1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(_ALLBSD_SOURCE)
  27 #include <stdio.h>
  28 #include <ctype.h>
  29 #endif
  30 #include <pwd.h>
  31 #include <locale.h>
  32 #ifndef ARCHPROPNAME
  33 #error "The macro ARCHPROPNAME has not been defined"
  34 #endif
  35 #include <sys/utsname.h>        /* For os_name and os_version */
  36 #include <langinfo.h>           /* For nl_langinfo */
  37 #include <stdlib.h>
  38 #include <string.h>
  39 #include <sys/types.h>
  40 #include <unistd.h>
  41 #include <sys/param.h>
  42 #include <time.h>
  43 #include <errno.h>
  45 #ifdef MACOSX
  46 #include "java_props_macosx.h"
  47 #endif
  49 #if defined(_ALLBSD_SOURCE)
  50 #if !defined(P_tmpdir)
  51 #include <paths.h>
  52 #define P_tmpdir _PATH_VARTMP
  53 #endif
  54 #endif
  56 #include "locale_str.h"
  57 #include "java_props.h"
  59 #if !defined(_ALLBSD_SOURCE)
  60 #ifdef __linux__
  61   #ifndef CODESET
  63   #endif
  64 #else
  65 #ifdef ALT_CODESET_KEY
  67 #endif
  68 #endif
  69 #endif /* !_ALLBSD_SOURCE */
  72 #include <dlfcn.h>
  73 #include <sys/stat.h>
  74 #endif
  76 /* Take an array of string pairs (map of key->value) and a string (key).
  77  * Examine each pair in the map to see if the first string (key) matches the
  78  * string.  If so, store the second string of the pair (value) in the value and
  79  * return 1.  Otherwise do nothing and return 0.  The end of the map is
  80  * indicated by an empty string at the start of a pair (key of "").
  81  */
  82 static int
  83 mapLookup(char* map[], const char* key, char** value) {
  84     int i;
  85     for (i = 0; strcmp(map[i], ""); i += 2){
  86         if (!strcmp(key, map[i])){
  87             *value = map[i + 1];
  88             return 1;
  89         }
  90     }
  91     return 0;
  92 }
  94 /* This function sets an environment variable using envstring.
  95  * The format of envstring is "name=value".
  96  * If the name has already existed, it will append value to the name.
  97  */
  98 static void
  99 setPathEnvironment(char *envstring)
 100 {
 101     char name[20], *value, *current;
 103     value = strchr(envstring, '='); /* locate name and value separator */
 105     if (! value)
 106         return; /* not a valid environment setting */
 108     /* copy first part as environment name */
 109     strncpy(name, envstring, value - envstring);
 110     name[value-envstring] = '\0';
 112     value++; /* set value point to value of the envstring */
 114     current = getenv(name);
 115     if (current) {
 116         if (! strstr(current, value)) {
 117             /* value is not found in current environment, append it */
 118             char *temp = malloc(strlen(envstring) + strlen(current) + 2);
 119         strcpy(temp, name);
 120         strcat(temp, "=");
 121         strcat(temp, current);
 122         strcat(temp, ":");
 123         strcat(temp, value);
 124         putenv(temp);
 125         }
 126         /* else the value has already been set, do nothing */
 127     }
 128     else {
 129         /* environment variable is not found */
 130         putenv(envstring);
 131     }
 132 }
 134 #ifndef P_tmpdir
 135 #define P_tmpdir "/var/tmp"
 136 #endif
 138 static int ParseLocale(JNIEnv* env, int cat, char ** std_language, char ** std_script,
 139                        char ** std_country, char ** std_variant, char ** std_encoding) {
 140     char *temp = NULL;
 141     char *language = NULL, *country = NULL, *variant = NULL,
 142          *encoding = NULL;
 143     char *p, *encoding_variant, *old_temp, *old_ev;
 144     char *lc;
 146     /* Query the locale set for the category */
 148 #ifdef MACOSX
 149     lc = setupMacOSXLocale(cat); // malloc'd memory, need to free
 150 #else
 151     lc = setlocale(cat, NULL);
 152 #endif
 154 #ifndef __linux__
 155     if (lc == NULL) {
 156         return 0;
 157     }
 159     temp = malloc(strlen(lc) + 1);
 160     if (temp == NULL) {
 161         JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
 162         return 0;
 163     }
 165     if (cat == LC_CTYPE) {
 166         /*
 167          * Workaround for Solaris bug 4201684: Xlib doesn't like @euro
 168          * locales. Since we don't depend on the libc @euro behavior,
 169          * we just remove the qualifier.
