1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package jdk.jfr.internal;
  28 import static jdk.jfr.internal.LogLevel.INFO;
  29 import static jdk.jfr.internal.LogLevel.TRACE;
  30 import static jdk.jfr.internal.LogLevel.WARN;
  31 import static jdk.jfr.internal.LogTag.JFR;
  32 import static jdk.jfr.internal.LogTag.JFR_SYSTEM;
  34 import java.io.IOException;
  35 import java.security.AccessControlContext;
  36 import java.security.AccessController;
  37 import java.time.Duration;
  38 import java.time.Instant;
  39 import java.util.ArrayList;
  40 import java.util.Collections;
  41 import java.util.HashMap;
  42 import java.util.HashSet;
  43 import java.util.List;
  44 import java.util.Map;
  45 import java.util.Set;
  46 import java.util.Timer;
  47 import java.util.TimerTask;
  48 import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
  50 import jdk.jfr.EventType;
  51 import jdk.jfr.FlightRecorder;
  52 import jdk.jfr.FlightRecorderListener;
  53 import jdk.jfr.Recording;
  54 import jdk.jfr.RecordingState;
  55 import jdk.jfr.events.ActiveRecordingEvent;
  56 import jdk.jfr.events.ActiveSettingEvent;
  57 import jdk.jfr.internal.SecuritySupport.SecureRecorderListener;
  58 import jdk.jfr.internal.instrument.JDKEvents;
  60 public final class PlatformRecorder {
  62     private final List<PlatformRecording> recordings = new ArrayList<>();
  63     private final static List<SecureRecorderListener> changeListeners = new ArrayList<>();
  64     private final Repository repository;
  65     private final Timer timer;
  66     private final static JVM jvm = JVM.getJVM();
  67     private final EventType activeRecordingEvent;
  68     private final EventType activeSettingEvent;
  69     private final Thread shutdownHook;
  71     private long recordingCounter = 0;
  72     private RepositoryChunk currentChunk;
  74     public PlatformRecorder() throws Exception {
  75         repository = Repository.getRepository();
  76         Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Initialized disk repository");
  77         repository.ensureRepository();
  78         jvm.createNativeJFR();
  79         Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Created native");
  80         JDKEvents.initialize();
  81         Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, INFO, "Registered JDK events");
  82         JDKEvents.addInstrumentation();
  83         startDiskMonitor();
  84         SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ActiveRecordingEvent.class);
  85         activeRecordingEvent = EventType.getEventType(ActiveRecordingEvent.class);
  86         SecuritySupport.registerEvent(ActiveSettingEvent.class);
  87         activeSettingEvent = EventType.getEventType(ActiveSettingEvent.class);
  88         shutdownHook = SecuritySupport.createThreadWitNoPermissions("JFR: Shutdown Hook", new ShutdownHook(this));
  89         SecuritySupport.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(shutdownHook, new ShutdownHook.ExceptionHandler());
  90         SecuritySupport.registerShutdownHook(shutdownHook);
  91         timer = createTimer();
  92     }
  94     private static Timer createTimer() {
  95         try {
  96             List<Timer> result = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
  97             Thread t = SecuritySupport.createThreadWitNoPermissions("Permissionless thread", ()-> {
  98                 result.add(new Timer("JFR Recording Scheduler", true));
  99             });
 100             t.start();
 101             t.join();
 102             return result.get(0);
 103         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 104             throw new IllegalStateException("Not able to create timer task. " + e.getMessage(), e);
 105         }
 106     }
 108     public synchronized PlatformRecording newRecording(Map<String, String> settings) {
 109         return newRecording(settings, ++recordingCounter);
 110     }
 112     // To be used internally when doing dumps.
