arraycopy_slowcase_cnt));
 489   __ increment(Address(rscratch2));
 490 #endif
 492   __ b(_continuation);
 493 }
 496 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 499 void G1PreBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 500   // At this point we know that marking is in progress.
 501   // If do_load() is true then we have to emit the
 502   // load of the previous value; otherwise it has already
 503   // been loaded into _pre_val.
 505   __ bind(_entry);
 506   assert(pre_val()->is_register(), "Precondition.");
 508   Register pre_val_reg = pre_val()->as_register();
 510   if (do_load()) {
 511     ce->mem2reg(addr(), pre_val(), T_OBJECT, patch_code(), info(), false /*wide*/, false /*unaligned*/);
 512   }
 513   __ cbz(pre_val_reg, _continuation);
 514   ce->store_parameter(pre_val()->as_register(), 0);
 515   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::g1_pre_barrier_slow_id)));
 516   __ b(_continuation);
 517 }
 519 void G1PostBarrierStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) {
 520   __ bind(_entry);
 521   assert(addr()->is_register(), "Precondition.");
 522   assert(new_val()->is_register(), "Precondition.");
 523   Register new_val_reg = new_val()->as_register();
 524   __ cbz(new_val_reg, _continuation);
 525   ce->store_parameter(addr()->as_pointer_register(), 0);
 526   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::g1_post_barrier_slow_id)));
 527   __ b(_continuation);
 528 }
 530 #endif // INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
 531 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 533 #undef __