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  43  * or loaded from a stream. Each key and its corresponding value in
  44  * the property list is a string.
  45  * <p>
  46  * A property list can contain another property list as its
  47  * "defaults"; this second property list is searched if
  48  * the property key is not found in the original property list.
  49  * <p>
  50  * Because {@code Properties} inherits from {@code Hashtable}, the
  51  * {@code put} and {@code putAll} methods can be applied to a
  52  * {@code Properties} object.  Their use is strongly discouraged as they
  53  * allow the caller to insert entries whose keys or values are not
  54  * {@code Strings}.  The {@code setProperty} method should be used
  55  * instead.  If the {@code store} or {@code save} method is called
  56  * on a "compromised" {@code Properties} object that contains a
  57  * non-{@code String} key or value, the call will fail. Similarly,
  58  * the call to the {@code propertyNames} or {@code list} method
  59  * will fail if it is called on a "compromised" {@code Properties}
  60  * object that contains a non-{@code String} key.
  61  *
  62  * <p>
  63  * The {@link #load(java.io.Reader) load(Reader)} <tt>/</tt>
  64  * {@link #store(java.io.Writer, java.lang.String) store(Writer, String)}
  65  * methods load and store properties from and to a character based stream
  66  * in a simple line-oriented format specified below.
  67  *
  68  * The {@link #load(java.io.InputStream) load(InputStream)} <tt>/</tt>
  69  * {@link #store(java.io.OutputStream, java.lang.String) store(OutputStream, String)}
  70  * methods work the same way as the load(Reader)/store(Writer, String) pair, except
  71  * the input/output stream is encoded in ISO 8859-1 character encoding.
  72  * Characters that cannot be directly represented in this encoding can be written using
  73  * Unicode escapes as defined in section 3.3 of
  74  * <cite>The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>;
  75  * only a single 'u' character is allowed in an escape
  76  * sequence.
  77  *
  78  * <p> The {@link #loadFromXML(InputStream)} and {@link
  79  * #storeToXML(OutputStream, String, String)} methods load and store properties
  80  * in a simple XML format.  By default the UTF-8 character encoding is used,
  81  * however a specific encoding may be specified if required. Implementations
  82  * are required to support UTF-8 and UTF-16 and may support other encodings.
  83  * An XML properties document has the following DOCTYPE declaration:
  84  *
  85  * <pre>
  86  * &lt;!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"&gt;
  87  * </pre>
  88  * Note that the system URI (http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd) is
  89  * <i>not</i> accessed when exporting or importing properties; it merely
  90  * serves as a string to uniquely identify the DTD, which is:
  91  * <pre>
  92  *    &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
  93  *
  94  *    &lt;!-- DTD for properties --&gt;
  95  *
  96  *    &lt;!ELEMENT properties ( comment?, entry* ) &gt;
  97  *
  98  *    &lt;!ATTLIST properties version CDATA #FIXED "1.0"&gt;
  99  *
 100  *    &lt;!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA) &gt;
 101  *
 102  *    &lt;!ELEMENT entry (#PCDATA) &gt;
 103  *
 104  *    &lt;!ATTLIST entry key CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 105  * </pre>
 106  *
 107  * <p>This class is thread-safe: multiple threads can share a single
 108  * <tt>Properties</tt> object without the need for external synchronization.
 109  *
 110  * @author  Arthur van Hoff
 111  * @author  Michael McCloskey
 112  * @author  Xueming Shen
 113  * @since   1.0
 114  */
 115 public
 116 class Properties extends Hashtable<Object,Object> {
 117     /**
 118      * use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1.X for interoperability
 119      */
 120      private static final long serialVersionUID = 4112578634029874840L;
 122     /**
 123      * A property list that contains default values for any keys not
 124      * found in this property list.
 125      *
 126      * @serial
 127      */
 128     protected Properties defaults;
 130     /**
 131      * Creates an empty property list with no default values.
 132      */
 133     public Properties() {
 134         this(null);
 135     }
 137     /**
 138      * Creates an empty property list with the specified defaults.
 139      *
 140      * @param   defaults   the defaults.
 141      */
 142     public Properties(Properties defaults) {
 143         this.defaults = defaults;
 144     }
 146     /**
 147      * Calls the <tt>Hashtable</tt> method {@code put}. Provided for
 148      * parallelism with the <tt>getProperty</tt> method. Enforces use of
 149      * strings for property keys and values. The value returned is the
 150      * result of the <tt>Hashtable</tt> call to {@code put}.
 151      *
 152      * @param key the key to be placed into this property list.
 153      * @param value the value corresponding to <tt>key</tt>.
 154      * @return     the previous value of the specified key in this property
 155      *             list, or {@code null} if it did not have one.
 156      * @see #getProperty
 157      * @since    1.2
 158      */
 159     public synchronized Object setProperty(String key, String value) {
 160         return put(key, value);
 161     }
 164     /**
 165      * Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input
 166      * character stream in a simple line-oriented format.
 167      * <p>
 168      * Properties are processed in terms of lines. There are two
 169      * kinds of line, <i>natural lines</i> and <i>logical lines</i>.
 170      * A natural line is defined as a line of
 171      * characters that is terminated either by a set of line terminator
 172      * characters ({@code \n} or {@code \r} or {@code \r\n})
 173      * or by the end of the stream. A natural line may be either a blank line,

 739      * by the {@code toString} method of {@code Date} for the
 740      * current time), and a line separator as generated by the {@code Writer}.
 741      * <p>
 742      * Then every entry in this {@code Properties} table is
 743      * written out, one per line. For each entry the key string is
 744      * written, then an ASCII {@code =}, then the associated
 745      * element string. For the key, all space characters are
 746      * written with a preceding {@code \} character.  For the
 747      * element, leading space characters, but not embedded or trailing
 748      * space characters, are written with a preceding {@code \}
 749      * character. The key and element characters {@code #},
 750      * {@code !}, {@code =}, and {@code :} are written
 751      * with a preceding backslash to ensure that they are properly loaded.
 752      * <p>
 753      * After the entries have been written, the output stream is flushed.
 754      * The output stream remains open after this method returns.
 755      *
 756      * @param   writer      an output character stream writer.
 757      * @param   comments   a description of the property list.
 758      * @exception  IOException if writing this property list to the specified
 759      *             output stream throws an <tt>IOException</tt>.
 760      * @exception  ClassCastException  if this {@code Properties} object
 761      *             contains any keys or values that are not {@code Strings}.
 762      * @exception  NullPointerException  if {@code writer} is null.
 763      * @since 1.6
 764      */
 765     public void store(Writer writer, String comments)
 766         throws IOException
 767     {
 768         store0((writer instanceof BufferedWriter)?(BufferedWriter)writer
 769                                                  : new BufferedWriter(writer),
 771                false);
 772     }
 774     /**
 775      * Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this
 776      * {@code Properties} table to the output stream in a format suitable
 777      * for loading into a {@code Properties} table using the
 778      * {@link #load(InputStream) load(InputStream)} method.
 779      * <p>

 786      * with the following differences:
 787      * <ul>
 788      * <li>The stream is written using the ISO 8859-1 character encoding.
 789      *
 790      * <li>Characters not in Latin-1 in the comments are written as
 791      * {@code \u005Cu}<i>xxxx</i> for their appropriate unicode
 792      * hexadecimal value <i>xxxx</i>.
 793      *
 794      * <li>Characters less than {@code \u005Cu0020} and characters greater
 795      * than {@code \u005Cu007E} in property keys or values are written
 796      * as {@code \u005Cu}<i>xxxx</i> for the appropriate hexadecimal
 797      * value <i>xxxx</i>.
 798      * </ul>
 799      * <p>
 800      * After the entries have been written, the output stream is flushed.
 801      * The output stream remains open after this method returns.
 802      *
 803      * @param   out      an output stream.
 804      * @param   comments   a description of the property list.
 805      * @exception  IOException if writing this property list to the specified
 806      *             output stream throws an <tt>IOException</tt>.
 807      * @exception  ClassCastException  if this {@code Properties} object
 808      *             contains any keys or values that are not {@code Strings}.
 809      * @exception  NullPointerException  if {@code out} is null.
