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 367      @ ensures nWords > 0 ==> data[nWords - 1] != 0;
 368      @*/
 369     private /*@ helper @*/ void trimLeadingZeros() {
 370         int i = nWords;
 371         if (i > 0 && (data[--i] == 0)) {
 372             //for (; i > 0 && data[i - 1] == 0; i--) ;
 373             while(i > 0 && data[i - 1] == 0) {
 374                 i--;
 375             }
 376             this.nWords = i;
 377             if (i == 0) { // all words are zero
 378                 this.offset = 0;
 379             }
 380         }
 381     }
 383     /**
 384      * Retrieves the normalization bias of the <code>FDBigIntger</code>. The
 385      * normalization bias is a left shift such that after it the highest word
 386      * of the value will have the 4 highest bits equal to zero:
 387      * <code>(highestWord & 0xf0000000) == 0</code>, but the next bit should be 1
 388      * <code>(highestWord & 0x08000000) != 0</code>.
 389      *
 390      * @return The normalization bias.
 391      */
 392     /*@
 393      @ requires this.value() > 0;
 394      @*/
 395     public /*@ pure @*/ int getNormalizationBias() {
 396         if (nWords == 0) {
 397             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero value cannot be normalized");
 398         }
 399         int zeros = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(data[nWords - 1]);
 400         return (zeros < 4) ? 28 + zeros : zeros - 4;
 401     }
 403     // TODO: Why is anticount param needed if it is always 32 - bitcount?
 404     /**
 405      * Left shifts the contents of one int array into another.
 406      *
 407      * @param src The source array.
 408      * @param idx The initial index of the source array.

 529      @
 530      @ requires this.value() > 0;
 531      @ ensures ((\bigint)1) << (\result - 1) <= this.value() && this.value() <= ((\bigint)1) << \result;
 532      @*/
 533     private /*@ pure @*/ int size() {
 534         return nWords + offset;
 535     }
 538     /**
 539      * Computes
 540      * <pre>
 541      * q = (int)( this / S )
 542      * this = 10 * ( this mod S )
 543      * Return q.
 544      * </pre>
 545      * This is the iteration step of digit development for output.
 546      * We assume that S has been normalized, as above, and that
 547      * "this" has been left-shifted accordingly.
 548      * Also assumed, of course, is that the result, q, can be expressed
 549      * as an integer, 0 <= q < 10.
 550      *
 551      * @param The divisor of this <code>FDBigInteger</code>.
 552      * @return <code>q = (int)(this / S)</code>.
 553      */
 554     /*@
 555      @ requires !this.isImmutable;
 556      @ requires this.size() <= S.size();
 557      @ requires this.data.length + this.offset >= S.size();
 558      @ requires S.value() >= ((\bigint)1) << (S.size()*32 - 4);
 559      @ assignable this.nWords, this.offset, this.data, this.data[*];
 560      @ ensures \result == \old(this.value() / S.value());
 561      @ ensures this.value() == \old(10 * (this.value() % S.value()));
 562      @*/
 563     public int quoRemIteration(FDBigInteger S) throws IllegalArgumentException {
 564         assert !this.isImmutable : "cannot modify immutable value";
 565         // ensure that this and S have the same number of
 566         // digits. If S is properly normalized and q < 10 then
 567         // this must be so.
 568         int thSize = this.size();
 569         int sSize = S.size();
 570         if (thSize < sSize) {
 571             // this value is significantly less than S, result of division is zero.

 668                     } else {
 669                         data = Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length + 1);
 670                     }
 671                 }
 672                 data[nWords++] = p;
 673             } else {
 674                 trimLeadingZeros();
 675             }
 676             return this;
 677         }
 678     }
 680     /**
 681      * Multiplies this <code>FDBigInteger</code> by
 682      * <code>5<sup>p5</sup> * 2<sup>p2</sup></code>. The operation will be
 683      * performed in place if possible, otherwise a new <code>FDBigInteger</code>
 684      * will be returned.
