/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #import "common.h" #import "com_sun_glass_events_ViewEvent.h" #import "com_sun_glass_events_WindowEvent.h" #import "com_sun_glass_ui_Window.h" #import "com_sun_glass_ui_Window_Level.h" #import "com_sun_glass_ui_mac_MacWindow.h" #import "GlassMacros.h" #import "GlassWindow+Java.h" #import "GlassScreen.h" //#define VERBOSE #ifndef VERBOSE #define LOG(MSG, ...) #else #define LOG(MSG, ...) GLASS_LOG(MSG, ## __VA_ARGS__); #endif static NSWindow *s_grabWindow = nil; @interface NSWindow (External) - (void)_startLiveResize; - (void)_endLiveResize; @end @implementation GlassWindow (Java) #pragma mark --- Callbacks - (void)_sendJavaWindowMoveToAnotherScreenEventIfNeeded { NSScreen *newScreen = [self->nsWindow screen]; // Update only if the newScreen isn't nil if (self->currentScreen != newScreen && newScreen != nil) { self->currentScreen = newScreen; GET_MAIN_JENV; (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jWindow, jWindowNotifyMoveToAnotherScreen, createJavaScreen(env, newScreen)); } } - (void)_sendJavaWindowMoveEventForFrame:(NSRect)frame { if (self->suppressWindowMoveEvent == NO) { self->lastReportedLocation = frame.origin; GET_MAIN_JENV; (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jWindow, jWindowNotifyMove, (int)frame.origin.x, (int)frame.origin.y, [self->nsWindow isZoomed]); [self _sendJavaWindowMoveToAnotherScreenEventIfNeeded]; } } - (void)_sendJavaWindowResizeEvent:(int)type forFrame:(NSRect)frame { if (self->suppressWindowResizeEvent == NO) { GET_MAIN_JENV; (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jWindow, jWindowNotifyResize, [self->nsWindow isZoomed] ? com_sun_glass_events_WindowEvent_MAXIMIZE : type, (int)frame.size.width, (int)frame.size.height); [self _sendJavaWindowMoveToAnotherScreenEventIfNeeded]; } } #pragma mark --- Additions - (id)_initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect styleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle screen:(NSScreen *)screen jwindow:(jobject)jwindow jIsChild:(jboolean)jIsChild { self = [super init]; if (self == nil) { return nil; } if (jIsChild == JNI_FALSE) { if (windowStyle & (NSUtilityWindowMask | NSNonactivatingPanelMask)) { self->nsWindow = [[GlassWindow_Panel alloc] initWithDelegate:self frameRect:contentRect styleMask:windowStyle screen:screen]; } else { self->nsWindow = [[GlassWindow_Normal alloc] initWithDelegate:self frameRect:contentRect styleMask:windowStyle screen:screen]; } } else { GlassEmbeddedWindow *ewindow = [[GlassEmbeddedWindow alloc] initWithDelegate:self frameRect:contentRect styleMask:windowStyle screen:screen]; if (ewindow) { ewindow->parent = nil; ewindow->child = nil; self->nsWindow = ewindow; } } if (self->nsWindow == nil) { NSLog(@"Unable to create GlassWindow_Normal or GlassWindow_Panel"); return nil; } self->jWindow = jwindow; self->isFocusable = YES; self->isEnabled = YES; self->currentScreen = screen; self->suppressWindowMoveEvent = NO; self->suppressWindowResizeEvent = NO; self->isClosed = NO; // This is surely can't be a real location, which indicates // we've never sent a MOVE event to Java yet. self->lastReportedLocation.x = self->lastReportedLocation.y = FLT_MAX; CGFloat x = 0.0f; CGFloat y = [screen frame].size.height - [screen visibleFrame].size.height; CGFloat w = [self->nsWindow frame].size.width; CGFloat h = [self->nsWindow frame].size.height; [self _setFlipFrame:NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h) display:YES animate:NO]; //[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidMiniaturize:) name:NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification object:nil]; //[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidDeminiaturize:) name:NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification object:nil]; return self; } - (NSWindow*)_getCurrentWindow { return self->fullscreenWindow ? self->fullscreenWindow : self->nsWindow; } - (void)_ungrabFocus { NSWindow *window = [self _getCurrentWindow]; if (s_grabWindow != window) { return; } GET_MAIN_JENV; (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, self->jWindow, jWindowNotifyFocusUngrab); s_grabWindow = nil; } + (void)_resetGrab { if (s_grabWindow && [[s_grabWindow delegate] isKindOfClass:[GlassWindow class]]) { GlassWindow * window = (GlassWindow*)[s_grabWindow delegate]; [window _ungrabFocus]; } s_grabWindow = nil; // unconditionally } - (void)_checkUngrab { if (!s_grabWindow) { return; } // If this window doesn't belong to an owned windows hierarchy that // holds the grab currently, then the grab should be released. for (NSWindow * window = self->nsWindow; window; window = [window parentWindow]) { if (window == s_grabWindow) { return; } } [GlassWindow _resetGrab]; } - (void)_grabFocus { NSWindow *window = [self _getCurrentWindow]; if (s_grabWindow == window) { return; } [GlassWindow _resetGrab]; s_grabWindow = window; } - (void)_setResizable { NSUInteger mask = [self->nsWindow styleMask]; if ((mask & NSResizableWindowMask) != 0) { if (self->isDecorated == YES) { mask &= ~(NSUInteger)NSResizableWindowMask; [self->nsWindow setStyleMask: mask]; [self->nsWindow setShowsResizeIndicator:NO]; NSButton *zoomButton = [self->nsWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton]; [zoomButton setEnabled:NO]; } self->isResizable = NO; } else { if (self->isDecorated == YES) { mask |= NSResizableWindowMask; [self->nsWindow setStyleMask: mask]; [self->nsWindow setShowsResizeIndicator:YES]; NSButton *zoomButton = [self->nsWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton]; [zoomButton setEnabled:YES]; } self->isResizable = YES; } } - (NSRect)_constrainFrame:(NSRect)frame { NSSize minSize = [self->nsWindow minSize]; NSSize maxSize = [self->nsWindow maxSize]; NSSize size = frame.size; NSRect constrained = frame; { if (size.width < minSize.width) { constrained.size.width = minSize.width; } else if (size.width > maxSize.width) { constrained.size.width = maxSize.width; } if (size.height < minSize.height) { constrained.size.height = minSize.height; } else if (size.height > maxSize.height) { constrained.size.height = maxSize.height; } } return constrained; } - (void)_setVisible { LOG("_setVisible: focusable %d enabled %d", self->isFocusable, self->isEnabled); if (self->isFocusable == YES && self->isEnabled == YES) { [self->nsWindow makeMainWindow]; [self->nsWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } else { [self->nsWindow orderFront:nil]; } if ((self->owner != nil) && ([self->nsWindow parentWindow] == nil)) { [self->owner addChildWindow:self->nsWindow ordered:NSWindowAbove]; } // Make sure we synchronize scale factors which could have changed while // we were not visible without invoking the overrides we watch. if ([self->nsWindow screen]) { [self->view notifyScaleFactorChanged:GetScreenScaleFactor([self->nsWindow screen])]; } } - (void)_setWindowFrameWithRect:(NSRect)rect withDisplay:(jboolean)display withAnimate:(jboolean)animate { NSRect frame = [self _constrainFrame:rect]; [self _setFlipFrame:frame display:(BOOL)display animate:(BOOL)animate]; } - (void)_setBounds:(jint)x y:(jint)y xSet:(jboolean)xSet ySet:(jboolean)ySet w:(jint)w h:(jint)h cw:(jint)cw ch:(jint)ch { NSPoint origin = [self _flipFrame].origin; NSSize size = [self->nsWindow frame].size; NSSize sizeForClient = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, cw > 0 ? cw : 0.0, ch > 0 ? ch : 0.0) styleMask:[self->nsWindow styleMask]].size; jint newX = xSet == JNI_TRUE ? x : (jint)origin.x; jint newY = ySet == JNI_TRUE ? y : (jint)origin.y; jint newW = (w > 0) ? w : (cw > 0) ? (jint)sizeForClient.width : (jint)size.width; jint newH = (h > 0) ? h : (ch > 0) ? (jint)sizeForClient.height : (jint)size.height; [self _setWindowFrameWithRect:NSMakeRect(newX, newY, newW, newH) withDisplay:JNI_TRUE withAnimate:JNI_FALSE]; } - (void)_restorePreZoomedRect { [self _setWindowFrameWithRect:NSMakeRect(self->preZoomedRect.origin.x, self->preZoomedRect.origin.y, self->preZoomedRect.size.width, self->preZoomedRect.size.height) withDisplay:JNI_TRUE withAnimate:JNI_TRUE]; [self _sendJavaWindowMoveEventForFrame:[self _flipFrame]]; [self _sendJavaWindowResizeEvent:com_sun_glass_events_WindowEvent_RESTORE forFrame:[self _flipFrame]]; } - (NSScreen*)_getScreen { NSScreen *screen = [self->nsWindow screen]; if (screen == nil) { screen = self->currentScreen; } if (screen == nil) { screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex: 0]; } return screen; } #pragma mark --- Flip - (void)_setFlipFrame:(NSRect)frameRect display:(BOOL)displayFlag animate:(BOOL)animateFlag { //NSLog(@"_setFlipFrame: %.2f,%.2f %.2fx%.2f", frameRect.origin.x, frameRect.origin.y, frameRect.size.width, frameRect.size.height); NSScreen * screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex: 0]; NSRect screenFrame = screen.frame; //NSLog(@" screenFrame: %.2f,%.2f %.2fx%.2f", screenFrame.origin.x, screenFrame.origin.y, screenFrame.size.width, screenFrame.size.height); frameRect.origin.y = screenFrame.size.height - frameRect.size.height - frameRect.origin.y; //NSLog(@" set to frameRect:%.2f,%.2f %.2fx%.2f", frameRect.origin.x, frameRect.origin.y, frameRect.size.width, frameRect.size.height); [self->nsWindow setFrame:frameRect display:displayFlag animate:animateFlag]; //frameRect = [self _flipFrame]; //NSLog(@" _flipFrame:%.2f,%.2f %.2fx%.2f", frameRect.origin.x, frameRect.origin.y, frameRect.size.width, frameRect.size.height); //frameRect = [super frame]; //NSLog(@" frame:%.2f,%.2f %.2fx%.2f", frameRect.origin.x, frameRect.origin.y, frameRect.size.width, frameRect.size.height); } - (NSRect)_flipFrame { NSScreen * screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex: 0]; NSRect screenFrame = screen.frame; NSRect frame = [self->nsWindow frame]; //NSLog(@"_flipFrame: v.s.h=%.2f f.s.h=%.2f f.o.y=%.2f", screenFrame.size.height, frame.size.height, frame.origin.y); frame.origin.y = screenFrame.size.height - frame.size.height - frame.origin.y; //NSLog(@" result: f.o.y=%.2f", frame.origin.y); //NSLog(@"_flipFrame: %.2f,%.2f %.2fx%.2f", frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.width, frame.size.height); return frame; } @end