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  91    void print_raw_cr(const char* str, int len){ write(str,         len); cr(); }
  92    void print_data(void* data, size_t len, bool with_ascii);
  93    void put(char ch);
  94    void sp(int count = 1);
  95    void cr();
  96    void bol() { if (_position > 0)  cr(); }
  98    // Time stamp
  99    TimeStamp& time_stamp() { return _stamp; }
 100    void stamp();
 101    void stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
 102    void stamp(bool guard) {
 103      stamp(guard, "", ": ");
 104    }
 105    // Date stamp
 106    void date_stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
 107    // A simplified call that includes a suffix of ": "
 108    void date_stamp(bool guard) {
 109      date_stamp(guard, "", ": ");
 110    }
 111    void gclog_stamp();
 113    // portable printing of 64 bit integers
 114    void print_jlong(jlong value);
 115    void print_julong(julong value);
 117    // flushing
 118    virtual void flush() {}
 119    virtual void write(const char* str, size_t len) = 0;
 120    virtual void rotate_log(bool force, outputStream* out = NULL) {} // GC log rotation
 121    virtual ~outputStream() {}   // close properly on deletion
 123    void dec_cr() { dec(); cr(); }
 124    void inc_cr() { inc(); cr(); }
 125 };
 127 // standard output
 128 // ANSI C++ name collision
 129 extern outputStream* tty;           // tty output
 130 extern outputStream* gclog_or_tty;  // stream for gc log if -Xloggc:<f>, or tty

  91    void print_raw_cr(const char* str, int len){ write(str,         len); cr(); }
  92    void print_data(void* data, size_t len, bool with_ascii);
  93    void put(char ch);
  94    void sp(int count = 1);
  95    void cr();
  96    void bol() { if (_position > 0)  cr(); }
  98    // Time stamp
  99    TimeStamp& time_stamp() { return _stamp; }
 100    void stamp();
 101    void stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
 102    void stamp(bool guard) {
 103      stamp(guard, "", ": ");
 104    }
 105    // Date stamp
 106    void date_stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
 107    // A simplified call that includes a suffix of ": "
 108    void date_stamp(bool guard) {
 109      date_stamp(guard, "", ": ");
 110    }

 112    // portable printing of 64 bit integers
 113    void print_jlong(jlong value);
 114    void print_julong(julong value);
 116    // flushing
 117    virtual void flush() {}
 118    virtual void write(const char* str, size_t len) = 0;
 119    virtual void rotate_log(bool force, outputStream* out = NULL) {} // GC log rotation
 120    virtual ~outputStream() {}   // close properly on deletion
 122    void dec_cr() { dec(); cr(); }
 123    void inc_cr() { inc(); cr(); }
 124 };
 126 // standard output
 127 // ANSI C++ name collision
 128 extern outputStream* tty;           // tty output
 129 extern outputStream* gclog_or_tty;  // stream for gc log if -Xloggc:<f>, or tty

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