 685      *
 686      * @param p5 The exponent of the power-of-five factor.
 687      * @param p2 The exponent of the power-of-two factor.
 688      * @return
 689      */
 690     /*@
 691      @ requires this.value() == 0 || p5 == 0 && p2 == 0;
 692      @ assignable \nothing;
 693      @ ensures \result == this;
 694      @
 695      @  also
 696      @
 697      @ requires this.value() > 0 && (p5 > 0 && p2 >= 0 || p5 == 0 && p2 > 0 && this.isImmutable);
 698      @ assignable \nothing;
 699      @ ensures \result.value() == \old(this.value() * pow52(p5, p2));
 700      @
 701      @  also
 702      @
 703      @ requires this.value() > 0 && p5 == 0 && p2 > 0 && !this.isImmutable;
 704      @ assignable this.nWords, this.data, this.data[*];
 705      @ ensures \result == this;
 706      @ ensures \result.value() == \old(this.value() * pow52(p5, p2));
 707      @*/
 708     public FDBigInteger multByPow52(int p5, int p2) {

 914      * @param a The array to be examined.
 915      * @param from The index strictly below which elements are to be examined.
 916      * @return Zero if all elements in range are zero, 1 otherwise.
 917      */
 918     /*@
 919      @ requires 0 <= from && from <= a.length;
 920      @ ensures \result == (AP(a, from) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
 921      @*/
 922     private /*@ pure @*/ static int checkZeroTail(int[] a, int from) {
 923         while (from > 0) {
 924             if (a[--from] != 0) {
 925                 return 1;
 926             }
 927         }
 928         return 0;
 929     }
 931     /**
 932      * Compares the parameter with this <code>FDBigInteger</code>. Returns an
 933      * integer accordingly as:
 934      * <pre>
 935      * >0: this > other
 936      *  0: this == other
 937      * <0: this < other
 938      * </pre>
 939      *
 940      * @param other The <code>FDBigInteger</code> to compare.
 941      * @return A negative value, zero, or a positive value according to the
 942      * result of the comparison.
 943      */
 944     /*@
 945      @ ensures \result == (this.value() < other.value() ? -1 : this.value() > other.value() ? +1 : 0);
 946      @*/
 947     public /*@ pure @*/ int cmp(FDBigInteger other) {
 948         int aSize = nWords + offset;
 949         int bSize = other.nWords + other.offset;
 950         if (aSize > bSize) {
 951             return 1;
 952         } else if (aSize < bSize) {
 953             return -1;
 954         }
 955         int aLen = nWords;
 956         int bLen = other.nWords;
 957         while (aLen > 0 && bLen > 0) {
 958             int a = data[--aLen];
 959             int b = other.data[--bLen];
 960             if (a != b) {
 961                 return ((a & LONG_MASK) < (b & LONG_MASK)) ? -1 : 1;
 962             }
 963         }
 964         if (aLen > 0) {
 965             return checkZeroTail(data, aLen);
 966         }
 967         if (bLen > 0) {
 968             return -checkZeroTail(other.data, bLen);
 969         }
 970         return 0;
 971     }
 973     /**
 974      * Compares this <code>FDBigInteger</code> with
 975      * <code>5<sup>p5</sup> * 2<sup>p2</sup></code>.
 976      * Returns an integer accordingly as:
 977      * <pre>
 978      * >0: this > other
 979      *  0: this == other
 980      * <0: this < other
 981      * </pre>
 982      * @param p5 The exponent of the power-of-five factor.
 983      * @param p2 The exponent of the power-of-two factor.
 984      * @return A negative value, zero, or a positive value according to the
 985      * result of the comparison.
