/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.javafx.sg.prism; import javafx.geometry.VPos; import javafx.scene.text.Font; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import java.util.LinkedList; import com.sun.javafx.font.PGFont; import com.sun.javafx.geom.Arc2D; import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds; import com.sun.javafx.geom.DirtyRegionContainer; import com.sun.javafx.geom.DirtyRegionPool; import com.sun.javafx.geom.Path2D; import com.sun.javafx.geom.PathIterator; import com.sun.javafx.geom.RectBounds; import com.sun.javafx.geom.Rectangle; import com.sun.javafx.geom.RoundRectangle2D; import com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape; import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Affine2D; import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform; import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.NoninvertibleTransformException; import com.sun.javafx.scene.text.FontHelper; import com.sun.javafx.text.PrismTextLayout; import com.sun.javafx.tk.RenderJob; import com.sun.javafx.tk.ScreenConfigurationAccessor; import com.sun.javafx.tk.Toolkit; import com.sun.prism.BasicStroke; import com.sun.prism.CompositeMode; import com.sun.prism.Graphics; import com.sun.prism.GraphicsPipeline; import com.sun.prism.Image; import com.sun.prism.MaskTextureGraphics; import com.sun.prism.PrinterGraphics; import com.sun.prism.RTTexture; import com.sun.prism.ResourceFactory; import com.sun.prism.Texture; import com.sun.prism.Texture.WrapMode; import com.sun.prism.paint.Color; import com.sun.prism.paint.Paint; import com.sun.scenario.effect.Blend; import com.sun.scenario.effect.Blend.Mode; import com.sun.scenario.effect.Effect; import com.sun.scenario.effect.FilterContext; import com.sun.scenario.effect.Filterable; import com.sun.scenario.effect.ImageData; import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.prism.PrDrawable; import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.prism.PrFilterContext; import com.sun.scenario.effect.impl.prism.PrTexture; import javafx.scene.text.FontSmoothingType; /** */ public class NGCanvas extends NGNode { public static final byte ATTR_BASE = 0; public static final byte GLOBAL_ALPHA = ATTR_BASE + 0; public static final byte COMP_MODE = ATTR_BASE + 1; public static final byte FILL_PAINT = ATTR_BASE + 2; public static final byte STROKE_PAINT = ATTR_BASE + 3; public static final byte LINE_WIDTH = ATTR_BASE + 4; public static final byte LINE_CAP = ATTR_BASE + 5; public static final byte LINE_JOIN = ATTR_BASE + 6; public static final byte MITER_LIMIT = ATTR_BASE + 7; public static final byte FONT = ATTR_BASE + 8; public static final byte TEXT_ALIGN = ATTR_BASE + 9; public static final byte TEXT_BASELINE = ATTR_BASE + 10; public static final byte TRANSFORM = ATTR_BASE + 11; public static final byte EFFECT = ATTR_BASE + 12; public static final byte PUSH_CLIP = ATTR_BASE + 13; public static final byte POP_CLIP = ATTR_BASE + 14; public static final byte ARC_TYPE = ATTR_BASE + 15; public static final byte FILL_RULE = ATTR_BASE + 16; public static final byte DASH_ARRAY = ATTR_BASE + 17; public static final byte DASH_OFFSET = ATTR_BASE + 18; public static final byte FONT_SMOOTH = ATTR_BASE + 19; public static final byte IMAGE_SMOOTH = ATTR_BASE + 20; public static final byte OP_BASE = 25; public static final byte FILL_RECT = OP_BASE + 0; public static final byte STROKE_RECT = OP_BASE + 1; public static final byte CLEAR_RECT = OP_BASE + 2; public static final byte STROKE_LINE = OP_BASE + 3; public static final byte FILL_OVAL = OP_BASE + 4; public static final byte STROKE_OVAL = OP_BASE + 5; public static final byte FILL_ROUND_RECT = OP_BASE + 6; public static final byte STROKE_ROUND_RECT = OP_BASE + 7; public static final byte FILL_ARC = OP_BASE + 8; public static final byte STROKE_ARC = OP_BASE + 9; public static final byte FILL_TEXT = OP_BASE + 10; public static final byte STROKE_TEXT = OP_BASE + 11; public static final byte PATH_BASE = 40; public static final byte PATHSTART = PATH_BASE + 0; public static final byte MOVETO = PATH_BASE + 1; public static final byte LINETO = PATH_BASE + 2; public static final byte QUADTO = PATH_BASE + 3; public static final byte CUBICTO = PATH_BASE + 4; public static final byte CLOSEPATH = PATH_BASE + 5; public static final byte PATHEND = PATH_BASE + 6; public static final byte FILL_PATH = PATH_BASE + 7; public static final byte STROKE_PATH = PATH_BASE + 8; public static final byte IMG_BASE = 50; public static final byte DRAW_IMAGE = IMG_BASE + 0; public static final byte DRAW_SUBIMAGE = IMG_BASE + 1; public static final byte PUT_ARGB = IMG_BASE + 2; public static final byte PUT_ARGBPRE_BUF = IMG_BASE + 3; public static final byte FX_BASE = 60; public static final byte FX_APPLY_EFFECT = FX_BASE + 0; public static final byte UTIL_BASE = 70; public static final byte RESET = UTIL_BASE + 0; public static final byte SET_DIMS = UTIL_BASE + 1; public static final byte CAP_BUTT = 0; public static final byte CAP_ROUND = 1; public static final byte CAP_SQUARE = 2; public static final byte JOIN_MITER = 0; public static final byte JOIN_ROUND = 1; public static final byte JOIN_BEVEL = 2; public static final byte ARC_OPEN = 0; public static final byte ARC_CHORD = 1; public static final byte ARC_PIE = 2; public static final byte SMOOTH_GRAY = (byte) FontSmoothingType.GRAY.ordinal(); public static final byte SMOOTH_LCD = (byte) FontSmoothingType.LCD.ordinal(); public static final byte ALIGN_LEFT = 0; public static final byte ALIGN_CENTER = 1; public static final byte ALIGN_RIGHT = 2; public static final byte ALIGN_JUSTIFY = 3; public static final byte BASE_TOP = 0; public static final byte BASE_MIDDLE = 1; public static final byte