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 177      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:boolean.
 178      */
 179     public boolean parseBoolean( String lexicalXSDBoolean );
 181     /**
 182      * Converts the string argument into a byte value.
 183      * @param lexicalXSDByte
 184      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 185      *     xsd:byte.
 186      * @return
 187      *     A byte value represented by the string argument.
 188      * @throws NumberFormatException {@code lexicalXSDByte} does not contain a parseable byte.
 189      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:byte.
 190      */
 191     public byte parseByte( String lexicalXSDByte );
 193     /**
 194      * Converts the string argument into a QName value.
 195      *
 196      * <p>
 197      * String parameter <tt>lexicalXSDQname</tt> must conform to lexical value space specifed at
 198      * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#QName">XML Schema Part 2:Datatypes specification:QNames</a>
 199      *
 200      * @param lexicalXSDQName
 201      *     A string containing lexical representation of xsd:QName.
 202      * @param nsc
 203      *     A namespace context for interpreting a prefix within a QName.
 204      * @return
 205      *     A QName value represented by the string argument.
 206      * @throws IllegalArgumentException  if string parameter does not conform to XML Schema Part 2 specification or
 207      *      if namespace prefix of <tt>lexicalXSDQname</tt> is not bound to a URI in NamespaceContext <tt>nsc</tt>.
 208      */
 209     public javax.xml.namespace.QName parseQName( String lexicalXSDQName,
 210                                              javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext nsc);
 212     /**
 213      * Converts the string argument into a Calendar value.
 214      * @param lexicalXSDDateTime
 215      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 216      *     xsd:datetime.
 217      * @return
 218      *     A Calendar object represented by the string argument.
 219      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:dateTime.
 220      */
 221     public java.util.Calendar parseDateTime( String lexicalXSDDateTime );
 223     /**
 224      * Converts the string argument into an array of bytes.
 225      * @param lexicalXSDBase64Binary
 226      *     A string containing lexical representation
 227      *     of xsd:base64Binary.

 232     public byte[] parseBase64Binary( String lexicalXSDBase64Binary );
 234     /**
 235      * Converts the string argument into an array of bytes.
 236      * @param lexicalXSDHexBinary
 237      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 238      *     xsd:hexBinary.
 239      * @return
 240      *     An array of bytes represented by the string argument.
 241      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:hexBinary.
 242      */
 243     public byte[] parseHexBinary( String lexicalXSDHexBinary );
 245     /**
 246      * Converts the string argument into a long value.
 247      * @param lexicalXSDUnsignedInt
 248      *     A string containing lexical representation
 249      *     of xsd:unsignedInt.
 250      * @return
 251      *     A long value represented by the string argument.
 252      * @throws NumberFormatException if string parameter can not be parsed into a <tt>long</tt> value.
 253      */
 254     public long parseUnsignedInt( String lexicalXSDUnsignedInt );
 256     /**
 257      * Converts the string argument into an int value.
 258      * @param lexicalXSDUnsignedShort
 259      *     A string containing lexical
 260      *     representation of xsd:unsignedShort.
 261      * @return
 262      *     An int value represented by the string argument.
 263      * @throws NumberFormatException if string parameter can not be parsed into an <tt>int</tt> value.
 264      */
 265     public int parseUnsignedShort( String lexicalXSDUnsignedShort );
 267     /**
 268      * Converts the string argument into a Calendar value.
 269      * @param lexicalXSDTime
 270      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 271      *     xsd:Time.
 272      * @return
 273      *     A Calendar value represented by the string argument.
 274      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:Time.
 275      */
 276     public java.util.Calendar parseTime( String lexicalXSDTime );
 278     /**
 279      * Converts the string argument into a Calendar value.
 280      * @param lexicalXSDDate
 281      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 282      *     xsd:Date.
 283      * @return

