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rev 2755 : 7097516: G1: assert(0<= from_card && from_card<HeapRegion::CardsPerRegion) failed: Must be in range.
Summary: Introduced a version of is_in_reserved() that looks at _orig_end as opposed to _end.
Reviewed-by: tonyp, stefank

@@ -429,10 +429,18 @@
   // For a humongous region, region in which it starts.
   HeapRegion* humongous_start_region() const {
     return _humongous_start_region;
+  // Same as Space::is_in_reserved, but will use the original size of the region.
+  // The original size is different only for start humongous regions. They get
+  // their _end set up to be the end of the last continues region of the
+  // corresponding humongous object.
+  bool is_in_reserved_raw(const void* p) const {
+    return _bottom <= p && p < _orig_end;
+  }
   // Makes the current region be a "starts humongous" region, i.e.,
   // the first region in a series of one or more contiguous regions
   // that will contain a single "humongous" object. The two parameters
   // are as follows: