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 303     Fiber(Engine engine) {
 304         this.owner = engine;
 305         id = iotaGen.incrementAndGet();
 306         if (isTraceEnabled()) {
 307             LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "{0} created", getName());
 308         }
 310         // if this is run from another fiber, then we naturally inherit its context classloader,
 311         // so this code works for fiber->fiber inheritance just fine.
 312         contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
 313     }
 315     /**
 316      * Starts the execution of this fiber asynchronously.
 317      * <p/>
 318      * <p/>
 319      * This method works like {@link Thread#start()}.
 320      *
 321      * @param tubeline           The first tube of the tubeline that will act on the packet.
 322      * @param request            The request packet to be passed to <tt>startPoint.processRequest()</tt>.
 323      * @param completionCallback The callback to be invoked when the processing is finished and the
 324      *                           final response packet is available.
 325      * @see #runSync(Tube, Packet)
 326      */
 327     public void start(@NotNull Tube tubeline, @NotNull Packet request, @Nullable CompletionCallback completionCallback) {
 328         start(tubeline, request, completionCallback, false);
 329     }
 331     private void dumpFiberContext(String desc) {
 332         if(isTraceEnabled()) {
 333             String action = null;
 334             String msgId = null;
 335             if (packet != null) {
 336                 for (SOAPVersion sv: SOAPVersion.values()) {
 337                     for (AddressingVersion av: AddressingVersion.values()) {
 338                         action = packet.getMessage() != null ? AddressingUtils.getAction(packet.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) : null;
 339                         msgId = packet.getMessage() != null ? AddressingUtils.getMessageID(packet.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) : null;
 340                         if (action != null || msgId != null) {
 341                            break;
 342                         }

 368      * Starts the execution of this fiber.
 369      *
 370      * If forceSync is true, then the fiber is started for an ostensibly async invocation,
 371      * but allows for some portion of the tubeline to run sync with the calling
 372      * client instance (Port/Dispatch instance). This allows tubes that enforce
 373      * ordering to see requests in the order they were sent at the point the
 374      * client invoked them.
 375      * <p>
 376      * The forceSync parameter will be true only when the caller (e.g. AsyncInvoker or
 377      * SEIStub) knows one or more tubes need to enforce ordering and thus need
 378      * to run sync with the client. Such tubes can return
 379      * NextAction.INVOKE_ASYNC to indicate that the next tube in the tubeline
 380      * should be invoked async to the current thread.
 381      *
 382      * <p>
 383      * This method works like {@link Thread#start()}.
 384      *
 385      * @param tubeline
 386      *      The first tube of the tubeline that will act on the packet.
 387      * @param request
 388      *      The request packet to be passed to <tt>startPoint.processRequest()</tt>.
 389      * @param completionCallback
 390      *      The callback to be invoked when the processing is finished and the
 391      *      final response packet is available.
 392      *
 393      * @see #start(Tube,Packet,CompletionCallback)
 394      * @see #runSync(Tube,Packet)
 395      * @since 2.2.6
 396      */
 397     public void start(@NotNull Tube tubeline, @NotNull Packet request, @Nullable CompletionCallback completionCallback, boolean forceSync) {
 398         next = tubeline;
 399         this.packet = request;
 400         this.completionCallback = completionCallback;
 402         if (forceSync) {
 403                 this.startedSync = true;
 404                 dumpFiberContext("starting (sync)");
 405                 run();
 406         } else {
 407                 this.started = true;
 408                 dumpFiberContext("starting (async)");

 818      * <p/>
 819      * <p/>
 820      * This method blocks and returns only when all the successive {@link Tube}s
 821      * complete their request/response processing. This method can be used
 822      * if a {@link Tube} needs to fallback to synchronous processing.
 823      * <p/>
 824      * <h3>Example:</h3>
 825      * <pre>
 826      * class FooTube extends {@link AbstractFilterTubeImpl} {
 827      *   NextAction processRequest(Packet request) {
 828      *     // run everything synchronously and return with the response packet
 829      *     return doReturnWith(Fiber.current().runSync(next,request));
 830      *   }
 831      *   NextAction processResponse(Packet response) {
 832      *     // never be invoked
 833      *   }
 834      * }
 835      * </pre>
 836      *
 837      * @param tubeline The first tube of the tubeline that will act on the packet.
 838      * @param request  The request packet to be passed to <tt>startPoint.processRequest()</tt>.
 839      * @return The response packet to the <tt>request</tt>.
 840      * @see #start(Tube, Packet, CompletionCallback)
 841      */
 842     public
 843     @NotNull
 844     Packet runSync(@NotNull Tube tubeline, @NotNull Packet request) {
 845         lock.lock();
 846         try {
 847             // save the current continuation, so that we return runSync() without executing them.
 848             final Tube[] oldCont = conts;
 849             final int oldContSize = contsSize;
 850             final boolean oldSynchronous = synchronous;
 851             final Tube oldNext = next;
 853             if (oldContSize > 0) {
 854                 conts = new Tube[16];
 855                 contsSize = 0;
 856             }
 858             try {
 859                 synchronous = true;

