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 721           "Print NUMA stats in detailed heap information")                  \
 722                                                                             \
 723   product(uintx, NUMAPageScanRate, 256,                                     \
 724           "Maximum number of pages to include in the page scan procedure")  \
 725           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 726                                                                             \
 727   product_pd(bool, NeedsDeoptSuspend,                                       \
 728           "True for register window machines (sparc/ia64)")                 \
 729                                                                             \
 730   product(intx, UseSSE, 99,                                                 \
 731           "Highest supported SSE instructions set on x86/x64")              \
 732           range(0, 99)                                                      \
 733                                                                             \
 734   product(bool, UseAES, false,                                              \
 735           "Control whether AES instructions can be used on x86/x64")        \
 736                                                                             \
 737   product(bool, UseSHA, false,                                              \
 738           "Control whether SHA instructions can be used "                   \
 739           "on SPARC, on ARM and on x86")                                    \
 740                                                                             \
 741   diagnostic(bool, UseGHASHIntrinsics, false,                               \
 742           "Use intrinsics for GHASH versions of crypto")                    \
 743                                                                             \
 744   product(size_t, LargePageSizeInBytes, 0,                                  \
 745           "Large page size (0 to let VM choose the page size)")             \
 746           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 747                                                                             \
 748   product(size_t, LargePageHeapSizeThreshold, 128*M,                        \
 749           "Use large pages if maximum heap is at least this big")           \
 750           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 751                                                                             \
 752   product(bool, ForceTimeHighResolution, false,                             \
 753           "Using high time resolution (for Win32 only)")                    \
 754                                                                             \
 755   develop(bool, TracePcPatching, false,                                     \
 756           "Trace usage of frame::patch_pc")                                 \
 757                                                                             \
 758   develop(bool, TraceJumps, false,                                          \
 759           "Trace assembly jumps in thread ring buffer")                     \
 760                                                                             \
 761   develop(bool, TraceRelocator, false,                                      \

 791                                                                             \
 792   notproduct(bool, StressDerivedPointers, false,                            \
 793           "Force scavenge when a derived pointer is detected on stack "     \
 794           "after rtm call")                                                 \
 795                                                                             \
 796   develop(bool, TraceDerivedPointers, false,                                \
 797           "Trace traversal of derived pointers on stack")                   \
 798                                                                             \
 799   notproduct(bool, TraceCodeBlobStacks, false,                              \
 800           "Trace stack-walk of codeblobs")                                  \
 801                                                                             \
 802   product(bool, PrintJNIResolving, false,                                   \
 803           "Used to implement -v:jni")                                       \
 804                                                                             \
 805   notproduct(bool, PrintRewrites, false,                                    \
 806           "Print methods that are being rewritten")                         \
 807                                                                             \
 808   product(bool, UseInlineCaches, true,                                      \
 809           "Use Inline Caches for virtual calls ")                           \
 810                                                                             \
 811   diagnostic(bool, InlineArrayCopy, true,                                   \
 812           "Inline arraycopy native that is known to be part of "            \
 813           "base library DLL")                                               \
 814                                                                             \
 815   diagnostic(bool, InlineObjectHash, true,                                  \
 816           "Inline Object::hashCode() native that is known to be part "      \
 817           "of base library DLL")                                            \
 818                                                                             \
 819   diagnostic(bool, InlineNatives, true,                                     \
 820           "Inline natives that are known to be part of base library DLL")   \
 821                                                                             \
 822   diagnostic(bool, InlineMathNatives, true,                                 \
 823           "Inline SinD, CosD, etc.")                                        \
 824                                                                             \
 825   diagnostic(bool, InlineClassNatives, true,                                \
 826           "Inline Class.isInstance, etc")                                   \
 827                                                                             \
 828   diagnostic(bool, InlineThreadNatives, true,                               \
 829           "Inline Thread.currentThread, etc")                               \
 830                                                                             \
 831   diagnostic(bool, InlineUnsafeOps, true,                                   \
 832           "Inline memory ops (native methods) from Unsafe")                 \
 833                                                                             \
 834   product(bool, CriticalJNINatives, true,                                   \
 835           "Check for critical JNI entry points")                            \
 836                                                                             \
 837   notproduct(bool, StressCriticalJNINatives, false,                         \
 838           "Exercise register saving code in critical natives")              \
 839                                                                             \
 840   diagnostic(bool, UseAESIntrinsics, false,                                 \
 841           "Use intrinsics for AES versions of crypto")                      \
