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  55     private static final String SASL_AUTHZ_ID =
  56         "java.naming.security.sasl.authorizationId";
  57     private static final String SASL_REALM =
  58         "java.naming.security.sasl.realm";
  60     private static final int LDAP_SUCCESS = 0;
  61     private static final int LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS = 14;   // LDAPv3
  63     private LdapSasl() {
  64     }
  66     /**
  67      * Performs SASL bind.
  68      * Creates a SaslClient by using a default CallbackHandler
  69      * that uses the Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS
  70      * properties to satisfy the callbacks, and by using the
  71      * SASL_AUTHZ_ID property as the authorization id. If the SASL_AUTHZ_ID
  72      * property has not been set, Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL is used.
  73      * If SASL_CALLBACK has been set, use that instead of the default
  74      * CallbackHandler.
  75      *<p>
  76      * If bind is successful and the selected SASL mechanism has a security
  77      * layer, set inStream and outStream to be filter streams that use
  78      * the security layer. These will be used for subsequent communication
  79      * with the server.
  80      *<p>
  81      * @param conn The non-null connection to use for sending an LDAP BIND
  82      * @param server Non-null string name of host to connect to
  83      * @param dn Non-null DN to bind as; also used as authentication ID
  84      * @param pw Possibly null password; can be byte[], char[] or String
  85      * @param authMech A non-null space-separated list of SASL authentication
  86      *        mechanisms.
  87      * @param env The possibly null environment of the context, possibly containing
  88      *        properties for used by SASL mechanisms
  89      * @param bindCtls The possibly null controls to accompany the bind
  90      * @return LdapResult containing status of the bind
  91      */
  92     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  93     public static LdapResult saslBind(LdapClient clnt, Connection conn,
  94         String server, String dn, Object pw,
  95         String authMech, Hashtable<?,?> env, Control[] bindCtls)
  96         throws IOException, NamingException {
  98         SaslClient saslClnt = null;
  99         boolean cleanupHandler = false;

  55     private static final String SASL_AUTHZ_ID =
  56         "java.naming.security.sasl.authorizationId";
  57     private static final String SASL_REALM =
  58         "java.naming.security.sasl.realm";
  60     private static final int LDAP_SUCCESS = 0;
  61     private static final int LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS = 14;   // LDAPv3
  63     private LdapSasl() {
  64     }
  66     /**
  67      * Performs SASL bind.
  68      * Creates a SaslClient by using a default CallbackHandler
  69      * that uses the Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS
  70      * properties to satisfy the callbacks, and by using the
  71      * SASL_AUTHZ_ID property as the authorization id. If the SASL_AUTHZ_ID
  72      * property has not been set, Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL is used.
  73      * If SASL_CALLBACK has been set, use that instead of the default
  74      * CallbackHandler.
  75      * <p>
  76      * If bind is successful and the selected SASL mechanism has a security
  77      * layer, set inStream and outStream to be filter streams that use
  78      * the security layer. These will be used for subsequent communication
  79      * with the server.
  80      *
  81      * @param conn The non-null connection to use for sending an LDAP BIND
  82      * @param server Non-null string name of host to connect to
  83      * @param dn Non-null DN to bind as; also used as authentication ID
  84      * @param pw Possibly null password; can be byte[], char[] or String
  85      * @param authMech A non-null space-separated list of SASL authentication
  86      *        mechanisms.
  87      * @param env The possibly null environment of the context, possibly containing
  88      *        properties for used by SASL mechanisms
  89      * @param bindCtls The possibly null controls to accompany the bind
  90      * @return LdapResult containing status of the bind
  91      */
  92     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  93     public static LdapResult saslBind(LdapClient clnt, Connection conn,
  94         String server, String dn, Object pw,
  95         String authMech, Hashtable<?,?> env, Control[] bindCtls)
  96         throws IOException, NamingException {
  98         SaslClient saslClnt = null;
  99         boolean cleanupHandler = false;

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