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  99     /**
 100      * Get the request URI
 101      *
 102      * @return the request URI
 103      */
 104     public abstract URI getRequestURI () ;
 106     /**
 107      * Get the request method
 108      * @return the request method
 109      */
 110     public abstract String getRequestMethod ();
 112     /**
 113      * Get the HttpContext for this exchange
 114      * @return the HttpContext
 115      */
 116     public abstract HttpContext getHttpContext ();
 118     /**
 119      * Ends this exchange by doing the following in sequence:<p><ol>
 120      * <li>close the request InputStream, if not already closed<p></li>
 121      * <li>close the response OutputStream, if not already closed. </li>
 122      * </ol>
 123      */
 124     public abstract void close () ;
 126     /**
 127      * returns a stream from which the request body can be read.
 128      * Multiple calls to this method will return the same stream.
 129      * It is recommended that applications should consume (read) all of the
 130      * data from this stream before closing it. If a stream is closed
 131      * before all data has been read, then the close() call will
 132      * read and discard remaining data (up to an implementation specific
 133      * number of bytes).
 134      * @return the stream from which the request body can be read.
 135      */
 136     public abstract InputStream getRequestBody () ;
 138     /**
 139      * returns a stream to which the response body must be
 140      * written. {@link #sendResponseHeaders(int,long)}) must be called prior to calling
 141      * this method. Multiple calls to this method (for the same exchange)

 146      * Closing this stream implicitly
 147      * closes the InputStream returned from {@link #getRequestBody()}
 148      * (if it is not already closed).
 149      * <P>
 150      * If the call to sendResponseHeaders() specified a fixed response
 151      * body length, then the exact number of bytes specified in that
 152      * call must be written to this stream. If too many bytes are written,
 153      * then write() will throw an IOException. If too few bytes are written
 154      * then the stream close() will throw an IOException. In both cases,
 155      * the exchange is aborted and the underlying TCP connection closed.
 156      * @return the stream to which the response body is written
 157      */
 158     public abstract OutputStream getResponseBody () ;
 161     /**
 162      * Starts sending the response back to the client using the current set of response headers
 163      * and the numeric response code as specified in this method. The response body length is also specified
 164      * as follows. If the response length parameter is greater than zero, this specifies an exact
 165      * number of bytes to send and the application must send that exact amount of data.
 166      * If the response length parameter is <code>zero</code>, then chunked transfer encoding is
 167      * used and an arbitrary amount of data may be sent. The application terminates the
 168      * response body by closing the OutputStream. If response length has the value <code>-1</code>
 169      * then no response body is being sent.
 170      * <p>
 171      * If the content-length response header has not already been set then
 172      * this is set to the appropriate value depending on the response length parameter.
 173      * <p>
 174      * This method must be called prior to calling {@link #getResponseBody()}.
 175      * @param rCode the response code to send
 176      * @param responseLength if > 0, specifies a fixed response body length
 177      *        and that exact number of bytes must be written
 178      *        to the stream acquired from getResponseBody(), or else
 179      *        if equal to 0, then chunked encoding is used,
 180      *        and an arbitrary number of bytes may be written.
 181      *        if <= -1, then no response body length is specified and
 182      *        no response body may be written.
 183      * @see HttpExchange#getResponseBody()
 184      */
 185     public abstract void sendResponseHeaders (int rCode, long responseLength) throws IOException ;
 187     /**
 188      * Returns the address of the remote entity invoking this request
 189      * @return the InetSocketAddress of the caller
 190      */
 191     public abstract InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress ();
 193     /**
 194      * Returns the response code, if it has already been set
 195      * @return the response code, if available. <code>-1</code> if not available yet.
 196      */
 197     public abstract int getResponseCode ();
 199     /**
 200      * Returns the local address on which the request was received
 201      * @return the InetSocketAddress of the local interface
 202      */
 203     public abstract InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress ();
 205     /**
 206      * Returns the protocol string from the request in the form
 207      * <i>protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion</i>. For example,
 208      * "HTTP/1.1"
 209      * @return the protocol string from the request
 210      */
 211     public abstract String getProtocol ();
 213     /**
 214      * Filter modules may store arbitrary objects with HttpExchange
 215      * instances as an out-of-band communication mechanism. Other Filters
 216      * or the exchange handler may then access these objects.
