
Print this page

 281      */
 282     public final AttachProvider provider() {
 283         return provider;
 284     }
 286     /**
 287      * Returns the identifier for this Java virtual machine.
 288      *
 289      * @return  The identifier for this Java virtual machine.
 290      */
 291     public final String id() {
 292         return id;
 293     }
 295     /**
 296      * Loads an agent library.
 297      *
 298      * <p> A <a href="../../../../../../../../technotes/guides/jvmti/index.html">JVM
 299      * TI</a> client is called an <i>agent</i>. It is developed in a native language.
 300      * A JVM TI agent is deployed in a platform specific manner but it is typically the
 301      * platform equivalent of a dynamic library. This method causes the given agent

 302      * library to be loaded into the target VM (if not already loaded).
 303      * It then causes the target VM to invoke the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function

 304      * as specified in the
 305      * <a href="../../../../../../../../technotes/guides/jvmti/index.html"> JVM Tools
 306      * Interface</a> specification. Note that the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code>
 307      * function is invoked even if the agent library was loaded prior to invoking
 308      * this method.
 309      *
 310      * <p> The agent library provided is the name of the agent library. It is interpreted
 311      * in the target virtual machine in an implementation-dependent manner. Typically an
 312      * implementation will expand the library name into an operating system specific file
 313      * name. For example, on UNIX systems, the name <tt>foo</tt> might be expanded to
 314      * <tt></tt>, and located using the search path specified by the
 315      * <tt>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</tt> environment variable.</p>
 316      *
 317      * <p> If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function in the agent library returns
 318      * an error then an {@link} is
 319      * thrown. The return value from the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> can then be
 320      * obtained by invoking the {@link
 321      * returnValue}
 322      * method on the exception. </p>
 323      *
 324      * @param   agentLibrary
 325      *          The name of the agent library.
 326      *
 327      * @param   options
 328      *          The options to provide to the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code>
 329      *          function (can be <code>null</code>).
 330      *
 331      * @throws  AgentLoadException
 332      *          If the agent library does not exist, or cannot be loaded for
 333      *          another reason.

 334      *
 335      * @throws  AgentInitializationException
 336      *          If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function returns an error

 337      *
 338      * @throws  IOException
 339      *          If an I/O error occurs
 340      *
 341      * @throws  NullPointerException
 342      *          If <code>agentLibrary</code> is <code>null</code>.
 343      *
 344      * @see
 345      */
 346     public abstract void loadAgentLibrary(String agentLibrary, String options)
 347         throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException;
 349     /**
 350      * Loads an agent library.
 351      *
 352      * <p> This convenience method works as if by invoking:
 353      *
 354      * <blockquote><tt>
 355      * {@link #loadAgentLibrary(String, String) loadAgentLibrary}(agentLibrary,&nbsp;null);
 356      * </tt></blockquote>
 357      *
 358      * @param   agentLibrary
 359      *          The name of the agent library.
 360      *
 361      * @throws  AgentLoadException
 362      *          If the agent library does not exist, or cannot be loaded for
 363      *          another reason.

 364      *
 365      * @throws  AgentInitializationException
 366      *          If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function returns an error

 367      *
 368      * @throws  IOException
 369      *          If an I/O error occurs
 370      *
 371      * @throws  NullPointerException
 372      *          If <code>agentLibrary</code> is <code>null</code>.
 373      */
 374     public void loadAgentLibrary(String agentLibrary)
 375         throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException
 376     {
 377         loadAgentLibrary(agentLibrary, null);
 378     }
 380     /**
 381      * Load a native agent library by full pathname.
 382      *
 383      * <p> A <a href="../../../../../../../../technotes/guides/jvmti/index.html">JVM
 384      * TI</a> client is called an <i>agent</i>. It is developed in a native language.
 385      * A JVM TI agent is deployed in a platform specific manner but it is typically the
 386      * platform equivalent of a dynamic library. This method causes the given agent

 387      * library to be loaded into the target VM (if not already loaded).
 388      * It then causes the target VM to invoke the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function
 389      * as specified in the
 390      * <a href="../../../../../../../../technotes/guides/jvmti/index.html"> JVM Tools
 391      * Interface</a> specification. Note that the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code>
 392      * function is invoked even if the agent library was loaded prior to invoking
 393      * this method.
 394      *
 395      * <p> The agent library provided is the absolute path from which to load the
 396      * agent library. Unlike {@link #loadAgentLibrary loadAgentLibrary}, the library name
 397      * is not expanded in the target virtual machine. </p>
 398      *
 399      * <p> If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function in the agent library returns
 400      * an error then an {@link} is
 401      * thrown. The return value from the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> can then be
 402      * obtained by invoking the {@link
 403      * returnValue}
 404      * method on the exception. </p>
 405      *
 406      * @param   agentPath
 407      *          The full path of the agent library.
 408      *
 409      * @param   options
 410      *          The options to provide to the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code>
 411      *          function (can be <code>null</code>).
 412      *
 413      * @throws  AgentLoadException
 414      *          If the agent library does not exist, or cannot be loaded for
 415      *          another reason.

