/* * Copyright 2018-2019 Raffaello Giulietti * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package jdk.internal.math; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Random; import static java.lang.Double.*; import static java.lang.Long.numberOfTrailingZeros; import static java.lang.Math.scalb; import static jdk.internal.math.DoubleToDecimal.*; import static jdk.internal.math.MathUtils.flog10pow2; public class DoubleToDecimalChecker extends ToDecimalChecker { private double v; private final long originalBits; private DoubleToDecimalChecker(double v, String s) { super(s); this.v = v; originalBits = doubleToRawLongBits(v); } @Override BigDecimal toBigDecimal() { return new BigDecimal(v); } @Override boolean recovers(BigDecimal b) { return b.doubleValue() == v; } @Override boolean recovers(String s) { return parseDouble(s) == v; } @Override String hexBits() { return String.format("0x%01X__%03X__%01X_%04X_%04X_%04X", (int) (originalBits >>> 63) & 0x1, (int) (originalBits >>> 52) & 0x7FF, (int) (originalBits >>> 48) & 0xF, (int) (originalBits >>> 32) & 0xFFFF, (int) (originalBits >>> 16) & 0xFFFF, (int) originalBits & 0xFFFF); } @Override int minExp() { return MIN_EXP; } @Override int maxExp() { return MAX_EXP; } @Override int maxLen10() { return H; } @Override boolean isZero() { return v == 0; } @Override boolean isInfinity() { return v == POSITIVE_INFINITY; } @Override void negate() { v = -v; } @Override boolean isNegative() { return originalBits < 0; } @Override boolean isNaN() { return Double.isNaN(v); } private static void toDec(double v) { // String s = Double.toString(v); String s = DoubleToDecimal.toString(v); new DoubleToDecimalChecker(v, s).assertTrue(); } private static void testExtremeValues() { toDec(NEGATIVE_INFINITY); toDec(-MAX_VALUE); toDec(-MIN_NORMAL); toDec(-MIN_VALUE); toDec(-0.0); toDec(0.0); toDec(MIN_VALUE); toDec(MIN_NORMAL); toDec(MAX_VALUE); toDec(POSITIVE_INFINITY); toDec(NaN); /* Quiet NaNs have the most significant bit of the mantissa as 1, while signaling NaNs have it as 0. Exercise 4 combinations of quiet/signaling NaNs and "positive/negative" NaNs */ toDec(longBitsToDouble(0x7FF8_0000_0000_0001L)); toDec(longBitsToDouble(0x7FF0_0000_0000_0001L)); toDec(longBitsToDouble(0xFFF8_0000_0000_0001L)); toDec(longBitsToDouble(0xFFF0_0000_0000_0001L)); /* All values treated specially by Schubfach */ toDec(4.9E-324); toDec(9.9E-324); } /* A few "powers of 10" are incorrectly rendered by the JDK. The rendering is either too long or it is not the closest decimal. */ private static void testPowersOf10() { for (int e = MIN_EXP; e <= MAX_EXP; ++e) { toDec(parseDouble("1e" + e)); } } /* Many powers of 2 are incorrectly rendered by the JDK. The rendering is either too long or it is not the closest decimal. */ private static void testPowersOf2() { for (double v = MIN_VALUE; v <= MAX_VALUE; v *= 2) { toDec(v); } } /* There are many doubles that are rendered incorrectly by the JDK. While the renderings correctly round back to the original value, they are longer than needed or are not the closest decimal to the double. Here are just a very few examples. */ private static final String[] Anomalies = { // JDK renders these, and others, with 18 digits! "2.82879384806159E17", "1.387364135037754E18", "1.45800632428665E17", // JDK renders these longer than needed. "1.6E-322", "6.3E-322", "7.3879E20", "2.0E23", "7.0E22", "9.2E22", "9.5E21", "3.1E22", "5.63E21", "8.41E21", // JDK does not render these, and many others, as the closest. "9.9E-324", "9.9E-323", "1.9400994884341945E25", "3.6131332396758635E25", "2.5138990223946153E25", }; private static void testSomeAnomalies() { for (String dec : Anomalies) { toDec(parseDouble(dec)); } } /* Values