BASE_ALPHABETIC = 2; public static final byte BASE_BOTTOM = 3; public static final byte FILL_RULE_NON_ZERO = 0; public static final byte FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD = 1; static enum InitType { CLEAR, FILL_WHITE, PRESERVE_UPPER_LEFT } static class RenderBuf { final InitType init_type; RTTexture tex; Graphics g; EffectInput input; private PixelData savedPixelData = null; public RenderBuf(InitType init_type) { this.init_type = init_type; } public void dispose() { if (tex != null) tex.dispose(); tex = null; g = null; input = null; } public boolean validate(Graphics resg, int tw, int th) { int cw, ch; boolean create; if (tex == null) { cw = ch = 0; create = true; } else { cw = tex.getContentWidth(); ch = tex.getContentHeight(); tex.lock(); create = tex.isSurfaceLost() || cw < tw || ch < th; } if (create) { RTTexture oldtex = tex; ResourceFactory factory = (resg == null) ? GraphicsPipeline.getDefaultResourceFactory() : resg.getResourceFactory(); RTTexture newtex = factory.createRTTexture(tw, th, WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_ZERO); this.tex = newtex; this.g = newtex.createGraphics(); this.input = new EffectInput(newtex); if (oldtex != null) { if (init_type == InitType.PRESERVE_UPPER_LEFT) { g.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC); if (oldtex.isSurfaceLost()) { if (savedPixelData != null) { savedPixelData.restore(g, cw, ch); } } else { g.drawTexture(oldtex, 0, 0, cw, ch); } g.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC_OVER); } oldtex.unlock(); oldtex.dispose(); } if (init_type == InitType.FILL_WHITE) { g.clear(Color.WHITE); } return true; } else { if (this.g == null) { this.g = tex.createGraphics(); if (this.g == null) { tex.dispose(); ResourceFactory factory = (resg == null) ? GraphicsPipeline.getDefaultResourceFactory() : resg.getResourceFactory(); tex = factory.createRTTexture(tw, th, WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_ZERO); this.g = tex.createGraphics(); this.input = new EffectInput(tex); if (savedPixelData != null) { g.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC); savedPixelData.restore(g, tw, th); g.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC_OVER); } else if (init_type == InitType.FILL_WHITE) { g.clear(Color.WHITE); } return true; } } } if (init_type == InitType.CLEAR) { g.clear(); } return false; } private void save(int tw, int th) { if (tex.isVolatile()) { if (savedPixelData == null) { savedPixelData = new PixelData(tw, th); } savedPixelData.save(tex); } } } // Saved pixel data used to preserve the image that backs the canvas if the // RTT is volatile. private static class PixelData { private IntBuffer pixels = null; private boolean validPixels = false; private int cw, ch; private PixelData(int cw, int ch) { this.cw = cw; this.ch = ch; pixels = IntBuffer.allocate(cw*ch); } private void save(RTTexture tex) { int tw = tex.getContentWidth(); int th = tex.getContentHeight(); if (cw < tw || ch < th) { cw = tw; ch = th; pixels = IntBuffer.allocate(cw*ch); } pixels.rewind(); tex.readPixels(pixels); validPixels = true; } private void restore(Graphics g, int tw, int th) { if (validPixels) { Image img = Image.fromIntArgbPreData(pixels, tw, th); ResourceFactory factory = g.getResourceFactory(); Texture tempTex = factory.createTexture(img, Texture.Usage.DEFAULT, Texture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); g.drawTexture(tempTex, 0, 0, tw, th); tempTex.dispose(); } } } private static Blend BLENDER = new MyBlend(Mode.SRC_OVER, null, null); private GrowableDataBuffer thebuf; private final float highestPixelScale; private int tw, th; private int cw, ch; private RenderBuf cv; private RenderBuf temp; private RenderBuf clip; private float globalAlpha; private Blend.Mode blendmode; private Paint fillPaint, strokePaint; private float linewidth; private int linecap, linejoin; private float miterlimit; private double[] dashes; private float dashOffset; private BasicStroke stroke; private Path2D path; private NGText ngtext; private PrismTextLayout textLayout; private PGFont pgfont; private int smoothing; private boolean imageSmoothing; private int align; private int baseline; private Affine2D transform; private Affine2D inverseTransform; private boolean inversedirty; private LinkedList clipStack; private int clipsRendered; private boolean clipIsRect; private Rectangle clipRect; private Effect effect; private int arctype; static float TEMP_COORDS[] = new float[6]; private static Arc2D TEMP_ARC = new Arc2D(); private static RectBounds TEMP_RECTBOUNDS = new RectBounds(); public NGCanvas() { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getToolkit(); ScreenConfigurationAccessor screenAccessor = tk.getScreenConfigurationAccessor(); float hPS = 1.0f; for (Object screen : tk.getScreens()) { hPS = Math.max(screenAccessor.getRecommendedOutputScaleX(screen), hPS); hPS = Math.max(screenAccessor.getRecommendedOutputScaleY(screen), hPS); } highestPixelScale = (float) Math.ceil(hPS); cv = new RenderBuf(InitType.PRESERVE_UPPER_LEFT); temp = new RenderBuf(InitType.CLEAR); clip = new RenderBuf(InitType.FILL_WHITE); path = new Path2D(); ngtext = new NGText(); textLayout = new PrismTextLayout(); transform = new Affine2D(); clipStack = new LinkedList(); initAttributes(); } private void initAttributes() { globalAlpha = 1.0f; blendmode = Mode.SRC_OVER; fillPaint = Color.BLACK; strokePaint = Color.BLACK; linewidth = 1.0f; linecap = BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE; linejoin = BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER; miterlimit = 10f; dashes = null; dashOffset = 0.0f; stroke = null; path.setWindingRule(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); // ngtext stores no state between render operations // textLayout stores no state between render operations pgfont = (PGFont) FontHelper.getNativeFont(Font.getDefault()); smoothing = SMOOTH_GRAY; imageSmoothing = true; align = ALIGN_LEFT; baseline = VPos.BASELINE.ordinal(); transform.setToScale(highestPixelScale, highestPixelScale); clipStack.clear(); resetClip(false); } static final Affine2D TEMP_PATH_TX = new Affine2D(); static final int numCoords[] = { 2, 2, 4, 6, 0 }; Shape untransformedPath = new Shape() { @Override public RectBounds getBounds() { if (transform.isTranslateOrIdentity()) { RectBounds rb = path.getBounds(); if (transform.isIdentity()) { return rb; } else { float tx = (float) transform.getMxt(); float ty = (float) transform.getMyt(); return new RectBounds(rb.getMinX() - tx, rb.getMinY() - ty, rb.getMaxX() - tx, rb.getMaxY() - ty); } } // We could use Shape.accumulate, but that method optimizes the // bounds for curves and the optimized code above will simply ask // the path for its bounds - which in this case of a Path2D would // simply accumulate all of the coordinates in the buffer. So, // we write a simpler accumulator loop here to be consistent with // the optimized case above. float x0 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float y0 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float x1 = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float y1 = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; PathIterator pi = path.getPathIterator(getInverseTransform()); while (!pi.isDone()) { int ncoords = numCoords[pi.currentSegment(TEMP_COORDS)]; for (int i = 0; i < ncoords; i += 2) { if (x0 > TEMP_COORDS[i+0]) x0 = TEMP_COORDS[i+0]; if (x1 < TEMP_COORDS[i+0]) x1 = TEMP_COORDS[i+0]; if (y0 > TEMP_COORDS[i+1]) y0 = TEMP_COORDS[i+1]; if (y1 < TEMP_COORDS[i+1]) y1 = TEMP_COORDS[i+1]; } pi.next(); } return new RectBounds(x0, y0, x1, y1); } @Override public boolean contains(float x, float y) { TEMP_COORDS[0] = x; TEMP_COORDS[1] = y; transform.transform(TEMP_COORDS, 0, TEMP_COORDS, 0, 1); x = TEMP_COORDS[0]; y = TEMP_COORDS[1]; return path.contains(x, y); } @Override public boolean intersects(float x, float y, float w, float h) { if (transform.isTranslateOrIdentity()) { x += transform.getMxt(); y += transform.getMyt(); return path.intersects(x, y, w, h); } PathIterator pi = path.getPathIterator(getInverseTransform()); int crossings = Shape.rectCrossingsForPath(pi, x, y, x+w, y+h); // int mask = (windingRule == WIND_NON_ZERO ? -1 : 2); // return (crossings == Shape.RECT_INTERSECTS || // (crossings & mask) != 0); // with wind == NON_ZERO, then mask == -1 and // since REC_INTERSECTS != 0, we simplify to: return (crossings != 0); } @Override public boolean contains(float x, float y, float w, float h) { if (transform.isTranslateOrIdentity()) { x += transform.getMxt(); y += transform.getMyt(); return path.contains(x, y, w, h); } PathIterator pi = path.getPathIterator(getInverseTransform()); int crossings = Shape.rectCrossingsForPath(pi, x, y, x+w, y+h); // int mask = (windingRule == WIND_NON_ZERO ? -1 : 2); // return (crossings != Shape.RECT_INTERSECTS && // (crossings & mask) != 0); // with wind == NON_ZERO, then mask == -1 we simplify to: return (crossings != Shape.RECT_INTERSECTS && crossings != 0); } public BaseTransform getCombinedTransform(BaseTransform tx) { if (transform.isIdentity()) return tx; if (transform.equals(tx)) return null; Affine2D inv = getInverseTransform(); if (tx == null || tx.isIdentity()) return inv; TEMP_PATH_TX.setTransform(tx); TEMP_PATH_TX.concatenate(inv); return TEMP_PATH_TX; } @Override public PathIterator getPathIterator(BaseTransform tx) { return path.getPathIterator(getCombinedTransform(tx)); } @Override public PathIterator getPathIterator(BaseTransform tx, float flatness) { return path.getPathIterator(getCombinedTransform(tx), flatness); } @Override public Shape copy() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } }; private Affine2D getInverseTransform() { if (inverseTransform == null) { inverseTransform = new Affine2D(); inversedirty = true; } if (inversedirty) { inverseTransform.setTransform(transform); try { inverseTransform.invert(); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { inverseTransform.setToScale(0, 0); } inversedirty = false; } return inverseTransform; } @Override protected boolean hasOverlappingContents() { return true; } private static void shapebounds(Shape shape, RectBounds bounds, BaseTransform transform) { TEMP_COORDS[0] = TEMP_COORDS[1] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; TEMP_COORDS[2] = TEMP_COORDS[3] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Shape.accumulate(TEMP_COORDS, shape, transform); bounds.setBounds(TEMP_COORDS[0], TEMP_COORDS[1], TEMP_COORDS[2], TEMP_COORDS[3]); } private static void strokebounds(BasicStroke stroke, Shape shape, RectBounds bounds, BaseTransform transform) { TEMP_COORDS[0] = TEMP_COORDS[1] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; TEMP_COORDS[2] = TEMP_COORDS[3] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; stroke.accumulateShapeBounds(TEMP_COORDS, shape, transform); bounds.setBounds(TEMP_COORDS[0], TEMP_COORDS[1], TEMP_COORDS[2], TEMP_COORDS[3]); } private static void runOnRenderThread(final Runnable r) { // We really need a standard mechanism to detect the render thread ! if (Thread.currentThread().getName().startsWith("QuantumRenderer")) { r.run(); } else { FutureTask f = new FutureTask(r, null); Toolkit.getToolkit().addRenderJob(new RenderJob(f)); try { // block until job is complete f.get(); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // ignore; recovery is impossible } } } private boolean printedCanvas(Graphics g) { final RTTexture localTex = cv.tex; if (!