 113     // Caller must have recorder lock and close recording before releasing lock
 114     public PlatformRecording newTemporaryRecording() {
 115         if(!Thread.holdsLock(this)) {
 116             throw new InternalError("Caller must have recorder lock");
 117         }
 118         return newRecording(new HashMap<>(), 0);
 119     }
 121     private synchronized PlatformRecording newRecording(Map<String, String> settings, long id) {
 122         PlatformRecording recording = new PlatformRecording(this, id);
 123         if (!settings.isEmpty()) {
 124             recording.setSettings(settings);
 125         }
 126         recordings.add(recording);
 127         return recording;
 128     }
 130     synchronized void finish(PlatformRecording recording) {
 131         if (recording.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
 132             recording.stop("Recording closed");
 133         }
 134         recordings.remove(recording);
 135     }
 137     public synchronized List<PlatformRecording> getRecordings() {
 138         return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<PlatformRecording>(recordings));
 139     }
 141     public synchronized static void addListener(FlightRecorderListener changeListener) {
 142         AccessControlContext context = AccessController.getContext();
 143         SecureRecorderListener sl = new SecureRecorderListener(context, changeListener);
 144         boolean runInitialized;
 145         synchronized (PlatformRecorder.class) {
 146             runInitialized = FlightRecorder.isInitialized();
 147             changeListeners.add(sl);
 148         }
 149         if (runInitialized) {
 150             sl.recorderInitialized(FlightRecorder.getFlightRecorder());
 151         }
 152     }
 154     public synchronized static boolean removeListener(FlightRecorderListener changeListener) {
 155         for (SecureRecorderListener s : new ArrayList<>(changeListeners)) {
 156             if (s.getChangeListener() == changeListener) {
 157                 changeListeners.remove(s);
 158                 return true;
 159             }
 160         }
 161         return false;
 162     }
 164     static synchronized List<FlightRecorderListener> getListeners() {
 165         return new ArrayList<>(changeListeners);
 166     }
 168     Timer getTimer() {
 169         return timer;
 170     }
 172     public static void notifyRecorderInitialized(FlightRecorder recorder) {
 173         Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, TRACE, "Notifying listeners that Flight Recorder is initialized");
 174         for (FlightRecorderListener r : getListeners()) {
 175             r.recorderInitialized(recorder);
 176         }
 177     }
 179     // called by shutdown hook
 180     synchronized void destroy() {
 181         try {
 182             timer.cancel();
 183         } catch (Exception ex) {
 184             Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, WARN, "Shutdown hook could not cancel timer");
 185         }
 187         for (PlatformRecording p : getRecordings()) {
 188             if (p.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
 189                 try {
 190                     p.stop("Shutdown");
 191                 } catch (Exception ex) {
 192                     Logger.log(JFR, WARN, "Recording " + p.getName() + ":" + p.getId() + " could not be stopped");
 193                 }
 194             }
 195         }
 197         JDKEvents.remove();
 199         if (jvm.hasNativeJFR()) {
 200             if (jvm.isRecording()) {
 201                 jvm.endRecording_();
 202             }
 203             jvm.destroyNativeJFR();
 204         }
 205         repository.clear();
 206     }
 208     synchronized void start(PlatformRecording recording) {
 209         // State can only be NEW or DELAYED because of previous checks
 210         Instant now = Instant.now();
 211         recording.setStartTime(now);
 212         recording.updateTimer();
 213         Duration duration = recording.getDuration();
 214         if (duration != null) {
 215             recording.setStopTime(now.plus(duration));
 216         }
 217         boolean toDisk = recording.isToDisk();
 218         boolean beginPhysical = true;
 219         for (PlatformRecording s : getRecordings()) {
 220             if (s.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
 221                 beginPhysical = false;
 222                 if (s.isToDisk()) {
 223                     toDisk = true;
 224                 }
 225             }
 226         }
 227         if (beginPhysical) {
 228             RepositoryChunk newChunk = null;
 229             if (toDisk) {