 416      *
 417      * @throws  AgentInitializationException
 418      *          If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function returns an error

 419      *
 420      * @throws  IOException
 421      *          If an I/O error occurs
 422      *
 423      * @throws  NullPointerException
 424      *          If <code>agentPath</code> is <code>null</code>.
 425      *
 426      * @see
 427      */
 428     public abstract void loadAgentPath(String agentPath, String options)
 429         throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException;
 431     /**
 432      * Load a native agent library by full pathname.
 433      *
 434      * <p> This convenience method works as if by invoking:
 435      *
 436      * <blockquote><tt>
 437      * {@link #loadAgentPath(String, String) loadAgentPath}(agentLibrary,&nbsp;null);
 438      * </tt></blockquote>
 439      *
 440      * @param   agentPath
 441      *          The full path to the agent library.
 442      *
 443      * @throws  AgentLoadException
 444      *          If the agent library does not exist, or cannot be loaded for
 445      *          another reason.

 446      *
 447      * @throws  AgentInitializationException
 448      *          If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function returns an error

 449      *
 450      * @throws  IOException
 451      *          If an I/O error occurs
 452      *
 453      * @throws  NullPointerException
 454      *          If <code>agentPath</code> is <code>null</code>.
 455      */
 456     public void loadAgentPath(String agentPath)
 457        throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException
 458     {
 459         loadAgentPath(agentPath, null);
 460     }
 463    /**
 464      * Loads an agent.
 465      *
 466      * <p> The agent provided to this method is a path name to a JAR file on the file
 467      * system of the target virtual machine. This path is passed to the target virtual
 468      * machine where it is interpreted. The target virtual machine attempts to start