 810      * @since 1.2
 811      */
 812     public void store(OutputStream out, String comments)
 813         throws IOException
 814     {
 815         store0(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "8859_1")),
 817                true);
 818     }
 820     private void store0(BufferedWriter bw, String comments, boolean escUnicode)
 821         throws IOException
 822     {
 823         if (comments != null) {
 824             writeComments(bw, comments);
 825         }
 826         bw.write("#" + new Date().toString());

 844     /**
 845      * Loads all of the properties represented by the XML document on the
 846      * specified input stream into this properties table.
 847      *
 848      * <p>The XML document must have the following DOCTYPE declaration:
 849      * <pre>
 850      * &lt;!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"&gt;
 851      * </pre>
 852      * Furthermore, the document must satisfy the properties DTD described
 853      * above.
 854      *
 855      * <p> An implementation is required to read XML documents that use the
 856      * "{@code UTF-8}" or "{@code UTF-16}" encoding. An implementation may
 857      * support additional encodings.
 858      *
 859      * <p>The specified stream is closed after this method returns.
 860      *
 861      * @param in the input stream from which to read the XML document.
 862      * @throws IOException if reading from the specified input stream
 863      *         results in an <tt>IOException</tt>.
 864      * @throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException if the document's encoding
 865      *         declaration can be read and it specifies an encoding that is not
 866      *         supported
 867      * @throws InvalidPropertiesFormatException Data on input stream does not
 868      *         constitute a valid XML document with the mandated document type.
 869      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code in} is null.
 870      * @see    #storeToXML(OutputStream, String, String)
 871      * @see    <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charencoding">Character
 872      *         Encoding in Entities</a>
 873      * @since 1.5
 874      */
 875     public synchronized void loadFromXML(InputStream in)
 876         throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException
 877     {
 878         Objects.requireNonNull(in);
 879         PropertiesDefaultHandler handler = new PropertiesDefaultHandler();
 880         handler.load(this, in);
 881         in.close();
 882     }
 884     /**
 885      * Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained
 886      * in this table.
 887      *
 888      * <p> An invocation of this method of the form <tt>props.storeToXML(os,
 889      * comment)</tt> behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation
 890      * <tt>props.storeToXML(os, comment, "UTF-8");</tt>.
 891      *
 892      * @param os the output stream on which to emit the XML document.
 893      * @param comment a description of the property list, or {@code null}
 894      *        if no comment is desired.
 895      * @throws IOException if writing to the specified output stream
 896      *         results in an <tt>IOException</tt>.
 897      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code os} is null.
 898      * @throws ClassCastException  if this {@code Properties} object
 899      *         contains any keys or values that are not
 900      *         {@code Strings}.
 901      * @see    #loadFromXML(InputStream)
 902      * @since 1.5
 903      */
 904     public void storeToXML(OutputStream os, String comment)
 905         throws IOException
 906     {
 907         storeToXML(os, comment, "UTF-8");
 908     }
 910     /**
 911      * Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained
 912      * in this table, using the specified encoding.
 913      *
 914      * <p>The XML document will have the following DOCTYPE declaration:
 915      * <pre>
 916      * &lt;!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"&gt;
 917      * </pre>
 918      *
 919      * <p>If the specified comment is {@code null} then no comment
 920      * will be stored in the document.
 921      *
 922      * <p> An implementation is required to support writing of XML documents
 923      * that use the "{@code UTF-8}" or "{@code UTF-16}" encoding. An
 924      * implementation may support additional encodings.
 925      *
 926      * <p>The specified stream remains open after this method returns.
 927      *
 928      * @param os        the output stream on which to emit the XML document.
 929      * @param comment   a description of the property list, or {@code null}
 930      *                  if no comment is desired.
 931      * @param  encoding the name of a supported
 932      *                  <a href="../lang/package-summary.html#charenc">
 933      *                  character encoding</a>
 934      *
 935      * @throws IOException if writing to the specified output stream
 936      *         results in an <tt>IOException</tt>.
 937      * @throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not
 938      *         supported by the implementation.
 939      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code os} is {@code null},
 940      *         or if {@code encoding} is {@code null}.
 941      * @throws ClassCastException  if this {@code Properties} object
 942      *         contains any keys or values that are not
 943      *         {@code Strings}.
