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rev 59478 : 8245986: AArch64: Provide information when hitting a HaltNode
Reviewed-by: adinn

  43 #include "oops/klass.inline.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/biasedLocking.hpp"
  45 #include "runtime/icache.hpp"
  46 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp"
  47 #include "runtime/jniHandles.inline.hpp"
  48 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  49 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  50 #include "utilities/powerOfTwo.hpp"
  51 #ifdef COMPILER1
  52 #include "c1/c1_LIRAssembler.hpp"
  53 #endif
  54 #ifdef COMPILER2
  55 #include "oops/oop.hpp"
  56 #include "opto/compile.hpp"
  57 #include "opto/node.hpp"
  58 #include "opto/output.hpp"
  59 #endif
  61 #ifdef PRODUCT
  62 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) /* nothing */
  63 #define STOP(error) stop(error)
  64 #else
  65 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) block_comment(str)
  66 #define STOP(error) block_comment(error); stop(error)
  67 #endif
  69 #define BIND(label) bind(label); BLOCK_COMMENT(#label ":")
  71 // Patch any kind of instruction; there may be several instructions.
  72 // Return the total length (in bytes) of the instructions.
  73 int MacroAssembler::pd_patch_instruction_size(address branch, address target) {
  74   int instructions = 1;
  75   assert((uint64_t)target < (1ul << 48), "48-bit overflow in address constant");
  76   long offset = (target - branch) >> 2;
  77   unsigned insn = *(unsigned*)branch;
  78   if ((Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 29, 24) & 0b111011) == 0b011000) {
  79     // Load register (literal)
  80     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 23, 5, offset);
  81   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 26) == 0b00101) {
  82     // Unconditional branch (immediate)
  83     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 25, 0, offset);
  84   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 25) == 0b0101010) {
  85     // Conditional branch (immediate)
  86     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 23, 5, offset);
  87   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 25) == 0b011010) {
  88     // Compare & branch (immediate)

2206   Label done, not_weak;
2207   cbz(value, done);           // Use NULL as-is.
2209   STATIC_ASSERT(JNIHandles::weak_tag_mask == 1u);
2210   tbz(r0, 0, not_weak);    // Test for jweak tag.
2212   // Resolve jweak.
2213   access_load_at(T_OBJECT, IN_NATIVE | ON_PHANTOM_OOP_REF, value,
2214                  Address(value, -JNIHandles::weak_tag_value), tmp, thread);
2215   verify_oop(value);
2216   b(done);
2218   bind(not_weak);
2219   // Resolve (untagged) jobject.
2220   access_load_at(T_OBJECT, IN_NATIVE, value, Address(value, 0), tmp, thread);
2221   verify_oop(value);
2222   bind(done);
2223 }
2225 void MacroAssembler::stop(const char* msg) {
2226   address ip = pc();
2227   pusha();
2228   mov(c_rarg0, (address)msg);
2229   mov(c_rarg1, (address)ip);
2230   mov(c_rarg2, sp);
2231   mov(c_rarg3, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, MacroAssembler::debug64));
2232   blr(c_rarg3);
2233   hlt(0);
2234 }
2236 void MacroAssembler::warn(const char* msg) {
2237   pusha();
2238   mov(c_rarg0, (address)msg);
2239   mov(lr, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, warning));
2240   blr(lr);
2241   popa();
2242 }
2244 void MacroAssembler::unimplemented(const char* what) {
2245   const char* buf = NULL;
2246   {
2247     ResourceMark rm;
2248     stringStream ss;
2249     ss.print("unimplemented: %s", what);
2250     buf = code_string(ss.as_string());
2251   }
2252   stop(buf);
2253 }
2255 // If a constant does not fit in an immediate field, generate some
2256 // number of MOV instructions and then perform the operation.
2257 void MacroAssembler::wrap_add_sub_imm_insn(Register Rd, Register Rn, unsigned imm,
2258                                            add_sub_imm_insn insn1,
2259                                            add_sub_reg_insn insn2) {
2260   assert(Rd != zr, "Rd = zr and not setting flags?");
2261   if (operand_valid_for_add_sub_immediate((int)imm)) {

