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 119   // verifier.  If not, or if verification fails and FailOverToOldVerifier
 120   // is set, then call the inference verifier.
 122   Symbol* exception_name = NULL;
 123   const size_t message_buffer_len = klass->name()->utf8_length() + 1024;
 124   char* message_buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, message_buffer_len);
 125   char* exception_message = message_buffer;
 127   const char* klassName = klass->external_name();
 128   bool can_failover = FailOverToOldVerifier &&
 129      klass->major_version() < NOFAILOVER_MAJOR_VERSION;
 131   if (TraceClassInitialization) {
 132     tty->print_cr("Start class verification for: %s", klassName);
 133   }
 134   if (klass->major_version() >= STACKMAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAJOR_VERSION) {
 135     ClassVerifier split_verifier(klass, THREAD);
 136     split_verifier.verify_class(THREAD);
 137     exception_name = split_verifier.result();
 138     if (can_failover && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION &&
 139         (exception_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_VerifyError() ||
 140          exception_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError())) {
 141       if (TraceClassInitialization || VerboseVerification) {
 142         tty->print_cr(
 143           "Fail over class verification to old verifier for: %s", klassName);
 144       }
 145       exception_name = inference_verify(
 146         klass, message_buffer, message_buffer_len, THREAD);
 147     }
 148     if (exception_name != NULL) {
 149       exception_message = split_verifier.exception_message();
 150     }
 151   } else {
 152     exception_name = inference_verify(
 153         klass, message_buffer, message_buffer_len, THREAD);
 154   }
 156   if (TraceClassInitialization || VerboseVerification) {
 158       tty->print("Verification for %s has", klassName);
 159       tty->print_cr(" exception pending %s ",
 160         InstanceKlass::cast(PENDING_EXCEPTION->klass())->external_name());

 180         // So bail out here by throwing the preallocated VM error.
 181         THROW_OOP_(Universe::virtual_machine_error_instance(), false);
 182       }
 183       kls = kls->super();
 184     }
 185     message_buffer[message_buffer_len - 1] = '\0'; // just to be sure
 186     THROW_MSG_(exception_name, exception_message, false);
 187   }
 188 }
 190 bool Verifier::is_eligible_for_verification(instanceKlassHandle klass, bool should_verify_class) {
 191   Symbol* name = klass->name();
 192   Klass* refl_magic_klass = SystemDictionary::reflect_MagicAccessorImpl_klass();
 194   bool is_reflect = refl_magic_klass != NULL && klass->is_subtype_of(refl_magic_klass);
 196   return (should_verify_for(klass->class_loader(), should_verify_class) &&
 197     // return if the class is a bootstrapping class
 198     // or defineClass specified not to verify by default (flags override passed arg)
 199     // We need to skip the following four for bootstraping
 200     name != vmSymbols::java_lang_Object() &&
 201     name != vmSymbols::java_lang_Class() &&
 202     name != vmSymbols::java_lang_String() &&
 203     name != vmSymbols::java_lang_Throwable() &&
 205     // Can not verify the bytecodes for shared classes because they have
 206     // already been rewritten to contain constant pool cache indices,
 207     // which the verifier can't understand.
 208     // Shared classes shouldn't have stackmaps either.
 209     !klass()->is_shared() &&
 211     // As of the fix for 4486457 we disable verification for all of the
 212     // dynamically-generated bytecodes associated with the 1.4
 213     // reflection implementation, not just those associated with
 214     // sun/reflect/SerializationConstructorAccessor.
 215     // NOTE: this is called too early in the bootstrapping process to be
 216     // guarded by Universe::is_gte_jdk14x_version().
 217     // Also for lambda generated code, gte jdk8
 218     (!is_reflect));
 219 }
 221 Symbol* Verifier::inference_verify(
 222     instanceKlassHandle klass, char* message, size_t message_len, TRAPS) {
 223   JavaThread* thread = (JavaThread*)THREAD;