 944      * @see    #loadFromXML(InputStream)
 945      * @see    <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charencoding">Character
 946      *         Encoding in Entities</a>
 947      * @since 1.5
 948      */
 949     public void storeToXML(OutputStream os, String comment, String encoding)
 950         throws IOException
 951     {
 952         Objects.requireNonNull(os);
 953         Objects.requireNonNull(encoding);
 954         PropertiesDefaultHandler handler = new PropertiesDefaultHandler();
 955         handler.store(this, os, comment, encoding);
 956     }

 999      * @return  an enumeration of all the keys in this property list, including
1000      *          the keys in the default property list.
1001      * @throws  ClassCastException if any key in this property list
1002      *          is not a string.
1003      * @see     java.util.Enumeration
1004      * @see     java.util.Properties#defaults
1005      * @see     #stringPropertyNames
1006      */
1007     public Enumeration<?> propertyNames() {
1008         Hashtable<String,Object> h = new Hashtable<>();
1009         enumerate(h);
1010         return h.keys();
1011     }
1013     /**
1014      * Returns a set of keys in this property list where
1015      * the key and its corresponding value are strings,
1016      * including distinct keys in the default property list if a key
1017      * of the same name has not already been found from the main
1018      * properties list.  Properties whose key or value is not
1019      * of type <tt>String</tt> are omitted.
1020      * <p>
1021      * The returned set is not backed by the <tt>Properties</tt> object.
1022      * Changes to this <tt>Properties</tt> are not reflected in the set,
1023      * or vice versa.
1024      *
1025      * @return  a set of keys in this property list where
1026      *          the key and its corresponding value are strings,
1027      *          including the keys in the default property list.
1028      * @see     java.util.Properties#defaults
1029      * @since   1.6
1030      */
1031     public Set<String> stringPropertyNames() {
1032         Hashtable<String, String> h = new Hashtable<>();
1033         enumerateStringProperties(h);
1034         return h.keySet();
1035     }
1037     /**
1038      * Prints this property list out to the specified output stream.
1039      * This method is useful for debugging.
1040      *
1041      * @param   out   an output stream.
1042      * @throws  ClassCastException if any key in this property list

  43  * or loaded from a stream. Each key and its corresponding value in
  44  * the property list is a string.
  45  * <p>
  46  * A property list can contain another property list as its
  47  * "defaults"; this second property list is searched if
  48  * the property key is not found in the original property list.
  49  * <p>
  50  * Because {@code Properties} inherits from {@code Hashtable}, the
  51  * {@code put} and {@code putAll} methods can be applied to a
  52  * {@code Properties} object.  Their use is strongly discouraged as they
  53  * allow the caller to insert entries whose keys or values are not
  54  * {@code Strings}.  The {@code setProperty} method should be used
  55  * instead.  If the {@code store} or {@code save} method is called
  56  * on a "compromised" {@code Properties} object that contains a
  57  * non-{@code String} key or value, the call will fail. Similarly,
  58  * the call to the {@code propertyNames} or {@code list} method
  59  * will fail if it is called on a "compromised" {@code Properties}
  60  * object that contains a non-{@code String} key.
  61  *
  62  * <p>
  63  * The {@link #load(java.io.Reader) load(Reader)} {@code /}
  64  * {@link #store(java.io.Writer, java.lang.String) store(Writer, String)}
  65  * methods load and store properties from and to a character based stream
  66  * in a simple line-oriented format specified below.
  67  *
  68  * The {@link #load(java.io.InputStream) load(InputStream)} {@code /}
  69  * {@link #store(java.io.OutputStream, java.lang.String) store(OutputStream, String)}
  70  * methods work the same way as the load(Reader)/store(Writer, String) pair, except
  71  * the input/output stream is encoded in ISO 8859-1 character encoding.
  72  * Characters that cannot be directly represented in this encoding can be written using
  73  * Unicode escapes as defined in section 3.3 of
  74  * <cite>The Java&trade; Language Specification</cite>;
  75  * only a single 'u' character is allowed in an escape
  76  * sequence.