 842                                                                             \
 843   diagnostic(bool, UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false,                              \
 844           "Use intrinsics for the paralleled version of AES/CTR crypto")    \
 845                                                                             \
 846   diagnostic(bool, UseSHA1Intrinsics, false,                                \
 847           "Use intrinsics for SHA-1 crypto hash function. "                 \
 848           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 849                                                                             \
 850   diagnostic(bool, UseSHA256Intrinsics, false,                              \
 851           "Use intrinsics for SHA-224 and SHA-256 crypto hash functions. "  \
 852           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 853                                                                             \
 854   diagnostic(bool, UseSHA512Intrinsics, false,                              \
 855           "Use intrinsics for SHA-384 and SHA-512 crypto hash functions. "  \
 856           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 857                                                                             \
 858   diagnostic(bool, UseCRC32Intrinsics, false,                               \
 859           "use intrinsics for")                         \
 860                                                                             \
 861   diagnostic(bool, UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false,                              \
 862           "use intrinsics for")                        \
 863                                                                             \
 864   diagnostic(bool, UseAdler32Intrinsics, false,                             \
 865           "use intrinsics for")                       \
 866                                                                             \
 867   diagnostic(bool, UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic, false,                   \
 868           "Enables intrinsification of ArraysSupport.vectorizedMismatch()") \
 869                                                                             \
 870   diagnostic(ccstrlist, DisableIntrinsic, "",                               \
 871          "do not expand intrinsics whose (internal) names appear here")     \
 872                                                                             \
 873   develop(bool, TraceCallFixup, false,                                      \
 874           "Trace all call fixups")                                          \
 875                                                                             \
 876   develop(bool, DeoptimizeALot, false,                                      \
 877           "Deoptimize at every exit from the runtime system")               \
 878                                                                             \
 879   notproduct(ccstrlist, DeoptimizeOnlyAt, "",                               \
 880           "A comma separated list of bcis to deoptimize at")                \
 881                                                                             \
 882   product(bool, DeoptimizeRandom, false,                                    \
 883           "Deoptimize random frames on random exit from the runtime system")\
 884                                                                             \
 885   notproduct(bool, ZombieALot, false,                                       \
 886           "Create zombies (non-entrant) at exit from the runtime system")   \
 887                                                                             \

 721           "Print NUMA stats in detailed heap information")                  \
 722                                                                             \
 723   product(uintx, NUMAPageScanRate, 256,                                     \
 724           "Maximum number of pages to include in the page scan procedure")  \
 725           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 726                                                                             \
 727   product_pd(bool, NeedsDeoptSuspend,                                       \
 728           "True for register window machines (sparc/ia64)")                 \
 729                                                                             \
 730   product(intx, UseSSE, 99,                                                 \
 731           "Highest supported SSE instructions set on x86/x64")              \
 732           range(0, 99)                                                      \
 733                                                                             \
 734   product(bool, UseAES, false,                                              \
 735           "Control whether AES instructions can be used on x86/x64")        \
 736                                                                             \
 737   product(bool, UseSHA, false,                                              \
 738           "Control whether SHA instructions can be used "                   \
 739           "on SPARC, on ARM and on x86")                                    \
 740                                                                             \
 741   product(bool, UseGHASHIntrinsics, false,                                  \
 742           "Use intrinsics for GHASH versions of crypto")                    \
 743                                                                             \
 744   product(size_t, LargePageSizeInBytes, 0,                                  \
 745           "Large page size (0 to let VM choose the page size)")             \
 746           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 747                                                                             \
 748   product(size_t, LargePageHeapSizeThreshold, 128*M,                        \
 749           "Use large pages if maximum heap is at least this big")           \
 750           range(0, max_uintx)                                               \
 751                                                                             \
 752   product(bool, ForceTimeHighResolution, false,                             \
 753           "Using high time resolution (for Win32 only)")                    \
 754                                                                             \
 755   develop(bool, TracePcPatching, false,                                     \
 756           "Trace usage of frame::patch_pc")                                 \
 757                                                                             \
 758   develop(bool, TraceJumps, false,                                          \
 759           "Trace assembly jumps in thread ring buffer")                     \
 760                                                                             \
 761   develop(bool, TraceRelocator, false,                                      \

 791                                                                             \
 792   notproduct(bool, StressDerivedPointers, false,                            \
 793           "Force scavenge when a derived pointer is detected on stack "     \
 794           "after rtm call")                                                 \
 795                                                                             \