 170          * On Linux, the bug doesn't occur; on the other hand, @euro
 171          * is needed there because it's a shortcut that also determines
 172          * the encoding - without it, we wouldn't get ISO-8859-15.
 173          * Therefore, this code section is Solaris-specific.
 174          */
 175         lc = strdup(lc);    /* keep a copy, setlocale trashes original. */
 176         strcpy(temp, lc);
 177         p = strstr(temp, "@euro");
 178         if (p != NULL) {
 179             *p = '\0';
 180             setlocale(LC_ALL, temp);
 181         }
 182     }
 183 #else
 184     if (lc == NULL || !strcmp(lc, "C") || !strcmp(lc, "POSIX")) {
 185         lc = "en_US";
 186     }
 188     temp = malloc(strlen(lc) + 1);
 189     if (temp == NULL) {
 190         JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
 191         return 0;
 192     }
 194 #endif
 196     /*
 197      * locale string format in Solaris is
 198      * <language name>_<country name>.<encoding name>@<variant name>
 199      * <country name>, <encoding name>, and <variant name> are optional.
 200      */
 202     strcpy(temp, lc);
 203 #ifdef MACOSX
 204     free(lc); // malloced memory
 205 #endif
 206     /* Parse the language, country, encoding, and variant from the
 207      * locale.  Any of the elements may be missing, but they must occur
 208      * in the order language_country.encoding@variant, and must be
 209      * preceded by their delimiter (except for language).
 210      *
 211      * If the locale name (without .encoding@variant, if any) matches
 212      * any of the names in the locale_aliases list, map it to the
 213      * corresponding full locale name.  Most of the entries in the
 214      * locale_aliases list are locales that include a language name but
 215      * no country name, and this facility is used to map each language
 216      * to a default country if that's possible.  It's also used to map
 217      * the Solaris locale aliases to their proper Java locale IDs.
 218      */
 220     encoding_variant = malloc(strlen(temp)+1);
 221     if (encoding_variant == NULL) {
 222         free(temp);
 223         JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
 224         return 0;
 225     }
 227     if ((p = strchr(temp, '.')) != NULL) {
 228         strcpy(encoding_variant, p); /* Copy the leading '.' */
 229         *p = '\0';
 230     } else if ((p = strchr(temp, '@')) != NULL) {
 231         strcpy(encoding_variant, p); /* Copy the leading '@' */
 232         *p = '\0';
 233     } else {
 234         *encoding_variant = '\0';
 235     }
 237     if (mapLookup(locale_aliases, temp, &p)) {
 238         old_temp = temp;
 239         temp = realloc(temp, strlen(p)+1);
 240         if (temp == NULL) {
 241             free(old_temp);
 242             free(encoding_variant);
 243             JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
 244             return 0;
 245         }
 246         strcpy(temp, p);
 247         old_ev = encoding_variant;
 248         encoding_variant = realloc(encoding_variant, strlen(temp)+1);
 249         if (encoding_variant == NULL) {
 250             free(old_ev);
 251             free(temp);
 252             JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, NULL);
 253             return 0;
 254         }
 255         // check the "encoding_variant" again, if any.
 256         if ((p = strchr(temp, '.')) != NULL) {
 257             strcpy(encoding_variant, p); /* Copy the leading '.' */
 258             *p = '\0';
 259         } else if ((p = strchr(temp, '@')) != NULL) {
 260             strcpy(encoding_variant, p); /* Copy the leading '@' */
 261             *p = '\0';
 262         }
 263     }
 265     language = temp;
 266     if ((country = strchr(temp, '_')) != NULL) {
 267         *country++ = '\0';
 268     }
 270     p = encoding_variant;
 271     if ((encoding = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) {
 272         p[encoding++ - p] = '\0';
 273         p = encoding;
 274     }
 275     if ((variant = strchr(p, '@')) != NULL) {
 276         p[variant++ - p] = '\0';
 277     }
 279     /* Normalize the language name */
 280     if (std_language != NULL) {
 281         *std_language = "en";
 282         if (language != NULL && mapLookup(language_names, language, std_language) == 0) {
 283             *std_language = malloc(strlen(language)+1);
 284             strcpy(*std_language, language);
 285         }
 286     }
 288     /* Normalize the country name */
 289     if (std_country != NULL && country != NULL) {
 290         if (mapLookup(country_names, country, std_country) == 0) {
 291             *std_country = malloc(strlen(country)+1);
 292             strcpy(*std_country, country);
 293         }
 294     }
 296     /* Normalize the script and variant name.  Note that we only use
 297      * variants listed in the mapping array; others are ignored.