1532             VerificationType::double2_type(),  CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1533           type = current_frame.pop_stack(
1534             VerificationType::double_type(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1535           verify_return_value(return_type, type, bci,
1536                               &current_frame, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1537           no_control_flow = true; break;
1538         case Bytecodes::_areturn :
1539           type = current_frame.pop_stack(
1540             VerificationType::reference_check(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1541           verify_return_value(return_type, type, bci,
1542                               &current_frame, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1543           no_control_flow = true; break;
1544         case Bytecodes::_return :
1545           if (return_type != VerificationType::bogus_type()) {
1546             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
1547                          "Method expects a return value");
1548             return;
1549           }
1550           // Make sure "this" has been initialized if current method is an
1551           // <init>
1552           if (_method->name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() &&
1553               current_frame.flag_this_uninit()) {
1554             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
1555                          "Constructor must call super() or this() "
1556                          "before return");
1557             return;
1558           }
1559           no_control_flow = true; break;
1560         case Bytecodes::_getstatic :
1561         case Bytecodes::_putstatic :
1562           // pass TRUE, operand can be an array type for getstatic/putstatic.
1563           verify_field_instructions(
1564             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, true, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1565           no_control_flow = false; break;
1566         case Bytecodes::_getfield :
1567         case Bytecodes::_putfield :
1568           // pass FALSE, operand can't be an array type for getfield/putfield.
1569           verify_field_instructions(
1570             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1571           no_control_flow = false; break;
1572         case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual :

2101       }
2102     }
2103   }
2104   int target = bci + default_offset;
2105   stackmap_table->check_jump_target(current_frame, target, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2106   for (int i = 0; i < keys; i++) {
2107     // Because check_jump_target() may safepoint, the bytecode could have
2108     // moved, which means 'aligned_bcp' is no good and needs to be recalculated.
2109     aligned_bcp = (address)round_to((intptr_t)(bcs->bcp() + 1), jintSize);
2110     target = bci + (jint)Bytes::get_Java_u4(aligned_bcp+(3+i*delta)*jintSize);
2111     stackmap_table->check_jump_target(
2112       current_frame, target, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2113   }
2114   NOT_PRODUCT(aligned_bcp = NULL);  // no longer valid at this point
2115 }
2117 bool ClassVerifier::name_in_supers(
2118     Symbol* ref_name, instanceKlassHandle current) {
2119   Klass* super = current->super();
2120   while (super != NULL) {
2121     if (super->name() == ref_name) {
2122       return true;
2123     }
2124     super = super->super();
2125   }
2126   return false;
2127 }
2129 void ClassVerifier::verify_field_instructions(RawBytecodeStream* bcs,
2130                                               StackMapFrame* current_frame,
2131                                               constantPoolHandle cp,
2132                                               bool allow_arrays,
2133                                               TRAPS) {
2134   u2 index = bcs->get_index_u2();
2135   verify_cp_type(bcs->bci(), index, cp,
2136       1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2138   // Get field name and signature
2139   Symbol* field_name = cp->name_ref_at(index);
2140   Symbol* field_sig = cp->signature_ref_at(index);

2432       default:
2433         ;
2434     } // end switch
2435   } // end while loop
2437   return false;
2438 }
2440 void ClassVerifier::verify_invoke_init(
2441     RawBytecodeStream* bcs, u2 ref_class_index, VerificationType ref_class_type,
2442     StackMapFrame* current_frame, u4 code_length, bool in_try_block,
2443     bool *this_uninit, constantPoolHandle cp, StackMapTable* stackmap_table,
2444     TRAPS) {
2445   u2 bci = bcs->bci();
2446   VerificationType type = current_frame->pop_stack(
2447     VerificationType::reference_check(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2448   if (type == VerificationType::uninitialized_this_type()) {
2449     // The method must be an <init> method of this class or its superclass
2450     Klass* superk = current_class()->super();
2451     if ( != current_class()->name() &&
2452 != superk->name()) {
2453       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
2454           TypeOrigin::implicit(ref_class_type),
2455           TypeOrigin::implicit(current_type())),
2456           "Bad <init> method call");
2457       return;
2458     }
2460     // If this invokespecial call is done from inside of a TRY block then make
2461     // sure that all catch clause paths end in a throw.  Otherwise, this can
2462     // result in returning an incomplete object.
2463     if (in_try_block) {
2464       ExceptionTable exhandlers(_method());
2465       int exlength = exhandlers.length();
2466       for(int i = 0; i < exlength; i++) {
2467         u2 start_pc = exhandlers.start_pc(i);
2468         u2 end_pc = exhandlers.end_pc(i);
2470         if (bci >= start_pc && bci < end_pc) {
2471           if (!ends_in_athrow(exhandlers.handler_pc(i))) {
2472             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),

