1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "runtime/globals.hpp"
  30 //
  31 // Defines all globals flags used by the garbage-first compiler.
  32 //
  34 #define G1_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd, diagnostic, experimental, notproduct, manageable, product_rw) \
  35                                                                             \
  36   product(intx, G1ConfidencePercent, 50,                                    \
  37           "Confidence level for MMU/pause predictions")                     \
  38                                                                             \
  39   develop(intx, G1MarkingOverheadPercent, 0,                                \
  40           "Overhead of concurrent marking")                                 \
  41                                                                             \
  42                                                                             \
  43   develop(intx, G1PolicyVerbose, 0,                                         \
  44           "The verbosity level on G1 policy decisions")                     \
  45                                                                             \
  46   develop(intx, G1MarkingVerboseLevel, 0,                                   \
  47           "Level (0-4) of verboseness of the marking code")                 \
  48                                                                             \
  49   develop(bool, G1PrintReachableAtInitialMark, false,                       \
  50           "Reachable object dump at the initial mark pause")                \
  51                                                                             \
  52   develop(bool, G1VerifyDuringGCPrintReachable, false,                      \
  53           "If conc mark verification fails, dump reachable objects")        \
  54                                                                             \
  55   develop(ccstr, G1PrintReachableBaseFile, NULL,                            \
  56           "The base file name for the reachable object dumps")              \
  57                                                                             \
  58   develop(bool, G1TraceMarkStackOverflow, false,                            \
  59           "If true, extra debugging code for CM restart for ovflw.")        \
  60                                                                             \
  61   develop(intx, G1PausesBtwnConcMark, -1,                                   \
  62           "If positive, fixed number of pauses between conc markings")      \
  63                                                                             \
  64   diagnostic(bool, G1SummarizeConcMark, false,                              \
  65           "Summarize concurrent mark info")                                 \
  66                                                                             \
  67   diagnostic(bool, G1SummarizeRSetStats, false,                             \
  68           "Summarize remembered set processing info")                       \
  69                                                                             \
  70   diagnostic(intx, G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod, 0,                           \
  71           "The period (in number of GCs) at which we will generate "        \
  72           "update buffer processing info "                                  \
  73           "(0 means do not periodically generate this info); "              \
  74           "it also requires -XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStats")                     \
  75                                                                             \
  76   diagnostic(bool, G1TraceConcRefinement, false,                            \
  77           "Trace G1 concurrent refinement")                                 \
  78                                                                             \
  79   product(intx, G1MarkRegionStackSize, 1024 * 1024,                         \
  80           "Size of the region stack for concurrent marking.")               \
  81                                                                             \
  82   product(double, G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis, 10.0,                       \
  83           "Target duration of individual concurrent marking steps "         \
  84           "in milliseconds.")                                               \
  85                                                                             \
  86   product(intx, G1RefProcDrainInterval, 10,                                 \
  87           "The number of discovered reference objects to process before "   \
  88           "draining concurrent marking work queues.")                       \
  89                                                                             \
  90   experimental(bool, G1UseConcMarkReferenceProcessing, true,                \
  91           "If true, enable reference discovery during concurrent "          \
  92           "marking and reference processing at the end of remark.")         \
  93                                                                             \
  94   product(intx, G1SATBBufferSize, 1*K,                                      \
  95           "Number of entries in an SATB log buffer.")                       \
  96                                                                             \
  97   develop(intx, G1SATBProcessCompletedThreshold, 20,                        \
  98           "Number of completed buffers that triggers log processing.")      \
  99                                                                             \
 100   product(uintx, G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent, 60,                \
 101           "Before enqueueing them, each mutator thread tries to do some "   \
 102           "filtering on the SATB buffers it generates. If post-filtering "  \
 103           "the percentage of retained entries is over this threshold "      \
 104           "the buffer will be enqueued for processing. A value of 0 "       \
 105           "specifies that mutator threads should not do such filtering.")   \
 106                                                                             \
 107   develop(intx, G1ExtraRegionSurvRate, 33,                                  \
 108           "If the young survival rate is S, and there's room left in "      \
 109           "to-space, we will allow regions whose survival rate is up to "   \
 110           "S + (1 - S)*X, where X is this parameter (as a fraction.)")      \
 111                                                                             \
 112   develop(intx, G1InitYoungSurvRatio, 50,                                   \
 113           "Expected Survival Rate for newly allocated bytes")               \
 114                                                                             \
 115   develop(bool, G1SATBPrintStubs, false,                                    \
 116           "If true, print generated stubs for the SATB barrier")            \
 117                                                                             \
 118   experimental(intx, G1ExpandByPercentOfAvailable, 20,                      \
 119           "When expanding, % of uncommitted space to claim.")               \