  77  *
  78  * <p> The {@link #loadFromXML(InputStream)} and {@link
  79  * #storeToXML(OutputStream, String, String)} methods load and store properties
  80  * in a simple XML format.  By default the UTF-8 character encoding is used,
  81  * however a specific encoding may be specified if required. Implementations
  82  * are required to support UTF-8 and UTF-16 and may support other encodings.
  83  * An XML properties document has the following DOCTYPE declaration:
  84  *
  85  * <pre>
  86  * &lt;!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"&gt;
  87  * </pre>
  88  * Note that the system URI (http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd) is
  89  * <i>not</i> accessed when exporting or importing properties; it merely
  90  * serves as a string to uniquely identify the DTD, which is:
  91  * <pre>
  92  *    &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
  93  *
  94  *    &lt;!-- DTD for properties --&gt;
  95  *
  96  *    &lt;!ELEMENT properties ( comment?, entry* ) &gt;
  97  *
  98  *    &lt;!ATTLIST properties version CDATA #FIXED "1.0"&gt;
  99  *
 100  *    &lt;!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA) &gt;
 101  *
 102  *    &lt;!ELEMENT entry (#PCDATA) &gt;
 103  *
 104  *    &lt;!ATTLIST entry key CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
 105  * </pre>
 106  *
 107  * <p>This class is thread-safe: multiple threads can share a single
 108  * {@code Properties} object without the need for external synchronization.
 109  *
 110  * @author  Arthur van Hoff
 111  * @author  Michael McCloskey
 112  * @author  Xueming Shen
 113  * @since   1.0
 114  */
 115 public
 116 class Properties extends Hashtable<Object,Object> {
 117     /**
 118      * use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1.X for interoperability
 119      */
 120      private static final long serialVersionUID = 4112578634029874840L;
 122     /**
 123      * A property list that contains default values for any keys not
 124      * found in this property list.
 125      *
 126      * @serial
 127      */
 128     protected Properties defaults;
 130     /**
 131      * Creates an empty property list with no default values.
 132      */
 133     public Properties() {
 134         this(null);
 135     }
 137     /**
 138      * Creates an empty property list with the specified defaults.
 139      *
 140      * @param   defaults   the defaults.
 141      */
 142     public Properties(Properties defaults) {
 143         this.defaults = defaults;
 144     }
 146     /**
 147      * Calls the {@code Hashtable} method {@code put}. Provided for
 148      * parallelism with the {@code getProperty} method. Enforces use of
 149      * strings for property keys and values. The value returned is the
 150      * result of the {@code Hashtable} call to {@code put}.
 151      *
 152      * @param key the key to be placed into this property list.
 153      * @param value the value corresponding to {@code key}.
 154      * @return     the previous value of the specified key in this property
 155      *             list, or {@code null} if it did not have one.
 156      * @see #getProperty
 157      * @since    1.2
 158      */
 159     public synchronized Object setProperty(String key, String value) {
 160         return put(key, value);
 161     }
 164     /**
 165      * Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input
 166      * character stream in a simple line-oriented format.
 167      * <p>
 168      * Properties are processed in terms of lines. There are two
 169      * kinds of line, <i>natural lines</i> and <i>logical lines</i>.
 170      * A natural line is defined as a line of
 171      * characters that is terminated either by a set of line terminator
 172      * characters ({@code \n} or {@code \r} or {@code \r\n})
 173      * or by the end of the stream. A natural line may be either a blank line,

 739      * by the {@code toString} method of {@code Date} for the
 740      * current time), and a line separator as generated by the {@code Writer}.
 741      * <p>
 742      * Then every entry in this {@code Properties} table is
 743      * written out, one per line. For each entry the key string is
 744      * written, then an ASCII {@code =}, then the associated
 745      * element string. For the key, all space characters are
 746      * written with a preceding {@code \} character.  For the
 747      * element, leading space characters, but not embedded or trailing
 748      * space characters, are written with a preceding {@code \}
 749      * character. The key and element characters {@code #},
 750      * {@code !}, {@code =}, and {@code :} are written
 751      * with a preceding backslash to ensure that they are properly loaded.
 752      * <p>
 753      * After the entries have been written, the output stream is flushed.
 754      * The output stream remains open after this method returns.
 755      *
 756      * @param   writer      an output character stream writer.
 757      * @param   comments   a description of the property list.