 296      *     A string containing the lexical representation of the
 297      *     simple type.
 298      */
 299     public String parseAnySimpleType( String lexicalXSDAnySimpleType );
 301     /**
 302      * Converts the string argument into a string.
 303      * @param val
 304      *     A string value.
 305      * @return
 306      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:string
 307      */
 308     public String printString( String val );
 310     /**
 311      * Converts a BigInteger value into a string.
 312      * @param val
 313      *     A BigInteger value
 314      * @return
 315      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:integer
 316      * @throws IllegalArgumentException <tt>val</tt> is null.
 317      */
 318     public String printInteger( java.math.BigInteger val );
 320     /**
 321      * Converts an int value into a string.
 322      * @param val
 323      *     An int value
 324      * @return
 325      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:int
 326      */
 327     public String printInt( int val );
 330     /**
 331      * Converts a long value into a string.
 332      * @param val
 333      *     A long value
 334      * @return
 335      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:long
 336      */
 337     public String printLong( long val );
 339     /**
 340      * Converts a short value into a string.
 341      * @param val
 342      *     A short value
 343      * @return
 344      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:short
 345      */
 346     public String printShort( short val );
 348     /**
 349      * Converts a BigDecimal value into a string.
 350      * @param val
 351      *     A BigDecimal value
 352      * @return
 353      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:decimal
 354      * @throws IllegalArgumentException <tt>val</tt> is null.
 355      */
 356     public String printDecimal( java.math.BigDecimal val );
 358     /**
 359      * Converts a float value into a string.
 360      * @param val
 361      *     A float value
 362      * @return
 363      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:float
 364      */
 365     public String printFloat( float val );
 367     /**
 368      * Converts a double value into a string.
 369      * @param val
 370      *     A double value
 371      * @return
 372      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:double
 373      */
 374     public String printDouble( double val );

 382      */
 383     public String printBoolean( boolean val );
 385     /**
 386      * Converts a byte value into a string.
 387      * @param val
 388      *     A byte value
 389      * @return
 390      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:byte
 391      */
 392     public String printByte( byte val );
 394     /**
 395      * Converts a QName instance into a string.
 396      * @param val
 397      *     A QName value
 398      * @param nsc
 399      *     A namespace context for interpreting a prefix within a QName.
 400      * @return
 401      *     A string containing a lexical representation of QName
 402      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>val</tt> is null or
 403      * if <tt>nsc</tt> is non-null or <tt>nsc.getPrefix(nsprefixFromVal)</tt> is null.
 404      */
 405     public String printQName( javax.xml.namespace.QName val,
 406                               javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext nsc );
 408     /**
 409      * Converts a Calendar value into a string.
 410      * @param val
 411      *     A Calendar value
 412      * @return
 413      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:dateTime
 414      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>val</tt> is null.
 415      */
 416     public String printDateTime( java.util.Calendar val );
 418     /**
 419      * Converts an array of bytes into a string.
 420      * @param val
 421      *     an array of bytes
 422      * @return
 423      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:base64Binary
 424      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>val</tt> is null.
 425      */
 426     public String printBase64Binary( byte[] val );
 428     /**
 429      * Converts an array of bytes into a string.
 430      * @param val
 431      *     an array of bytes
 432      * @return
 433      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:hexBinary
 434      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>val</tt> is null.
 435      */
 436     public String printHexBinary( byte[] val );
 438     /**
 439      * Converts a long value into a string.
 440      * @param val
 441      *     A long value
 442      * @return
 443      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:unsignedInt
 444      */
 445     public String printUnsignedInt( long val );
 447     /**
 448      * Converts an int value into a string.
 449      * @param val
 450      *     An int value
 451      * @return
 452      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:unsignedShort
 453      */
 454     public String printUnsignedShort( int val );
 456     /**
 457      * Converts a Calendar value into a string.
 458      * @param val
 459      *     A Calendar value
 460      * @return
 461      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:time
 462      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>val</tt> is null.
 463      */
 464     public String printTime( java.util.Calendar val );
 466     /**
 467      * Converts a Calendar value into a string.
 468      * @param val
 469      *     A Calendar value
 470      * @return
 471      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:date
 472      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>val</tt> is null.
 473      */
 474     public String printDate( java.util.Calendar val );
 476     /**
 477      * Converts a string value into a string.
 478      * @param val
 479      *     A string value
 480      * @return
 481      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:AnySimpleType
 482      */
 483     public String printAnySimpleType( String val );
 484 }