 298      */
 299     if (variant != NULL) {
 300         if (std_script != NULL) {
 301             mapLookup(script_names, variant, std_script);
 302         }
 304         if (std_variant != NULL) {
 305             mapLookup(variant_names, variant, std_variant);
 306         }
 307     }
 309     /* Normalize the encoding name.  Note that we IGNORE the string
 310      * 'encoding' extracted from the locale name above.  Instead, we use the
 311      * more reliable method of calling nl_langinfo(CODESET).  This function
 312      * returns an empty string if no encoding is set for the given locale
 313      * (e.g., the C or POSIX locales); we use the default ISO 8859-1
 314      * converter for such locales.
 315      */
 316     if (std_encoding != NULL) {
 317         /* OK, not so reliable - nl_langinfo() gives wrong answers on
 318          * Euro locales, in particular. */
 319         if (strcmp(p, "ISO8859-15") == 0)
 320             p = "ISO8859-15";
 321         else
 322             p = nl_langinfo(CODESET);
 324         /* Convert the bare "646" used on Solaris to a proper IANA name */
 325         if (strcmp(p, "646") == 0)
 326             p = "ISO646-US";
 328         /* return same result nl_langinfo would return for en_UK,
 329          * in order to use optimizations. */
 330         *std_encoding = (*p != '\0') ? p : "ISO8859-1";
 332 #ifdef __linux__
 333         /*
 334          * Remap the encoding string to a different value for japanese
 335          * locales on linux so that customized converters are used instead
 336          * of the default converter for "EUC-JP". The customized converters
 337          * omit support for the JIS0212 encoding which is not supported by
 338          * the variant of "EUC-JP" encoding used on linux
 339          */
 340         if (strcmp(p, "EUC-JP") == 0) {
 341             *std_encoding = "EUC-JP-LINUX";
 342         }
 343 #else
 344         if (strcmp(p,"eucJP") == 0) {
 345             /* For Solaris use customized vendor defined character
 346              * customized EUC-JP converter
 347              */
 348             *std_encoding = "eucJP-open";
 349         } else if (strcmp(p, "Big5") == 0 || strcmp(p, "BIG5") == 0) {
 350             /*
 351              * Remap the encoding string to Big5_Solaris which augments
 352              * the default converter for Solaris Big5 locales to include
 353              * seven additional ideographic characters beyond those included
 354              * in the Java "Big5" converter.
 355              */
 356             *std_encoding = "Big5_Solaris";
 357         } else if (strcmp(p, "Big5-HKSCS") == 0) {
 358             /*
 359              * Solaris uses HKSCS2001
 360              */
 361             *std_encoding = "Big5-HKSCS-2001";
 362         }
 363 #endif
 364 #ifdef MACOSX
 365         /*
 366          * For the case on MacOS X where encoding is set to US-ASCII, but we
 367          * don't have any encoding hints from LANG/LC_ALL/LC_CTYPE, use UTF-8
 368          * instead.
 369          *
 370          * The contents of ASCII files will still be read and displayed
 371          * correctly, but so will files containing UTF-8 characters beyond the
 372          * standard ASCII range.
 373          *
 374          * Specifically, this allows apps launched by double-clicking a .jar
 375          * file to correctly read UTF-8 files using the default encoding (see
 376          * 8011194).