 303     Fiber(Engine engine) {
 304         this.owner = engine;
 305         id = iotaGen.incrementAndGet();
 306         if (isTraceEnabled()) {
 307             LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "{0} created", getName());
 308         }
 310         // if this is run from another fiber, then we naturally inherit its context classloader,
 311         // so this code works for fiber->fiber inheritance just fine.
 312         contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
 313     }
 315     /**
 316      * Starts the execution of this fiber asynchronously.
 317      * <p/>
 318      * <p/>
 319      * This method works like {@link Thread#start()}.
 320      *
 321      * @param tubeline           The first tube of the tubeline that will act on the packet.
 322      * @param request            The request packet to be passed to {@code startPoint.processRequest()}.
 323      * @param completionCallback The callback to be invoked when the processing is finished and the
 324      *                           final response packet is available.
 325      * @see #runSync(Tube, Packet)
 326      */
 327     public void start(@NotNull Tube tubeline, @NotNull Packet request, @Nullable CompletionCallback completionCallback) {
 328         start(tubeline, request, completionCallback, false);
 329     }
 331     private void dumpFiberContext(String desc) {
 332         if(isTraceEnabled()) {
 333             String action = null;
 334             String msgId = null;
 335             if (packet != null) {
 336                 for (SOAPVersion sv: SOAPVersion.values()) {
 337                     for (AddressingVersion av: AddressingVersion.values()) {
 338                         action = packet.getMessage() != null ? AddressingUtils.getAction(packet.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) : null;
 339                         msgId = packet.getMessage() != null ? AddressingUtils.getMessageID(packet.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) : null;
 340                         if (action != null || msgId != null) {
 341                            break;
 342                         }

 368      * Starts the execution of this fiber.
 369      *
 370      * If forceSync is true, then the fiber is started for an ostensibly async invocation,
 371      * but allows for some portion of the tubeline to run sync with the calling
 372      * client instance (Port/Dispatch instance). This allows tubes that enforce
 373      * ordering to see requests in the order they were sent at the point the
 374      * client invoked them.
 375      * <p>
 376      * The forceSync parameter will be true only when the caller (e.g. AsyncInvoker or
 377      * SEIStub) knows one or more tubes need to enforce ordering and thus need
 378      * to run sync with the client. Such tubes can return
 379      * NextAction.INVOKE_ASYNC to indicate that the next tube in the tubeline
 380      * should be invoked async to the current thread.
 381      *
 382      * <p>
 383      * This method works like {@link Thread#start()}.
 384      *
 385      * @param tubeline
 386      *      The first tube of the tubeline that will act on the packet.
 387      * @param request
 388      *      The request packet to be passed to {@code startPoint.processRequest()}.
 389      * @param completionCallback
 390      *      The callback to be invoked when the processing is finished and the
 391      *      final response packet is available.
 392      *
 393      * @see #start(Tube,Packet,CompletionCallback)
 394      * @see #runSync(Tube,Packet)
 395      * @since 2.2.6
 396      */
 397     public void start(@NotNull Tube tubeline, @NotNull Packet request, @Nullable CompletionCallback completionCallback, boolean forceSync) {
 398         next = tubeline;
 399         this.packet = request;
 400         this.completionCallback = completionCallback;
 402         if (forceSync) {
 403                 this.startedSync = true;
 404                 dumpFiberContext("starting (sync)");
 405                 run();
 406         } else {
 407                 this.started = true;
 408                 dumpFiberContext("starting (async)");

 818      * <p/>
 819      * <p/>
 820      * This method blocks and returns only when all the successive {@link Tube}s
 821      * complete their request/response processing. This method can be used
 822      * if a {@link Tube} needs to fallback to synchronous processing.
 823      * <p/>
 824      * <h3>Example:</h3>
 825      * <pre>
 826      * class FooTube extends {@link AbstractFilterTubeImpl} {
 827      *   NextAction processRequest(Packet request) {
 828      *     // run everything synchronously and return with the response packet
 829      *     return doReturnWith(Fiber.current().runSync(next,request));
 830      *   }
 831      *   NextAction processResponse(Packet response) {
 832      *     // never be invoked
 833      *   }
 834      * }
 835      * </pre>
 836      *
 837      * @param tubeline The first tube of the tubeline that will act on the packet.
 838      * @param request  The request packet to be passed to {@code startPoint.processRequest()}.
 839      * @return The response packet to the {@code request}.
 840      * @see #start(Tube, Packet, CompletionCallback)
 841      */
 842     public
 843     @NotNull
 844     Packet runSync(@NotNull Tube tubeline, @NotNull Packet request) {
 845         lock.lock();
 846         try {
 847             // save the current continuation, so that we return runSync() without executing them.
 848             final Tube[] oldCont = conts;
 849             final int oldContSize = contsSize;
 850             final boolean oldSynchronous = synchronous;
 851             final Tube oldNext = next;
 853             if (oldContSize > 0) {
 854                 conts = new Tube[16];
 855                 contsSize = 0;
 856             }
 858             try {
 859                 synchronous = true;

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