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Standalone utility class providing UTF16 character conversions and * indexing conversions. *

Code that uses strings alone rarely need modification. * By design, UTF-16 does not allow overlap, so searching for strings is a safe * operation. Similarly, concatenation is always safe. Substringing is safe if * the start and end are both on UTF-32 boundaries. In normal code, the values * for start and end are on those boundaries, since they arose from operations * like searching. If not, the nearest UTF-32 boundaries can be determined * using bounds(). * Examples: *

The following examples illustrate use of some of these methods. *

 * // iteration forwards: Original
 * for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
 *     char ch = s.charAt(i);
 *     doSomethingWith(ch);
 * }
 * // iteration forwards: Changes for UTF-32
 * int ch;
 * for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i+=UTF16.getCharCount(ch)) {
 *     ch = UTF16.charAt(s,i);
 *     doSomethingWith(ch);
 * }
 * // iteration backwards: Original
 * for (int i = s.length() -1; i >= 0; --i) {
 *     char ch = s.charAt(i);
 *     doSomethingWith(ch);
 * }
 * // iteration backwards: Changes for UTF-32
 * int ch;
 * for (int i = s.length() -1; i > 0; i-=UTF16.getCharCount(ch)) {
 *     ch = UTF16.charAt(s,i);
 *     doSomethingWith(ch);
 * }
 * }
* Notes: * * @author Mark Davis, with help from Markus Scherer * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public final class UTF16 { // public variables --------------------------------------------------- /** * The lowest Unicode code point value. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static final int CODEPOINT_MIN_VALUE = 0; /** * The highest Unicode code point value (scalar value) according to the * Unicode Standard. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static final int CODEPOINT_MAX_VALUE = 0x10ffff; /** * The minimum value for Supplementary code points * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static final int SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE = 0x10000; /** * Lead surrogate minimum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static final int LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE = 0xD800; /** * Trail surrogate minimum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static final int TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE = 0xDC00; /** * Lead surrogate maximum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static final int LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE = 0xDBFF; /** * Trail surrogate maximum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static final int TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE = 0xDFFF; /** * Surrogate minimum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static final int SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE = LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE; // public method ------------------------------------------------------ /** * Extract a single UTF-32 value from a string. * Used when iterating forwards or backwards (with * UTF16.getCharCount(), as well as random access. If a * validity check is required, use * * UCharacter.isLegal() on the return value. * If the char retrieved is part of a surrogate pair, its supplementary * character will be returned. If a complete supplementary character is * not found the incomplete character will be returned * @param source array of UTF-16 chars * @param offset16 UTF-16 offset to the start of the character. * @return UTF-32 value for the UTF-32 value that contains the char at * offset16. The boundaries of that codepoint are the same as in * bounds32(). * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if offset16 is out of * bounds. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static int charAt(String source, int offset16) { char single = source.charAt(offset16); if (single < LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE) { return single; } return _charAt(source, offset16, single); } private static int _charAt(String source, int offset16, char single) { if (single > TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { return single; } // Convert the UTF-16 surrogate pair if necessary. // For simplicity in usage, and because the frequency of pairs is // low, look both directions. if (single <= LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { ++offset16; if (source.length() != offset16) { char trail = source.charAt(offset16); if (trail >= TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && trail <= TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(single, trail); } } } else { --offset16; if (offset16 >= 0) { // single is a trail surrogate so char lead = source.charAt(offset16); if (lead >= LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && lead <= LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(lead, single); } } } return single; // return unmatched surrogate } /** * Extract a single UTF-32 value from a substring. * Used when iterating forwards or backwards (with * UTF16.getCharCount(), as well as random access. If a * validity check is required, use * UCharacter.isLegal() * on the return value. * If the char retrieved is part of a surrogate pair, its supplementary * character will be returned. If a complete supplementary character is * not found the incomplete character will be returned * @param source array of UTF-16 chars * @param start offset to substring in the source array for analyzing * @param limit offset to substring in the source array for analyzing * @param offset16 UTF-16 offset relative to start * @return UTF-32 value for the UTF-32 value that contains the char at * offset16. The boundaries of that codepoint are the same as in * bounds32(). * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if offset16 is not within * the range of start and limit. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static int charAt(char source[], int start, int limit, int offset16) { offset16 += start; if (offset16 < start || offset16 >= limit) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset16); } char single = source[offset16]; if (!isSurrogate(single)) { return single; } // Convert the UTF-16 surrogate pair if necessary. // For simplicity in usage, and because the frequency of pairs is // low, look both directions. if (single <= LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { offset16 ++; if (offset16 >= limit) { return single; } char trail = source[offset16]; if (isTrailSurrogate(trail)) { return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(single, trail); } } else { // isTrailSurrogate(single), so if (offset16 == start) { return single; } offset16 --; char lead = source[offset16]; if (isLeadSurrogate(lead)) return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(lead, single); } return single; // return unmatched surrogate } /** * Determines how many chars this char32 requires. * If a validity check is required, use * isLegal() on * char32 before calling. * @param char32 the input codepoint. * @return 2 if is in supplementary space, otherwise 1. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static int getCharCount(int char32) { if (char32 < SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { return 1; } return 2; } /** * Determines whether the code value is a surrogate. * @param char16 the input character. * @return true iff the input character is a surrogate. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static boolean isSurrogate(char char16) { return LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE <= char16 && char16 <= TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE; } /** * Determines whether the character is a trail surrogate. * @param char16 the input character. * @return true iff the input character is a trail surrogate. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static boolean isTrailSurrogate(char char16) { return (TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE <= char16 && char16 <= TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE); } /** * Determines whether the character is a lead surrogate. * @param char16 the input character. * @return true iff the input character is a lead surrogate * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static boolean isLeadSurrogate(char char16) { return LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE <= char16 && char16 <= LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE; } /** * Returns the lead surrogate. * If a validity check is required, use * isLegal() * on char32 before calling. * @param char32 the input character. * @return lead surrogate if the getCharCount(ch) is 2;
* and 0 otherwise (note: 0 is not a valid lead surrogate). * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static char getLeadSurrogate(int char32) { if (char32 >= SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { return (char)(LEAD_SURROGATE_OFFSET_ + (char32 >> LEAD_SURROGATE_SHIFT_)); } return 0; } /** * Returns the trail surrogate. * If a validity check is required, use * isLegal() * on char32 before calling. * @param char32 the input character. * @return the trail surrogate if the getCharCount(ch) is 2;
otherwise * the character itself * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static char getTrailSurrogate(int char32) { if (char32 >= SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { return (char)(TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE + (char32 & TRAIL_SURROGATE_MASK_)); } return (char)char32; } /** * Convenience method corresponding to String.valueOf(char). Returns a one * or two char string containing the UTF-32 value in UTF16 format. If a * validity check is required, use * isLegal() * on char32 before calling. * @param char32 the input character. * @return string value of char32 in UTF16 format * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if char32 is a invalid * codepoint. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static String valueOf(int char32) { if (char32 < CODEPOINT_MIN_VALUE || char32 > CODEPOINT_MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal codepoint"); } return toString(char32); } /** * Append a single UTF-32 value to the end of a StringBuffer. * If a validity check is required, use * isLegal() * on char32 before calling. * @param target the buffer to append to * @param char32 value to append. * @return the updated StringBuffer * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown when char32 does not lie * within the range of the Unicode codepoints * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static StringBuffer append(StringBuffer target, int char32) { // Check for irregular values if (char32 < CODEPOINT_MIN_VALUE || char32 > CODEPOINT_MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal codepoint: " + Integer.toHexString(char32)); } // Write the UTF-16 values if (char32 >= SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { target.append(getLeadSurrogate(char32)); target.append(getTrailSurrogate(char32)); } else { target.append((char)char32); } return target; } //// for StringPrep /** * Shifts offset16 by the argument number of codepoints within a subarray. * @param source char array * @param start position of the subarray to be performed on * @param limit position of the subarray to be performed on * @param offset16 UTF16 position to shift relative to start * @param shift32 number of codepoints to shift * @return new shifted offset16 relative to start * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the new offset16 is out of * bounds with respect to the subarray or the subarray bounds * are out of range. * @stable ICU 2.1 */ public static int moveCodePointOffset(char source[], int start, int limit, int offset16, int shift32) { int size = source.length; int count; char ch; int result = offset16 + start; if (start<0 || limitsize) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(limit); } if (offset16<0 || result>limit) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset16); } if (shift32 > 0 ) { if (shift32 + result > size) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(result); } count = shift32; while (result < limit && count > 0) { ch = source[result]; if (isLeadSurrogate(ch) && (result+1 < limit) && isTrailSurrogate(source[result+1])) { result ++; } count --; result ++; } } else { if (result + shift32 < start) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(result); } for (count=-shift32; count>0; count--) { result--; if (resultstart && isLeadSurrogate(source[result-1])) { result--; } } } if (count != 0) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(shift32); } result -= start; return result; } // private data members ------------------------------------------------- /** * Shift value for lead surrogate to form a supplementary character. */ private static final int LEAD_SURROGATE_SHIFT_ = 10; /** * Mask to retrieve the significant value from a trail surrogate. */ private static final int TRAIL_SURROGATE_MASK_ = 0x3FF; /** * Value that all lead surrogate starts with */ private static final int LEAD_SURROGATE_OFFSET_ = LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE - (SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE >> LEAD_SURROGATE_SHIFT_); // private methods ------------------------------------------------------ /** *

Converts argument code point and returns a String object representing * the code point's value in UTF16 format. *

This method does not check for the validity of the codepoint, the * results are not guaranteed if a invalid codepoint is passed as * argument. *

The result is a string whose length is 1 for non-supplementary code * points, 2 otherwise. * @param ch code point * @return string representation of the code point */ private static String toString(int ch) { if (ch < SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { return String.valueOf((char)ch); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(getLeadSurrogate(ch)); result.append(getTrailSurrogate(ch)); return result.toString(); } }