2677     }
2678     if (*(bcp+4) != 0) {
2679       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2680           "Fourth operand byte of invokeinterface must be zero");
2681       return;
2682     }
2683   }
2685   if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
2686     address bcp = bcs->bcp();
2687     if (*(bcp+3) != 0 || *(bcp+4) != 0) {
2688       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2689           "Third and fourth operand bytes of invokedynamic must be zero");
2690       return;
2691     }
2692   }
2694   if (method_name->byte_at(0) == '<') {
2695     // Make sure <init> can only be invoked by invokespecial
2696     if (opcode != Bytecodes::_invokespecial ||
2697         method_name != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
2698       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2699           "Illegal call to internal method");
2700       return;
2701     }
2702   } else if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokespecial
2703              && !is_same_or_direct_interface(current_class(), current_type(), ref_class_type)
2704              && !ref_class_type.equals(VerificationType::reference_type(
2705                   current_class()->super()->name()))) {
2706     bool subtype = false;
2707     bool have_imr_indirect = cp->tag_at(index).value() == JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
2708     if (!current_class()->is_anonymous()) {
2709       subtype = ref_class_type.is_assignable_from(
2710                  current_type(), this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2711     } else {
2712       VerificationType host_klass_type =
2713                         VerificationType::reference_type(current_class()->host_klass()->name());
2714       subtype = ref_class_type.is_assignable_from(host_klass_type, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2716       // If invokespecial of IMR, need to recheck for same or
2717       // direct interface relative to the host class

2723     if (!subtype) {
2724       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2725           "Bad invokespecial instruction: "
2726           "current class isn't assignable to reference class.");
2727        return;
2728     } else if (have_imr_indirect) {
2729       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2730           "Bad invokespecial instruction: "
2731           "interface method reference is in an indirect superinterface.");
2732       return;
2733     }
2735   }
2736   // Match method descriptor with operand stack
2737   for (int i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {  // Run backwards
2738     current_frame->pop_stack(sig_types[i], CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2739   }
2740   // Check objectref on operand stack
2741   if (opcode != Bytecodes::_invokestatic &&
2742       opcode != Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
2743     if (method_name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {  // <init> method
2744       verify_invoke_init(bcs, index, ref_class_type, current_frame,
2745         code_length, in_try_block, this_uninit, cp, stackmap_table,
2746         CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2747     } else {   // other methods
2748       // Ensures that target class is assignable to method class.
2749       if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokespecial) {
2750         if (!current_class()->is_anonymous()) {
2751           current_frame->pop_stack(current_type(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2752         } else {
2753           // anonymous class invokespecial calls: check if the
2754           // objectref is a subtype of the host_klass of the current class
2755           // to allow an anonymous class to reference methods in the host_klass
2756           VerificationType top = current_frame->pop_stack(CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2757           VerificationType hosttype =
2758             VerificationType::reference_type(current_class()->host_klass()->name());
2759           bool subtype = hosttype.is_assignable_from(top, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2760           if (!subtype) {
2761             verify_error( ErrorContext::bad_type(current_frame->offset(),
2762               current_frame->stack_top_ctx(),
2763               TypeOrigin::implicit(top)),

2766           }
2767         }
2768       } else if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokevirtual) {
2769         VerificationType stack_object_type =
2770           current_frame->pop_stack(ref_class_type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2771         if (current_type() != stack_object_type) {
2772           assert(cp->cache() == NULL, "not rewritten yet");
2773           Symbol* ref_class_name =
2774             cp->klass_name_at(cp->klass_ref_index_at(index));
2775           // See the comments in verify_field_instructions() for
2776           // the rationale behind this.
2777           if (name_in_supers(ref_class_name, current_class())) {
2778             Klass* ref_class = load_class(ref_class_name, CHECK);
2779             if (is_protected_access(
2780                   _klass, ref_class, method_name, method_sig, true)) {
2781               // It's protected access, check if stack object is
2782               // assignable to current class.
2783               bool is_assignable = current_type().is_assignable_from(
2784                 stack_object_type, this, true, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2785               if (!is_assignable) {
2786                 if ( == vmSymbols::java_lang_Object()
2787                     && stack_object_type.is_array()
2788                     && method_name == vmSymbols::clone_name()) {
2789                   // Special case: arrays pretend to implement public Object
2790                   // clone().
2791                 } else {
2792                   verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
2793                       current_frame->stack_top_ctx(),
2794                       TypeOrigin::implicit(current_type())),
2795                       "Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual");
2796                   return;
2797                 }
2798               }
2799             }
2800           }
2801         }
2802       } else {
2803         assert(opcode == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface, "Unexpected opcode encountered");
2804         current_frame->pop_stack(ref_class_type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2805       }
2806     }
2807   }
2808   // Push the result type.
2809   if (sig_stream.type() != T_VOID) {
2810     if (method_name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
2811       // <init> method must have a void return type
2812       /* Unreachable?  Class file parser verifies that methods with '<' have
2813        * void return */
2814       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2815           "Return type must be void in <init> method");
2816       return;
2817     }
2818     VerificationType return_type[2];
2819     int n = change_sig_to_verificationType(
2820       &sig_stream, return_type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2821     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
2822       current_frame->push_stack(return_type[i], CHECK_VERIFY(this)); // push types backwards
2823     }
2824   }
2825 }
2827 VerificationType ClassVerifier::get_newarray_type(
2828     u2 index, u2 bci, TRAPS) {
2829   const char* from_bt[] = {
2830     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "[Z", "[C", "[F", "[D", "[B", "[S", "[I", "[J",