(g instanceof PrinterGraphics) || localTex == null) { return false; } ResourceFactory factory = g.getResourceFactory(); boolean isCompatTex = factory.isCompatibleTexture(localTex); if (isCompatTex) { return false; } final int tw = localTex.getContentWidth(); final int th = localTex.getContentHeight(); final RTTexture tmpTex = factory.createRTTexture(tw, th, WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_ZERO); final Graphics texg = tmpTex.createGraphics(); texg.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC); if (cv.savedPixelData == null) { final PixelData pd = new PixelData(cw, ch); runOnRenderThread(() -> { pd.save(localTex); pd.restore(texg, tw, th); }); } else { cv.savedPixelData.restore(texg, tw, th); } g.drawTexture(tmpTex, 0, 0, tw, th); tmpTex.unlock(); tmpTex.dispose(); return true; } @Override protected void renderContent(Graphics g) { if (printedCanvas(g)) return; initCanvas(g); if (cv.tex != null) { if (thebuf != null) { renderStream(thebuf); GrowableDataBuffer.returnBuffer(thebuf); thebuf = null; } float dw = tw / highestPixelScale; float dh = th / highestPixelScale; g.drawTexture(cv.tex, 0, 0, dw, dh, 0, 0, tw, th); // Must save the pixels every frame if RTT is volatile. cv.save(tw, th); } this.temp.g = this.clip.g = this.cv.g = null; } @Override public void renderForcedContent(Graphics gOptional) { if (thebuf != null) { initCanvas(gOptional); if (cv.tex != null) { renderStream(thebuf); GrowableDataBuffer.returnBuffer(thebuf); thebuf = null; cv.save(tw, th); } this.temp.g = this.clip.g = this.cv.g = null; } } private void initCanvas(Graphics g) { if (tw <= 0 || th <= 0) { cv.dispose(); return; } if (cv.validate(g, tw, th)) { // If the texture was recreated then we add a permanent // "useful" and extra "lock" status to it. cv.tex.contentsUseful(); cv.tex.makePermanent(); cv.tex.lock(); } } private void clearCanvas(int x, int y, int w, int h) { cv.g.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.CLEAR); cv.g.setTransform(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); cv.g.fillQuad(x, y, x+w, y+h); cv.g.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC_OVER); } private void resetClip(boolean andDispose) { if (andDispose) clip.dispose(); clipsRendered = 0; clipIsRect = true; clipRect = null; } private static final float CLIPRECT_TOLERANCE = 1.0f / 256.0f; private static final Rectangle TEMP_RECT = new Rectangle(); private boolean initClip() { boolean clipValidated; if (clipIsRect) { clipValidated = false; } else { clipValidated = true; if (clip.validate(cv.g, tw, th)) { clip.tex.contentsUseful(); // Reset, but do not dispose - we just validated (and cleared) it... resetClip(false); } } int clipSize = clipStack.size(); while (clipsRendered < clipSize) { Path2D clippath = clipStack.get(clipsRendered++); if (clipIsRect) { if (clippath.checkAndGetIntRect(TEMP_RECT, CLIPRECT_TOLERANCE)) { if (clipRect == null) { clipRect = new Rectangle(TEMP_RECT); } else { clipRect.intersectWith(TEMP_RECT); } continue; } clipIsRect = false; if (!clipValidated) { clipValidated = true; if (clip.validate(cv.g, tw, th)) { clip.tex.contentsUseful(); // No need to reset, this is our first fill. } } if (clipRect != null) { renderClip(new RoundRectangle2D(clipRect.x, clipRect.y, clipRect.width, clipRect.height, 0, 0)); } } shapebounds(clippath, TEMP_RECTBOUNDS, BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); TEMP_RECT.setBounds(TEMP_RECTBOUNDS); if (clipRect == null) { clipRect = new Rectangle(TEMP_RECT); } else { clipRect.intersectWith(TEMP_RECT); } renderClip(clippath); } if (clipValidated && clipIsRect) { clip.tex.unlock(); } return !clipIsRect; } private void renderClip(Shape clippath) { temp.validate(cv.g, tw, th); temp.g.setPaint(Color.WHITE); temp.g.setTransform(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); temp.g.fill(clippath); blendAthruBintoC(temp, Mode.SRC_IN, clip, null, CompositeMode.SRC, clip); temp.tex.unlock(); } private Rectangle applyEffectOnAintoC(Effect definput, Effect effect, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, CompositeMode comp, RenderBuf destbuf) { FilterContext fctx = PrFilterContext.getInstance(destbuf.tex.getAssociatedScreen()); ImageData id = effect.filter(fctx, transform, outputClip, null, definput); Rectangle r = id.getUntransformedBounds(); Filterable f = id.getUntransformedImage(); Texture tex = ((PrTexture) f).getTextureObject(); destbuf.g.setTransform(id.getTransform()); destbuf.g.setCompositeMode(comp); destbuf.g.drawTexture(tex, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); destbuf.g.setTransform(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); destbuf.g.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC_OVER); Rectangle resultBounds = id.getTransformedBounds(outputClip); id.unref(); return resultBounds; } private void blendAthruBintoC(RenderBuf drawbuf, Mode mode, RenderBuf clipbuf, RectBounds bounds, CompositeMode comp, RenderBuf destbuf) { BLENDER.setTopInput(drawbuf.input); BLENDER.setBottomInput(clipbuf.input); BLENDER.setMode(mode); Rectangle blendclip; if (bounds != null) { blendclip = new Rectangle(bounds); } else { blendclip = null; } applyEffectOnAintoC(null, BLENDER, BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM, blendclip, comp, destbuf); } private void setupFill(Graphics gr) { gr.setPaint(fillPaint); } private BasicStroke getStroke() { if (stroke == null) { stroke = new BasicStroke(linewidth, linecap, linejoin, miterlimit, dashes, dashOffset); } return stroke; } private void setupStroke(Graphics gr) { gr.setStroke(getStroke()); gr.setPaint(strokePaint); } private static final int prcaps[] = { BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, }; private static final int prjoins[] = { BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, }; private static