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 118  * safe to use {@link WSDLModel} can be used safely.
 119  *
 120  * <p>
 121  * Also note that {@link WSDLParserExtension}s are called in no particular order.
 122  * This interface is not designed for having multiple {@link WSDLParserExtension}s
 123  * parse the same extension element.
 124  *
 125  *
 126  * <h2>Error Handling</h2>
 127  * <p>
 128  * For usability, {@link WSDLParserExtension}s are expected to check possible
 129  * errors in the extension elements that it parses. When an error is found,
 130  * it may throw a {@link WebServiceException} to abort the parsing of the WSDL.
 131  * This exception will be propagated to the user, so it should have
 132  * detailed error messages pointing at the problem.
 133  *
 134  * <h2>Discovery</h2>
 135  * <p>
 136  * The JAX-WS RI locates the implementation of {@link WSDLParserExtension}s
 137  * by using the standard service look up mechanism, in particular looking for
 138  * <tt>META-INF/services/com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.wsdl.parser.WSDLParserExtension</tt>
 139  *
 140  *
 141  * <h2>TODO</h2>
 142  * <p>
 143  * As it's designed today, extensions cannot access to any of the environmental
 144  * information before the parsing begins (such as what {@link WSService} this
 145  * WSDL is being parsed for, etc.) We might need to reconsider this aspect.
 146  * The JAX-WS team waits for feedback on this topic.
 147  *
 148  * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
 149  */
 150 public abstract class WSDLParserExtension {
 152     public void start(WSDLParserExtensionContext context){
 153         // noop
 154     }
 156     public void serviceAttributes(EditableWSDLService service, XMLStreamReader reader) {
 157         // noop
 158     }

 118  * safe to use {@link WSDLModel} can be used safely.
 119  *
 120  * <p>
 121  * Also note that {@link WSDLParserExtension}s are called in no particular order.
 122  * This interface is not designed for having multiple {@link WSDLParserExtension}s
 123  * parse the same extension element.
 124  *
 125  *
 126  * <h2>Error Handling</h2>
 127  * <p>
 128  * For usability, {@link WSDLParserExtension}s are expected to check possible
 129  * errors in the extension elements that it parses. When an error is found,
 130  * it may throw a {@link WebServiceException} to abort the parsing of the WSDL.
 131  * This exception will be propagated to the user, so it should have
 132  * detailed error messages pointing at the problem.
 133  *
 134  * <h2>Discovery</h2>
 135  * <p>
 136  * The JAX-WS RI locates the implementation of {@link WSDLParserExtension}s
 137  * by using the standard service look up mechanism, in particular looking for
 138  * {@code META-INF/services/com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.wsdl.parser.WSDLParserExtension}
 139  *
 140  *
 141  * <h2>TODO</h2>
 142  * <p>
 143  * As it's designed today, extensions cannot access to any of the environmental
 144  * information before the parsing begins (such as what {@link WSService} this
 145  * WSDL is being parsed for, etc.) We might need to reconsider this aspect.
 146  * The JAX-WS team waits for feedback on this topic.
 147  *
 148  * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
 149  */
 150 public abstract class WSDLParserExtension {
 152     public void start(WSDLParserExtensionContext context){
 153         // noop
 154     }
 156     public void serviceAttributes(EditableWSDLService service, XMLStreamReader reader) {
 157         // noop
 158     }

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