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 209  * unsynchronized collections are preferable when either
 210  * collections are unshared, or are accessible only when
 211  * holding other locks.
 212  *
 213  * <p id="Weakly">Most concurrent Collection implementations
 214  * (including most Queues) also differ from the usual {@code java.util}
 215  * conventions in that their {@linkplain java.util.Iterator Iterators}
 216  * and {@linkplain java.util.Spliterator Spliterators} provide
 217  * <em>weakly consistent</em> rather than fast-fail traversal:
 218  * <ul>
 219  * <li>they may proceed concurrently with other operations
 220  * <li>they will never throw {@link java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
 221  * ConcurrentModificationException}
 222  * <li>they are guaranteed to traverse elements as they existed upon
 223  * construction exactly once, and may (but are not guaranteed to)
 224  * reflect any modifications subsequent to construction.
 225  * </ul>
 226  *
 227  * <h2 id="MemoryVisibility">Memory Consistency Properties</h2>
 228  *
 229  * <a href="">
 230  * Chapter 17 of the Java Language Specification</a> defines the
 231  * <i>happens-before</i> relation on memory operations such as reads and
 232  * writes of shared variables.  The results of a write by one thread are
 233  * guaranteed to be visible to a read by another thread only if the write
 234  * operation <i>happens-before</i> the read operation.  The
 235  * {@code synchronized} and {@code volatile} constructs, as well as the
 236  * {@code Thread.start()} and {@code Thread.join()} methods, can form
 237  * <i>happens-before</i> relationships.  In particular:
 238  *
 239  * <ul>
 240  *   <li>Each action in a thread <i>happens-before</i> every action in that
 241  *   thread that comes later in the program's order.
 242  *
 243  *   <li>An unlock ({@code synchronized} block or method exit) of a
 244  *   monitor <i>happens-before</i> every subsequent lock ({@code synchronized}
 245  *   block or method entry) of that same monitor.  And because
 246  *   the <i>happens-before</i> relation is transitive, all actions
 247  *   of a thread prior to unlocking <i>happen-before</i> all actions
 248  *   subsequent to any thread locking that monitor.
 249  *

 209  * unsynchronized collections are preferable when either
 210  * collections are unshared, or are accessible only when
 211  * holding other locks.
 212  *
 213  * <p id="Weakly">Most concurrent Collection implementations
 214  * (including most Queues) also differ from the usual {@code java.util}
 215  * conventions in that their {@linkplain java.util.Iterator Iterators}
 216  * and {@linkplain java.util.Spliterator Spliterators} provide
 217  * <em>weakly consistent</em> rather than fast-fail traversal:
 218  * <ul>
 219  * <li>they may proceed concurrently with other operations
 220  * <li>they will never throw {@link java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
 221  * ConcurrentModificationException}
 222  * <li>they are guaranteed to traverse elements as they existed upon
 223  * construction exactly once, and may (but are not guaranteed to)
 224  * reflect any modifications subsequent to construction.
 225  * </ul>
 226  *
 227  * <h2 id="MemoryVisibility">Memory Consistency Properties</h2>
 228  *
 229  * <a href="">
 230  * Chapter 17 of the Java Language Specification</a> defines the
 231  * <i>happens-before</i> relation on memory operations such as reads and
 232  * writes of shared variables.  The results of a write by one thread are
 233  * guaranteed to be visible to a read by another thread only if the write
 234  * operation <i>happens-before</i> the read operation.  The
 235  * {@code synchronized} and {@code volatile} constructs, as well as the
 236  * {@code Thread.start()} and {@code Thread.join()} methods, can form
 237  * <i>happens-before</i> relationships.  In particular:
 238  *
 239  * <ul>
 240  *   <li>Each action in a thread <i>happens-before</i> every action in that
 241  *   thread that comes later in the program's order.
 242  *
 243  *   <li>An unlock ({@code synchronized} block or method exit) of a
 244  *   monitor <i>happens-before</i> every subsequent lock ({@code synchronized}
 245  *   block or method entry) of that same monitor.  And because
 246  *   the <i>happens-before</i> relation is transitive, all actions
 247  *   of a thread prior to unlocking <i>happen-before</i> all actions
 248  *   subsequent to any thread locking that monitor.
 249  *