 986      */
 987     /*@
 988      @ requires p5 >= 0 && p2 >= 0;
 989      @ ensures \result == (this.value() < pow52(p5, p2) ? -1 : this.value() >  pow52(p5, p2) ? +1 : 0);
 990      @*/
 991     public /*@ pure @*/ int cmpPow52(int p5, int p2) {
 992         if (p5 == 0) {
 993             int wordcount = p2 >> 5;
 994             int bitcount = p2 & 0x1f;
 995             int size = this.nWords + this.offset;
 996             if (size > wordcount + 1) {
 997                 return 1;
 998             } else if (size < wordcount + 1) {
 999                 return -1;
1000             }
1001             int a = this.data[this.nWords -1];
1002             int b = 1 << bitcount;
1003             if (a != b) {
1004                 return ( (a & LONG_MASK) < (b & LONG_MASK)) ? -1 : 1;
1005             }
1006             return checkZeroTail(this.data, this.nWords - 1);
1007         }
1008         return this.cmp(big5pow(p5).leftShift(p2));
1009     }
1011     /**
1012      * Compares this <code>FDBigInteger</code> with <code>x + y</code>. Returns a
1013      * value according to the comparison as:
1014      * <pre>
1015      * -1: this <  x + y
1016      *  0: this == x + y
1017      *  1: this >  x + y
1018      * </pre>
1019      * @param x The first addend of the sum to compare.
1020      * @param y The second addend of the sum to compare.
1021      * @return -1, 0, or 1 according to the result of the comparison.
1022      */
1023     /*@
1024      @ ensures \result == (this.value() < x.value() + y.value() ? -1 : this.value() > x.value() + y.value() ? +1 : 0);
1025      @*/
1026     public /*@ pure @*/ int addAndCmp(FDBigInteger x, FDBigInteger y) {
1027         FDBigInteger big;
1028         FDBigInteger small;
1029         int xSize = x.size();
1030         int ySize = y.size();
1031         int bSize;
1032         int sSize;
1033         if (xSize >= ySize) {
1034             big = x;
1035             small = y;
1036             bSize = xSize;
1037             sSize = ySize;
1038         } else {

 367      @ ensures nWords > 0 ==> data[nWords - 1] != 0;
 368      @*/
 369     private /*@ helper @*/ void trimLeadingZeros() {
 370         int i = nWords;
 371         if (i > 0 && (data[--i] == 0)) {
 372             //for (; i > 0 && data[i - 1] == 0; i--) ;
 373             while(i > 0 && data[i - 1] == 0) {
 374                 i--;
 375             }
 376             this.nWords = i;
 377             if (i == 0) { // all words are zero
 378                 this.offset = 0;
 379             }
 380         }
 381     }
 383     /**
 384      * Retrieves the normalization bias of the <code>FDBigIntger</code>. The
 385      * normalization bias is a left shift such that after it the highest word
 386      * of the value will have the 4 highest bits equal to zero:
 387      * {@code (highestWord & 0xf0000000) == 0}, but the next bit should be 1
 388      * {@code (highestWord & 0x08000000) != 0}.
 389      *
 390      * @return The normalization bias.
 391      */
 392     /*@
 393      @ requires this.value() > 0;
 394      @*/
 395     public /*@ pure @*/ int getNormalizationBias() {
 396         if (nWords == 0) {
 397             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero value cannot be normalized");
 398         }
 399         int zeros = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(data[nWords - 1]);
 400         return (zeros < 4) ? 28 + zeros : zeros - 4;
 401     }
 403     // TODO: Why is anticount param needed if it is always 32 - bitcount?
 404     /**
 405      * Left shifts the contents of one int array into another.
 406      *
 407      * @param src The source array.
 408      * @param idx The initial index of the source array.

 529      @
 530      @ requires this.value() > 0;
 531      @ ensures ((\bigint)1) << (\result - 1) <= this.value() && this.value() <= ((\bigint)1) << \result;
 532      @*/
 533     private /*@ pure @*/ int size() {
 534         return nWords + offset;
 535     }
 538     /**
 539      * Computes
 540      * <pre>
 541      * q = (int)( this / S )
 542      * this = 10 * ( this mod S )
 543      * Return q.
