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*** 50,59 **** --- 50,61 ---- */ public class I18NJarTest extends TestHelper { private static final File cwd = new File("."); private static final File dir = new File("\uFF66\uFF67\uFF68\uFF69"); private static final String encoding = System.getProperty("sun.jnu.encoding", ""); + private static final String LANG = System.getenv("LANG"); + private static final String LC_ALL = System.getenv("LC_ALL"); public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { boolean localeAvailable = false; for (Locale l : Locale.getAvailableLocales()) { if (l.toLanguageTag().equals(Locale.JAPAN.toLanguageTag())) {
*** 61,81 **** break; } } if (!localeAvailable) { System.out.println("Warning: locale: " + Locale.JAPAN ! + " not found, test passes vacuosly"); return; } if (encoding.equals("MS932") || encoding.equals("UTF-8")) { Locale.setDefault(Locale.JAPAN); System.out.println("using locale " + Locale.JAPAN + ", encoding " + encoding); } else { System.out.println("Warning: current encoding is " + encoding + "this test requires MS932 <Ja> or UTF-8," + ! " test passes vacuosly"); return; } dir.mkdir(); File dirfile = new File(dir, "foo.jar"); createJar(dirfile, --- 63,92 ---- break; } } if (!localeAvailable) { System.out.println("Warning: locale: " + Locale.JAPAN ! + " not found, test passes vacuously"); ! return; ! } ! if("C".equals(LANG) || "C".equals(LC_ALL)) { ! System.out.println("Warning: The LANG and/or LC_ALL env vars are " + ! "set to \"C\":\n" + ! " LANG=" + LANG + "\n" + ! " LC_ALL" + LC_ALL + "\n" + ! "This test requires support for multi-byte filenames.\n" + ! "Test passes vacuously."); return; } if (encoding.equals("MS932") || encoding.equals("UTF-8")) { Locale.setDefault(Locale.JAPAN); System.out.println("using locale " + Locale.JAPAN + ", encoding " + encoding); } else { System.out.println("Warning: current encoding is " + encoding + "this test requires MS932 <Ja> or UTF-8," + ! " test passes vacuously"); return; } dir.mkdir(); File dirfile = new File(dir, "foo.jar"); createJar(dirfile,