 758      * @exception  IOException if writing this property list to the specified
 759      *             output stream throws an {@code IOException}.
 760      * @exception  ClassCastException  if this {@code Properties} object
 761      *             contains any keys or values that are not {@code Strings}.
 762      * @exception  NullPointerException  if {@code writer} is null.
 763      * @since 1.6
 764      */
 765     public void store(Writer writer, String comments)
 766         throws IOException
 767     {
 768         store0((writer instanceof BufferedWriter)?(BufferedWriter)writer
 769                                                  : new BufferedWriter(writer),
 771                false);
 772     }
 774     /**
 775      * Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this
 776      * {@code Properties} table to the output stream in a format suitable
 777      * for loading into a {@code Properties} table using the
 778      * {@link #load(InputStream) load(InputStream)} method.
 779      * <p>

 786      * with the following differences:
 787      * <ul>
 788      * <li>The stream is written using the ISO 8859-1 character encoding.
 789      *
 790      * <li>Characters not in Latin-1 in the comments are written as
 791      * {@code \u005Cu}<i>xxxx</i> for their appropriate unicode
 792      * hexadecimal value <i>xxxx</i>.
 793      *
 794      * <li>Characters less than {@code \u005Cu0020} and characters greater
 795      * than {@code \u005Cu007E} in property keys or values are written
 796      * as {@code \u005Cu}<i>xxxx</i> for the appropriate hexadecimal
 797      * value <i>xxxx</i>.
 798      * </ul>
 799      * <p>
 800      * After the entries have been written, the output stream is flushed.
 801      * The output stream remains open after this method returns.
 802      *
 803      * @param   out      an output stream.
 804      * @param   comments   a description of the property list.
 805      * @exception  IOException if writing this property list to the specified
 806      *             output stream throws an {@code IOException}.
 807      * @exception  ClassCastException  if this {@code Properties} object
 808      *             contains any keys or values that are not {@code Strings}.
 809      * @exception  NullPointerException  if {@code out} is null.
 810      * @since 1.2
 811      */
 812     public void store(OutputStream out, String comments)
 813         throws IOException
 814     {
 815         store0(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "8859_1")),
 817                true);
 818     }
 820     private void store0(BufferedWriter bw, String comments, boolean escUnicode)
 821         throws IOException
 822     {
 823         if (comments != null) {
 824             writeComments(bw, comments);
 825         }
 826         bw.write("#" + new Date().toString());

 844     /**
 845      * Loads all of the properties represented by the XML document on the
 846      * specified input stream into this properties table.
 847      *
 848      * <p>The XML document must have the following DOCTYPE declaration:
 849      * <pre>
 850      * &lt;!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"&gt;
 851      * </pre>
 852      * Furthermore, the document must satisfy the properties DTD described
 853      * above.
 854      *
 855      * <p> An implementation is required to read XML documents that use the
 856      * "{@code UTF-8}" or "{@code UTF-16}" encoding. An implementation may
 857      * support additional encodings.
 858      *
 859      * <p>The specified stream is closed after this method returns.
 860      *
 861      * @param in the input stream from which to read the XML document.
 862      * @throws IOException if reading from the specified input stream
 863      *         results in an {@code IOException}.
 864      * @throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException if the document's encoding
 865      *         declaration can be read and it specifies an encoding that is not
 866      *         supported
 867      * @throws InvalidPropertiesFormatException Data on input stream does not
 868      *         constitute a valid XML document with the mandated document type.
 869      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code in} is null.
 870      * @see    #storeToXML(OutputStream, String, String)
 871      * @see    <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charencoding">Character
 872      *         Encoding in Entities</a>
 873      * @since 1.5
 874      */
 875     public synchronized void loadFromXML(InputStream in)
 876         throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException
 877     {
 878         Objects.requireNonNull(in);
 879         PropertiesDefaultHandler handler = new PropertiesDefaultHandler();
 880         handler.load(this, in);
 881         in.close();
 882     }
 884     /**
 885      * Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained
 886      * in this table.
 887      *
 888      * <p> An invocation of this method of the form {@code props.storeToXML(os,
 889      * comment)} behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation
 890      * {@code props.storeToXML(os, comment, "UTF-8");}.