are from Paxson V, "A Program for Testing IEEE Decimal-Binary Conversion" tables 3 and 4 */ private static final double[] PaxsonSignificands = { 8_511_030_020_275_656L, 5_201_988_407_066_741L, 6_406_892_948_269_899L, 8_431_154_198_732_492L, 6_475_049_196_144_587L, 8_274_307_542_972_842L, 5_381_065_484_265_332L, 6_761_728_585_499_734L, 7_976_538_478_610_756L, 5_982_403_858_958_067L, 5_536_995_190_630_837L, 7_225_450_889_282_194L, 7_225_450_889_282_194L, 8_703_372_741_147_379L, 8_944_262_675_275_217L, 7_459_803_696_087_692L, 6_080_469_016_670_379L, 8_385_515_147_034_757L, 7_514_216_811_389_786L, 8_397_297_803_260_511L, 6_733_459_239_310_543L, 8_091_450_587_292_794L, 6_567_258_882_077_402L, 6_712_731_423_444_934L, 6_712_731_423_444_934L, 5_298_405_411_573_037L, 5_137_311_167_659_507L, 6_722_280_709_661_868L, 5_344_436_398_034_927L, 8_369_123_604_277_281L, 8_995_822_108_487_663L, 8_942_832_835_564_782L, 8_942_832_835_564_782L, 8_942_832_835_564_782L, 6_965_949_469_487_146L, 6_965_949_469_487_146L, 6_965_949_469_487_146L, 7_487_252_720_986_826L, 5_592_117_679_628_511L, 8_887_055_249_355_788L, 6_994_187_472_632_449L, 8_797_576_579_012_143L, 7_363_326_733_505_337L, 8_549_497_411_294_502L, }; private static final int[] PaxsonExponents = { -342, -824, 237, 72, 99, 726, -456, -57, 376, 377, 93, 710, 709, 117, -1, -707, -381, 721, -828, -345, 202, -473, 952, 535, 534, -957, -144, 363, -169, -853, -780, -383, -384, -385, -249, -250, -251, 548, 164, 665, 690, 588, 272, -448, }; private static void testPaxson() { for (int i = 0; i < PaxsonSignificands.length; ++i) { toDec(scalb(PaxsonSignificands[i], PaxsonExponents[i])); } } /* Tests all integers of the form yx_xxx_000_000_000_000_000, y != 0. These are all exact doubles. */ private static void testLongs() { for (int i = 10_000; i < 100_000; ++i) { toDec(i * 1e15); } } /* Tests all integers up to 1_000_000. These are all exact doubles and exercise a fast path. */ private static void testInts() { for (int i = 0; i <= 1_000_000; ++i) { toDec(i); } } /* Random doubles over the whole range */ private static void testRandom(int randomCount, Random r) { for (int i = 0; i < randomCount; ++i) { toDec(longBitsToDouble(r.nextLong())); } } /* Random doubles over the integer range [0, 2^52). These are all exact doubles and exercise the fast path (except 0). */ private static void testRandomUnit(int randomCount, Random r) { for (int i = 0; i < randomCount; ++i) { toDec(r.nextLong() & (1L << P - 1)); } } /* Random doubles over the range [0, 10^15) as "multiples" of 1e-3 */ private static void testRandomMilli(int randomCount, Random r) { for (int i = 0; i < randomCount; ++i) { toDec(r.nextLong() % 1_000_000_000_000_000_000L / 1e3); } } /* Random doubles over the range [0, 10^15) as "multiples" of 1e-6 */ private static void testRandomMicro(int randomCount, Random r) { for (int i = 0; i < randomCount; ++i) { toDec((r.nextLong() & 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL) / 1e6); } } private static void testConstants() { assertTrue(precision() == P, "P"); assertTrue(flog10pow2(P) + 2 == H, "H"); assertTrue(e(MIN_VALUE) == MIN_EXP, "MIN_EXP"); assertTrue(e(MAX_VALUE) == MAX_EXP, "MAX_EXP"); } private static int precision() { /* Given precision P, the floating point value 3 has the bits 0e...e10...0 where there are exactly P - 2 trailing zeroes. */ return numberOfTrailingZeros(doubleToRawLongBits(3)) + 2; } public static void test(int randomCount, Random r) { testConstants(); testExtremeValues(); testSomeAnomalies(); testPowersOf2(); testPowersOf10(); testPaxson(); testInts(); testLongs(); testRandom(randomCount, r); testRandomUnit(randomCount, r); testRandomMilli(randomCount, r); testRandomMicro(randomCount, r); } }