1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package java.util;
  27 import java.util.concurrent.CountedCompleter;
  29 /**
  30  * Helper utilities for the parallel sort methods in Arrays.parallelSort.
  31  *
  32  * For each primitive type, plus Object, we define a static class to
  33  * contain the Sorter and Merger implementations for that type:
  34  *
  35  * Sorter classes based mainly on CilkSort
  36  * <A href="http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/cilk/"> Cilk</A>:
  37  * Basic algorithm:
  38  * if array size is small, just use a sequential sort (via Arrays.sort)
  39  *         Otherwise:
  40  *         1. Break array in half.
  41  *         2. For each half,
  42  *             a. break the half in half (i.e., quarters),
  43  *             b. sort the quarters
  44  *             c. merge them together
  45  *         3. merge together the two halves.
  46  *
  47  * One reason for splitting in quarters is that this guarantees that
  48  * the final sort is in the main array, not the workspace array.
  49  * (workspace and main swap roles on each subsort step.)  Leaf-level
  50  * sorts use the associated sequential sort.
  51  *
  52  * Merger classes perform merging for Sorter.  They are structured
  53  * such that if the underlying sort is stable (as is true for
  54  * TimSort), then so is the full sort.  If big enough, they split the
  55  * largest of the two partitions in half, find the greatest point in
  56  * smaller partition less than the beginning of the second half of
  57  * larger via binary search; and then merge in parallel the two
  58  * partitions.  In part to ensure tasks are triggered in
  59  * stability-preserving order, the current CountedCompleter design
  60  * requires some little tasks to serve as place holders for triggering
  61  * completion tasks.  These classes (EmptyCompleter and Relay) don't
  62  * need to keep track of the arrays, and are never themselves forked,
  63  * so don't hold any task state.
  64  *
  65  * The base sequential sorts rely on non-public versions of TimSort,
  66  * ComparableTimSort sort methods that accept temp workspace array
  67  * slices that we will have already allocated, so avoids redundant
  68  * allocation.
  69  */
  70 /*package*/ class ArraysParallelSortHelpers {
  72     /*
  73      * Style note: The task classes have a lot of parameters, that are
  74      * stored as task fields and copied to local variables and used in
  75      * compute() methods, We pack these into as few lines as possible,
  76      * and hoist consistency checks among them before main loops, to
  77      * reduce distraction.
  78      */
  80     /**
  81      * A placeholder task for Sorters, used for the lowest
  82      * quartile task, that does not need to maintain array state.
  83      */
  84     static final class EmptyCompleter extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
  85         static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
  86         EmptyCompleter(CountedCompleter<?> p) { super(p); }
  87         public final void compute() { }
  88     }
  90     /**
  91      * A trigger for secondary merge of two merges
  92      */
  93     static final class Relay extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
  94         static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
  95         final CountedCompleter<?> task;
  96         Relay(CountedCompleter<?> task) {
  97             super(null, 1);
  98             this.task = task;
  99         }
 100         public final void compute() { }
 101         public final void onCompletion(CountedCompleter<?> t) {
 102             task.compute();
 103         }
 104     }
 106     /** Object + Comparator support class */
 107     static final class FJObject {
 108         static final class Sorter<T> extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 109             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 110             final T[] a, w;
 111             final int base, size, wbase, gran;
 112             Comparator<? super T> comparator;
 113             Sorter(CountedCompleter<?> par, T[] a, T[] w, int base, int size,
 114                    int wbase, int gran,
 115                    Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
 116                 super(par);
 117                 this.a = a; this.w = w; this.base = base; this.size = size;
 118                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 119                 this.comparator = comparator;
 120             }
 121             public final void compute() {
 122                 CountedCompleter<?> s = this;
 123                 Comparator<? super T> c = this.comparator;
 124                 T[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 125                 int b = this.base, n = this.size, wb = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 126                 while (n > g) {