 230                 newChunk = repository.newChunk(now);
 231                 MetadataRepository.getInstance().setOutput(newChunk.getUnfishedFile().toString());
 232             } else {
 233                 MetadataRepository.getInstance().setOutput(null);
 234             }
 235             currentChunk = newChunk;
 236             jvm.beginRecording_();
 237             recording.setState(RecordingState.RUNNING);
 238             updateSettings();
 239             writeMetaEvents();
 240         } else {
 241             RepositoryChunk newChunk = null;
 242             if (toDisk) {
 243                 newChunk = repository.newChunk(now);
 244                 RequestEngine.doChunkEnd();
 245                 MetadataRepository.getInstance().setOutput(newChunk.getUnfishedFile().toString());
 246             }
 247             recording.setState(RecordingState.RUNNING);
 248             updateSettings();
 249             writeMetaEvents();
 250             if (currentChunk != null) {
 251                 finishChunk(currentChunk, now, recording);
 252             }
 253             currentChunk = newChunk;
 254         }
 256         RequestEngine.doChunkBegin();
 257     }
 259     synchronized void stop(PlatformRecording recording) {
 260         RecordingState state = recording.getState();
 262         if (Utils.isAfter(state, RecordingState.RUNNING)) {
 263             throw new IllegalStateException("Can't stop an already stopped recording.");
 264         }
 265         if (Utils.isBefore(state, RecordingState.RUNNING)) {
 266             throw new IllegalStateException("Recording must be started before it can be stopped.");
 267         }
 268         Instant now = Instant.now();
 269         boolean toDisk = false;
 270         boolean endPhysical = true;
 271         for (PlatformRecording s : getRecordings()) {
 272             RecordingState rs = s.getState();
 273             if (s != recording && RecordingState.RUNNING == rs) {
 274                 endPhysical = false;
 275                 if (s.isToDisk()) {
 276                     toDisk = true;
 277                 }
 278             }
 279         }
 280         OldObjectSample.emit(recording);
 282         if (endPhysical) {
 283             RequestEngine.doChunkEnd();
 284             if (recording.isToDisk()) {
 285                 if (currentChunk != null) {
 286                     MetadataRepository.getInstance().setOutput(null);
 287                     finishChunk(currentChunk, now, null);
 288                     currentChunk = null;
 289                 }
 290             } else {
 291                 // last memory
 292                 dumpMemoryToDestination(recording);
 293             }
 294             jvm.endRecording_();
 295             disableEvents();
 296         } else {
 297             RepositoryChunk newChunk = null;
 298             RequestEngine.doChunkEnd();
 299             updateSettingsButIgnoreRecording(recording);
 300             if (toDisk) {
 301                 newChunk = repository.newChunk(now);
 302                 MetadataRepository.getInstance().setOutput(newChunk.getUnfishedFile().toString());
 303             } else {
 304                 MetadataRepository.getInstance().setOutput(null);
 305             }
 306             writeMetaEvents();
 307             if (currentChunk != null) {
 308                 finishChunk(currentChunk, now, null);
 309             }
 310             currentChunk = newChunk;
 311             RequestEngine.doChunkBegin();
 312         }
 313         recording.setState(RecordingState.STOPPED);
 314     }
 316     private void dumpMemoryToDestination(PlatformRecording recording)  {
 317         WriteableUserPath dest = recording.getDestination();
 318         if (dest != null) {
 319             MetadataRepository.getInstance().setOutput(dest.getText());
 320             recording.clearDestination();
 321         }
 322     }
 323     private void disableEvents() {
 324         MetadataRepository.getInstance().disableEvents();
 325     }
 327     void updateSettings() {
 328         updateSettingsButIgnoreRecording(null);
 329     }
 331     void updateSettingsButIgnoreRecording(PlatformRecording ignoreMe) {
 332         List<PlatformRecording> recordings = getRunningRecordings();
 333         List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>(recordings.size());
 334         for (PlatformRecording r : recordings) {
 335             if (r != ignoreMe) {
 336                 list.add(r.getSettings());
 337             }
 338         }
 339         MetadataRepository.getInstance().setSettings(list);
 340     }
 342     synchronized void rotateDisk() {
 343         Instant now = Instant.now();
 344         RepositoryChunk newChunk = repository.newChunk(now);
 345         RequestEngine.doChunkEnd();
 346         MetadataRepository.getInstance().setOutput(newChunk.getUnfishedFile().toString());
 347         writeMetaEvents();
 348         if (currentChunk != null) {
 349             finishChunk(currentChunk, now, null);
 350         }
 351         currentChunk = newChunk;
 352         RequestEngine.doChunkBegin();
 353     }
 355     private List<PlatformRecording> getRunningRecordings() {
 356         List<PlatformRecording> runningRecordings = new ArrayList<>();
 357         for (PlatformRecording recording : getRecordings()) {
 358             if (recording.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
 359                 runningRecordings.add(recording);
 360             }
 361         }
 362         return runningRecordings;
 363     }
 365     private List<RepositoryChunk> makeChunkList(Instant startTime, Instant endTime) {
 366         Set<RepositoryChunk> chunkSet = new HashSet<>();
 367         for (PlatformRecording r : getRecordings()) {
 368             chunkSet.addAll(r.getChunks());
 369         }
 370         if (chunkSet.size() > 0) {
 371             List<RepositoryChunk> chunks = new ArrayList<>(chunkSet.size());
 372             for (RepositoryChunk rc : chunkSet) {
 373                 if (rc.inInterval(startTime, endTime)) {
 374                     chunks.add(rc);
 375                 }
 376             }
 377             // n*log(n), should be able to do n*log(k) with a priority queue,
 378             // where k = number of recordings, n = number of chunks
 379             Collections.sort(chunks, RepositoryChunk.END_TIME_COMPARATOR);
 380             return chunks;
 381         }
 383         return Collections.emptyList();
 384     }
 386     private void startDiskMonitor() {
 387         Thread t = SecuritySupport.createThreadWitNoPermissions("JFR Periodic Tasks", () -> periodicTask());
 388         SecuritySupport.setDaemonThread(t, true);
 389         t.start();
 390     }
 392     private void finishChunk(RepositoryChunk chunk, Instant time, PlatformRecording ignoreMe) {
 393         chunk.finish(time);
 394         for (PlatformRecording r : getRecordings()) {
 395             if (r != ignoreMe && r.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
 396                 r.appendChunk(chunk);
 397             }
 398         }
 399     }
 401     private void writeMetaEvents() {
 403         if (activeRecordingEvent.isEnabled()) {
 404             for (PlatformRecording r : getRecordings()) {
 405                 if (r.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING && r.shouldWriteMetadataEvent()) {
 406                     ActiveRecordingEvent event = new ActiveRecordingEvent();
 407                     event.id = r.getId();
 408                     event.name = r.getName();
 409                     WriteableUserPath p = r.getDestination();
 410                     event.destination = p == null ? null : p.getText();
 411                     Duration d = r.getDuration();
 412                     event.recordingDuration = d == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : d.toMillis();
 413                     Duration age = r.getMaxAge();
 414                     event.maxAge = age == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : age.toMillis();
 415                     Long size = r.getMaxSize();
 416                     event.maxSize = size == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : size;
 417                     Instant start = r.getStartTime();
 418                     event.recordingStart = start == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : start.toEpochMilli();
 419                     event.commit();
 420                 }
 421             }
 422         }
 423         if (activeSettingEvent.isEnabled()) {
 424             for (EventControl ec : MetadataRepository.getInstance().getEventControls()) {
 425                 ec.writeActiveSettingEvent();
 426             }
 427         }
 428     }
 430     private void periodicTask() {
 431         while (true) {
 432             synchronized (this) {
 433                 if (!jvm.hasNativeJFR()) {
 434                     return;
 435                 }
 436                 if (currentChunk != null) {
 437                     try {
 438                         if (SecuritySupport.getFileSize(currentChunk.getUnfishedFile()) > Options.getMaxChunkSize()) {
 439                             rotateDisk();
 440                         }
 441                     } catch (IOException e) {
 442                         Logger.log(JFR_SYSTEM, WARN, "Could not check file size to determine chunk rotation");