 120                                                                             \
 121   develop(bool, G1RSBarrierRegionFilter, true,                              \
 122           "If true, generate region filtering code in RS barrier")          \
 123                                                                             \
 124   develop(bool, G1RSBarrierNullFilter, true,                                \
 125           "If true, generate null-pointer filtering code in RS barrier")    \
 126                                                                             \
 127   develop(bool, G1DeferredRSUpdate, true,                                   \
 128           "If true, use deferred RS updates")                               \
 129                                                                             \
 130   develop(bool, G1RSLogCheckCardTable, false,                               \
 131           "If true, verify that no dirty cards remain after RS log "        \
 132           "processing.")                                                    \
 133                                                                             \
 134   develop(bool, G1RSCountHisto, false,                                      \
 135           "If true, print a histogram of RS occupancies after each pause")  \
 136                                                                             \
 137   diagnostic(bool, G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo, false,                        \
 138             "Prints the liveness information for all regions in the heap "  \
 139             "at the end of a marking cycle.")                               \
 140                                                                             \
 141   develop(bool, G1PrintParCleanupStats, false,                              \
 142           "When true, print extra stats about parallel cleanup.")           \
 143                                                                             \
 144   product(intx, G1UpdateBufferSize, 256,                                    \
 145           "Size of an update buffer")                                       \
 146                                                                             \
 147   product(intx, G1ConcRefinementYellowZone, 0,                              \
 148           "Number of enqueued update buffers that will "                    \
 149           "trigger concurrent processing. Will be selected ergonomically "  \
 150           "by default.")                                                    \
 151                                                                             \
 152   product(intx, G1ConcRefinementRedZone, 0,                                 \
 153           "Maximum number of enqueued update buffers before mutator "       \
 154           "threads start processing new ones instead of enqueueing them. "  \
 155           "Will be selected ergonomically by default. Zero will disable "   \
 156           "concurrent processing.")                                         \
 157                                                                             \
 158   product(intx, G1ConcRefinementGreenZone, 0,                               \
 159           "The number of update buffers that are left in the queue by the " \
 160           "concurrent processing threads. Will be selected ergonomically "  \
 161           "by default.")                                                    \
 162                                                                             \
 163   product(intx, G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis, 300,                 \
 164           "The last concurrent refinement thread wakes up every "           \
 165           "specified number of milliseconds to do miscellaneous work.")     \
 166                                                                             \
 167   product(intx, G1ConcRefinementThresholdStep, 0,                           \
 168           "Each time the rset update queue increases by this amount "       \
 169           "activate the next refinement thread if available. "              \
 170           "Will be selected ergonomically by default.")                     \
 171                                                                             \
 172   product(intx, G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent, 10,                         \
 173           "A target percentage of time that is allowed to be spend on "     \
 174           "process RS update buffers during the collection pause.")         \
 175                                                                             \
 176   product(bool, G1UseAdaptiveConcRefinement, true,                          \
 177           "Select green, yellow and red zones adaptively to meet the "      \
 178           "the pause requirements.")                                        \
 179                                                                             \
 180   develop(intx, G1ConcRSLogCacheSize, 10,                                   \
 181           "Log base 2 of the length of conc RS hot-card cache.")            \
 182                                                                             \
 183   develop(intx, G1ConcRSHotCardLimit, 4,                                    \
 184           "The threshold that defines (>=) a hot card.")                    \
 185                                                                             \
 186   develop(intx, G1MaxHotCardCountSizePercent, 25,                           \
 187           "The maximum size of the hot card count cache as a "              \
 188           "percentage of the number of cards for the maximum heap.")        \
 189                                                                             \
 190   develop(bool, G1PrintOopAppls, false,                                     \
 191           "When true, print applications of closures to external locs.")    \
 192                                                                             \
 193   develop(intx, G1RSetRegionEntriesBase, 256,                               \
 194           "Max number of regions in a fine-grain table per MB.")            \
 195                                                                             \
 196   product(intx, G1RSetRegionEntries, 0,                                     \
 197           "Max number of regions for which we keep bitmaps."                \
 198           "Will be set ergonomically by default")                           \
 199                                                                             \
 200   develop(intx, G1RSetSparseRegionEntriesBase, 4,                           \
 201           "Max number of entries per region in a sparse table "             \
 202           "per MB.")                                                        \
 203                                                                             \
 204   product(intx, G1RSetSparseRegionEntries, 0,                               \
 205           "Max number of entries per region in a sparse table."             \
 206           "Will be set ergonomically by default.")                          \
 207                                                                             \
 208   develop(bool, G1RecordHRRSOops, false,                                    \
