/* * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #ifndef HEADLESS #include #include "MTLBufImgOps.h" #include "MTLContext.h" #include "MTLRenderQueue.h" #include "MTLSurfaceDataBase.h" #include "GraphicsPrimitiveMgr.h" /** Evaluates to true if the given bit is set on the local flags variable. */ #define IS_SET(flagbit) \ (((flags) & (flagbit)) != 0) /**************************** ConvolveOp support ****************************/ /** * The ConvolveOp shader is fairly straightforward. For each texel in * the source texture, the shader samples the MxN texels in the surrounding * area, multiplies each by its corresponding kernel value, and then sums * them all together to produce a single color result. Finally, the * resulting value is multiplied by the current OpenGL color, which contains * the extra alpha value. * * Note that this shader source code includes some "holes" marked by "%s". * This allows us to build different shader programs (e.g. one for * 3x3, one for 5x5, and so on) simply by filling in these "holes" with * a call to sprintf(). See the MTLBufImgOps_CreateConvolveProgram() method * for more details. * * REMIND: Currently this shader (and the supporting code in the * EnableConvolveOp() method) only supports 3x3 and 5x5 filters. * Early shader-level hardware did not support non-constant sized * arrays but modern hardware should support them (although I * don't know of any simple way to find out, other than to compile * the shader at runtime and see if the drivers complain). */ static const char *convolveShaderSource = // maximum size supported by this shader "const int MAX_KERNEL_SIZE = %s;" // image to be convolved "uniform sampler%s baseImage;" // image edge limits: // imgEdge.xy = imgMin.xy (anything < will be treated as edge case) // imgEdge.zw = imgMax.xy (anything > will be treated as edge case) "uniform vec4 imgEdge;" // value for each location in the convolution kernel: // kernelVals[i].x = offsetX[i] // kernelVals[i].y = offsetY[i] // kernelVals[i].z = kernel[i] "uniform vec3 kernelVals[MAX_KERNEL_SIZE];" "" "void main(void)" "{" " int i;" " vec4 sum;" "" " if (any(lessThan(gl_TexCoord[0].st, imgEdge.xy)) ||" " any(greaterThan(gl_TexCoord[0].st, imgEdge.zw)))" " {" // (placeholder for edge condition code) " %s" " } else {" " sum = vec4(0.0);" " for (i = 0; i < MAX_KERNEL_SIZE; i++) {" " sum +=" " kernelVals[i].z *" " texture%s(baseImage," " gl_TexCoord[0].st + kernelVals[i].xy);" " }" " }" "" // modulate with gl_Color in order to apply extra alpha " gl_FragColor = sum * gl_Color;" "}"; /** * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader * source code is generated. */ #define CONVOLVE_RECT (1 << 0) #define CONVOLVE_EDGE_ZERO_FILL (1 << 1) #define CONVOLVE_5X5 (1 << 2) /** * The handles to the ConvolveOp fragment program objects. The index to * the array should be a bitwise-or'ing of the CONVOLVE_* flags defined * above. Note that most applications will likely need to initialize one * or two of these elements, so the array is usually sparsely populated. */ static GLhandleARB convolvePrograms[8]; /** * The maximum kernel size supported by the ConvolveOp shader. */ #define MAX_KERNEL_SIZE 25 /** * Compiles and links the ConvolveOp shader program. If successful, this * function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise * returns 0. */ static GLhandleARB MTLBufImgOps_CreateConvolveProgram(jint flags) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_CreateConvolveProgram"); return NULL; } void MTLBufImgOps_EnableConvolveOp(MTLContext *mtlc, jlong pSrcOps, jboolean edgeZeroFill, jint kernelWidth, jint kernelHeight, unsigned char *kernel) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_EnableConvolveOp"); } void MTLBufImgOps_DisableConvolveOp(MTLContext *mtlc) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_EnableConvolveOp"); J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "MTLBufImgOps_DisableConvolveOp"); } /**************************** RescaleOp support *****************************/ /** * The RescaleOp shader is one of the simplest possible. Each fragment * from the source image is multiplied by the user's scale factor and added * to the user's offset value (these are component-wise operations). * Finally, the resulting value is multiplied by the current OpenGL color, * which contains the extra alpha value. * * The RescaleOp spec says that the operation is performed regardless of * whether the source data is premultiplied or non-premultiplied. This is * a problem for the OpenGL pipeline in that a non-premultiplied * BufferedImage will have already been converted into premultiplied * when uploaded to an OpenGL texture. Therefore, we have a special mode * called RESCALE_NON_PREMULT (used only for source images that were * originally non-premultiplied) that un-premultiplies the source color * prior to the rescale operation, then re-premultiplies the resulting * color before returning from the fragment shader. * * Note that this shader source code includes some "holes" marked by "%s". * This allows us to build different shader programs (e.g. one for * GL_TEXTURE_2D targets, one for GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB targets, and so on) * simply by filling in these "holes" with a call to sprintf(). See the * MTLBufImgOps_CreateRescaleProgram() method for more details. */ static const char *rescaleShaderSource = // image to be rescaled "uniform sampler%s baseImage;" // vector containing scale factors "uniform vec4 scaleFactors;" // vector containing offsets "uniform vec4 offsets;" "" "void main(void)" "{" " vec4 srcColor = texture%s(baseImage, gl_TexCoord[0].st);" // (placeholder for un-premult code) " %s" // rescale source value " vec4 result = (srcColor * scaleFactors) + offsets;" // (placeholder for re-premult code) " %s" // modulate with gl_Color in order to apply extra alpha " gl_FragColor = result * gl_Color;" "}"; /** * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader * source code is generated. */ #define RESCALE_RECT (1 << 0) #define RESCALE_NON_PREMULT (1 << 1) /** * The handles to the RescaleOp fragment program objects. The index to * the array should be a bitwise-or'ing of the RESCALE_* flags defined * above. Note that most applications will likely need to initialize