 127                     int h = n >>> 1, q = h >>> 1, u = h + q; // quartiles
 128                     Relay fc = new Relay(new Merger<>(s, w, a, wb, h,
 129                                                       wb+h, n-h, b, g, c));
 130                     Relay rc = new Relay(new Merger<>(fc, a, w, b+h, q,
 131                                                       b+u, n-u, wb+h, g, c));
 132                     new Sorter<>(rc, a, w, b+u, n-u, wb+u, g, c).fork();
 133                     new Sorter<>(rc, a, w, b+h, q, wb+h, g, c).fork();
 134                     Relay bc = new Relay(new Merger<>(fc, a, w, b, q,
 135                                                       b+q, h-q, wb, g, c));
 136                     new Sorter<>(bc, a, w, b+q, h-q, wb+q, g, c).fork();
 137                     s = new EmptyCompleter(bc);
 138                     n = q;
 139                 }
 140                 TimSort.sort(a, b, b + n, c, w, wb, n);
 141                 s.tryComplete();
 142             }
 143         }
 145         static final class Merger<T> extends CountedCompleter<Void> {
 146             static final long serialVersionUID = 2446542900576103244L;
 147             final T[] a, w; // main and workspace arrays
 148             final int lbase, lsize, rbase, rsize, wbase, gran;
 149             Comparator<? super T> comparator;
 150             Merger(CountedCompleter<?> par, T[] a, T[] w,
 151                    int lbase, int lsize, int rbase,
 152                    int rsize, int wbase, int gran,
 153                    Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
 154                 super(par);
 155                 this.a = a; this.w = w;
 156                 this.lbase = lbase; this.lsize = lsize;
 157                 this.rbase = rbase; this.rsize = rsize;
 158                 this.wbase = wbase; this.gran = gran;
 159                 this.comparator = comparator;
 160             }
 162             public final void compute() {
 163                 Comparator<? super T> c = this.comparator;
 164                 T[] a = this.a, w = this.w; // localize all params
 165                 int lb = this.lbase, ln = this.lsize, rb = this.rbase,
 166                     rn = this.rsize, k = this.wbase, g = this.gran;
 167                 if (a == null || w == null || lb < 0 || rb < 0 || k < 0 ||
 168                     c == null)
 169                     throw new IllegalStateException(); // hoist checks
 170                 for (int lh, rh;;) {  // split larger, find point in smaller
 171                     if (ln >= rn) {
 172                         if (ln <= g)
 173                             break;
 174                         rh = rn;
 175                         T split = a[(lh = ln >>> 1) + lb];
 176                         for (int lo = 0; lo < rh; ) {
 177                             int rm = (lo + rh) >>> 1;
 178                             if (c.compare(split, a[rm + rb]) <= 0)
 179                                 rh = rm;
 180                             else
 181                                 lo = rm + 1;
 182                         }
 183                     }
 184                     else {
 185                         if (rn <= g)
 186                             break;
 187                         lh = ln;
 188                         T split = a[(rh = rn >>> 1) + rb];
 189                         for (int lo = 0; lo < lh; ) {
 190                             int lm = (lo + lh) >>> 1;
 191                             if (c.compare(split, a[lm + lb]) <= 0)
 192                                 lh = lm;
 193                             else
 194                                 lo = lm + 1;
 195                         }
 196                     }
 197                     Merger<T> m = new Merger<>(this, a, w, lb + lh, ln - lh,
 198                                                rb + rh, rn - rh,
 199                                                k + lh + rh, g, c);
 200                     rn = rh;
 201                     ln = lh;
 202                     addToPendingCount(1);
 203                     m.fork();
 204                 }
 206                 int lf = lb + ln, rf = rb + rn; // index bounds
 207                 while (lb < lf && rb < rf) {
 208                     T t, al, ar;
 209                     if (c.compare((al = a[lb]), (ar = a[rb])) <= 0) {
 210                         lb++; t = al;
 211                     }
 212                     else {
 213                         rb++; t = ar;
 214                     }
 215                     w[k++] = t;
 216                 }
 217                 if (rb < rf)
 218                     System.arraycopy(a, rb, w, k, rf - rb);
 219                 else if (lb < lf)
 220                     System.arraycopy(a, lb, w, k, lf - lb);
 222                 tryComplete();
 223             }
 224         }
 225     }
 226 }