final int prbases[] = { VPos.TOP.ordinal(), VPos.CENTER.ordinal(), VPos.BASELINE.ordinal(), VPos.BOTTOM.ordinal(), }; private static final Affine2D TEMP_TX = new Affine2D(); private void renderStream(GrowableDataBuffer buf) { while (buf.hasValues()) { int token = buf.getByte(); switch (token) { case RESET: initAttributes(); // RESET is always followed by SET_DIMS // Setting cwh = twh avoids unnecessary double clears this.cw = this.tw; this.ch = this.th; clearCanvas(0, 0, this.tw, this.th); break; case SET_DIMS: int neww = (int) Math.ceil(buf.getFloat() * highestPixelScale); int newh = (int) Math.ceil(buf.getFloat() * highestPixelScale); int clearx = Math.min(neww, this.cw); int cleary = Math.min(newh, this.ch); if (clearx < this.tw) { // tw is set to the final width, we simulate all of // the intermediate changes in size by making sure // that all pixels outside of any size change are // cleared at the stream point where they happened clearCanvas(clearx, 0, this.tw-clearx, this.th); } if (cleary < this.th) { // th is set to the final width, we simulate all of // the intermediate changes in size by making sure // that all pixels outside of any size change are // cleared at the stream point where they happened clearCanvas(0, cleary, this.tw, this.th-cleary); } this.cw = neww; this.ch = newh; break; case PATHSTART: path.reset(); break; case MOVETO: path.moveTo(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case LINETO: path.lineTo(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case QUADTO: path.quadTo(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case CUBICTO: path.curveTo(buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat(), buf.getFloat()); break; case CLOSEPATH: path.closePath(); break; case PATHEND: if (highestPixelScale != 1.0f) { TEMP_TX.setToScale(highestPixelScale, highestPixelScale); path.transform(TEMP_TX); } break; case PUSH_CLIP: { Path2D clippath = (Path2D) buf.getObject(); if (highestPixelScale != 1.0f) { TEMP_TX.setToScale(highestPixelScale, highestPixelScale); clippath.transform(TEMP_TX); } clipStack.addLast(clippath); break; } case POP_CLIP: // Let it be recreated when next needed resetClip(true); clipStack.removeLast(); break; case ARC_TYPE: { byte type = buf.getByte(); switch (type) { case ARC_OPEN: arctype = Arc2D.OPEN; break; case ARC_CHORD: arctype = Arc2D.CHORD; break; case ARC_PIE: arctype = Arc2D.PIE; break; } break; } case PUT_ARGB: { float dx1 = buf.getInt(); float dy1 = buf.getInt(); int argb = buf.getInt(); Graphics gr = cv.g; gr.setExtraAlpha(1.0f); gr.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC); gr.setTransform(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); dx1 *= highestPixelScale; dy1 *= highestPixelScale; float a = ((argb) >>> 24) / 255.0f; float r = (((argb) >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f; float g = (((argb) >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f; float b = (((argb) ) & 0xff) / 255.0f; gr.setPaint(new Color(r, g, b, a)); // Note that we cannot use fillRect here because SRC // mode does not interact well with antialiasing. // fillQuad does hard edges which matches the concept // of setting adjacent abutting, non-overlapping "pixels" gr.fillQuad(dx1, dy1, dx1+highestPixelScale, dy1+highestPixelScale); gr.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC_OVER); break; } case PUT_ARGBPRE_BUF: { float dx1 = buf.getInt(); float dy1 = buf.getInt(); int w = buf.getInt(); int h = buf.getInt(); byte[] data = (byte[]) buf.getObject(); Image img = Image.fromByteBgraPreData(data, w, h); Graphics gr = cv.g; ResourceFactory factory = gr.getResourceFactory(); Texture tex = factory.getCachedTexture(img, Texture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); gr.setTransform(BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); gr.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC); float dx2 = dx1 + w; float dy2 = dy1 + h; dx1 *= highestPixelScale; dy1 *= highestPixelScale; dx2 *= highestPixelScale; dy2 *= highestPixelScale; gr.drawTexture(tex, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, 0, 0, w, h); tex.contentsNotUseful(); tex.unlock(); gr.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC_OVER); break; } case TRANSFORM: { double mxx = buf.getDouble() * highestPixelScale; double mxy = buf.getDouble() * highestPixelScale; double mxt = buf.getDouble() * highestPixelScale; double myx = buf.getDouble() * highestPixelScale; double myy = buf.getDouble() * highestPixelScale; double myt = buf.getDouble() * highestPixelScale; transform.setTransform(mxx, myx, mxy, myy, mxt, myt); inversedirty = true; break; } case GLOBAL_ALPHA: globalAlpha = buf.getFloat(); break; case FILL_RULE: if (buf.getByte() == FILL_RULE_NON_ZERO) { path.setWindingRule(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); } else { path.setWindingRule(Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD); } break; case COMP_MODE: blendmode = (Blend.Mode)buf.getObject(); break; case FILL_PAINT: fillPaint = (Paint) buf.getObject(); break; case STROKE_PAINT: strokePaint = (Paint) buf.getObject(); break; case LINE_WIDTH: linewidth = buf.getFloat(); stroke = null; break; case LINE_CAP: linecap = prcaps[buf.getUByte()]; stroke = null; break; case LINE_JOIN: linejoin = prjoins[buf.getUByte()]; stroke = null; break; case MITER_LIMIT: miterlimit = buf.getFloat(); stroke = null; break; case DASH_ARRAY: dashes = (double[]) buf.getObject(); stroke = null; break; case DASH_OFFSET: dashOffset = buf.getFloat(); stroke = null; break; case FONT: pgfont = (PGFont) buf.getObject(); break; case FONT_SMOOTH: smoothing = buf.getUByte(); break; case IMAGE_SMOOTH: imageSmoothing = buf.getBoolean(); break; case TEXT_ALIGN: align = buf.getUByte(); break; case TEXT_BASELINE: baseline = prbases[buf.getUByte()]; break; case FX_APPLY_EFFECT: { Effect e = (Effect) buf.getObject(); RenderBuf dest = clipStack.isEmpty() ? cv : temp; BaseTransform tx; if (highestPixelScale != 1.0f) { TEMP_TX.setToScale(highestPixelScale, highestPixelScale); tx = TEMP_TX; cv.input.setPixelScale(highestPixelScale); } else { tx = BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM; } applyEffectOnAintoC(cv.input, e, tx, null, CompositeMode.SRC, dest); cv.input.setPixelScale(1.0f); if (dest != cv) { blendAthruBintoC(dest, Mode.SRC_IN, clip, null, CompositeMode.SRC, cv); } break; } case EFFECT: effect = (Effect) buf.getObject(); break; case FILL_PATH: case STROKE_PATH: case STROKE_LINE: case FILL_RECT: case CLEAR_RECT: case STROKE_RECT: case FILL_OVAL: case STROKE_OVAL: case FILL_ROUND_RECT: case STROKE_ROUND_RECT: case FILL_ARC: case STROKE_ARC: case DRAW_IMAGE: case DRAW_SUBIMAGE: case FILL_TEXT: case STROKE_TEXT: { RenderBuf dest; boolean tempvalidated; boolean clipvalidated = initClip(); if (clipvalidated) { temp.validate(cv.g, tw, th); tempvalidated = true; dest = temp; } else if (blendmode != Blend.Mode.SRC_OVER) { temp.validate(cv.g, tw, th); tempvalidated = true; dest = temp; } else { tempvalidated = false; dest = cv; } if (effect != null) { buf.save(); handleRenderOp(token, buf, null, TEMP_RECTBOUNDS); RenderInput ri = new RenderInput(token, buf, transform, TEMP_RECTBOUNDS); // If we are rendering to cv then we need the results of // the effect to be applied "SRC_OVER" onto the canvas. // If we are rendering to temp then either SRC or SRC_OVER // would work since we know it would have been freshly // erased above, but using the more common SRC_OVER may save // having to update the hardware blend equations. Rectangle resultBounds = applyEffectOnAintoC(ri, effect, transform, clipRect, CompositeMode.SRC_OVER, dest); if (dest != cv) { TEMP_RECTBOUNDS.setBounds(resultBounds.x, resultBounds.y, resultBounds.x + resultBounds.width, resultBounds.y + resultBounds.height); } } else { Graphics g = dest.g; g.setExtraAlpha(globalAlpha); g.setTransform(transform); g.setClipRect(clipRect); // If we are not rendering directly to the canvas then // we need to save the bounds for the later stages. RectBounds optSaveBounds = (dest != cv) ? TEMP_RECTBOUNDS : null; handleRenderOp(token, buf, g, optSaveBounds); g.setClipRect(null); } if (clipvalidated) { CompositeMode compmode; if (blendmode == Blend.Mode.SRC_OVER) { // For the SRC_OVER case we can point the clip // operation directly to the screen with the Prism // SRC_OVER composite mode. dest = cv; compmode = CompositeMode.SRC_OVER; } else { // Here we are blending the rendered pixels that // were output to the temp buffer above against the // pixels of the canvas and we need to put them // back into the temp buffer. We must use SRC // mode here so that the erased (or reduced) pixels // actually get reduced to their new alpha. // assert: dest == temp; compmode = CompositeMode.SRC; } if (clipRect != null) { TEMP_RECTBOUNDS.intersectWith(clipRect); } if (!TEMP_RECTBOUNDS.isEmpty()) { if (dest == cv && cv.g instanceof MaskTextureGraphics) { MaskTextureGraphics mtg = (MaskTextureGraphics) cv.g; int dx = (int) Math.floor(TEMP_RECTBOUNDS.getMinX()); int dy = (int) Math.floor(TEMP_RECTBOUNDS.getMinY()); int dw = (int) Math.ceil(TEMP_RECTBOUNDS.getMaxX()) - dx; int dh = (int) Math.ceil(TEMP_RECTBOUNDS.getMaxY()) - dy; mtg.drawPixelsMasked(temp.tex, clip.tex, dx, dy, dw, dh, dx, dy, dx, dy); } else { blendAthruBintoC(temp, Mode.SRC_IN, clip, TEMP_RECTBOUNDS, compmode, dest); } } } if (blendmode != Blend.Mode.SRC_OVER) { // We always use SRC mode here because the results of // the blend operation are final and must replace // the associated pixel in the canvas with no further // blending math. if (clipRect != null) { TEMP_RECTBOUNDS.intersectWith(clipRect); } blendAthruBintoC(temp, blendmode, cv, TEMP_RECTBOUNDS, CompositeMode.SRC, cv); } if (clipvalidated) { clip.tex.unlock(); } if (tempvalidated) { temp.tex.unlock(); } break; } default: throw new InternalError("Unrecognized PGCanvas token: "+token); } } } /** * Calculate bounds and/or render one single rendering operation. * All of the data for the rendering operation should be consumed * so that the buffer is left at the next token in the stream. * * @param token the stream token for the rendering op * @param buf the GrowableDataBuffer to get rendering info from * @param gr the Graphics to render to, if not null * @param bounds the RectBounds to accumulate bounds into, if not null */ public void handleRenderOp(int token, GrowableDataBuffer buf, Graphics gr, RectBounds bounds) { boolean strokeBounds = false; boolean transformBounds = false; switch (token) { case FILL_PATH: { if (bounds != null) { shapebounds(path, bounds, BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); } if (gr != null) { setupFill(gr); gr.fill(untransformedPath); } break; } case STROKE_PATH: { if (bounds != null) { strokebounds(getStroke(), untransformedPath, bounds, transform); } if (gr != null) { setupStroke(gr); gr.draw(untransformedPath); } break; } case STROKE_LINE: { float x1 = buf.getFloat(); float y1 = buf.getFloat(); float x2 = buf.getFloat(); float y2 = buf.getFloat(); if (bounds != null) { bounds.setBoundsAndSort(x1, y1, x2, y2); strokeBounds = true; transformBounds = true; } if (gr != null) { setupStroke(gr); gr.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); } break; } case STROKE_RECT: case STROKE_OVAL: strokeBounds = true; case FILL_RECT: case CLEAR_RECT: case FILL_OVAL: { float x = buf.getFloat(); float y = buf.getFloat(); float w = buf.getFloat(); float h = buf.getFloat(); if (bounds != null) { bounds.setBounds(x, y, x+w, y+h); transformBounds = true; } if (gr != null) { switch (token) { case FILL_RECT: setupFill(gr); gr.fillRect(x, y, w, h); break; case FILL_OVAL: setupFill(gr); gr.fillEllipse(x, y, w, h); break; case STROKE_RECT: setupStroke(gr); gr.drawRect(x, y, w, h); break; case STROKE_OVAL: setupStroke(gr); gr.drawEllipse(x, y, w, h); break; case CLEAR_RECT: gr.