one * or two of these elements, so the array is usually sparsely populated. */ static GLhandleARB rescalePrograms[4]; /** * Compiles and links the RescaleOp shader program. If successful, this * function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise * returns 0. */ static GLhandleARB MTLBufImgOps_CreateRescaleProgram(jint flags) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_CreateRescaleProgram"); return NULL; } void MTLBufImgOps_EnableRescaleOp(MTLContext *mtlc, jlong pSrcOps, jboolean nonPremult, unsigned char *scaleFactors, unsigned char *offsets) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_EnableRescaleOp"); } void MTLBufImgOps_DisableRescaleOp(MTLContext *mtlc) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_DisableRescaleOp"); J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "MTLBufImgOps_DisableRescaleOp"); RETURN_IF_NULL(mtlc); } /**************************** LookupOp support ******************************/ /** * The LookupOp shader takes a fragment color (from the source texture) as * input, subtracts the optional user offset value, and then uses the * resulting value to index into the lookup table texture to provide * a new color result. Finally, the resulting value is multiplied by * the current OpenGL color, which contains the extra alpha value. * * The lookup step requires 3 texture accesses (or 4, when alpha is included), * which is somewhat unfortunate because it's not ideal from a performance * standpoint, but that sort of thing is getting faster with newer hardware. * In the 3-band case, we could consider using a three-dimensional texture * and performing the lookup with a single texture access step. We already * use this approach in the LCD text shader, and it works well, but for the * purposes of this LookupOp shader, it's probably overkill. Also, there's * a difference in that the LCD text shader only needs to populate the 3D LUT * once, but here we would need to populate it on every invocation, which * would likely be a waste of VRAM and CPU/GPU cycles. * * The LUT texture is currently hardcoded as 4 rows/bands, each containing * 256 elements. This means that we currently only support user-provided * tables with no more than 256 elements in each band (this is checked at * at the Java level). If the user provides a table with less than 256 * elements per band, our shader will still work fine, but if elements are * accessed with an index >= the size of the LUT, then the shader will simply * produce undefined values. Typically the user would provide an offset * value that would prevent this from happening, but it's worth pointing out * this fact because the software LookupOp implementation would usually * throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in this scenario (although it is * not something demanded by the spec). * * The LookupOp spec says that the operation is performed regardless of * whether the source data is premultiplied or non-premultiplied. This is * a problem for the OpenGL pipeline in that a non-premultiplied * BufferedImage will have already been converted into premultiplied * when uploaded to an OpenGL texture. Therefore, we have a special mode * called LOOKUP_NON_PREMULT (used only for source images that were * originally non-premultiplied) that un-premultiplies the source color * prior to the lookup operation, then re-premultiplies the resulting * color before returning from the fragment shader. * * Note that this shader source code includes some "holes" marked by "%s". * This allows us to build different shader programs (e.g. one for * GL_TEXTURE_2D targets, one for GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB targets, and so on) * simply by filling in these "holes" with a call to sprintf(). See the * MTLBufImgOps_CreateLookupProgram() method for more details. */ static const char *lookupShaderSource = // source image (bound to texture unit 0) "uniform sampler%s baseImage;" // lookup table (bound to texture unit 1) "uniform sampler2D lookupTable;" // offset subtracted from source index prior to lookup step "uniform vec4 offset;" "" "void main(void)" "{" " vec4 srcColor = texture%s(baseImage, gl_TexCoord[0].st);" // (placeholder for un-premult code) " %s" // subtract offset from original index " vec4 srcIndex = srcColor - offset;" // use source value as input to lookup table (note that // "v" texcoords are hardcoded to hit texel centers of // each row/band in texture) " vec4 result;" " result.r = texture2D(lookupTable, vec2(srcIndex.r, 0.125)).r;" " result.g = texture2D(lookupTable, vec2(srcIndex.g, 0.375)).r;" " result.b = texture2D(lookupTable, vec2(srcIndex.b, 0.625)).r;" // (placeholder for alpha store code) " %s" // (placeholder for re-premult code) " %s" // modulate with gl_Color in order to apply extra alpha " gl_FragColor = result * gl_Color;" "}"; /** * Flags that can be bitwise-or'ed together to control how the shader * source code is generated. */ #define LOOKUP_RECT (1 << 0) #define LOOKUP_USE_SRC_ALPHA (1 << 1) #define LOOKUP_NON_PREMULT (1 << 2) /** * The handles to the LookupOp fragment program objects. The index to * the array should be a bitwise-or'ing of the LOOKUP_* flags defined * above. Note that most applications will likely need to initialize one * or two of these elements, so the array is usually sparsely populated. */ static GLhandleARB lookupPrograms[8]; /** * The handle to the lookup table texture object used by the shader. */ static GLuint lutTextureID = 0; /** * Compiles and links the LookupOp shader program. If successful, this * function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise * returns 0. */ static GLhandleARB MTLBufImgOps_CreateLookupProgram(jint flags) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_CreateLookupProgram"); return NULL; } void MTLBufImgOps_EnableLookupOp(MTLContext *mtlc, jlong pSrcOps, jboolean nonPremult, jboolean shortData, jint numBands, jint bandLength, jint offset, void *tableValues) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_EnableLookupOp"); } void MTLBufImgOps_DisableLookupOp(MTLContext *mtlc) { //TODO J2dTraceNotImplPrimitive("MTLBufImgOps_DisableLookupOp"); J2dTraceLn(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "MTLBufImgOps_DisableLookupOp"); } #endif /* !HEADLESS */