 891      *
 892      * @param os the output stream on which to emit the XML document.
 893      * @param comment a description of the property list, or {@code null}
 894      *        if no comment is desired.
 895      * @throws IOException if writing to the specified output stream
 896      *         results in an {@code IOException}.
 897      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code os} is null.
 898      * @throws ClassCastException  if this {@code Properties} object
 899      *         contains any keys or values that are not
 900      *         {@code Strings}.
 901      * @see    #loadFromXML(InputStream)
 902      * @since 1.5
 903      */
 904     public void storeToXML(OutputStream os, String comment)
 905         throws IOException
 906     {
 907         storeToXML(os, comment, "UTF-8");
 908     }
 910     /**
 911      * Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained
 912      * in this table, using the specified encoding.
 913      *
 914      * <p>The XML document will have the following DOCTYPE declaration:
 915      * <pre>
 916      * &lt;!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd"&gt;
 917      * </pre>
 918      *
 919      * <p>If the specified comment is {@code null} then no comment
 920      * will be stored in the document.
 921      *
 922      * <p> An implementation is required to support writing of XML documents
 923      * that use the "{@code UTF-8}" or "{@code UTF-16}" encoding. An
 924      * implementation may support additional encodings.
 925      *
 926      * <p>The specified stream remains open after this method returns.
 927      *
 928      * @param os        the output stream on which to emit the XML document.
 929      * @param comment   a description of the property list, or {@code null}
 930      *                  if no comment is desired.
 931      * @param  encoding the name of a supported
 932      *                  <a href="../lang/package-summary.html#charenc">
 933      *                  character encoding</a>
 934      *
 935      * @throws IOException if writing to the specified output stream
 936      *         results in an {@code IOException}.
 937      * @throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not
 938      *         supported by the implementation.
 939      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code os} is {@code null},
 940      *         or if {@code encoding} is {@code null}.
 941      * @throws ClassCastException  if this {@code Properties} object
 942      *         contains any keys or values that are not
 943      *         {@code Strings}.
 944      * @see    #loadFromXML(InputStream)
 945      * @see    <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charencoding">Character
 946      *         Encoding in Entities</a>
 947      * @since 1.5
 948      */
 949     public void storeToXML(OutputStream os, String comment, String encoding)
 950         throws IOException
 951     {
 952         Objects.requireNonNull(os);
 953         Objects.requireNonNull(encoding);
 954         PropertiesDefaultHandler handler = new PropertiesDefaultHandler();
 955         handler.store(this, os, comment, encoding);
 956     }

 999      * @return  an enumeration of all the keys in this property list, including
1000      *          the keys in the default property list.
1001      * @throws  ClassCastException if any key in this property list
1002      *          is not a string.
1003      * @see     java.util.Enumeration
1004      * @see     java.util.Properties#defaults
1005      * @see     #stringPropertyNames
1006      */
1007     public Enumeration<?> propertyNames() {
1008         Hashtable<String,Object> h = new Hashtable<>();
1009         enumerate(h);
1010         return h.keys();
1011     }
1013     /**
1014      * Returns a set of keys in this property list where
1015      * the key and its corresponding value are strings,
1016      * including distinct keys in the default property list if a key
1017      * of the same name has not already been found from the main
1018      * properties list.  Properties whose key or value is not
1019      * of type {@code String} are omitted.
1020      * <p>
1021      * The returned set is not backed by the {@code Properties} object.
1022      * Changes to this {@code Properties} are not reflected in the set,
1023      * or vice versa.
1024      *
1025      * @return  a set of keys in this property list where
1026      *          the key and its corresponding value are strings,
1027      *          including the keys in the default property list.
1028      * @see     java.util.Properties#defaults
1029      * @since   1.6
1030      */
1031     public Set<String> stringPropertyNames() {
1032         Hashtable<String, String> h = new Hashtable<>();
1033         enumerateStringProperties(h);
1034         return h.keySet();
1035     }
1037     /**
1038      * Prints this property list out to the specified output stream.
1039      * This method is useful for debugging.
1040      *
1041      * @param   out   an output stream.
1042      * @throws  ClassCastException if any key in this property list

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