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  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 /*
  27  *******************************************************************************
  28  * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996-2005 - All Rights Reserved                     *
  29  *                                                                             *
  30  * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted   *
  31  * and owned by IBM, These materials are provided under terms of a License     *
  32  * Agreement between IBM and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple     *
  33  * US and International patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not    *
  34  * to removed.                                                                 *
  35  *******************************************************************************
  36  */
  38 package sun.text.normalizer;
  40 /**
  41  * <p>Interface for enabling iteration over sets of <int index, int value>,

  42  * where index is the sorted integer index in ascending order and value, its
  43  * associated integer value.</p>
  44  * <p>The result for each iteration is the consecutive range of
  45  * <int index, int value> with the same value. Result is represented by
  46  * <start, limit, value> where</p>
  47  * <ul>
  48  * <li> start is the starting integer of the result range
  49  * <li> limit is 1 after the maximum integer that follows start, such that
  50  *      all integers between start and (limit - 1), inclusive, have the same
  51  *      associated integer value.
  52  * <li> value is the integer value that all integers from start to (limit - 1)
  53  *      share in common.
  54  * </ul>
  55  * <p>
  56  * Hence value(start) = value(start + 1) = .... = value(start + n) = .... =
  57  * value(limit - 1). However value(start -1) != value(start) and
  58  * value(limit) != value(start).
  59  * </p>
  60  * <p>Most implementations will be created by factory methods, such as the
  61  * character type iterator in UCharacter.getTypeIterator. See example below.
  62  * </p>
  63  * Example of use:<br>
  64  * <pre>
  65  * RangeValueIterator iterator = UCharacter.getTypeIterator();
  66  * RangeValueIterator.Element result = new RangeValueIterator.Element();
  67  * while (iterator.next(result)) {
  68  *     System.out.println("Codepoint \\u" +
  69  *                        Integer.toHexString(result.start) +
  70  *                        " to codepoint \\u" +
  71  *                        Integer.toHexString(result.limit - 1) +
  72  *                        " has the character type " + result.value);
  73  * }
  74  * </pre>
  75  * @author synwee
  76  * @stable ICU 2.6
  77  */
  78 public interface RangeValueIterator
  79 {
  80     // public inner class ---------------------------------------------
  82     /**

  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 /*
  27  *******************************************************************************
  28  * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996-2005 - All Rights Reserved                     *
  29  *                                                                             *
  30  * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted   *
  31  * and owned by IBM, These materials are provided under terms of a License     *
  32  * Agreement between IBM and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple     *
  33  * US and International patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not    *
  34  * to removed.                                                                 *
  35  *******************************************************************************
  36  */
  38 package sun.text.normalizer;
  40 /**
  41  * <p>Interface for enabling iteration over sets of
  42  * {@code <int index, int value>},
  43  * where index is the sorted integer index in ascending order and value, its
  44  * associated integer value.
  45  * <p>The result for each iteration is the consecutive range of
  46  * {@code <int index, int value>} with the same value. Result is represented by
  47  * {@code <start, limit, value>} where
  48  * <ul>
  49  * <li> start is the starting integer of the result range
  50  * <li> limit is 1 after the maximum integer that follows start, such that
  51  *      all integers between start and (limit - 1), inclusive, have the same
  52  *      associated integer value.
  53  * <li> value is the integer value that all integers from start to (limit - 1)
  54  *      share in common.
  55  * </ul>
  56  * <p>
  57  * Hence value(start) = value(start + 1) = .... = value(start + n) = .... =
  58  * value(limit - 1). However value(start -1) != value(start) and
  59  * value(limit) != value(start).
  60  *
  61  * <p>Most implementations will be created by factory methods, such as the
  62  * character type iterator in UCharacter.getTypeIterator. See example below.
  63  *
  64  * Example of use:<br>
  65  * <pre>
  66  * RangeValueIterator iterator = UCharacter.getTypeIterator();
  67  * RangeValueIterator.Element result = new RangeValueIterator.Element();
  68  * while (iterator.next(result)) {
  69  *     System.out.println("Codepoint \\u" +
  70  *                        Integer.toHexString(result.start) +
  71  *                        " to codepoint \\u" +
  72  *                        Integer.toHexString(result.limit - 1) +
  73  *                        " has the character type " + result.value);
  74  * }
  75  * </pre>
  76  * @author synwee
  77  * @stable ICU 2.6
  78  */
  79 public interface RangeValueIterator
  80 {
  81     // public inner class ---------------------------------------------
  83     /**

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