  43 #include "oops/klass.inline.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/biasedLocking.hpp"
  45 #include "runtime/icache.hpp"
  46 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp"
  47 #include "runtime/jniHandles.inline.hpp"
  48 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  49 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  50 #include "utilities/powerOfTwo.hpp"
  51 #ifdef COMPILER1
  52 #include "c1/c1_LIRAssembler.hpp"
  53 #endif
  54 #ifdef COMPILER2
  55 #include "oops/oop.hpp"
  56 #include "opto/compile.hpp"
  57 #include "opto/node.hpp"
  58 #include "opto/output.hpp"
  59 #endif
  61 #ifdef PRODUCT
  62 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) /* nothing */

  63 #else
  64 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) block_comment(str)

  65 #endif
  66 #define STOP(str) stop(str);
  67 #define BIND(label) bind(label); BLOCK_COMMENT(#label ":")
  69 // Patch any kind of instruction; there may be several instructions.
  70 // Return the total length (in bytes) of the instructions.
  71 int MacroAssembler::pd_patch_instruction_size(address branch, address target) {
  72   int instructions = 1;
  73   assert((uint64_t)target < (1ul << 48), "48-bit overflow in address constant");
  74   long offset = (target - branch) >> 2;
  75   unsigned insn = *(unsigned*)branch;
  76   if ((Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 29, 24) & 0b111011) == 0b011000) {
  77     // Load register (literal)
  78     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 23, 5, offset);
  79   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 26) == 0b00101) {
  80     // Unconditional branch (immediate)
  81     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 25, 0, offset);
  82   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 31, 25) == 0b0101010) {
  83     // Conditional branch (immediate)
  84     Instruction_aarch64::spatch(branch, 23, 5, offset);
  85   } else if (Instruction_aarch64::extract(insn, 30, 25) == 0b011010) {
  86     // Compare & branch (immediate)

2204   Label done, not_weak;
2205   cbz(value, done);           // Use NULL as-is.
2207   STATIC_ASSERT(JNIHandles::weak_tag_mask == 1u);
2208   tbz(r0, 0, not_weak);    // Test for jweak tag.
2210   // Resolve jweak.
2211   access_load_at(T_OBJECT, IN_NATIVE | ON_PHANTOM_OOP_REF, value,
2212                  Address(value, -JNIHandles::weak_tag_value), tmp, thread);
2213   verify_oop(value);
2214   b(done);
2216   bind(not_weak);
2217   // Resolve (untagged) jobject.
2218   access_load_at(T_OBJECT, IN_NATIVE, value, Address(value, 0), tmp, thread);
2219   verify_oop(value);
2220   bind(done);
2221 }
2223 void MacroAssembler::stop(const char* msg) {
2224   BLOCK_COMMENT(msg);
2225   dcps1(0xdeae);
2226   emit_int64((uintptr_t)msg);

2227 }
2229 void MacroAssembler::unimplemented(const char* what) {
2230   const char* buf = NULL;
2231   {
2232     ResourceMark rm;
2233     stringStream ss;
2234     ss.print("unimplemented: %s", what);
2235     buf = code_string(ss.as_string());
2236   }
2237   stop(buf);
2238 }
2240 // If a constant does not fit in an immediate field, generate some
2241 // number of MOV instructions and then perform the operation.
2242 void MacroAssembler::wrap_add_sub_imm_insn(Register Rd, Register Rn, unsigned imm,
2243                                            add_sub_imm_insn insn1,
2244                                            add_sub_reg_insn insn2) {
2245   assert(Rd != zr, "Rd = zr and not setting flags?");
2246   if (operand_valid_for_add_sub_immediate((int)imm)) {

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