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  47 // the singleton class the_null_class_loader_data().
  49 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  50 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.hpp"
  51 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.inline.hpp"
  52 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  53 #include "classfile/metadataOnStackMark.hpp"
  54 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  55 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
  56 #include "memory/gcLocker.hpp"
  57 #include "memory/metadataFactory.hpp"
  58 #include "memory/metaspaceShared.hpp"
  59 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  60 #include "runtime/jniHandles.hpp"
  61 #include "runtime/mutex.hpp"
  62 #include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
  63 #include "runtime/synchronizer.hpp"
  64 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
  65 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  66 #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
  68 #include "trace/tracing.hpp"

  69 #endif
  71 ClassLoaderData * ClassLoaderData::_the_null_class_loader_data = NULL;
  73 ClassLoaderData::ClassLoaderData(Handle h_class_loader, bool is_anonymous, Dependencies dependencies) :
  74   _class_loader(h_class_loader()),
  75   _is_anonymous(is_anonymous),
  76   // An anonymous class loader data doesn't have anything to keep
  77   // it from being unloaded during parsing of the anonymous class.
  78   // The null-class-loader should always be kept alive.
  79   _keep_alive(is_anonymous || h_class_loader.is_null()),
  80   _metaspace(NULL), _unloading(false), _klasses(NULL),
  81   _claimed(0), _jmethod_ids(NULL), _handles(), _deallocate_list(NULL),
  82   _next(NULL), _dependencies(dependencies),
  83   _metaspace_lock(new Mutex(Monitor::leaf+1, "Metaspace allocation lock", true)) {
  84     // empty

  85 }
  87 void ClassLoaderData::init_dependencies(TRAPS) {
  88   assert(!Universe::is_fully_initialized(), "should only be called when initializing");
  89   assert(is_the_null_class_loader_data(), "should only call this for the null class loader");
  90   _dependencies.init(CHECK);
  91 }
  93 void ClassLoaderData::Dependencies::init(TRAPS) {
  94   // Create empty dependencies array to add to. CMS requires this to be
  95   // an oop so that it can track additions via card marks.  We think.
  96   _list_head = oopFactory::new_objectArray(2, CHECK);
  97 }
  99 ClassLoaderData::ChunkedHandleList::~ChunkedHandleList() {
 100   Chunk* c = _head;
 101   while (c != NULL) {
 102     Chunk* next = c->_next;
 103     delete c;
 104     c = next;

 629     if (cld->keep_alive()) {
 630       cld->oops_do(f, klass_closure, must_claim);
 631     }
 632   }
 633 }
 635 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::always_strong_oops_do(OopClosure* f, KlassClosure* klass_closure, bool must_claim) {
 636   if (ClassUnloading) {
 637     keep_alive_oops_do(f, klass_closure, must_claim);
 638   } else {
 639     oops_do(f, klass_closure, must_claim);
 640   }
 641 }
 643 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::cld_do(CLDClosure* cl) {
 644   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _head; cl != NULL && cld != NULL; cld = cld->next()) {
 645     cl->do_cld(cld);
 646   }
 647 }

 649 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::roots_cld_do(CLDClosure* strong, CLDClosure* weak) {
 650   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _head;  cld != NULL; cld = cld->_next) {
 651     CLDClosure* closure = cld->keep_alive() ? strong : weak;
 652     if (closure != NULL) {
 653       closure->do_cld(cld);
 654     }
 655   }
 656 }
 658 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::keep_alive_cld_do(CLDClosure* cl) {
 659   roots_cld_do(cl, NULL);
 660 }
 662 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::always_strong_cld_do(CLDClosure* cl) {
 663   if (ClassUnloading) {
 664     keep_alive_cld_do(cl);
 665   } else {
 666     cld_do(cl);
 667   }
 668 }