 443                     }
 444                 }
 445             }
 446             long minDelta = RequestEngine.doPeriodic();
 447             long wait = Math.min(minDelta, Options.getWaitInterval());
 448             takeNap(wait);
 449         }
 450     }
 452     private void takeNap(long duration) {
 453         try {
 454             synchronized (JVM.FILE_DELTA_CHANGE) {
 455                 JVM.FILE_DELTA_CHANGE.wait(duration < 10 ? 10 : duration);
 456             }
 457         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 458             e.printStackTrace();
 459         }
 460     }
 462     synchronized Recording newCopy(PlatformRecording r, boolean stop) {
 463         Recording newRec = new Recording();
 464         PlatformRecording copy = PrivateAccess.getInstance().getPlatformRecording(newRec);
 465         copy.setSettings(r.getSettings());
 466         copy.setMaxAge(r.getMaxAge());
 467         copy.setMaxSize(r.getMaxSize());
 468         copy.setDumpOnExit(r.getDumpOnExit());
 469         copy.setName("Clone of " + r.getName());
 470         copy.setToDisk(r.isToDisk());
 471         copy.setInternalDuration(r.getDuration());
 472         copy.setStartTime(r.getStartTime());
 473         copy.setStopTime(r.getStopTime());
 475         if (r.getState() == RecordingState.NEW) {
 476             return newRec;
 477         }
 478         if (r.getState() == RecordingState.DELAYED) {
 479             copy.scheduleStart(r.getStartTime());
 480             return newRec;
 481         }
 482         copy.setState(r.getState());
 483         // recording has started, copy chunks
 484         for (RepositoryChunk c : r.getChunks()) {
 485             copy.add(c);
 486         }
 487         if (r.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
 488             if (stop) {
 489                 copy.stop("Stopped when cloning recording '" + r.getName() + "'");
 490             } else {
 491                 if (r.getStopTime() != null) {
 492                     TimerTask stopTask = copy.createStopTask();
 493                     copy.setStopTask(copy.createStopTask());
 494                     getTimer().schedule(stopTask, r.getStopTime().toEpochMilli());
 495                 }
 496             }
 497         }
 498         return newRec;
 499     }
 501     public synchronized void fillWithRecordedData(PlatformRecording target, Boolean pathToGcRoots) {
 502         boolean running = false;
 503         boolean toDisk = false;
 505         for (PlatformRecording r : recordings) {
 506             if (r.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
 507                 running = true;
 508                 if (r.isToDisk()) {
 509                     toDisk = true;
 510                 }
 511             }
 512         }
 513         // If needed, flush data from memory
 514         if (running) {
 515             if (toDisk) {
 516                 OldObjectSample.emit(recordings, pathToGcRoots);
 517                 rotateDisk();
 518             } else {
 519                 try (PlatformRecording snapshot = newTemporaryRecording()) {
 520                     snapshot.setToDisk(true);
 521                     snapshot.setShouldWriteActiveRecordingEvent(false);
 522                     snapshot.start();
 523                     OldObjectSample.emit(recordings, pathToGcRoots);
 524                     snapshot.stop("Snapshot dump");
 525                     fillWithDiskChunks(target);
 526                 }
 527                 return;
 528             }
 529         }
 530         fillWithDiskChunks(target);
 531     }
 533     private void fillWithDiskChunks(PlatformRecording target) {
 534         for (RepositoryChunk c : makeChunkList(null, null)) {
 535             target.add(c);
 536         }
 537         target.setState(RecordingState.STOPPED);
 538         Instant startTime = null;
 539         Instant endTime = null;
 541         for (RepositoryChunk c : target.getChunks()) {
 542             if (startTime == null || c.getStartTime().isBefore(startTime)) {
 543                 startTime = c.getStartTime();
 544             }
 545             if (endTime == null || c.getEndTime().isAfter(endTime)) {
 546                 endTime = c.getEndTime();
 547             }
 548         }
 549         Instant now = Instant.now();
 550         if (startTime == null) {
 551             startTime = now;
 552         }
 553         if (endTime == null) {
 554             endTime = now;
 555         }
 556         target.setStartTime(startTime);
 557         target.setStopTime(endTime);
 558         target.setInternalDuration(Duration.between(startTime, endTime));
 559     }
 560 }