 281      */
 282     public final AttachProvider provider() {
 283         return provider;
 284     }
 286     /**
 287      * Returns the identifier for this Java virtual machine.
 288      *
 289      * @return  The identifier for this Java virtual machine.
 290      */
 291     public final String id() {
 292         return id;
 293     }
 295     /**
 296      * Loads an agent library.
 297      *
 298      * <p> A <a href="../../../../../../../../technotes/guides/jvmti/index.html">JVM
 299      * TI</a> client is called an <i>agent</i>. It is developed in a native language.
 300      * A JVM TI agent is deployed in a platform specific manner but it is typically the
 301      * platform equivalent of a dynamic library. If a native agent library
 302      * called <code>agent-lib-name</code> is statically linked with the VM, then the
 303      * <code>Agent_OnAttach_agent-lib-name</code> function exported by the agent
 304      * is invoked.
 305      *
 306      * See the JVMTI Specification for more details.
 307      *
 308      * Otherwise, this method causes the given agent
 309      * library to be loaded into the target VM (if not already loaded).
 310      * It then causes the target VM to invoke the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function
 311      * or, for statically linked agents, the <code>Agent_OnAttach_agent-lib-name</code> function
 312      * as specified in the
 313      * <a href="../../../../../../../../technotes/guides/jvmti/index.html"> JVM Tools
 314      * Interface</a> specification. Note that the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code>
 315      * function is invoked even if the agent library was loaded prior to invoking
 316      * this method.
 317      *
 318      * <p> The agent library provided is the name of the agent library. It is interpreted
 319      * in the target virtual machine in an implementation-dependent manner. Typically an
 320      * implementation will expand the library name into an operating system specific file
 321      * name. For example, on UNIX systems, the name <tt>foo</tt> might be expanded to
 322      * <tt></tt>, and located using the search path specified by the
 323      * <tt>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</tt> environment variable.</p>
 324      *
 325      * <p> If the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code> function in the agent library returns
 326      * an error then an {@link} is
 327      * thrown. The return value from the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code> can then be
 328      * obtained by invoking the {@link
 329      * returnValue}
 330      * method on the exception. </p>
 331      *
 332      * @param   agentLibrary
 333      *          The name of the agent library.
 334      *
 335      * @param   options
 336      *          The options to provide to the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code>
 337      *          function (can be <code>null</code>).
 338      *
 339      * @throws  AgentLoadException
 340      *          If the agent library does not exist, the agent library is not
 341      *          statically linked with the VM, or the agent library cannot be
 342      *          loaded for another reason.
 343      *
 344      * @throws  AgentInitializationException
 345      *          If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function returns an error
 346      *          or, for statically linked agents, if the 
 347      *          <code>Agent_OnAttach_agent-lib-name</code> function returns
 348      *          an error.
 349      *
 350      * @throws  IOException
 351      *          If an I/O error occurs
 352      *
 353      * @throws  NullPointerException
 354      *          If <code>agentLibrary</code> is <code>null</code>.
 355      *
 356      * @see
 357      */
 358     public abstract void loadAgentLibrary(String agentLibrary, String options)
 359         throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException;
 361     /**
 362      * Loads an agent library.
 363      *
 364      * <p> This convenience method works as if by invoking:
 365      *
 366      * <blockquote><tt>
 367      * {@link #loadAgentLibrary(String, String) loadAgentLibrary}(agentLibrary,&nbsp;null);
 368      * </tt></blockquote>
 369      *
 370      * @param   agentLibrary
 371      *          The name of the agent library.
 372      *
 373      * @throws  AgentLoadException
 374      *          If the agent library does not exist, the agent library is not
 375      *          statically linked with the VM, or the agent library cannot be
 376      *          loaded for another reason.
 377      *
 378      * @throws  AgentInitializationException
 379      *          If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function returns an error
 380      *          or, for statically linked agents, if the 
 381      *          <code>Agent_OnAttach_agent-lib-name</code> function returns
 382      *          an error.
 383      *
 384      * @throws  IOException
 385      *          If an I/O error occurs
 386      *
 387      * @throws  NullPointerException
 388      *          If <code>agentLibrary</code> is <code>null</code>.
 389      */
 390     public void loadAgentLibrary(String agentLibrary)
 391         throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException
 392     {
 393         loadAgentLibrary(agentLibrary, null);
 394     }
 396     /**
 397      * Load a native agent library by full pathname.
 398      *
 399      * <p> A <a href="../../../../../../../../technotes/guides/jvmti/index.html">JVM
 400      * TI</a> client is called an <i>agent</i>. It is developed in a native language.
 401      * A JVM TI agent is deployed in a platform specific manner but it is typically the
 402      * platform equivalent of a dynamic library. If a native agent library
 403      * called <code>agent-lib-name</code> is statically linked with the VM, then the
 404      * <code>Agent_OnAttach_agent-lib-name</code> function exported by the agent
 405      * is invoked.
 406      *
 407      * See the JVMTI Specification for more details.
 408      *
 409      * Otherwise, this method causes the given agent
 410      * library to be loaded into the target VM (if not already loaded).
 411      * It then causes the target VM to invoke the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code> function
 412      * as specified in the
 413      * <a href="../../../../../../../../technotes/guides/jvmti/index.html"> JVM Tools
 414      * Interface</a> specification. Note that the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code>
 415      * function is invoked even if the agent library was loaded prior to invoking
 416      * this method.
 417      *
 418      * <p> The agent library provided is the absolute path from which to load the
 419      * agent library. Unlike {@link #loadAgentLibrary loadAgentLibrary}, the library name
 420      * is not expanded in the target virtual machine. </p>
 421      *
 422      * <p> If the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code> function in the agent library returns
 423      * an error then an {@link} is
 424      * thrown. The return value from the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code> can then be
 425      * obtained by invoking the {@link
 426      * returnValue}
 427      * method on the exception. </p>
 428      *
 429      * @param   agentPath
 430      *          The full path of the agent library.
 431      *
 432      * @param   options
 433      *          The options to provide to the <code>Agent_OnAttach[_agent-lib-name]</code>
 434      *          function (can be <code>null</code>).
 435      *
 436      * @throws  AgentLoadException
 437      *          If the agent library does not exist, the agent library is not
 438      *          statically linked with the VM, or the agent library cannot be
 439      *          loaded for another reason.
 440      *
 441      * @throws  AgentInitializationException
 442      *          If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function returns an error
 443      *          or, for statically linked agents, if the 
 444      *          <code>Agent_OnAttach_agent-lib-name</code> function returns an error 
 445      *
 446      * @throws  IOException
 447      *          If an I/O error occurs
 448      *
 449      * @throws  NullPointerException
 450      *          If <code>agentPath</code> is <code>null</code>.
 451      *
 452      * @see
 453      */
 454     public abstract void loadAgentPath(String agentPath, String options)
 455         throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException;
 457     /**
 458      * Load a native agent library by full pathname.
 459      *
 460      * <p> This convenience method works as if by invoking:
 461      *
 462      * <blockquote><tt>
 463      * {@link #loadAgentPath(String, String) loadAgentPath}(agentLibrary,&nbsp;null);
 464      * </tt></blockquote>
 465      *
 466      * @param   agentPath
 467      *          The full path to the agent library.
 468      *
 469      * @throws  AgentLoadException
 470      *          If the agent library does not exist, the agent library is not
 471      *          statically linked with the VM, or the agent library cannot be
 472      *          loaded for another reason.
 473      *
 474      * @throws  AgentInitializationException
 475      *          If the <code>Agent_OnAttach</code> function returns an error
 476      *          or, for statically linked agents, if the 
 477      *          <code>Agent_OnAttach_agent-lib-name</code> function returns
 478      *          an error.
 479      *
 480      * @throws  IOException
 481      *          If an I/O error occurs
 482      *
 483      * @throws  NullPointerException
 484      *          If <code>agentPath</code> is <code>null</code>.
 485      */
 486     public void loadAgentPath(String agentPath)
 487        throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException
 488     {
 489         loadAgentPath(agentPath, null);
 490     }
 493    /**
 494      * Loads an agent.
 495      *
 496      * <p> The agent provided to this method is a path name to a JAR file on the file
 497      * system of the target virtual machine. This path is passed to the target virtual
 498      * machine where it is interpreted. The target virtual machine attempts to start