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.CLEAR); gr.fillRect(x, y, w, h); gr.setCompositeMode(CompositeMode.SRC_OVER); break; } } break; } case STROKE_ROUND_RECT: strokeBounds = true; case FILL_ROUND_RECT: { float x = buf.getFloat(); float y = buf.getFloat(); float w = buf.getFloat(); float h = buf.getFloat(); float aw = buf.getFloat(); float ah = buf.getFloat(); if (bounds != null) { bounds.setBounds(x, y, x+w, y+h); transformBounds = true; } if (gr != null) { if (token == FILL_ROUND_RECT) { setupFill(gr); gr.fillRoundRect(x, y, w, h, aw, ah); } else { setupStroke(gr); gr.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, aw, ah); } } break; } case FILL_ARC: case STROKE_ARC: { float x = buf.getFloat(); float y = buf.getFloat(); float w = buf.getFloat(); float h = buf.getFloat(); float as = buf.getFloat(); float ae = buf.getFloat(); TEMP_ARC.setArc(x, y, w, h, as, ae, arctype); if (token == FILL_ARC) { if (bounds != null) { shapebounds(TEMP_ARC, bounds, transform); } if (gr != null) { setupFill(gr); gr.fill(TEMP_ARC); } } else { if (bounds != null) { strokebounds(getStroke(), TEMP_ARC, bounds, transform); } if (gr != null) { setupStroke(gr); gr.draw(TEMP_ARC); } } break; } case DRAW_IMAGE: case DRAW_SUBIMAGE: { float dx = buf.getFloat(); float dy = buf.getFloat(); float dw = buf.getFloat(); float dh = buf.getFloat(); Image img = (Image) buf.getObject(); float sx, sy, sw, sh; if (token == DRAW_IMAGE) { sx = sy = 0f; sw = img.getWidth(); sh = img.getHeight(); } else { sx = buf.getFloat(); sy = buf.getFloat(); sw = buf.getFloat(); sh = buf.getFloat(); float ps = img.getPixelScale(); if (ps != 1.0f) { sx *= ps; sy *= ps; sw *= ps; sh *= ps; } } if (bounds != null) { bounds.setBounds(dx, dy, dx+dw, dy+dh); transformBounds = true; } if (gr != null) { ResourceFactory factory = gr.getResourceFactory(); Texture tex = factory.getCachedTexture(img, Texture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); boolean isSmooth = tex.getLinearFiltering(); if (imageSmoothing != isSmooth) { tex.setLinearFiltering(imageSmoothing); } gr.drawTexture(tex, dx, dy, dx+dw, dy+dh, sx, sy, sx+sw, sy+sh); if (imageSmoothing != isSmooth) { tex.setLinearFiltering(isSmooth); } tex.unlock(); } break; } case FILL_TEXT: case STROKE_TEXT: { float x = buf.getFloat(); float y = buf.getFloat(); float maxWidth = buf.getFloat(); boolean rtl = buf.getBoolean(); String string = (String) buf.getObject(); int dir = rtl ? PrismTextLayout.DIRECTION_RTL : PrismTextLayout.DIRECTION_LTR; textLayout.setContent(string, pgfont); textLayout.setAlignment(align); textLayout.setDirection(dir); float xAlign = 0, yAlign = 0; BaseBounds layoutBounds = textLayout.getBounds(); float layoutWidth = layoutBounds.getWidth(); float layoutHeight = layoutBounds.getHeight(); switch (align) { case ALIGN_RIGHT: xAlign = layoutWidth; break; case ALIGN_CENTER: xAlign = layoutWidth / 2; break; } switch (baseline) { case BASE_ALPHABETIC: yAlign = -layoutBounds.getMinY(); break; case BASE_MIDDLE: yAlign = layoutHeight / 2; break; case BASE_BOTTOM: yAlign = layoutHeight; break; } float scaleX = 1; float layoutX = 0; float layoutY = y - yAlign; if (maxWidth > 0.0 && layoutWidth > maxWidth) { float sx = maxWidth / layoutWidth; if (rtl) { layoutX = -((x + maxWidth) / sx - xAlign); scaleX = -sx; } else { layoutX = x / sx - xAlign; scaleX = sx; } } else { if (rtl) { layoutX = -(x - xAlign + layoutWidth); scaleX = -1; } else { layoutX = x - xAlign; } } if (bounds != null) { computeTextLayoutBounds(bounds, transform, scaleX, layoutX, layoutY, token); } if (gr != null) { if (scaleX != 1) { gr.scale(scaleX, 1); } ngtext.setLayoutLocation(-layoutX, -layoutY); if (token == FILL_TEXT) { ngtext.setMode(NGShape.Mode.FILL); ngtext.setFillPaint(fillPaint); if (fillPaint.isProportional() || smoothing == SMOOTH_LCD) { RectBounds textBounds = new RectBounds(); computeTextLayoutBounds(textBounds, BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM, 1, layoutX, layoutY, token); ngtext.setContentBounds(textBounds); } } else { // SMOOTH_LCD does not apply to stroked text if (strokePaint.isProportional() /* || smoothing == SMOOTH_LCD */) { RectBounds textBounds = new RectBounds(); computeTextLayoutBounds(textBounds, BaseTransform.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM, 1, layoutX, layoutY, token); ngtext.setContentBounds(textBounds); } ngtext.setMode(NGShape.Mode.STROKE); ngtext.setDrawStroke(getStroke()); ngtext.setDrawPaint(strokePaint); } ngtext.setFont(pgfont); ngtext.setFontSmoothingType(smoothing); ngtext.setGlyphs(textLayout.getRuns()); ngtext.renderContent(gr); } break; } default: throw new InternalError("Unrecognized PGCanvas rendering token: "+token); } if (bounds != null) { if (strokeBounds) { BasicStroke s = getStroke(); if (s.getType() != BasicStroke.TYPE_INNER) { float lw = s.getLineWidth(); if (s.getType() == BasicStroke.TYPE_CENTERED) { lw /= 2f; } bounds.grow(lw, lw); } } if (transformBounds) { txBounds(bounds, transform); } } } void computeTextLayoutBounds(RectBounds bounds, BaseTransform transform, float scaleX, float layoutX, float layoutY, int token) { textLayout.getBounds(null, bounds); TEMP_TX.setTransform(transform); TEMP_TX.scale(scaleX, 1); TEMP_TX.translate(layoutX, layoutY); TEMP_TX.transform(bounds, bounds); if (token == STROKE_TEXT) { int flag = PrismTextLayout.TYPE_TEXT; Shape textShape = textLayout.getShape(flag, null); RectBounds shapeBounds = new