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  93 template <typename T>
  94 T WorkerDataArray<T>::sum() const {
  95   T s = 0;
  96   for (uint i = 0; i < _length; ++i) {
  97     if (get(i) != uninitialized()) {
  98       s += get(i);
  99     }
 100   }
 101   return s;
 102 }
 104 template <typename T>
 105 void WorkerDataArray<T>::set_all(T value) {
 106   for (uint i = 0; i < _length; i++) {
 107     _data[i] = value;
 108   }
 109 }
 111 template <class T>
 112 void WorkerDataArray<T>::print_summary_on(outputStream* out, bool print_sum) const {

 113   uint start = 0;
 114   while (get(start) == uninitialized()) {
 115     assert(start < _length, "Printing unused WorkerDataArray.");
 116     start++;
 117   }

 118   T min = get(start);
 119   T max = min;
 120   T sum = 0;
 121   uint active_threads = 0;
 122   for (uint i = start; i < _length; ++i) {
 123     T value = get(i);
 124     if (value != uninitialized()) {
 125       max = MAX2(max, value);
 126       min = MIN2(min, value);
 127       sum += value;
 128       active_threads++;
 129     }
 130   }
 131   T diff = max - min;
 132   assert(active_threads != 0, "Must be since we found a used value for the start index");
 133   double avg = sum / (double) active_threads;
 134   WDAPrinter::summary(out, title(), min, avg, max, diff, sum, print_sum);

 135 }
 137 template <class T>
 138 void WorkerDataArray<T>::print_details_on(outputStream* out) const {
 139   WDAPrinter::details(this, out);
 140 }
 142 template <typename T>
 143 void WorkerDataArray<T>::reset() {
 144   set_all(uninitialized());
 145   if (_thread_work_items != NULL) {
 146     _thread_work_items->reset();
 147   }
 148 }
 150 template <>
 151 inline size_t WorkerDataArray<size_t>::uninitialized() const {
 152   return (size_t)-1;
 153 }
 155 template <>
 156 inline double WorkerDataArray<double>::uninitialized() const {
 157   return -1.0;
 158 }

  93 template <typename T>
  94 T WorkerDataArray<T>::sum() const {
  95   T s = 0;
  96   for (uint i = 0; i < _length; ++i) {
  97     if (get(i) != uninitialized()) {
  98       s += get(i);
  99     }
 100   }
 101   return s;
 102 }
 104 template <typename T>
 105 void WorkerDataArray<T>::set_all(T value) {
 106   for (uint i = 0; i < _length; i++) {
 107     _data[i] = value;
 108   }
 109 }
 111 template <class T>
 112 void WorkerDataArray<T>::print_summary_on(outputStream* out, bool print_sum) const {
 113   out->print("%-25s", title());
 114   uint start = 0;
 115   while (start < _length && get(start) == uninitialized()) {

 116     start++;
 117   }
 118   if (start < _length) {
 119     T min = get(start);
 120     T max = min;
 121     T sum = 0;
 122     uint active_threads = 0;
 123     for (uint i = start; i < _length; ++i) {
 124       T value = get(i);
 125       if (value != uninitialized()) {
 126         max = MAX2(max, value);
 127         min = MIN2(min, value);
 128         sum += value;
 129         active_threads++;
 130       }
 131     }
 132     T diff = max - min;
 133     assert(active_threads != 0, "Must be since we found a used value for the start index");
 134     double avg = sum / (double) active_threads;
 135     WDAPrinter::summary(out, min, avg, max, diff, sum, print_sum);
 136     out->print_cr(", Workers: %d", active_threads);
 137   } else {
 138     // No data for this phase.
 139     out->print_cr(" skipped");
 140   }
 141 }
 143 template <class T>
 144 void WorkerDataArray<T>::print_details_on(outputStream* out) const {
 145   WDAPrinter::details(this, out);
 146 }
 148 template <typename T>
 149 void WorkerDataArray<T>::reset() {
 150   set_all(uninitialized());
 151   if (_thread_work_items != NULL) {
 152     _thread_work_items->reset();
 153   }

 154 }
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