 544      * </pre>
 545      * This is the iteration step of digit development for output.
 546      * We assume that S has been normalized, as above, and that
 547      * "this" has been left-shifted accordingly.
 548      * Also assumed, of course, is that the result, q, can be expressed
 549      * as an integer, {@code 0 <= q < 10}.
 550      *
 551      * @param S The divisor of this <code>FDBigInteger</code>.
 552      * @return <code>q = (int)(this / S)</code>.
 553      */
 554     /*@
 555      @ requires !this.isImmutable;
 556      @ requires this.size() <= S.size();
 557      @ requires this.data.length + this.offset >= S.size();
 558      @ requires S.value() >= ((\bigint)1) << (S.size()*32 - 4);
 559      @ assignable this.nWords, this.offset, this.data, this.data[*];
 560      @ ensures \result == \old(this.value() / S.value());
 561      @ ensures this.value() == \old(10 * (this.value() % S.value()));
 562      @*/
 563     public int quoRemIteration(FDBigInteger S) throws IllegalArgumentException {
 564         assert !this.isImmutable : "cannot modify immutable value";
 565         // ensure that this and S have the same number of
 566         // digits. If S is properly normalized and q < 10 then
 567         // this must be so.
 568         int thSize = this.size();
 569         int sSize = S.size();
 570         if (thSize < sSize) {
 571             // this value is significantly less than S, result of division is zero.

 668                     } else {
 669                         data = Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length + 1);
 670                     }
 671                 }
 672                 data[nWords++] = p;
 673             } else {
 674                 trimLeadingZeros();
 675             }
 676             return this;
 677         }
 678     }
 680     /**
 681      * Multiplies this <code>FDBigInteger</code> by
 682      * <code>5<sup>p5</sup> * 2<sup>p2</sup></code>. The operation will be
 683      * performed in place if possible, otherwise a new <code>FDBigInteger</code>
 684      * will be returned.
 685      *
 686      * @param p5 The exponent of the power-of-five factor.
 687      * @param p2 The exponent of the power-of-two factor.
 688      * @return The multiplication result.
 689      */
 690     /*@
 691      @ requires this.value() == 0 || p5 == 0 && p2 == 0;
 692      @ assignable \nothing;
 693      @ ensures \result == this;
 694      @
 695      @  also
 696      @
 697      @ requires this.value() > 0 && (p5 > 0 && p2 >= 0 || p5 == 0 && p2 > 0 && this.isImmutable);
 698      @ assignable \nothing;
 699      @ ensures \result.value() == \old(this.value() * pow52(p5, p2));
 700      @
 701      @  also
 702      @
 703      @ requires this.value() > 0 && p5 == 0 && p2 > 0 && !this.isImmutable;
 704      @ assignable this.nWords, this.data, this.data[*];
 705      @ ensures \result == this;
 706      @ ensures \result.value() == \old(this.value() * pow52(p5, p2));
 707      @*/
 708     public FDBigInteger multByPow52(int p5, int p2) {

 914      * @param a The array to be examined.
 915      * @param from The index strictly below which elements are to be examined.
 916      * @return Zero if all elements in range are zero, 1 otherwise.
 917      */
 918     /*@
 919      @ requires 0 <= from && from <= a.length;
 920      @ ensures \result == (AP(a, from) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
 921      @*/
 922     private /*@ pure @*/ static int checkZeroTail(int[] a, int from) {
 923         while (from > 0) {
 924             if (a[--from] != 0) {
 925                 return 1;
 926             }
 927         }
 928         return 0;
 929     }
 931     /**
 932      * Compares the parameter with this <code>FDBigInteger</code>. Returns an
 933      * integer accordingly as:
 934      * <pre>{@code
 935      * > 0: this > other
 936      *   0: this == other
 937      * < 0: this < other
 938      * }</pre>
 939      *
 940      * @param other The <code>FDBigInteger</code> to compare.
