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1999                     while (unsafe.tryMonitorEnter(s)) {
2000                         unsafe.monitorExit(s);
2001                         Thread.sleep(1);
2002                     }
2003                 }
2004                 p.destroy();
2005                 thread.join();
2006             }
2007         } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2009         //----------------------------------------------------------------
2010         // Check that subprocesses which create subprocesses of their
2011         // own do not cause parent to hang waiting for file
2012         // descriptors to be closed.
2013         //----------------------------------------------------------------
2014         try {
2015             if (Unix.is()
2016                 && new File("/bin/bash").exists()
2017                 && new File("/bin/sleep").exists()) {
2018                 final String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "-c", "(/bin/sleep 6666)" };

2019                 final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
2020                 final Process p = pb.start();
2021                 final InputStream stdout = p.getInputStream();
2022                 final InputStream stderr = p.getErrorStream();
2023                 final OutputStream stdin = p.getOutputStream();
2024                 final Thread reader = new Thread() {
2025                     public void run() {
2026                         try { stdout.read(); }
2027                         catch (IOException e) {
2028                             // Check that reader failed because stream was
2029                             // asynchronously closed.
2030                             // e.printStackTrace();
2031                             if (EnglishUnix.is() &&
2032                                 ! (e.getMessage().matches(".*Bad file.*")))
2033                                 unexpected(e);
2034                         }
2035                         catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }}};
2036                 reader.setDaemon(true);
2037                 reader.start();
2038                 Thread.sleep(100);
2039                 p.destroy();
2040                 // Subprocess is now dead, but file descriptors remain open.
2041                 check(p.waitFor() != 0);
2042                 check(p.exitValue() != 0);
2043                 stdout.close();
2044                 stderr.close();
2045                 stdin.close();

2046                 //----------------------------------------------------------
2047                 // There remain unsolved issues with asynchronous close.
2048                 // Here's a highly non-portable experiment to demonstrate:
2049                 //----------------------------------------------------------
2050                 if (Boolean.getBoolean("wakeupJeff!")) {
2051                     System.out.println("wakeupJeff!");
2052                     // Initialize signal handler for INTERRUPT_SIGNAL.
2053                     new FileInputStream("/bin/sleep").getChannel().close();
2054                     // Send INTERRUPT_SIGNAL to every thread in this java.
2055                     String[] wakeupJeff = {
2056                         "/bin/bash", "-c",
2057                         "/bin/ps --noheaders -Lfp $PPID | " +
2058                         "/usr/bin/perl -nale 'print $F[3]' | " +
2059                         // INTERRUPT_SIGNAL == 62 on my machine du jour.
2060                         "/usr/bin/xargs kill -62"
2061                     };
2062                     new ProcessBuilder(wakeupJeff).start().waitFor();
2063                     // If wakeupJeff worked, reader probably got EBADF.
2064                     reader.join();
2065                 }

1999                     while (unsafe.tryMonitorEnter(s)) {
2000                         unsafe.monitorExit(s);
2001                         Thread.sleep(1);
2002                     }
2003                 }
2004                 p.destroy();
2005                 thread.join();
2006             }
2007         } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }
2009         //----------------------------------------------------------------
2010         // Check that subprocesses which create subprocesses of their
2011         // own do not cause parent to hang waiting for file
2012         // descriptors to be closed.
2013         //----------------------------------------------------------------
2014         try {
2015             if (Unix.is()
2016                 && new File("/bin/bash").exists()
2017                 && new File("/bin/sleep").exists()) {
2018                 final String[] cmd = { "/bin/bash", "-c", "(/bin/sleep 6666)" };
2019                 final String[] cmdkill = { "/bin/bash", "-c", "(/usr/bin/pkill -f \"sleep 6666\")" };
2020                 final ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
2021                 final Process p = pb.start();
2022                 final InputStream stdout = p.getInputStream();
2023                 final InputStream stderr = p.getErrorStream();
2024                 final OutputStream stdin = p.getOutputStream();
2025                 final Thread reader = new Thread() {
2026                     public void run() {
2027                         try { stdout.read(); }
2028                         catch (IOException e) {
2029                             // Check that reader failed because stream was
2030                             // asynchronously closed.
2031                             // e.printStackTrace();
2032                             if (EnglishUnix.is() &&
2033                                 ! (e.getMessage().matches(".*Bad file.*")))
2034                                 unexpected(e);
2035                         }
2036                         catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); }}};
2037                 reader.setDaemon(true);
2038                 reader.start();
2039                 Thread.sleep(100);
2040                 p.destroy();
2041                 // Subprocess is now dead, but file descriptors remain open.
2042                 check(p.waitFor() != 0);
2043                 check(p.exitValue() != 0);
2044                 stdout.close();
2045                 stderr.close();
2046                 stdin.close();
2047                 new ProcessBuilder(cmdkill).start();
2048                 //----------------------------------------------------------
2049                 // There remain unsolved issues with asynchronous close.
2050                 // Here's a highly non-portable experiment to demonstrate:
2051                 //----------------------------------------------------------
2052                 if (Boolean.getBoolean("wakeupJeff!")) {
2053                     System.out.println("wakeupJeff!");
2054                     // Initialize signal handler for INTERRUPT_SIGNAL.
2055                     new FileInputStream("/bin/sleep").getChannel().close();
2056                     // Send INTERRUPT_SIGNAL to every thread in this java.
2057                     String[] wakeupJeff = {
2058                         "/bin/bash", "-c",
2059                         "/bin/ps --noheaders -Lfp $PPID | " +
2060                         "/usr/bin/perl -nale 'print $F[3]' | " +
2061                         // INTERRUPT_SIGNAL == 62 on my machine du jour.
2062                         "/usr/bin/xargs kill -62"
2063                     };
2064                     new ProcessBuilder(wakeupJeff).start().waitFor();
2065                     // If wakeupJeff worked, reader probably got EBADF.
2066                     reader.join();
2067                 }