 723   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _unloading; cld != NULL; cld = cld->next()) {
 724     if (cld->metaspace_or_null() != NULL && cld->metaspace_or_null()->contains(x)) {
 725       return true;
 726     }
 727   }
 728   return false;
 729 }
 731 #ifndef PRODUCT
 732 bool ClassLoaderDataGraph::contains_loader_data(ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 733   for (ClassLoaderData* data = _head; data != NULL; data = data->next()) {
 734     if (loader_data == data) {
 735       return true;
 736     }
 737   }
 739   return false;
 740 }
 741 #endif // PRODUCT

 744 // Move class loader data from main list to the unloaded list for unloading
 745 // and deallocation later.
 746 bool ClassLoaderDataGraph::do_unloading(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive_closure, bool clean_alive) {
 747   ClassLoaderData* data = _head;
 748   ClassLoaderData* prev = NULL;
 749   bool seen_dead_loader = false;
 751   // Save previous _unloading pointer for CMS which may add to unloading list before
 752   // purging and we don't want to rewalk the previously unloaded class loader data.
 753   _saved_unloading = _unloading;
 755   while (data != NULL) {
 756     if (data->is_alive(is_alive_closure)) {
 757       prev = data;
 758       data = data->next();
 759       continue;
 760     }
 761     seen_dead_loader = true;
 762     ClassLoaderData* dead = data;

 764     data = data->next();
 765     // Remove from loader list.
 766     // This class loader data will no longer be found
 767     // in the ClassLoaderDataGraph.
 768     if (prev != NULL) {
 769       prev->set_next(data);
 770     } else {
 771       assert(dead == _head, "sanity check");
 772       _head = data;
 773     }
 774     dead->set_next(_unloading);
 775     _unloading = dead;
 776   }
 778   if (clean_alive) {
 779     // Clean previous versions and the deallocate list.
 780     ClassLoaderDataGraph::clean_metaspaces();
 781   }
 783   if (seen_dead_loader) {
 784     post_class_unload_events();
 785   }
 787   return seen_dead_loader;
 788 }
 790 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::clean_metaspaces() {
 791   // mark metadata seen on the stack and code cache so we can delete unneeded entries.
 792   bool has_redefined_a_class = JvmtiExport::has_redefined_a_class();
 793   MetadataOnStackMark md_on_stack(has_redefined_a_class);
 795   if (has_redefined_a_class) {
 796     // purge_previous_versions also cleans weak method links. Because
 797     // one method's MDO can reference another method from another
 798     // class loader, we need to first clean weak method links for all
 799     // class loaders here. Below, we can then free redefined methods
 800     // for all class loaders.
 801     for (ClassLoaderData* data = _head; data != NULL; data = data->next()) {
 802       data->classes_do(InstanceKlass::purge_previous_versions);
 803     }
 804   }
 806   // Need to purge the previous version before deallocating.
 807   free_deallocate_lists();
 808 }
 810 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::purge() {
 811   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint!");
 812   ClassLoaderData* list = _unloading;
 813   _unloading = NULL;
 814   ClassLoaderData* next = list;
 815   while (next != NULL) {
 816     ClassLoaderData* purge_me = next;
 817     next = purge_me->next();
 818     delete purge_me;
 819   }
 820   Metaspace::purge();
 821 }
 823 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::post_class_unload_events(void) {
 825   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint!");
 826   if (Tracing::enabled()) {
 827     if (Tracing::is_event_enabled(TraceClassUnloadEvent)) {
 828       assert(_unloading != NULL, "need class loader data unload list!");
 829       _class_unload_time = Ticks::now();
 830       classes_unloading_do(&class_unload_event);
 831     }
 832     Tracing::on_unloading_classes();
 833   }
 834 #endif
 835 }
 837 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::free_deallocate_lists() {
 838   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _head; cld != NULL; cld = cld->next()) {
 839     // We need to keep this data until InstanceKlass::purge_previous_version has been
 840     // called on all alive classes. See the comment in ClassLoaderDataGraph::clean_metaspaces.
 841     cld->free_deallocate_list();
 842   }
 844   // In some rare cases items added to the unloading list will not be freed elsewhere.
 845   // To keep it simple, walk the _unloading list also.
 846   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _unloading; cld != _saved_unloading; cld = cld->next()) {
 847     cld->free_deallocate_list();
 848   }
 849 }
 851 // CDS support
 853 // Global metaspaces for writing information to the shared archive.  When
 854 // application CDS is supported, we may need one per metaspace, so this
 855 // sort of looks like it.
 856 Metaspace* ClassLoaderData::_ro_metaspace = NULL;

