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@@ -53,30 +53,34 @@
   address start = pc();
   return start;
-#if !defined(ABI_ELFv2)
 // Emit a function descriptor with the specified entry point, TOC, and
 // ENV. If the entry point is NULL, the descriptor will point just
 // past the descriptor.
-inline address Assembler::emit_fd(address entry, address toc, address env) {
+// If we are running in a little-endian environment (i.e. if ABI_ELFv2 is
+// defined) this function will emit no code and simply return the current PC)
+inline address Assembler::emit_fd() {
+#if defined(ABI_ELFv2)
+  return pc();
   FunctionDescriptor* fd = (FunctionDescriptor*)pc();
   assert(sizeof(FunctionDescriptor) == 3*sizeof(address), "function descriptor size");
-  fd->set_entry(entry == NULL ? pc() : entry);
-  fd->set_toc(toc);
-  fd->set_env(env);
+  fd->set_entry(pc());
+  fd->set_toc(FunctionDescriptor::friend_toc);
+  fd->set_env(FunctionDescriptor::friend_env);
   return (address)fd;
 // Issue an illegal instruction. 0 is guaranteed to be an illegal instruction.
 inline void Assembler::illtrap() { Assembler::emit_int32(0); }
 inline bool Assembler::is_illtrap(int x) { return x == 0; }