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  71     /**
  72      * Overwrites all the HTTP response headers written thus far.
  73      *
  74      * <p>
  75      * The implementation should copy the contents of the {@link Map},
  76      * rather than retaining a reference. The {@link Map} passed as a
  77      * parameter may change after this method is invoked.
  78      *
  79      * <p>
  80      * This method may be called repeatedly, although in normal use
  81      * case that's rare (so the implementation is encourage to take
  82      * advantage of this usage pattern to improve performance, if possible.)
  83      *
  84      * <p>
  85      * Initially, no header is set.
  86      *
  87      * <p>
  88      * This parameter is usually exposed to {@link WebServiceContext}
  89      * as {@link Packet#OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_HEADERS}, and thus it
  90      * should ignore <tt>Content-Type</tt> and <tt>Content-Length</tt> headers.
  91      *
  92      * @param headers
  93      *      See {@link HttpURLConnection#getHeaderFields()} for the format.
  94      *      This parameter may not be null, but since the user application
  95      *      code may invoke this method, a graceful error checking with
  96      *      an helpful error message should be provided if it's actually null.
  97      * @see #setContentTypeResponseHeader(String)
  98      */
  99     public abstract void setResponseHeaders(@NotNull Map<String,List<String>> headers);
 101     public void setResponseHeader(String key, String value) {
 102         setResponseHeader(key, Collections.singletonList(value));
 103     }
 105     public abstract void setResponseHeader(String key, List<String> value);
 107     /**
 108      * Sets the <tt>"Content-Type"</tt> header.
 109      *
 110      * <p>
 111      * If the Content-Type header has already been set, this method will overwrite
 112      * the previously set value. If not, this method adds it.
 113      *
 114      * <p>
 115      * Note that this method and {@link #setResponseHeaders(java.util.Map)}
 116      * may be invoked in any arbitrary order.
 117      *
 118      * @param value
 119      *      strings like <tt>"application/xml; charset=UTF-8"</tt> or
 120      *      <tt>"image/jpeg"</tt>.
 121      */
 122     public abstract void setContentTypeResponseHeader(@NotNull String value);
 124     /**
 125      * Sets the HTTP response code like {@link #OK}.
 126      *
 127      * <p>
 128      * While JAX-WS processes a {@link WSHTTPConnection}, it
 129      * will at least call this method once to set a valid HTTP response code.
 130      * Note that this method may be invoked multiple times (from user code),
 131      * so do not consider the value to be final until {@link #getOutput()}
 132      * is invoked.
 133      */
 135     public abstract void setStatus(int status);
 137     /**
 138      * Gets the last value set by {@link #setStatus(int)}.
 139      *
 140      * @return

  71     /**
  72      * Overwrites all the HTTP response headers written thus far.
  73      *
  74      * <p>
  75      * The implementation should copy the contents of the {@link Map},
  76      * rather than retaining a reference. The {@link Map} passed as a
  77      * parameter may change after this method is invoked.
  78      *
  79      * <p>
  80      * This method may be called repeatedly, although in normal use
  81      * case that's rare (so the implementation is encourage to take
  82      * advantage of this usage pattern to improve performance, if possible.)
  83      *
  84      * <p>
  85      * Initially, no header is set.
  86      *
  87      * <p>
  88      * This parameter is usually exposed to {@link WebServiceContext}
  89      * as {@link Packet#OUTBOUND_TRANSPORT_HEADERS}, and thus it
  90      * should ignore {@code Content-Type} and {@code Content-Length} headers.
  91      *
  92      * @param headers
  93      *      See {@link HttpURLConnection#getHeaderFields()} for the format.
  94      *      This parameter may not be null, but since the user application
  95      *      code may invoke this method, a graceful error checking with
  96      *      an helpful error message should be provided if it's actually null.
  97      * @see #setContentTypeResponseHeader(String)
  98      */
  99     public abstract void setResponseHeaders(@NotNull Map<String,List<String>> headers);
 101     public void setResponseHeader(String key, String value) {
 102         setResponseHeader(key, Collections.singletonList(value));
 103     }
 105     public abstract void setResponseHeader(String key, List<String> value);
 107     /**
 108      * Sets the {@code "Content-Type"} header.
 109      *
 110      * <p>
 111      * If the Content-Type header has already been set, this method will overwrite
 112      * the previously set value. If not, this method adds it.
 113      *
 114      * <p>
 115      * Note that this method and {@link #setResponseHeaders(java.util.Map)}
 116      * may be invoked in any arbitrary order.
 117      *
 118      * @param value
 119      *      strings like {@code "application/xml; charset=UTF-8"} or
 120      *      {@code "image/jpeg"}.
 121      */
 122     public abstract void setContentTypeResponseHeader(@NotNull String value);
 124     /**
 125      * Sets the HTTP response code like {@link #OK}.
 126      *
 127      * <p>
 128      * While JAX-WS processes a {@link WSHTTPConnection}, it
 129      * will at least call this method once to set a valid HTTP response code.
 130      * Note that this method may be invoked multiple times (from user code),
 131      * so do not consider the value to be final until {@link #getOutput()}
 132      * is invoked.
 133      */
 135     public abstract void setStatus(int status);
 137     /**
 138      * Gets the last value set by {@link #setStatus(int)}.
 139      *
 140      * @return

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