 217      * <p>
 218      * Each Filter class will document the attributes which they make
 219      * available.
 220      * @param name the name of the attribute to retrieve
 221      * @return the attribute object, or null if it does not exist
 222      * @throws NullPointerException if name is <code>null</code>
 223      */
 224     public abstract Object getAttribute (String name) ;
 226     /**
 227      * Filter modules may store arbitrary objects with HttpExchange
 228      * instances as an out-of-band communication mechanism. Other Filters
 229      * or the exchange handler may then access these objects.
 230      * <p>
 231      * Each Filter class will document the attributes which they make
 232      * available.
 233      * @param name the name to associate with the attribute value
 234      * @param value the object to store as the attribute value. <code>null</code>
 235      * value is permitted.
 236      * @throws NullPointerException if name is <code>null</code>
 237      */
 238     public abstract void setAttribute (String name, Object value) ;
 240     /**
 241      * Used by Filters to wrap either (or both) of this exchange's InputStream
 242      * and OutputStream, with the given filtered streams so
 243      * that subsequent calls to {@link #getRequestBody()} will
 244      * return the given {@link java.io.InputStream}, and calls to
 245      * {@link #getResponseBody()} will return the given
 246      * {@link java.io.OutputStream}. The streams provided to this
 247      * call must wrap the original streams, and may be (but are not
 248      * required to be) sub-classes of {@link java.io.FilterInputStream}
 249      * and {@link java.io.FilterOutputStream}.
 250      * @param i the filtered input stream to set as this object's inputstream,
 251      *          or <code>null</code> if no change.
 252      * @param o the filtered output stream to set as this object's outputstream,
 253      *          or <code>null</code> if no change.
 254      */
 255     public abstract void setStreams (InputStream i, OutputStream o);
 258     /**
 259      * If an authenticator is set on the HttpContext that owns this exchange,
 260      * then this method will return the {@link HttpPrincipal} that represents
 261      * the authenticated user for this HttpExchange.
 262      * @return the HttpPrincipal, or <code>null</code> if no authenticator is set.
 263      */
 264     public abstract HttpPrincipal getPrincipal ();
 265 }

  99     /**
 100      * Get the request URI
 101      *
 102      * @return the request URI
 103      */
 104     public abstract URI getRequestURI () ;
 106     /**
 107      * Get the request method
 108      * @return the request method
 109      */
 110     public abstract String getRequestMethod ();
 112     /**
 113      * Get the HttpContext for this exchange
 114      * @return the HttpContext
 115      */
 116     public abstract HttpContext getHttpContext ();
 118     /**
 119      * Ends this exchange by doing the following in sequence:<ol>
 120      * <li>close the request InputStream, if not already closed;</li>
 121      * <li>close the response OutputStream, if not already closed.</li>
 122      * </ol>
 123      */
 124     public abstract void close () ;
 126     /**
 127      * returns a stream from which the request body can be read.
 128      * Multiple calls to this method will return the same stream.
 129      * It is recommended that applications should consume (read) all of the
 130      * data from this stream before closing it. If a stream is closed
 131      * before all data has been read, then the close() call will
 132      * read and discard remaining data (up to an implementation specific
 133      * number of bytes).
 134      * @return the stream from which the request body can be read.
 135      */
 136     public abstract InputStream getRequestBody () ;
 138     /**
 139      * returns a stream to which the response body must be
 140      * written. {@link #sendResponseHeaders(int,long)}) must be called prior to calling
 141      * this method. Multiple calls to this method (for the same exchange)

 146      * Closing this stream implicitly
 147      * closes the InputStream returned from {@link #getRequestBody()}
 148      * (if it is not already closed).
 149      * <P>
 150      * If the call to sendResponseHeaders() specified a fixed response
 151      * body length, then the exact number of bytes specified in that
 152      * call must be written to this stream. If too many bytes are written,
 153      * then write() will throw an IOException. If too few bytes are written
 154      * then the stream close() will throw an IOException. In both cases,
 155      * the exchange is aborted and the underlying TCP connection closed.
 156      * @return the stream to which the response body is written
 157      */
 158     public abstract OutputStream getResponseBody () ;
 161     /**
 162      * Starts sending the response back to the client using the current set of response headers
 163      * and the numeric response code as specified in this method. The response body length is also specified
 164      * as follows. If the response length parameter is greater than zero, this specifies an exact
 165      * number of bytes to send and the application must send that exact amount of data.