2959     VerificationType return_type, VerificationType type, u2 bci,
2960     StackMapFrame* current_frame, TRAPS) {
2961   if (return_type == VerificationType::bogus_type()) {
2962     verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
2963         current_frame->stack_top_ctx(), TypeOrigin::signature(return_type)),
2964         "Method expects a return value");
2965     return;
2966   }
2967   bool match = return_type.is_assignable_from(type, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2968   if (!match) {
2969     verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
2970         current_frame->stack_top_ctx(), TypeOrigin::signature(return_type)),
2971         "Bad return type");
2972     return;
2973   }
2974 }
2976 // The verifier creates symbols which are substrings of Symbols.
2977 // These are stored in the verifier until the end of verification so that
2978 // they can be reference counted.
2979 Symbol* ClassVerifier::create_temporary_symbol(const Symbol *s, int begin,
2980                                                int end, TRAPS) {
2981   Symbol* sym = SymbolTable::new_symbol(s, begin, end, CHECK_NULL);
2982   _symbols->push(sym);
2983   return sym;
2984 }
2986 Symbol* ClassVerifier::create_temporary_symbol(const char *s, int length, TRAPS) {
2987   Symbol* sym = SymbolTable::new_symbol(s, length, CHECK_NULL);
2988   _symbols->push(sym);
2989   return sym;
2990 }

 119   // verifier.  If not, or if verification fails and FailOverToOldVerifier
 120   // is set, then call the inference verifier.
 122   Symbol* exception_name = NULL;
 123   const size_t message_buffer_len = klass->name()->utf8_length() + 1024;
 124   char* message_buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, message_buffer_len);
 125   char* exception_message = message_buffer;
 127   const char* klassName = klass->external_name();
 128   bool can_failover = FailOverToOldVerifier &&
 129      klass->major_version() < NOFAILOVER_MAJOR_VERSION;
 131   if (TraceClassInitialization) {
 132     tty->print_cr("Start class verification for: %s", klassName);
 133   }
 134   if (klass->major_version() >= STACKMAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAJOR_VERSION) {
 135     ClassVerifier split_verifier(klass, THREAD);
 136     split_verifier.verify_class(THREAD);
 137     exception_name = split_verifier.result();
 138     if (can_failover && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION &&
 139         (exception_name->equals(vmSymbols::java_lang_VerifyError()) ||
 140          exception_name->equals(vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError()))) {
 141       if (TraceClassInitialization || VerboseVerification) {
 142         tty->print_cr(
 143           "Fail over class verification to old verifier for: %s", klassName);
 144       }
 145       exception_name = inference_verify(
 146         klass, message_buffer, message_buffer_len, THREAD);
 147     }
 148     if (exception_name != NULL) {
 149       exception_message = split_verifier.exception_message();
 150     }
 151   } else {
 152     exception_name = inference_verify(
 153         klass, message_buffer, message_buffer_len, THREAD);
 154   }
 156   if (TraceClassInitialization || VerboseVerification) {
 158       tty->print("Verification for %s has", klassName);
 159       tty->print_cr(" exception pending %s ",
 160         InstanceKlass::cast(PENDING_EXCEPTION->klass())->external_name());