 177      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:boolean.
 178      */
 179     public boolean parseBoolean( String lexicalXSDBoolean );
 181     /**
 182      * Converts the string argument into a byte value.
 183      * @param lexicalXSDByte
 184      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 185      *     xsd:byte.
 186      * @return
 187      *     A byte value represented by the string argument.
 188      * @throws NumberFormatException {@code lexicalXSDByte} does not contain a parseable byte.
 189      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:byte.
 190      */
 191     public byte parseByte( String lexicalXSDByte );
 193     /**
 194      * Converts the string argument into a QName value.
 195      *
 196      * <p>
 197      * String parameter {@code lexicalXSDQname} must conform to lexical value space specifed at
 198      * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#QName">XML Schema Part 2:Datatypes specification:QNames</a>
 199      *
 200      * @param lexicalXSDQName
 201      *     A string containing lexical representation of xsd:QName.
 202      * @param nsc
 203      *     A namespace context for interpreting a prefix within a QName.
 204      * @return
 205      *     A QName value represented by the string argument.
 206      * @throws IllegalArgumentException  if string parameter does not conform to XML Schema Part 2 specification or
 207      *      if namespace prefix of {@code lexicalXSDQname} is not bound to a URI in NamespaceContext {@code nsc}.
 208      */
 209     public javax.xml.namespace.QName parseQName( String lexicalXSDQName,
 210                                              javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext nsc);
 212     /**
 213      * Converts the string argument into a Calendar value.
 214      * @param lexicalXSDDateTime
 215      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 216      *     xsd:datetime.
 217      * @return
 218      *     A Calendar object represented by the string argument.
 219      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:dateTime.
 220      */
 221     public java.util.Calendar parseDateTime( String lexicalXSDDateTime );
 223     /**
 224      * Converts the string argument into an array of bytes.
 225      * @param lexicalXSDBase64Binary
 226      *     A string containing lexical representation
 227      *     of xsd:base64Binary.

 232     public byte[] parseBase64Binary( String lexicalXSDBase64Binary );
 234     /**
 235      * Converts the string argument into an array of bytes.
 236      * @param lexicalXSDHexBinary
 237      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 238      *     xsd:hexBinary.
 239      * @return
 240      *     An array of bytes represented by the string argument.
 241      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:hexBinary.
 242      */
 243     public byte[] parseHexBinary( String lexicalXSDHexBinary );
 245     /**
 246      * Converts the string argument into a long value.
 247      * @param lexicalXSDUnsignedInt
 248      *     A string containing lexical representation
 249      *     of xsd:unsignedInt.
 250      * @return
 251      *     A long value represented by the string argument.
 252      * @throws NumberFormatException if string parameter can not be parsed into a {@code long} value.
 253      */
 254     public long parseUnsignedInt( String lexicalXSDUnsignedInt );
 256     /**
 257      * Converts the string argument into an int value.
 258      * @param lexicalXSDUnsignedShort
 259      *     A string containing lexical
 260      *     representation of xsd:unsignedShort.
 261      * @return
 262      *     An int value represented by the string argument.
 263      * @throws NumberFormatException if string parameter can not be parsed into an {@code int} value.
 264      */
 265     public int parseUnsignedShort( String lexicalXSDUnsignedShort );
 267     /**
 268      * Converts the string argument into a Calendar value.
 269      * @param lexicalXSDTime
 270      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 271      *     xsd:Time.
 272      * @return
 273      *     A Calendar value represented by the string argument.
 274      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if string parameter does not conform to lexical value space defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes for xsd:Time.
 275      */
 276     public java.util.Calendar parseTime( String lexicalXSDTime );
 278     /**
 279      * Converts the string argument into a Calendar value.
 280      * @param lexicalXSDDate
 281      *     A string containing lexical representation of
 282      *     xsd:Date.
 283      * @return

