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  32  * materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent
  33  * and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International
  34  * patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
  35  *   Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
  36  *
  37  */
  39 package sun.text;
  42 /**
  43  * class CompactATypeArray : use only on primitive data types
  44  * Provides a compact way to store information that is indexed by Unicode
  45  * values, such as character properties, types, keyboard values, etc.This
  46  * is very useful when you have a block of Unicode data that contains
  47  * significant values while the rest of the Unicode data is unused in the
  48  * application or when you have a lot of redundance, such as where all 21,000
  49  * Han ideographs have the same value.  However, lookup is much faster than a
  50  * hash table.
  51  * A compact array of any primitive data type serves two purposes:
  52  * <UL type = round>
  53  *     <LI>Fast access of the indexed values.
  54  *     <LI>Smaller memory footprint.
  55  * </UL>
  56  * A compact array is composed of a index array and value array.  The index
  57  * array contains the indicies of Unicode characters to the value array.
  58  *
  59  * @see                CompactIntArray
  60  * @see                CompactShortArray
  61  * @author             Helena Shih
  62  */
  63 public final class CompactByteArray implements Cloneable {
  65     /**
  66      * The total number of Unicode characters.
  67      */
  68     public static  final int UNICODECOUNT =65536;
  70     /**
  71      * Constructor for CompactByteArray.
  72      * @param defaultValue the default value of the compact array.

  32  * materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent
  33  * and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International
  34  * patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
  35  *   Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
  36  *
  37  */
  39 package sun.text;
  42 /**
  43  * class CompactATypeArray : use only on primitive data types
  44  * Provides a compact way to store information that is indexed by Unicode
  45  * values, such as character properties, types, keyboard values, etc.This
  46  * is very useful when you have a block of Unicode data that contains
  47  * significant values while the rest of the Unicode data is unused in the
  48  * application or when you have a lot of redundance, such as where all 21,000
  49  * Han ideographs have the same value.  However, lookup is much faster than a
  50  * hash table.
  51  * A compact array of any primitive data type serves two purposes:
  52  * <UL type = circle>
  53  *     <LI>Fast access of the indexed values.
  54  *     <LI>Smaller memory footprint.
  55  * </UL>
  56  * A compact array is composed of a index array and value array.  The index
  57  * array contains the indicies of Unicode characters to the value array.
  58  *
  59  * @see                CompactIntArray
  60  * @see                CompactShortArray
  61  * @author             Helena Shih
  62  */
  63 public final class CompactByteArray implements Cloneable {
  65     /**
  66      * The total number of Unicode characters.
  67      */
  68     public static  final int UNICODECOUNT =65536;
  70     /**
  71      * Constructor for CompactByteArray.
  72      * @param defaultValue the default value of the compact array.

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