RectBounds(); strokebounds(getStroke(), textShape, shapeBounds, TEMP_TX); bounds.unionWith(shapeBounds); } } static void txBounds(RectBounds bounds, BaseTransform transform) { switch (transform.getType()) { case BaseTransform.TYPE_IDENTITY: break; case BaseTransform.TYPE_TRANSLATION: float tx = (float) transform.getMxt(); float ty = (float) transform.getMyt(); bounds.setBounds(bounds.getMinX() + tx, bounds.getMinY() + ty, bounds.getMaxX() + tx, bounds.getMaxY() + ty); break; default: BaseBounds txbounds = transform.transform(bounds, bounds); if (txbounds != bounds) { bounds.setBounds(txbounds.getMinX(), txbounds.getMinY(), txbounds.getMaxX(), txbounds.getMaxY()); } break; } } static void inverseTxBounds(RectBounds bounds, BaseTransform transform) { switch (transform.getType()) { case BaseTransform.TYPE_IDENTITY: break; case BaseTransform.TYPE_TRANSLATION: float tx = (float) transform.getMxt(); float ty = (float) transform.getMyt(); bounds.setBounds(bounds.getMinX() - tx, bounds.getMinY() - ty, bounds.getMaxX() - tx, bounds.getMaxY() - ty); break; default: try { BaseBounds txbounds = transform.inverseTransform(bounds, bounds); if (txbounds != bounds) { bounds.setBounds(txbounds.getMinX(), txbounds.getMinY(), txbounds.getMaxX(), txbounds.getMaxY()); } } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { bounds.makeEmpty(); } break; } } public void updateBounds(float w, float h) { this.tw = (int) Math.ceil(w * highestPixelScale); this.th = (int) Math.ceil(h * highestPixelScale); geometryChanged(); } // Returns true if we are falling behind in rendering (i.e. we // have unrendered data at the time of the synch. This tells // the FX layer that it should consider emitting a RESET if it // detects a full-canvas clear command even if it looks like it // is superfluous. public boolean updateRendering(GrowableDataBuffer buf) { if (buf.isEmpty()) { GrowableDataBuffer.returnBuffer(buf); return (this.thebuf != null); } boolean reset = (buf.peekByte(0) == RESET); GrowableDataBuffer retbuf; if (reset || this.thebuf == null) { retbuf = this.thebuf; this.thebuf = buf; } else { this.thebuf.append(buf); retbuf = buf; } geometryChanged(); if (retbuf != null) { GrowableDataBuffer.returnBuffer(retbuf); return true; } return false; } class RenderInput extends Effect { float x, y, w, h; int token; GrowableDataBuffer buf; Affine2D savedBoundsTx = new Affine2D(); public RenderInput(int token, GrowableDataBuffer buf, BaseTransform boundsTx, RectBounds rb) { this.token = token; this.buf = buf; savedBoundsTx.setTransform(boundsTx); this.x = rb.getMinX(); this.y = rb.getMinY(); this.w = rb.getWidth(); this.h = rb.getHeight(); } @Override public ImageData filter(FilterContext fctx, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, Object renderHelper, Effect defaultInput) { BaseBounds bounds = getBounds(transform, defaultInput); if (outputClip != null) { bounds.intersectWith(outputClip); } Rectangle r = new Rectangle(bounds); if (r.width < 1) r.width = 1; if (r.height < 1) r.height = 1; PrDrawable ret = (PrDrawable) Effect.getCompatibleImage(fctx, r.width, r.height); if (ret != null) { Graphics g = ret.createGraphics(); g.setExtraAlpha(globalAlpha); g.translate(-r.x, -r.y); if (transform != null) { g.transform(transform); } buf.restore(); handleRenderOp(token, buf, g, null); } return new ImageData(fctx, ret, r); } @Override public AccelType getAccelType(FilterContext fctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public BaseBounds getBounds(BaseTransform transform, Effect defaultInput) { RectBounds ret = new RectBounds(x, y, x + w, y + h); if (!transform.equals(savedBoundsTx)) { inverseTxBounds(ret, savedBoundsTx); txBounds(ret, transform); } return ret; } @Override public boolean reducesOpaquePixels() { return false; } @Override public DirtyRegionContainer getDirtyRegions(Effect defaultInput, DirtyRegionPool regionPool) { return null; // Never called } } static class MyBlend extends Blend { public MyBlend(Mode mode, Effect bottomInput, Effect topInput) { super(mode, bottomInput, topInput); } @Override public Rectangle getResultBounds(BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, ImageData... inputDatas) { // There is a bug in the ImageData class that means that the // outputClip will not be taken into account, so we override // here and apply it ourselves. Rectangle r = super.getResultBounds(transform, outputClip, inputDatas); r.intersectWith(outputClip); return r; } } static class EffectInput extends Effect { RTTexture tex; float pixelscale; EffectInput(RTTexture tex) { this.tex = tex; this.pixelscale = 1.0f; } public void setPixelScale(float scale) { this.pixelscale = scale; } @Override public ImageData filter(FilterContext fctx, BaseTransform transform, Rectangle outputClip, Object renderHelper, Effect defaultInput) { Filterable f = PrDrawable.create(fctx, tex); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(tex.getContentWidth(), tex.getContentHeight()); f.lock(); ImageData id = new ImageData(fctx, f, r); id.setReusable(true); if (pixelscale != 1.0f || !transform.isIdentity()) { Affine2D a2d = new Affine2D(); a2d.scale(1.0f / pixelscale, 1.0f / pixelscale); a2d.concatenate(transform); id = id.transform(a2d); } return id; } @Override public AccelType getAccelType(FilterContext fctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public BaseBounds getBounds(BaseTransform transform, Effect defaultInput) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(tex.getContentWidth(), tex.getContentHeight()); return transformBounds(transform, new RectBounds(r)); } @Override public boolean reducesOpaquePixels() { return false; } @Override public DirtyRegionContainer getDirtyRegions(Effect defaultInput, DirtyRegionPool regionPool) { return null; // Never called } } }