 952     data->verify();
 953   }
 954 }
 956 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::dump_on(outputStream * const out) {
 957   for (ClassLoaderData* data = _head; data != NULL; data = data->next()) {
 958     data->dump(out);
 959   }
 960   MetaspaceAux::dump(out);
 961 }
 962 #endif // PRODUCT
 964 void ClassLoaderData::print_value_on(outputStream* out) const {
 965   if (class_loader() == NULL) {
 966     out->print("NULL class_loader");
 967   } else {
 968     out->print("class loader " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(this));
 969     class_loader()->print_value_on(out);
 970   }
 971 }
 975 Ticks ClassLoaderDataGraph::_class_unload_time;
 977 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::class_unload_event(Klass* const k) {
 979   // post class unload event
 980   EventClassUnload event(UNTIMED);
 981   event.set_endtime(_class_unload_time);
 982   event.set_unloadedClass(k);
 983   oop defining_class_loader = k->class_loader();
 984   event.set_definingClassLoader(defining_class_loader != NULL ?
 985                                 defining_class_loader->klass() : (Klass*)NULL);
 986   event.commit();
 987 }
 989 #endif // INCLUDE_TRACE

  47 // the singleton class the_null_class_loader_data().
  49 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  50 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.hpp"
  51 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.inline.hpp"
  52 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  53 #include "classfile/metadataOnStackMark.hpp"
  54 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  55 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
  56 #include "memory/gcLocker.hpp"
  57 #include "memory/metadataFactory.hpp"
  58 #include "memory/metaspaceShared.hpp"
  59 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  60 #include "runtime/jniHandles.hpp"
  61 #include "runtime/mutex.hpp"
  62 #include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
  63 #include "runtime/synchronizer.hpp"
  64 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
  65 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  66 #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
  67 #include "utilities/ticks.hpp"
  68 #if INCLUDE_JFR
  69 #include "jfr/jfr.hpp"
  70 #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
  71 #endif
  73 ClassLoaderData * ClassLoaderData::_the_null_class_loader_data = NULL;
  75 ClassLoaderData::ClassLoaderData(Handle h_class_loader, bool is_anonymous, Dependencies dependencies) :
  76   _class_loader(h_class_loader()),
  77   _is_anonymous(is_anonymous),
  78   // An anonymous class loader data doesn't have anything to keep
  79   // it from being unloaded during parsing of the anonymous class.
  80   // The null-class-loader should always be kept alive.
  81   _keep_alive(is_anonymous || h_class_loader.is_null()),
  82   _metaspace(NULL), _unloading(false), _klasses(NULL),
  83   _claimed(0), _jmethod_ids(NULL), _handles(), _deallocate_list(NULL),
  84   _next(NULL), _dependencies(dependencies),
  85   _metaspace_lock(new Mutex(Monitor::leaf+1, "Metaspace allocation lock", true)) {
  87   JFR_ONLY(INIT_ID(this);)
  88 }
  90 void ClassLoaderData::init_dependencies(TRAPS) {
  91   assert(!Universe::is_fully_initialized(), "should only be called when initializing");
  92   assert(is_the_null_class_loader_data(), "should only call this for the null class loader");
  93   _dependencies.init(CHECK);
  94 }
  96 void ClassLoaderData::Dependencies::init(TRAPS) {
  97   // Create empty dependencies array to add to. CMS requires this to be
  98   // an oop so that it can track additions via card marks.  We think.
  99   _list_head = oopFactory::new_objectArray(2, CHECK);
 100 }
 102 ClassLoaderData::ChunkedHandleList::~ChunkedHandleList() {
 103   Chunk* c = _head;
 104   while (c != NULL) {
 105     Chunk* next = c->_next;
 106     delete c;
 107     c = next;

