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*** 48,11 ***
  #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/timer.hpp"
  #include "symbolengine.hpp"
- #include "unwind_windows_x86.hpp"
  #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  #include "utilities/vmError.hpp"
  #include "windbghelp.hpp"
--- 48,10 ---

*** 67,17 ***
  #define REG_SP Esp
  #define REG_FP Ebp
  #define REG_PC Eip
  #endif // AMD64
- extern LONG WINAPI topLevelExceptionFilter(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* );
  // Install a win32 structured exception handler around thread.
  void os::os_exception_wrapper(java_call_t f, JavaValue* value, const methodHandle& method, JavaCallArguments* args, Thread* thread) {
-   __try {
  #ifndef AMD64
      // We store the current thread in this wrapperthread location
      // and determine how far away this address is from the structured
      // execption pointer that FS:[0] points to.  This get_thread
      // code can then get the thread pointer via FS.
--- 66,14 ---
  #define REG_SP Esp
  #define REG_FP Ebp
  #define REG_PC Eip
  #endif // AMD64
  // Install a win32 structured exception handler around thread.
  void os::os_exception_wrapper(java_call_t f, JavaValue* value, const methodHandle& method, JavaCallArguments* args, Thread* thread) {
  #ifndef AMD64
+   __try {
      // We store the current thread in this wrapperthread location
      // and determine how far away this address is from the structured
      // execption pointer that FS:[0] points to.  This get_thread
      // code can then get the thread pointer via FS.

*** 111,107 ***
  #endif // ASSERT
  #endif // !AMD64
      f(value, method, args, thread);
!   } __except(topLevelExceptionFilter((_EXCEPTION_POINTERS*)_exception_info())) {
        // Nothing to do.
! }
- #ifdef AMD64
- // This is the language specific handler for exceptions
- // originating from dynamically generated code.
- // We call the standard structured exception handler
- // We only expect Continued Execution since we cannot unwind
- // from generated code.
- LONG HandleExceptionFromCodeCache(
-   IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord,
-   IN ULONG64 EstablisherFrame,
-   IN OUT PCONTEXT ContextRecord,
-   IN OUT PDISPATCHER_CONTEXT DispatcherContext) {
-   LONG result;
-   ep.ExceptionRecord = ExceptionRecord;
-   ep.ContextRecord = ContextRecord;
-   result = topLevelExceptionFilter(&ep);
-   // We better only get a CONTINUE_EXECUTION from our handler
-   // since we don't have unwind information registered.
-   guarantee( result == EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION,
-              "Unexpected result from topLevelExceptionFilter");
-   return(ExceptionContinueExecution);
- }
- // Structure containing the Windows Data Structures required
- // to register our Code Cache exception handler.
- // We put these in the CodeCache since the API requires
- // all addresses in these structures are relative to the Code
- // area registered with RtlAddFunctionTable.
- typedef struct {
-   char ExceptionHandlerInstr[16];  // jmp HandleExceptionFromCodeCache
- } DynamicCodeData, *pDynamicCodeData;
- #endif // AMD64
- //
- // Register our CodeCache area with the OS so it will dispatch exceptions
- // to our topLevelExceptionFilter when we take an exception in our
- // dynamically generated code.
- //
- // Arguments:  low and high are the address of the full reserved
- // codeCache area
- //
- bool os::register_code_area(char *low, char *high) {
- #ifdef AMD64
-   ResourceMark rm;
-   pDynamicCodeData pDCD;
-   BufferBlob* blob = BufferBlob::create("CodeCache Exception Handler", sizeof(DynamicCodeData));
-   CodeBuffer cb(blob);
-   MacroAssembler* masm = new MacroAssembler(&cb);
-   pDCD = (pDynamicCodeData) masm->pc();
-   masm->jump(ExternalAddress((address)&HandleExceptionFromCodeCache));
-   masm->flush();
-   // Create an Unwind Structure specifying no unwind info
-   // other than an Exception Handler
-   punwind = &pDCD->unw;
-   punwind->Version = 1;
-   punwind->Flags = UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER;
-   punwind->SizeOfProlog = 0;
-   punwind->CountOfCodes = 0;
-   punwind->FrameRegister = 0;
-   punwind->FrameOffset = 0;
-   punwind->ExceptionHandler = (char *)(&(pDCD->ExceptionHandlerInstr[0])) -
-                               (char*)low;
-   punwind->ExceptionData[0] = 0;
-   // This structure describes the covered dynamic code area.
-   // Addresses are relative to the beginning on the code cache area
-   prt = &pDCD->rt;
-   prt->BeginAddress = 0;
-   prt->EndAddress = (ULONG)(high - low);
-   prt->UnwindData = ((char *)punwind - low);
-   guarantee(RtlAddFunctionTable(prt, 1, (ULONGLONG)low),
-             "Failed to register Dynamic Code Exception Handler with RtlAddFunctionTable");
- #endif // AMD64
-   return true;
  // Atomics and Stub Functions
  typedef int32_t   xchg_func_t            (int32_t,  volatile int32_t*);
--- 107,15 ---
  #endif // ASSERT
  #endif // !AMD64
      f(value, method, args, thread);
! #ifndef AMD64
        // Nothing to do.
! #endif
  // Atomics and Stub Functions
  typedef int32_t   xchg_func_t            (int32_t,  volatile int32_t*);
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