 796   develop(bool, TraceDerivedPointers, false,                                \
 797           "Trace traversal of derived pointers on stack")                   \
 798                                                                             \
 799   notproduct(bool, TraceCodeBlobStacks, false,                              \
 800           "Trace stack-walk of codeblobs")                                  \
 801                                                                             \
 802   product(bool, PrintJNIResolving, false,                                   \
 803           "Used to implement -v:jni")                                       \
 804                                                                             \
 805   notproduct(bool, PrintRewrites, false,                                    \
 806           "Print methods that are being rewritten")                         \
 807                                                                             \
 808   product(bool, UseInlineCaches, true,                                      \
 809           "Use Inline Caches for virtual calls ")                           \
 810                                                                             \
 811   develop(bool, InlineArrayCopy, true,                                      \
 812           "Inline arraycopy native that is known to be part of "            \
 813           "base library DLL")                                               \
 814                                                                             \
 815   develop(bool, InlineObjectHash, true,                                     \
 816           "Inline Object::hashCode() native that is known to be part "      \
 817           "of base library DLL")                                            \
 818                                                                             \
 819   develop(bool, InlineNatives, true,                                        \
 820           "Inline natives that are known to be part of base library DLL")   \
 821                                                                             \
 822   develop(bool, InlineMathNatives, true,                                    \
 823           "Inline SinD, CosD, etc.")                                        \
 824                                                                             \
 825   develop(bool, InlineClassNatives, true,                                   \
 826           "Inline Class.isInstance, etc")                                   \
 827                                                                             \
 828   develop(bool, InlineThreadNatives, true,                                  \
 829           "Inline Thread.currentThread, etc")                               \
 830                                                                             \
 831   develop(bool, InlineUnsafeOps, true,                                      \
 832           "Inline memory ops (native methods) from Unsafe")                 \
 833                                                                             \
 834   product(bool, CriticalJNINatives, true,                                   \
 835           "Check for critical JNI entry points")                            \
 836                                                                             \
 837   notproduct(bool, StressCriticalJNINatives, false,                         \
 838           "Exercise register saving code in critical natives")              \
 839                                                                             \
 840   product(bool, UseAESIntrinsics, false,                                    \
 841           "Use intrinsics for AES versions of crypto")                      \
 842                                                                             \
 843   product(bool, UseAESCTRIntrinsics, false,                                 \
 844           "Use intrinsics for the paralleled version of AES/CTR crypto")    \
 845                                                                             \
 846   product(bool, UseSHA1Intrinsics, false,                                   \
 847           "Use intrinsics for SHA-1 crypto hash function. "                 \
 848           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 849                                                                             \
 850   product(bool, UseSHA256Intrinsics, false,                                 \
 851           "Use intrinsics for SHA-224 and SHA-256 crypto hash functions. "  \
 852           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 853                                                                             \
 854   product(bool, UseSHA512Intrinsics, false,                                 \
 855           "Use intrinsics for SHA-384 and SHA-512 crypto hash functions. "  \
 856           "Requires that UseSHA is enabled.")                               \
 857                                                                             \
 858   product(bool, UseCRC32Intrinsics, false,                                  \
 859           "use intrinsics for")                         \
 860                                                                             \
 861   product(bool, UseCRC32CIntrinsics, false,                                 \
 862           "use intrinsics for")                        \
 863                                                                             \
 864   product(bool, UseAdler32Intrinsics, false,                                \
 865           "use intrinsics for")                       \
 866                                                                             \
 867   product(bool, UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic, false,                      \
 868           "Enables intrinsification of ArraysSupport.vectorizedMismatch()") \
 869                                                                             \
 870   diagnostic(ccstrlist, DisableIntrinsic, "",                               \
 871          "do not expand intrinsics whose (internal) names appear here")     \
 872                                                                             \
 873   develop(bool, TraceCallFixup, false,                                      \
 874           "Trace all call fixups")                                          \
 875                                                                             \
 876   develop(bool, DeoptimizeALot, false,                                      \
 877           "Deoptimize at every exit from the runtime system")               \
 878                                                                             \
 879   notproduct(ccstrlist, DeoptimizeOnlyAt, "",                               \
 880           "A comma separated list of bcis to deoptimize at")                \
 881                                                                             \
 882   product(bool, DeoptimizeRandom, false,                                    \
 883           "Deoptimize random frames on random exit from the runtime system")\
 884                                                                             \
 885   notproduct(bool, ZombieALot, false,                                       \
 886           "Create zombies (non-entrant) at exit from the runtime system")   \
 887                                                                             \

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