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rev 10066 : 8088205: [Mac] WebView renders icons instead of letters on some sites
rev 9951 : 8161705: Rename directories under modules to exactly match the module names
Reviewed-by: kcr, vadim

*** 61,70 **** --- 61,71 ---- static final native void CGRectApplyAffineTransform(CGRect rect, CGAffineTransform t); static final native Path2D CGPathApply(long path); static final native CGRect CGPathGetPathBoundingBox(long path); static final native long CFStringCreateWithCharacters(long alloc, char[] chars, long start, long numChars); static final native String CTFontCopyAttributeDisplayName(long font); + static final native long CTFontCreate(long fileName, long psName, double size, CGAffineTransform matrix); static final native void CTFontDrawGlyphs(long font, short glyphs, double x, double y, long context); static final native double CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(long font, int orientation, short glyphs, CGSize advances); static final native boolean CTFontGetBoundingRectForGlyphUsingTables(long font, short glyphs, short format, int[] retArr); static final native int CTRunGetGlyphs(long run, int slotMask, int start, int[] buffer); static final native int CTRunGetStringIndices(long run, int start, int[] buffer);
*** 96,106 **** static final native void CGContextTranslateCTM(long context, double tx, double ty); static final native long CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray(); static final native long CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); static final native void CGColorSpaceRelease(long space); static final native void CGPathRelease(long path); - static final native long CTFontCreateWithName(long name, double size, CGAffineTransform matrix); static final native long CTFontCreatePathForGlyph(long font, short glyph, CGAffineTransform matrix); static final native boolean CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL(long fontURL, int scope, long error); static final native long CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(long string); static final native long CTLineGetGlyphRuns(long line); static final native long CTLineGetGlyphCount(long line); --- 97,106 ----
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