 632     if (cld->keep_alive()) {
 633       cld->oops_do(f, klass_closure, must_claim);
 634     }
 635   }
 636 }
 638 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::always_strong_oops_do(OopClosure* f, KlassClosure* klass_closure, bool must_claim) {
 639   if (ClassUnloading) {
 640     keep_alive_oops_do(f, klass_closure, must_claim);
 641   } else {
 642     oops_do(f, klass_closure, must_claim);
 643   }
 644 }
 646 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::cld_do(CLDClosure* cl) {
 647   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _head; cl != NULL && cld != NULL; cld = cld->next()) {
 648     cl->do_cld(cld);
 649   }
 650 }
 652 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::cld_unloading_do(CLDClosure* cl) {
 653   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint!");
 654   // Only walk the head until any clds not purged from prior unloading
 655   // (CMS doesn't purge right away).
 656   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _unloading; cld != _saved_unloading; cld = cld->next()) {
 657     assert(cld->is_unloading(), "invariant");
 658     cl->do_cld(cld);
 659   }
 660 }
 662 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::roots_cld_do(CLDClosure* strong, CLDClosure* weak) {
 663   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _head;  cld != NULL; cld = cld->_next) {
 664     CLDClosure* closure = cld->keep_alive() ? strong : weak;
 665     if (closure != NULL) {
 666       closure->do_cld(cld);
 667     }
 668   }
 669 }
 671 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::keep_alive_cld_do(CLDClosure* cl) {
 672   roots_cld_do(cl, NULL);
 673 }
 675 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::always_strong_cld_do(CLDClosure* cl) {
 676   if (ClassUnloading) {
 677     keep_alive_cld_do(cl);
 678   } else {
 679     cld_do(cl);
 680   }
 681 }

 736   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _unloading; cld != NULL; cld = cld->next()) {
 737     if (cld->metaspace_or_null() != NULL && cld->metaspace_or_null()->contains(x)) {
 738       return true;
 739     }
 740   }
 741   return false;
 742 }
 744 #ifndef PRODUCT
 745 bool ClassLoaderDataGraph::contains_loader_data(ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
 746   for (ClassLoaderData* data = _head; data != NULL; data = data->next()) {
 747     if (loader_data == data) {
 748       return true;
 749     }
 750   }
 752   return false;
 753 }
 754 #endif // PRODUCT
 756 #if INCLUDE_JFR
 757 static Ticks class_unload_time;
 758 static void post_class_unload_event(Klass* const k) {
 759   assert(k != NULL, "invariant");
 760   EventClassUnload event(UNTIMED);
 761   event.set_endtime(class_unload_time);
 762   event.set_unloadedClass(k);
 763   event.set_definingClassLoader(k->class_loader_data());
 764   event.commit();
 765 }
 767 static void post_class_unload_events() {
 768   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint!");
 769   if (Jfr::is_enabled()) {
 770     if (EventClassUnload::is_enabled()) {
 771       class_unload_time = Ticks::now();
 772       ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_unloading_do(&post_class_unload_event);
 773     }
 774     Jfr::on_unloading_classes();
 775   }
 776 }
 777 #endif // INCLUDE_JFR
 779 // Move class loader data from main list to the unloaded list for unloading
 780 // and deallocation later.
 781 bool ClassLoaderDataGraph::do_unloading(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive_closure, bool clean_alive) {
 782   ClassLoaderData* data = _head;
 783   ClassLoaderData* prev = NULL;
 784   bool seen_dead_loader = false;
 786   // Save previous _unloading pointer for CMS which may add to unloading list before
 787   // purging and we don't want to rewalk the previously unloaded class loader data.
 788   _saved_unloading = _unloading;
 790   while (data != NULL) {
 791     if (data->is_alive(is_alive_closure)) {
 792       prev = data;
 793       data = data->next();
 794       continue;
 795     }
 796     seen_dead_loader = true;
 797     ClassLoaderData* dead = data;