 377          */
 378         if (strcmp(p,"US-ASCII") == 0 && getenv("LANG") == NULL &&
 379             getenv("LC_ALL") == NULL && getenv("LC_CTYPE") == NULL) {
 380             *std_encoding = "UTF-8";
 381         }
 382 #endif
 383     }
 385     free(temp);
 386     free(encoding_variant);
 388     return 1;
 389 }
 392 /* Determine the default embedded toolkit based on whether libawt_xawt
 393  * exists in the JRE. This can still be overridden by -Dawt.toolkit=XXX
 394  */
 395 static char* getEmbeddedToolkit() {
 396     Dl_info dlinfo;
 397     char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
 398     int32_t len;
 399     char *p;
 400     struct stat statbuf;
 402     /* Get address of this library and the directory containing it. */
 403     dladdr((void *)getEmbeddedToolkit, &dlinfo);
 404     realpath((char *)dlinfo.dli_fname, buf);
 405     len = strlen(buf);
 406     p = strrchr(buf, '/');
 407     /* Default AWT Toolkit on Linux and Solaris is XAWT (libawt_xawt.so). */
 408     strncpy(p, "/libawt_xawt.so", MAXPATHLEN-len-1);
 409     /* Check if it exists */
 410     if (stat(buf, &statbuf) == -1 && errno == ENOENT) {
 411         /* No - this is a reduced-headless-jre so use special HToolkit */
 412         return "sun.awt.HToolkit";
 413     }
 414     else {
 415         /* Yes - this is a headful JRE so fallback to SE defaults */
 416         return NULL;
 417     }
 418 }
 419 #endif
 421 /* This function gets called very early, before VM_CALLS are setup.
 422  * Do not use any of the VM_CALLS entries!!!
 423  */
 424 java_props_t *
 425 GetJavaProperties(JNIEnv *env)
 426 {
 427     static java_props_t sprops;
 428     char *v; /* tmp var */
 430     if (sprops.user_dir) {
 431         return &sprops;
 432     }
 434     /* tmp dir */
 435     sprops.tmp_dir = P_tmpdir;
 436 #ifdef MACOSX
 437     /* darwin has a per-user temp dir */
 438     static char tmp_path[PATH_MAX];
 439     int pathSize = confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR, tmp_path, PATH_MAX);
 440     if (pathSize > 0 && pathSize <= PATH_MAX) {
 441         sprops.tmp_dir = tmp_path;
 442     }
 443 #endif /* MACOSX */
 445     /* Printing properties */
 446 #ifdef MACOSX
 447     sprops.printerJob = "sun.lwawt.macosx.CPrinterJob";
 448 #else
 449     sprops.printerJob = "sun.print.PSPrinterJob";
 450 #endif
 452     /* patches/service packs installed */
 453     sprops.patch_level = "unknown";
 455     /* Java 2D properties */
 456 #ifdef MACOSX
 457     PreferredToolkit prefToolkit = getPreferredToolkit();
 458     switch (prefToolkit) {
 459         case CToolkit:
 460         case HToolkit:
 461             sprops.graphics_env = "sun.awt.CGraphicsEnvironment";
 462             break;
 463         case XToolkit:
 464 #endif
 465     sprops.graphics_env = "sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment";
 466 #ifdef MACOSX
 467             break;
 468     }
 469 #endif
 470     /* AWT properties */
 472     sprops.awt_toolkit = getEmbeddedToolkit();
 473     if (sprops.awt_toolkit == NULL) // default as below
 474 #endif
 475 #ifdef MACOSX
 476         switch (prefToolkit) {
 477             case CToolkit:
 478                 sprops.awt_toolkit = "sun.lwawt.macosx.LWCToolkit";
 479                 break;
 480             case XToolkit:
 481 #endif
 482     sprops.awt_toolkit = "sun.awt.X11.XToolkit";
 483 #ifdef MACOSX
 484                 break;
 485             default:
 486                 sprops.awt_toolkit = "sun.awt.HToolkit";
 487                 break;
 488         }
 489 #endif
 491     /* This is used only for debugging of font problems. */
 492     v = getenv("JAVA2D_FONTPATH");
 493     sprops.font_dir = v ? v : NULL;
 495 #ifdef SI_ISALIST
 496     /* supported instruction sets */
 497     {
 498         char list[258];
 499         sysinfo(SI_ISALIST, list, sizeof(list));
 500         sprops.cpu_isalist = strdup(list);
 501     }
 502 #else
 503     sprops.cpu_isalist = NULL;
 504 #endif
 506     /* endianness of platform */
 507     {
 508         unsigned int endianTest = 0xff000000;
 509         if (((char*)(&endianTest))[0] != 0)
 510             sprops.cpu_endian = "big";
 511         else
 512             sprops.cpu_endian = "little";
 513     }
 515     /* os properties */
 516     {
 517 #ifdef MACOSX