 209           "When true, record recent calls to rem set operations.")          \
 210                                                                             \
 211   develop(bool, G1RecordHRRSEvents, false,                                  \
 212           "When true, record recent calls to rem set operations.")          \
 213                                                                             \
 214   develop(intx, G1MaxVerifyFailures, -1,                                    \
 215           "The maximum number of verification failrues to print.  "         \
 216           "-1 means print all.")                                            \
 217                                                                             \
 218   develop(bool, G1ScrubRemSets, true,                                       \
 219           "When true, do RS scrubbing after cleanup.")                      \
 220                                                                             \
 221   develop(bool, G1RSScrubVerbose, false,                                    \
 222           "When true, do RS scrubbing with verbose output.")                \
 223                                                                             \
 224   develop(bool, G1YoungSurvRateVerbose, false,                              \
 225           "print out the survival rate of young regions according to age.") \
 226                                                                             \
 227   develop(intx, G1YoungSurvRateNumRegionsSummary, 0,                        \
 228           "the number of regions for which we'll print a surv rate "        \
 229           "summary.")                                                       \
 230                                                                             \
 231   product(uintx, G1ReservePercent, 10,                                      \
 232           "It determines the minimum reserve we should have in the heap "   \
 233           "to minimize the probability of promotion failure.")              \
 234                                                                             \
 235   diagnostic(bool, G1PrintHeapRegions, false,                               \
 236           "If set G1 will print information on which regions are being "    \
 237           "allocated and which are reclaimed.")                             \
 238                                                                             \
 239   develop(bool, G1HRRSUseSparseTable, true,                                 \
 240           "When true, use sparse table to save space.")                     \
 241                                                                             \
 242   develop(bool, G1HRRSFlushLogBuffersOnVerify, false,                       \
 243           "Forces flushing of log buffers before verification.")            \
 244                                                                             \
 245   develop(bool, G1FailOnFPError, false,                                     \
 246           "When set, G1 will fail when it encounters an FP 'error', "       \
 247           "so as to allow debugging")                                       \
 248                                                                             \
 249   product(uintx, G1HeapRegionSize, 0,                                       \
 250           "Size of the G1 regions.")                                        \
 251                                                                             \
 252   experimental(bool, G1UseParallelRSetUpdating, true,                       \
 253           "Enables the parallelization of remembered set updating "         \
 254           "during evacuation pauses")                                       \
 255                                                                             \
 256   experimental(bool, G1UseParallelRSetScanning, true,                       \
 257           "Enables the parallelization of remembered set scanning "         \
 258           "during evacuation pauses")                                       \
 259                                                                             \
 260   product(uintx, G1ConcRefinementThreads, 0,                                \
 261           "If non-0 is the number of parallel rem set update threads, "     \
 262           "otherwise the value is determined ergonomically.")               \
 263                                                                             \
 264   develop(intx, G1CardCountCacheExpandThreshold, 16,                        \
 265           "Expand the card count cache if the number of collisions for "    \
 266           "a particular entry exceeds this value.")                         \
 267                                                                             \
 268   develop(bool, G1VerifyCTCleanup, false,                                   \
 269           "Verify card table cleanup.")                                     \
 270                                                                             \
 271   product(uintx, G1RSetScanBlockSize, 64,                                   \
 272           "Size of a work unit of cards claimed by a worker thread"         \
 273           "during RSet scanning.")                                          \
 274                                                                             \
 275   develop(uintx, G1SecondaryFreeListAppendLength, 5,                        \
 276           "The number of regions we will add to the secondary free list "   \
 277           "at every append operation")                                      \
 278                                                                             \
 279   develop(bool, G1ConcRegionFreeingVerbose, false,                          \
 280           "Enables verboseness during concurrent region freeing")           \
 281                                                                             \
 282   develop(bool, G1StressConcRegionFreeing, false,                           \
 283           "It stresses the concurrent region freeing operation")            \
 284                                                                             \
 285   develop(uintx, G1StressConcRegionFreeingDelayMillis, 0,                   \
 286           "Artificial delay during concurrent region freeing")              \
 287                                                                             \
 288   develop(uintx, G1DummyRegionsPerGC, 0,                                    \
 289           "The number of dummy regions G1 will allocate at the end of "     \
 290           "each evacuation pause in order to artificially fill up the "     \
 291           "heap and stress the marking implementation.")                    \
 292                                                                             \
 293   develop(bool, G1ExitOnExpansionFailure, false,                            \
 294           "Raise a fatal VM exit out of memory failure in the event "       \
 295           " that heap expansion fails due to running out of swap.")         \
 296                                                                             \
 297   develop(uintx, G1ConcMarkForceOverflow, 0,                                \
 298           "The number of times we'll force an overflow during "             \
 299           "concurrent marking")