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4046      * which data will be read.  A second form of this method,
4047      * which takes no arguments, uses the values from this rowset's
4048      * user, password, and either url or data source properties to
4049      * create a new database connection. The form of <code>execute</code>
4050      * that is given a connection ignores these properties.
4051      *
4052      *  @param conn A standard JDBC <code>Connection</code> object with valid
4053      *           properties that the <code>JoinRowSet</code> implementation
4054      *           can pass to a synchronization provider to establish a
4055      *           connection to the datasource
4056      * @throws SQLException if an invalid <code>Connection</code> is supplied
4057      *           or an error occurs in establishing the connection to the
4058      *           data soure
4059      * @see java.sql.Connection
4060      */
4061     public void execute(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
4062         crsInternal.execute(conn);
4063     }
4065     /**
4066      * Provide interface coverage for getURL(int) in ResultSet->RowSet

4067      */
4068     public java.net.URL getURL(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
4069         return crsInternal.getURL(columnIndex);
4070     }
4072     /**
4073      * Provide interface coverage for getURL(String) in ResultSet->RowSet

4074      */
4075     public java.net.URL getURL(String columnName) throws SQLException {
4076         return crsInternal.getURL(columnName);
4077     }
4079    /**
4080     * Creates a new <code>WebRowSet</code> object, populates it with the
4081     * data in the given <code>ResultSet</code> object, and writes it
4082     * to the given <code>java.io.Writer</code> object in XML format.
4083     *
4084     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs writing out the rowset
4085     *          contents to XML
4086     */
4087     public void writeXml(ResultSet rs, java.io.Writer writer)
4088         throws SQLException {
4089              wrs = new WebRowSetImpl();
4090              wrs.populate(rs);
4091              wrs.writeXml(writer);
4092     }

4046      * which data will be read.  A second form of this method,
4047      * which takes no arguments, uses the values from this rowset's
4048      * user, password, and either url or data source properties to
4049      * create a new database connection. The form of <code>execute</code>
4050      * that is given a connection ignores these properties.
4051      *
4052      *  @param conn A standard JDBC <code>Connection</code> object with valid
4053      *           properties that the <code>JoinRowSet</code> implementation
4054      *           can pass to a synchronization provider to establish a
4055      *           connection to the datasource
4056      * @throws SQLException if an invalid <code>Connection</code> is supplied
4057      *           or an error occurs in establishing the connection to the
4058      *           data soure
4059      * @see java.sql.Connection
4060      */
4061     public void execute(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
4062         crsInternal.execute(conn);
4063     }
4065     /**
4066      * Provide interface coverage for getURL(int) in
4067      * ResultSet{@literal ->}RowSet
4068      */
4069     public java.net.URL getURL(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
4070         return crsInternal.getURL(columnIndex);
4071     }
4073     /**
4074      * Provide interface coverage for getURL(String) in
4075      * ResultSet{@literal ->}RowSet
4076      */
4077     public java.net.URL getURL(String columnName) throws SQLException {
4078         return crsInternal.getURL(columnName);
4079     }
4081    /**
4082     * Creates a new <code>WebRowSet</code> object, populates it with the
4083     * data in the given <code>ResultSet</code> object, and writes it
4084     * to the given <code>java.io.Writer</code> object in XML format.
4085     *
4086     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs writing out the rowset
4087     *          contents to XML
4088     */
4089     public void writeXml(ResultSet rs, java.io.Writer writer)
4090         throws SQLException {
4091              wrs = new WebRowSetImpl();
4092              wrs.populate(rs);
4093              wrs.writeXml(writer);
4094     }

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