 518         setOSNameAndVersion(&sprops);
 519 #else
 520         struct utsname name;
 521         uname(&name);
 522         sprops.os_name = strdup(name.sysname);
 523         sprops.os_version = strdup(name.release);
 524 #endif
 526         sprops.os_arch = ARCHPROPNAME;
 528         if (getenv("GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID") != NULL) {
 529             sprops.desktop = "gnome";
 530         }
 531         else {
 532             sprops.desktop = NULL;
 533         }
 534     }
 536     /* ABI property (optional) */
 538     sprops.sun_arch_abi = JDK_ARCH_ABI_PROP_NAME;
 539 #endif
 541     /* Determine the language, country, variant, and encoding from the host,
 542      * and store these in the user.language, user.country, user.variant and
 543      * file.encoding system properties. */
 544     setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
 545     if (ParseLocale(env, LC_CTYPE,
 546                     &(sprops.format_language),
 547                     &(sprops.format_script),
 548                     &(sprops.format_country),
 549                     &(sprops.format_variant),
 550                     &(sprops.encoding))) {
 551         ParseLocale(env, LC_MESSAGES,
 552                     &(sprops.language),
 553                     &(sprops.script),
 554                     &(sprops.country),
 555                     &(sprops.variant),
 556                     NULL);
 557     } else {
 558         sprops.language = "en";
 559         sprops.encoding = "ISO8859-1";
 560     }
 561     sprops.display_language = sprops.language;
 562     sprops.display_script = sprops.script;
 563     sprops.display_country = sprops.country;
 564     sprops.display_variant = sprops.variant;
 566 #ifdef MACOSX
 567     sprops.sun_jnu_encoding = "UTF-8";
 568 #else
 569     sprops.sun_jnu_encoding = sprops.encoding;
 570 #endif
 572 #ifdef _ALLBSD_SOURCE
 574      sprops.unicode_encoding = "UnicodeLittle";
 575  #else
 576      sprops.unicode_encoding = "UnicodeBig";
 577  #endif
 578 #else /* !_ALLBSD_SOURCE */
 579 #ifdef __linux__
 581     sprops.unicode_encoding = "UnicodeLittle";
 582 #else
 583     sprops.unicode_encoding = "UnicodeBig";
 584 #endif
 585 #else
 586     sprops.unicode_encoding = "UnicodeBig";
 587 #endif
 588 #endif /* _ALLBSD_SOURCE */
 590     /* user properties */
 591     {
 592         struct passwd *pwent = getpwuid(getuid());
 593         sprops.user_name = pwent ? strdup(pwent->pw_name) : "?";
 594 #ifdef MACOSX
 595         setUserHome(&sprops);
 596 #else
 597         sprops.user_home = pwent ? strdup(pwent->pw_dir) : "?";        
 598 #endif        
 599     }
 601     /* User TIMEZONE */
 602     {
 603         /*
 604          * We defer setting up timezone until it's actually necessary.
 605          * Refer to TimeZone.getDefault(). However, the system
 606          * property is necessary to be able to be set by the command
 607          * line interface -D. Here temporarily set a null string to
 608          * timezone.
 609          */
 610         tzset();        /* for compatibility */
 611         sprops.timezone = "";
 612     }
 614     /* Current directory */
 615     {
 616         char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
 617         errno = 0;
 618         if (getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf))  == NULL)
 619             JNU_ThrowByName(env, "java/lang/Error",
 620              "Properties init: Could not determine current working directory.");
 621         else
 622             sprops.user_dir = strdup(buf);
 623     }
 625     sprops.file_separator = "/";
 626     sprops.path_separator = ":";
 627     sprops.line_separator = "\n";
 629 #if !defined(_ALLBSD_SOURCE)
 630     /* Append CDE message and resource search path to NLSPATH and
 631      * XFILESEARCHPATH, in order to pick localized message for
 632      * FileSelectionDialog window (Bug 4173641).
 633      */
 634     setPathEnvironment("NLSPATH=/usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.cat");
 635     setPathEnvironment("XFILESEARCHPATH=/usr/dt/app-defaults/%L/Dt");
 636 #endif
 639 #ifdef MACOSX
 640     setProxyProperties(&sprops);
 641 #endif
 643     return &sprops;
 644 }
 646 jstring
 647 GetStringPlatform(JNIEnv *env, nchar* cstr)
 648 {
 649     return JNU_NewStringPlatform(env, cstr);
 650 }