 180         // So bail out here by throwing the preallocated VM error.
 181         THROW_OOP_(Universe::virtual_machine_error_instance(), false);
 182       }
 183       kls = kls->super();
 184     }
 185     message_buffer[message_buffer_len - 1] = '\0'; // just to be sure
 186     THROW_MSG_(exception_name, exception_message, false);
 187   }
 188 }
 190 bool Verifier::is_eligible_for_verification(instanceKlassHandle klass, bool should_verify_class) {
 191   Symbol* name = klass->name();
 192   Klass* refl_magic_klass = SystemDictionary::reflect_MagicAccessorImpl_klass();
 194   bool is_reflect = refl_magic_klass != NULL && klass->is_subtype_of(refl_magic_klass);
 196   return (should_verify_for(klass->class_loader(), should_verify_class) &&
 197     // return if the class is a bootstrapping class
 198     // or defineClass specified not to verify by default (flags override passed arg)
 199     // We need to skip the following four for bootstraping
 200     name->not_equals(vmSymbols::java_lang_Object()) &&
 201     name->not_equals(vmSymbols::java_lang_Class()) &&
 202     name->not_equals(vmSymbols::java_lang_String()) &&
 203     name->not_equals(vmSymbols::java_lang_Throwable()) &&
 205     // Can not verify the bytecodes for shared classes because they have
 206     // already been rewritten to contain constant pool cache indices,
 207     // which the verifier can't understand.
 208     // Shared classes shouldn't have stackmaps either.
 209     !klass()->is_shared() &&
 211     // As of the fix for 4486457 we disable verification for all of the
 212     // dynamically-generated bytecodes associated with the 1.4
 213     // reflection implementation, not just those associated with
 214     // sun/reflect/SerializationConstructorAccessor.
 215     // NOTE: this is called too early in the bootstrapping process to be
 216     // guarded by Universe::is_gte_jdk14x_version().
 217     // Also for lambda generated code, gte jdk8
 218     (!is_reflect));
 219 }
 221 Symbol* Verifier::inference_verify(
 222     instanceKlassHandle klass, char* message, size_t message_len, TRAPS) {
 223   JavaThread* thread = (JavaThread*)THREAD;

1532             VerificationType::double2_type(),  CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1533           type = current_frame.pop_stack(
1534             VerificationType::double_type(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1535           verify_return_value(return_type, type, bci,
1536                               &current_frame, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1537           no_control_flow = true; break;
1538         case Bytecodes::_areturn :
1539           type = current_frame.pop_stack(
1540             VerificationType::reference_check(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1541           verify_return_value(return_type, type, bci,
1542                               &current_frame, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1543           no_control_flow = true; break;
1544         case Bytecodes::_return :
1545           if (return_type != VerificationType::bogus_type()) {
1546             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
1547                          "Method expects a return value");
1548             return;
1549           }
1550           // Make sure "this" has been initialized if current method is an
1551           // <init>
1552           if (_method->name()->equals(vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) &&
1553               current_frame.flag_this_uninit()) {
1554             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
1555                          "Constructor must call super() or this() "
1556                          "before return");
1557             return;
1558           }
1559           no_control_flow = true; break;
1560         case Bytecodes::_getstatic :
1561         case Bytecodes::_putstatic :
1562           // pass TRUE, operand can be an array type for getstatic/putstatic.
1563           verify_field_instructions(
1564             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, true, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1565           no_control_flow = false; break;
1566         case Bytecodes::_getfield :
1567         case Bytecodes::_putfield :
1568           // pass FALSE, operand can't be an array type for getfield/putfield.
1569           verify_field_instructions(
1570             &bcs, &current_frame, cp, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
1571           no_control_flow = false; break;
1572         case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual :

2101       }
2102     }
2103   }
2104   int target = bci + default_offset;
2105   stackmap_table->check_jump_target(current_frame, target, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2106   for (int i = 0; i < keys; i++) {
2107     // Because check_jump_target() may safepoint, the bytecode could have
2108     // moved, which means 'aligned_bcp' is no good and needs to be recalculated.
2109     aligned_bcp = (address)round_to((intptr_t)(bcs->bcp() + 1), jintSize);
2110     target = bci + (jint)Bytes::get_Java_u4(aligned_bcp+(3+i*delta)*jintSize);
2111     stackmap_table->check_jump_target(
2112       current_frame, target, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2113   }
2114   NOT_PRODUCT(aligned_bcp = NULL);  // no longer valid at this point
2115 }
2117 bool ClassVerifier::name_in_supers(
2118     Symbol* ref_name, instanceKlassHandle current) {
2119   Klass* super = current->super();
2120   while (super != NULL) {
2121     if (super->name()->equals(ref_name)) {
2122       return true;
2123     }
2124     super = super->super();
2125   }
2126   return false;
2127 }
2129 void ClassVerifier::verify_field_instructions(RawBytecodeStream* bcs,
2130                                               StackMapFrame* current_frame,
2131                                               constantPoolHandle cp,
2132                                               bool allow_arrays,
2133                                               TRAPS) {
2134   u2 index = bcs->get_index_u2();
2135   verify_cp_type(bcs->bci(), index, cp,
2136       1 << JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2138   // Get field name and signature
2139   Symbol* field_name = cp->name_ref_at(index);
2140   Symbol* field_sig = cp->signature_ref_at(index);

2432       default:
2433         ;
2434     } // end switch
2435   } // end while loop
2437   return false;
2438 }
2440 void ClassVerifier::verify_invoke_init(
2441     RawBytecodeStream* bcs, u2 ref_class_index, VerificationType ref_class_type,
2442     StackMapFrame* current_frame, u4 code_length, bool in_try_block,
2443     bool *this_uninit, constantPoolHandle cp, StackMapTable* stackmap_table,
2444     TRAPS) {
2445   u2 bci = bcs->bci();
2446   VerificationType type = current_frame->pop_stack(
2447     VerificationType::reference_check(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2448   if (type == VerificationType::uninitialized_this_type()) {
2449     // The method must be an <init> method of this class or its superclass
2450     Klass* superk = current_class()->super();
2451     if (>not_equals(current_class()->name()) &&
2452>not_equals(superk->name())) {
2453       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
2454           TypeOrigin::implicit(ref_class_type),
2455           TypeOrigin::implicit(current_type())),
2456           "Bad <init> method call");
2457       return;
2458     }
2460     // If this invokespecial call is done from inside of a TRY block then make
2461     // sure that all catch clause paths end in a throw.  Otherwise, this can
2462     // result in returning an incomplete object.
2463     if (in_try_block) {
2464       ExceptionTable exhandlers(_method());
2465       int exlength = exhandlers.length();
2466       for(int i = 0; i < exlength; i++) {
2467         u2 start_pc = exhandlers.start_pc(i);
2468         u2 end_pc = exhandlers.end_pc(i);
2470         if (bci >= start_pc && bci < end_pc) {
2471           if (!ends_in_athrow(exhandlers.handler_pc(i))) {
2472             verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),

2677     }
2678     if (*(bcp+4) != 0) {
2679       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2680           "Fourth operand byte of invokeinterface must be zero");
2681       return;
2682     }
2683   }
2685   if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
2686     address bcp = bcs->bcp();
2687     if (*(bcp+3) != 0 || *(bcp+4) != 0) {
2688       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2689           "Third and fourth operand bytes of invokedynamic must be zero");
2690       return;
2691     }
2692   }
2694   if (method_name->byte_at(0) == '<') {
2695     // Make sure <init> can only be invoked by invokespecial
2696     if (opcode != Bytecodes::_invokespecial ||
2697         method_name->not_equals(vmSymbols::object_initializer_name())) {
2698       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2699           "Illegal call to internal method");
2700       return;
2701     }
2702   } else if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokespecial
2703              && !is_same_or_direct_interface(current_class(), current_type(), ref_class_type)
2704              && !ref_class_type.equals(VerificationType::reference_type(
2705                   current_class()->super()->name()))) {
2706     bool subtype = false;
2707     bool have_imr_indirect = cp->tag_at(index).value() == JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
2708     if (!current_class()->is_anonymous()) {
2709       subtype = ref_class_type.is_assignable_from(
2710                  current_type(), this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2711     } else {
2712       VerificationType host_klass_type =
2713                         VerificationType::reference_type(current_class()->host_klass()->name());
2714       subtype = ref_class_type.is_assignable_from(host_klass_type, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2716       // If invokespecial of IMR, need to recheck for same or
2717       // direct interface relative to the host class

