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  69             runFinalizersOnExit = run;
  70         }
  71     }
  74     /**
  75      * Add a new shutdown hook.  Checks the shutdown state and the hook itself,
  76      * but does not do any security checks.
  77      *
  78      * The registerShutdownInProgress parameter should be false except
  79      * registering the DeleteOnExitHook since the first file may
  80      * be added to the delete on exit list by the application shutdown
  81      * hooks.
  82      *
  83      * @params slot  the slot in the shutdown hook array, whose element
  84      *               will be invoked in order during shutdown
  85      * @params registerShutdownInProgress true to allow the hook
  86      *               to be registered even if the shutdown is in progress.
  87      * @params hook  the hook to be registered
  88      *
  89      * @throw IllegalStateException
  90      *        if registerShutdownInProgress is false and shutdown is in progress; or
  91      *        if registerShutdownInProgress is true and the shutdown process
  92      *           already passes the given slot
  93      */
  94     static void add(int slot, boolean registerShutdownInProgress, Runnable hook) {
  95         synchronized (lock) {
  96             if (hooks[slot] != null)
  97                 throw new InternalError("Shutdown hook at slot " + slot + " already registered");
  99             if (!registerShutdownInProgress) {
 100                 if (state > RUNNING)
 101                     throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress");
 102             } else {
 103                 if (state > HOOKS || (state == HOOKS && slot <= currentRunningHook))
 104                     throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress");
 105             }
 107             hooks[slot] = hook;
 108         }
 109     }

  69             runFinalizersOnExit = run;
  70         }
  71     }
  74     /**
  75      * Add a new shutdown hook.  Checks the shutdown state and the hook itself,
  76      * but does not do any security checks.
  77      *
  78      * The registerShutdownInProgress parameter should be false except
  79      * registering the DeleteOnExitHook since the first file may
  80      * be added to the delete on exit list by the application shutdown
  81      * hooks.
  82      *
  83      * @params slot  the slot in the shutdown hook array, whose element
  84      *               will be invoked in order during shutdown
  85      * @params registerShutdownInProgress true to allow the hook
  86      *               to be registered even if the shutdown is in progress.
  87      * @params hook  the hook to be registered
  88      *
  89      * @throws IllegalStateException
  90      *         if registerShutdownInProgress is false and shutdown is in progress; or
  91      *         if registerShutdownInProgress is true and the shutdown process
  92      *         already passes the given slot
  93      */
  94     static void add(int slot, boolean registerShutdownInProgress, Runnable hook) {
  95         synchronized (lock) {
  96             if (hooks[slot] != null)
  97                 throw new InternalError("Shutdown hook at slot " + slot + " already registered");
  99             if (!registerShutdownInProgress) {
 100                 if (state > RUNNING)
 101                     throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress");
 102             } else {
 103                 if (state > HOOKS || (state == HOOKS && slot <= currentRunningHook))
 104                     throw new IllegalStateException("Shutdown in progress");
 105             }
 107             hooks[slot] = hook;
 108         }
 109     }

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