 296      *     A string containing the lexical representation of the
 297      *     simple type.
 298      */
 299     public String parseAnySimpleType( String lexicalXSDAnySimpleType );
 301     /**
 302      * Converts the string argument into a string.
 303      * @param val
 304      *     A string value.
 305      * @return
 306      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:string
 307      */
 308     public String printString( String val );
 310     /**
 311      * Converts a BigInteger value into a string.
 312      * @param val
 313      *     A BigInteger value
 314      * @return
 315      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:integer
 316      * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@code val} is null.
 317      */
 318     public String printInteger( java.math.BigInteger val );
 320     /**
 321      * Converts an int value into a string.
 322      * @param val
 323      *     An int value
 324      * @return
 325      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:int
 326      */
 327     public String printInt( int val );
 330     /**
 331      * Converts a long value into a string.
 332      * @param val
 333      *     A long value
 334      * @return
 335      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:long
 336      */
 337     public String printLong( long val );
 339     /**
 340      * Converts a short value into a string.
 341      * @param val
 342      *     A short value
 343      * @return
 344      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:short
 345      */
 346     public String printShort( short val );
 348     /**
 349      * Converts a BigDecimal value into a string.
 350      * @param val
 351      *     A BigDecimal value
 352      * @return
 353      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:decimal
 354      * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@code val} is null.
 355      */
 356     public String printDecimal( java.math.BigDecimal val );
 358     /**
 359      * Converts a float value into a string.
 360      * @param val
 361      *     A float value
 362      * @return
 363      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:float
 364      */
 365     public String printFloat( float val );
 367     /**
 368      * Converts a double value into a string.
 369      * @param val
 370      *     A double value
 371      * @return
 372      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:double
 373      */
 374     public String printDouble( double val );

 382      */
 383     public String printBoolean( boolean val );
 385     /**
 386      * Converts a byte value into a string.
 387      * @param val
 388      *     A byte value
 389      * @return
 390      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:byte
 391      */
 392     public String printByte( byte val );
 394     /**
 395      * Converts a QName instance into a string.
 396      * @param val
 397      *     A QName value
 398      * @param nsc
 399      *     A namespace context for interpreting a prefix within a QName.
 400      * @return
 401      *     A string containing a lexical representation of QName
 402      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code val} is null or
 403      * if {@code nsc} is non-null or {@code nsc.getPrefix(nsprefixFromVal)} is null.
 404      */
 405     public String printQName( javax.xml.namespace.QName val,
 406                               javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext nsc );
 408     /**
 409      * Converts a Calendar value into a string.
 410      * @param val
 411      *     A Calendar value
 412      * @return
 413      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:dateTime
 414      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code val} is null.
 415      */
 416     public String printDateTime( java.util.Calendar val );
 418     /**
 419      * Converts an array of bytes into a string.
 420      * @param val
 421      *     an array of bytes
 422      * @return
 423      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:base64Binary
 424      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code val} is null.
 425      */
 426     public String printBase64Binary( byte[] val );
 428     /**
 429      * Converts an array of bytes into a string.
 430      * @param val
 431      *     an array of bytes
 432      * @return
 433      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:hexBinary
 434      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code val} is null.
 435      */
 436     public String printHexBinary( byte[] val );
 438     /**
 439      * Converts a long value into a string.
 440      * @param val
 441      *     A long value
 442      * @return
 443      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:unsignedInt
 444      */
 445     public String printUnsignedInt( long val );
 447     /**
 448      * Converts an int value into a string.
 449      * @param val
 450      *     An int value
 451      * @return
 452      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:unsignedShort
 453      */
 454     public String printUnsignedShort( int val );
 456     /**
 457      * Converts a Calendar value into a string.
 458      * @param val
 459      *     A Calendar value
 460      * @return
 461      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:time
 462      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code val} is null.
 463      */
 464     public String printTime( java.util.Calendar val );
 466     /**
 467      * Converts a Calendar value into a string.
 468      * @param val
 469      *     A Calendar value
 470      * @return
 471      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:date
 472      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code val} is null.
 473      */
 474     public String printDate( java.util.Calendar val );
 476     /**
 477      * Converts a string value into a string.
 478      * @param val
 479      *     A string value
 480      * @return
 481      *     A string containing a lexical representation of xsd:AnySimpleType
 482      */
 483     public String printAnySimpleType( String val );
 484 }
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