 799     data = data->next();
 800     // Remove from loader list.
 801     // This class loader data will no longer be found
 802     // in the ClassLoaderDataGraph.
 803     if (prev != NULL) {
 804       prev->set_next(data);
 805     } else {
 806       assert(dead == _head, "sanity check");
 807       _head = data;
 808     }
 809     dead->set_next(_unloading);
 810     _unloading = dead;
 811   }
 813   if (clean_alive) {
 814     // Clean previous versions and the deallocate list.
 815     ClassLoaderDataGraph::clean_metaspaces();
 816   }
 818   if (seen_dead_loader) {
 819     JFR_ONLY(post_class_unload_events();)
 820   }
 822   return seen_dead_loader;
 823 }
 825 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::clean_metaspaces() {
 826   // mark metadata seen on the stack and code cache so we can delete unneeded entries.
 827   bool has_redefined_a_class = JvmtiExport::has_redefined_a_class();
 828   MetadataOnStackMark md_on_stack(has_redefined_a_class);
 830   if (has_redefined_a_class) {
 831     // purge_previous_versions also cleans weak method links. Because
 832     // one method's MDO can reference another method from another
 833     // class loader, we need to first clean weak method links for all
 834     // class loaders here. Below, we can then free redefined methods
 835     // for all class loaders.
 836     for (ClassLoaderData* data = _head; data != NULL; data = data->next()) {
 837       data->classes_do(InstanceKlass::purge_previous_versions);
 838     }
 839   }
 841   // Need to purge the previous version before deallocating.
 842   free_deallocate_lists();
 843 }
 845 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::purge() {
 846   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint!");
 847   ClassLoaderData* list = _unloading;
 848   _unloading = NULL;
 849   ClassLoaderData* next = list;
 850   while (next != NULL) {
 851     ClassLoaderData* purge_me = next;
 852     next = purge_me->next();
 853     delete purge_me;
 854   }
 855   Metaspace::purge();
 856 }

 858 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::free_deallocate_lists() {
 859   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _head; cld != NULL; cld = cld->next()) {
 860     // We need to keep this data until InstanceKlass::purge_previous_version has been
 861     // called on all alive classes. See the comment in ClassLoaderDataGraph::clean_metaspaces.
 862     cld->free_deallocate_list();
 863   }
 865   // In some rare cases items added to the unloading list will not be freed elsewhere.
 866   // To keep it simple, walk the _unloading list also.
 867   for (ClassLoaderData* cld = _unloading; cld != _saved_unloading; cld = cld->next()) {
 868     cld->free_deallocate_list();
 869   }
 870 }
 872 // CDS support
 874 // Global metaspaces for writing information to the shared archive.  When
 875 // application CDS is supported, we may need one per metaspace, so this
 876 // sort of looks like it.
 877 Metaspace* ClassLoaderData::_ro_metaspace = NULL;

 973     data->verify();
 974   }
 975 }
 977 void ClassLoaderDataGraph::dump_on(outputStream * const out) {
 978   for (ClassLoaderData* data = _head; data != NULL; data = data->next()) {
 979     data->dump(out);
 980   }
 981   MetaspaceAux::dump(out);
 982 }
 983 #endif // PRODUCT
 985 void ClassLoaderData::print_value_on(outputStream* out) const {
 986   if (class_loader() == NULL) {
 987     out->print("NULL class_loader");
 988   } else {
 989     out->print("class loader " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(this));
 990     class_loader()->print_value_on(out);
 991   }
 992 }

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