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1108             }
1109             if (i == 0) {
1110                 urls = null;
1111             } else if (i != urls.length) {
1112                 // Truncate nulls from end of array
1113                 urls = Arrays.copyOf(urls, i);
1114             }
1115             return urls;
1116         }
1118         static URL tryResolve(URL base, String input) throws MalformedURLException {
1119             if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(base.getProtocol())) {
1120                 return tryResolveFile(base, input);
1121             } else {
1122                 return tryResolveNonFile(base, input);
1123             }
1124         }
1126         /**
1127          * Attempt to return a file URL by resolving input against a base file
1128          * URL. The input is an absolute or relative file URL that encodes a
1129          * file path.
1130          *
1131          * @apiNote Nonsensical input such as a Windows file path with a drive
1132          * letter cannot be disambiguated from an absolute URL so will be rejected
1133          * (by returning null) by this method.
1134          *
1135          * @return the resolved URL or null if the input is an absolute URL with
1136          *         a scheme other than file (ignoring case)
1137          * @throws MalformedURLException
1138          */
1139         static URL tryResolveFile(URL base, String input) throws MalformedURLException {
1140             int index = input.indexOf(':');
1141             boolean isFile;
1142             if (index >= 0) {
1143                 String scheme = input.substring(0, index);
1144                 isFile = "file".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme);
1145             } else {
1146                 isFile = true;
1147             }
1148             return (isFile) ? new URL(base, input) : null;
1149         }
1151         /**
1152          * Attempt to return a URL by resolving input against a base URL. Returns
1153          * null if the resolved URL is not contained by the base URL.
1154          *
1155          * @return the resolved URL or null
1156          * @throws MalformedURLException
1157          */
1158         static URL tryResolveNonFile(URL base, String input) throws MalformedURLException {
1159             String child = input.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
1160             if (isRelative(child)) {
1161                 URL url = new URL(base, child);
1162                 String bp = base.getPath();
1163                 String urlp = url.getPath();
1164                 int pos = bp.lastIndexOf('/');
1165                 if (pos == -1) {
1166                     pos = bp.length() - 1;
1167                 }
1168                 if (urlp.regionMatches(0, bp, 0, pos + 1)

1108             }
1109             if (i == 0) {
1110                 urls = null;
1111             } else if (i != urls.length) {
1112                 // Truncate nulls from end of array
1113                 urls = Arrays.copyOf(urls, i);
1114             }
1115             return urls;
1116         }
1118         static URL tryResolve(URL base, String input) throws MalformedURLException {
1119             if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(base.getProtocol())) {
1120                 return tryResolveFile(base, input);
1121             } else {
1122                 return tryResolveNonFile(base, input);
1123             }
1124         }
1126         /**
1127          * Attempt to return a file URL by resolving input against a base file
1128          * URL.

1129          * @return the resolved URL or null if the input is an absolute URL with
1130          *         a scheme other than file (ignoring case)
1131          * @throws MalformedURLException
1132          */
1133         static URL tryResolveFile(URL base, String input) throws MalformedURLException {
1134             URL retVal = new URL(base, input);
1135             if (input.indexOf(':') >= 0 &&
1136                     !"file".equalsIgnoreCase(retVal.getProtocol())) {
1137                 // 'input' contains a ':', which might be a scheme, or might be
1138                 // a Windows drive letter.  If the protocol for the resolved URL
1139                 // isn't "file:", it should be ignored.
1140                 return null;
1141             }
1142             return retVal;
1143         }
1145         /**
1146          * Attempt to return a URL by resolving input against a base URL. Returns
1147          * null if the resolved URL is not contained by the base URL.
1148          *
1149          * @return the resolved URL or null
1150          * @throws MalformedURLException
1151          */
1152         static URL tryResolveNonFile(URL base, String input) throws MalformedURLException {
1153             String child = input.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
1154             if (isRelative(child)) {
1155                 URL url = new URL(base, child);
1156                 String bp = base.getPath();
1157                 String urlp = url.getPath();
1158                 int pos = bp.lastIndexOf('/');
1159                 if (pos == -1) {
1160                     pos = bp.length() - 1;
1161                 }
1162                 if (urlp.regionMatches(0, bp, 0, pos + 1)

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