 941      * @return A negative value, zero, or a positive value according to the
 942      * result of the comparison.
 943      */
 944     /*@
 945      @ ensures \result == (this.value() < other.value() ? -1 : this.value() > other.value() ? +1 : 0);
 946      @*/
 947     public /*@ pure @*/ int cmp(FDBigInteger other) {
 948         int aSize = nWords + offset;
 949         int bSize = other.nWords + other.offset;
 950         if (aSize > bSize) {
 951             return 1;
 952         } else if (aSize < bSize) {
 953             return -1;
 954         }
 955         int aLen = nWords;
 956         int bLen = other.nWords;
 957         while (aLen > 0 && bLen > 0) {
 958             int a = data[--aLen];
 959             int b = other.data[--bLen];
 960             if (a != b) {
 961                 return ((a & LONG_MASK) < (b & LONG_MASK)) ? -1 : 1;
 962             }
 963         }
 964         if (aLen > 0) {
 965             return checkZeroTail(data, aLen);
 966         }
 967         if (bLen > 0) {
 968             return -checkZeroTail(other.data, bLen);
 969         }
 970         return 0;
 971     }
 973     /**
 974      * Compares this <code>FDBigInteger</code> with
 975      * <code>5<sup>p5</sup> * 2<sup>p2</sup></code>.
 976      * Returns an integer accordingly as:
 977      * <pre>{@code
 978      * > 0: this > other
 979      *   0: this == other
 980      * < 0: this < other
 981      * }</pre>
 982      * @param p5 The exponent of the power-of-five factor.
 983      * @param p2 The exponent of the power-of-two factor.
 984      * @return A negative value, zero, or a positive value according to the
 985      * result of the comparison.
 986      */
 987     /*@
 988      @ requires p5 >= 0 && p2 >= 0;
 989      @ ensures \result == (this.value() < pow52(p5, p2) ? -1 : this.value() >  pow52(p5, p2) ? +1 : 0);
 990      @*/
 991     public /*@ pure @*/ int cmpPow52(int p5, int p2) {
 992         if (p5 == 0) {
 993             int wordcount = p2 >> 5;
 994             int bitcount = p2 & 0x1f;
 995             int size = this.nWords + this.offset;
 996             if (size > wordcount + 1) {
 997                 return 1;
 998             } else if (size < wordcount + 1) {
 999                 return -1;
1000             }
1001             int a = this.data[this.nWords -1];
1002             int b = 1 << bitcount;
1003             if (a != b) {
1004                 return ( (a & LONG_MASK) < (b & LONG_MASK)) ? -1 : 1;
1005             }
1006             return checkZeroTail(this.data, this.nWords - 1);
1007         }
1008         return this.cmp(big5pow(p5).leftShift(p2));
1009     }
1011     /**
1012      * Compares this <code>FDBigInteger</code> with <code>x + y</code>. Returns a
1013      * value according to the comparison as:
1014      * <pre>{@code
1015      * -1: this <  x + y
1016      *  0: this == x + y
1017      *  1: this >  x + y
1018      * }</pre>
1019      * @param x The first addend of the sum to compare.
1020      * @param y The second addend of the sum to compare.
1021      * @return -1, 0, or 1 according to the result of the comparison.
1022      */
1023     /*@
1024      @ ensures \result == (this.value() < x.value() + y.value() ? -1 : this.value() > x.value() + y.value() ? +1 : 0);
1025      @*/
1026     public /*@ pure @*/ int addAndCmp(FDBigInteger x, FDBigInteger y) {
1027         FDBigInteger big;
1028         FDBigInteger small;
1029         int xSize = x.size();
1030         int ySize = y.size();
1031         int bSize;
1032         int sSize;
1033         if (xSize >= ySize) {
1034             big = x;
1035             small = y;
1036             bSize = xSize;
1037             sSize = ySize;
1038         } else {

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