 166      * If the response length parameter is {@code zero}, then chunked transfer encoding is
 167      * used and an arbitrary amount of data may be sent. The application terminates the
 168      * response body by closing the OutputStream. If response length has the value {@code -1}
 169      * then no response body is being sent.
 170      * <p>
 171      * If the content-length response header has not already been set then
 172      * this is set to the appropriate value depending on the response length parameter.
 173      * <p>
 174      * This method must be called prior to calling {@link #getResponseBody()}.
 175      * @param rCode the response code to send
 176      * @param responseLength if > 0, specifies a fixed response body length
 177      *        and that exact number of bytes must be written
 178      *        to the stream acquired from getResponseBody(), or else
 179      *        if equal to 0, then chunked encoding is used,
 180      *        and an arbitrary number of bytes may be written.
 181      *        if <= -1, then no response body length is specified and
 182      *        no response body may be written.
 183      * @see HttpExchange#getResponseBody()
 184      */
 185     public abstract void sendResponseHeaders (int rCode, long responseLength) throws IOException ;
 187     /**
 188      * Returns the address of the remote entity invoking this request
 189      * @return the InetSocketAddress of the caller
 190      */
 191     public abstract InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress ();
 193     /**
 194      * Returns the response code, if it has already been set
 195      * @return the response code, if available. {@code -1} if not available yet.
 196      */
 197     public abstract int getResponseCode ();
 199     /**
 200      * Returns the local address on which the request was received
 201      * @return the InetSocketAddress of the local interface
 202      */
 203     public abstract InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress ();
 205     /**
 206      * Returns the protocol string from the request in the form
 207      * <i>protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion</i>. For example,
 208      * "HTTP/1.1"
 209      * @return the protocol string from the request
 210      */
 211     public abstract String getProtocol ();
 213     /**
 214      * Filter modules may store arbitrary objects with HttpExchange
 215      * instances as an out-of-band communication mechanism. Other Filters
 216      * or the exchange handler may then access these objects.
 217      * <p>
 218      * Each Filter class will document the attributes which they make
 219      * available.
 220      * @param name the name of the attribute to retrieve
 221      * @return the attribute object, or null if it does not exist
 222      * @throws NullPointerException if name is {@code null}
 223      */
 224     public abstract Object getAttribute (String name) ;
 226     /**
 227      * Filter modules may store arbitrary objects with HttpExchange
 228      * instances as an out-of-band communication mechanism. Other Filters
 229      * or the exchange handler may then access these objects.
 230      * <p>
 231      * Each Filter class will document the attributes which they make
 232      * available.
 233      * @param name the name to associate with the attribute value
 234      * @param value the object to store as the attribute value. {@code null}
 235      * value is permitted.
 236      * @throws NullPointerException if name is {@code null}
 237      */
 238     public abstract void setAttribute (String name, Object value) ;
 240     /**
 241      * Used by Filters to wrap either (or both) of this exchange's InputStream
 242      * and OutputStream, with the given filtered streams so
 243      * that subsequent calls to {@link #getRequestBody()} will
 244      * return the given {@link java.io.InputStream}, and calls to
 245      * {@link #getResponseBody()} will return the given
 246      * {@link java.io.OutputStream}. The streams provided to this
 247      * call must wrap the original streams, and may be (but are not
 248      * required to be) sub-classes of {@link java.io.FilterInputStream}
 249      * and {@link java.io.FilterOutputStream}.
 250      * @param i the filtered input stream to set as this object's inputstream,
 251      *          or {@code null} if no change.
 252      * @param o the filtered output stream to set as this object's outputstream,
 253      *          or {@code null} if no change.
 254      */
 255     public abstract void setStreams (InputStream i, OutputStream o);
 258     /**
 259      * If an authenticator is set on the HttpContext that owns this exchange,
 260      * then this method will return the {@link HttpPrincipal} that represents
 261      * the authenticated user for this HttpExchange.
 262      * @return the HttpPrincipal, or {@code null} if no authenticator is set.
 263      */
 264     public abstract HttpPrincipal getPrincipal ();
 265 }
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