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 150 }
 153 inline bool ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::clear_card_serial(jbyte* entry) {
 154   jbyte entry_val = *entry;
 155   assert(entry_val != CardTableRS::clean_card_val(),
 156          "We shouldn't be looking at clean cards, and this should "
 157          "be the only place they get cleaned.");
 158   assert(entry_val != CardTableRS::cur_youngergen_and_prev_nonclean_card,
 159          "This should be possible in the sequential case.");
 160   *entry = CardTableRS::clean_card_val();
 161   return true;
 162 }
 164 ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::ClearNoncleanCardWrapper(
 165   DirtyCardToOopClosure* dirty_card_closure, CardTableRS* ct) :
 166     _dirty_card_closure(dirty_card_closure), _ct(ct) {
 167     // Cannot yet substitute active_workers for n_par_threads
 168     // in the case where parallelism is being turned off by
 169     // setting n_par_threads to 0.
 170     _is_par = (SharedHeap::heap()->n_par_threads() > 0);
 171     assert(!_is_par ||
 172            (SharedHeap::heap()->n_par_threads() ==
 173             SharedHeap::heap()->workers()->active_workers()), "Mismatch");
 174 }
 176 bool ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::is_word_aligned(jbyte* entry) {
 177   return (((intptr_t)entry) & (BytesPerWord-1)) == 0;
 178 }
 180 void ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::do_MemRegion(MemRegion mr) {
 181   assert(mr.word_size() > 0, "Error");
 182   assert(_ct->is_aligned(mr.start()), "mr.start() should be card aligned");
 183   // mr.end() may not necessarily be card aligned.
 184   jbyte* cur_entry = _ct->byte_for(mr.last());
 185   const jbyte* limit = _ct->byte_for(mr.start());
 186   HeapWord* end_of_non_clean = mr.end();
 187   HeapWord* start_of_non_clean = end_of_non_clean;
 188   while (cur_entry >= limit) {
 189     HeapWord* cur_hw = _ct->addr_for(cur_entry);
 190     if ((*cur_entry != CardTableRS::clean_card_val()) && clear_card(cur_entry)) {
 191       // Continue the dirty range by opening the
 192       // dirty window one card to the left.
 193       start_of_non_clean = cur_hw;

 150 }
 153 inline bool ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::clear_card_serial(jbyte* entry) {
 154   jbyte entry_val = *entry;
 155   assert(entry_val != CardTableRS::clean_card_val(),
 156          "We shouldn't be looking at clean cards, and this should "
 157          "be the only place they get cleaned.");
 158   assert(entry_val != CardTableRS::cur_youngergen_and_prev_nonclean_card,
 159          "This should be possible in the sequential case.");
 160   *entry = CardTableRS::clean_card_val();
 161   return true;
 162 }
 164 ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::ClearNoncleanCardWrapper(
 165   DirtyCardToOopClosure* dirty_card_closure, CardTableRS* ct) :
 166     _dirty_card_closure(dirty_card_closure), _ct(ct) {
 167     // Cannot yet substitute active_workers for n_par_threads
 168     // in the case where parallelism is being turned off by
 169     // setting n_par_threads to 0.
 170     _is_par = (GenCollectedHeap::heap()->n_par_threads() > 0);
 171     assert(!_is_par ||
 172            (GenCollectedHeap::heap()->n_par_threads() ==
 173             GenCollectedHeap::heap()->workers()->active_workers()), "Mismatch");
 174 }
 176 bool ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::is_word_aligned(jbyte* entry) {
 177   return (((intptr_t)entry) & (BytesPerWord-1)) == 0;
 178 }
 180 void ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::do_MemRegion(MemRegion mr) {
 181   assert(mr.word_size() > 0, "Error");
 182   assert(_ct->is_aligned(mr.start()), "mr.start() should be card aligned");
 183   // mr.end() may not necessarily be card aligned.
 184   jbyte* cur_entry = _ct->byte_for(mr.last());
 185   const jbyte* limit = _ct->byte_for(mr.start());
 186   HeapWord* end_of_non_clean = mr.end();
 187   HeapWord* start_of_non_clean = end_of_non_clean;
 188   while (cur_entry >= limit) {
 189     HeapWord* cur_hw = _ct->addr_for(cur_entry);
 190     if ((*cur_entry != CardTableRS::clean_card_val()) && clear_card(cur_entry)) {
 191       // Continue the dirty range by opening the
 192       // dirty window one card to the left.
 193       start_of_non_clean = cur_hw;

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