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  42 // REMIND:  Unless compatibility with sun.* API's from 1.2 to 2.0 is
  43 // a goal, there's no reason to carry this forward into JDK 2.0.
  44 @Deprecated
  45 public interface HttpAuthenticator {
  48     /**
  49      * Indicate whether the specified authentication scheme is
  50      * supported.  In accordance with HTTP specifications, the
  51      * scheme name should be checked in a case-insensitive fashion.
  52      */
  54     boolean schemeSupported (String scheme);
  56     /**
  57      * Returns the String that should be included in the HTTP
  58      * <B>Authorization</B> field.  Return null if no info was
  59      * supplied or could be found.
  60      * <P>
  61      * Example:

  62      * --> GET http://www.authorization-required.com/ HTTP/1.0
  63      * <-- HTTP/1.0 403 Unauthorized
  64      * <-- WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="WallyWorld"
  65      * call schemeSupported("Basic"); (return true)
  66      * call authString(u, "Basic", "WallyWorld", null);
  67      *   return "QWadhgWERghghWERfdfQ=="
  68      * --> GET http://www.authorization-required.com/ HTTP/1.0
  69      * --> Authorization: Basic QWadhgWERghghWERfdfQ==
  70      * <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  71      * <B> YAY!!!</B>

  72      */
  74     public String authString (URL u, String scheme, String realm);
  76 }

  42 // REMIND:  Unless compatibility with sun.* API's from 1.2 to 2.0 is
  43 // a goal, there's no reason to carry this forward into JDK 2.0.
  44 @Deprecated
  45 public interface HttpAuthenticator {
  48     /**
  49      * Indicate whether the specified authentication scheme is
  50      * supported.  In accordance with HTTP specifications, the
  51      * scheme name should be checked in a case-insensitive fashion.
  52      */
  54     boolean schemeSupported (String scheme);
  56     /**
  57      * Returns the String that should be included in the HTTP
  58      * <B>Authorization</B> field.  Return null if no info was
  59      * supplied or could be found.
  60      * <P>
  61      * Example:
  62      * <pre>{@code
  63      * --> GET http://www.authorization-required.com/ HTTP/1.0
  64      * <-- HTTP/1.0 403 Unauthorized
  65      * <-- WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="WallyWorld"
  66      * call schemeSupported("Basic"); (return true)
  67      * call authString(u, "Basic", "WallyWorld", null);
  68      *   return "QWadhgWERghghWERfdfQ=="
  69      * --> GET http://www.authorization-required.com/ HTTP/1.0
  70      * --> Authorization: Basic QWadhgWERghghWERfdfQ==
  71      * <-- HTTP/1.0 200 OK}
  72      * <B> YAY!!!</B>
  73      * </pre>
  74      */
  76     public String authString (URL u, String scheme, String realm);
  78 }
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