2723     if (!subtype) {
2724       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2725           "Bad invokespecial instruction: "
2726           "current class isn't assignable to reference class.");
2727        return;
2728     } else if (have_imr_indirect) {
2729       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2730           "Bad invokespecial instruction: "
2731           "interface method reference is in an indirect superinterface.");
2732       return;
2733     }
2735   }
2736   // Match method descriptor with operand stack
2737   for (int i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {  // Run backwards
2738     current_frame->pop_stack(sig_types[i], CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2739   }
2740   // Check objectref on operand stack
2741   if (opcode != Bytecodes::_invokestatic &&
2742       opcode != Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) {
2743     if (method_name->equals(vmSymbols::object_initializer_name())) {  // <init> method
2744       verify_invoke_init(bcs, index, ref_class_type, current_frame,
2745         code_length, in_try_block, this_uninit, cp, stackmap_table,
2746         CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2747     } else {   // other methods
2748       // Ensures that target class is assignable to method class.
2749       if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokespecial) {
2750         if (!current_class()->is_anonymous()) {
2751           current_frame->pop_stack(current_type(), CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2752         } else {
2753           // anonymous class invokespecial calls: check if the
2754           // objectref is a subtype of the host_klass of the current class
2755           // to allow an anonymous class to reference methods in the host_klass
2756           VerificationType top = current_frame->pop_stack(CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2757           VerificationType hosttype =
2758             VerificationType::reference_type(current_class()->host_klass()->name());
2759           bool subtype = hosttype.is_assignable_from(top, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2760           if (!subtype) {
2761             verify_error( ErrorContext::bad_type(current_frame->offset(),
2762               current_frame->stack_top_ctx(),
2763               TypeOrigin::implicit(top)),

2766           }
2767         }
2768       } else if (opcode == Bytecodes::_invokevirtual) {
2769         VerificationType stack_object_type =
2770           current_frame->pop_stack(ref_class_type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2771         if (current_type() != stack_object_type) {
2772           assert(cp->cache() == NULL, "not rewritten yet");
2773           Symbol* ref_class_name =
2774             cp->klass_name_at(cp->klass_ref_index_at(index));
2775           // See the comments in verify_field_instructions() for
2776           // the rationale behind this.
2777           if (name_in_supers(ref_class_name, current_class())) {
2778             Klass* ref_class = load_class(ref_class_name, CHECK);
2779             if (is_protected_access(
2780                   _klass, ref_class, method_name, method_sig, true)) {
2781               // It's protected access, check if stack object is
2782               // assignable to current class.
2783               bool is_assignable = current_type().is_assignable_from(
2784                 stack_object_type, this, true, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2785               if (!is_assignable) {
2786                 if (>equals(vmSymbols::java_lang_Object())
2787                     && stack_object_type.is_array()
2788                     && method_name->equals(vmSymbols::clone_name())) {
2789                   // Special case: arrays pretend to implement public Object
2790                   // clone().
2791                 } else {
2792                   verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
2793                       current_frame->stack_top_ctx(),
2794                       TypeOrigin::implicit(current_type())),
2795                       "Bad access to protected data in invokevirtual");
2796                   return;
2797                 }
2798               }
2799             }
2800           }
2801         }
2802       } else {
2803         assert(opcode == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface, "Unexpected opcode encountered");
2804         current_frame->pop_stack(ref_class_type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2805       }
2806     }
2807   }
2808   // Push the result type.
2809   if (sig_stream.type() != T_VOID) {
2810     if (method_name->equals(vmSymbols::object_initializer_name())) {
2811       // <init> method must have a void return type
2812       /* Unreachable?  Class file parser verifies that methods with '<' have
2813        * void return */
2814       verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_code(bci),
2815           "Return type must be void in <init> method");
2816       return;
2817     }
2818     VerificationType return_type[2];
2819     int n = change_sig_to_verificationType(
2820       &sig_stream, return_type, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2821     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
2822       current_frame->push_stack(return_type[i], CHECK_VERIFY(this)); // push types backwards
2823     }
2824   }
2825 }
2827 VerificationType ClassVerifier::get_newarray_type(
2828     u2 index, u2 bci, TRAPS) {
2829   const char* from_bt[] = {
2830     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "[Z", "[C", "[F", "[D", "[B", "[S", "[I", "[J",

2959     VerificationType return_type, VerificationType type, u2 bci,
2960     StackMapFrame* current_frame, TRAPS) {
2961   if (return_type == VerificationType::bogus_type()) {
2962     verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
2963         current_frame->stack_top_ctx(), TypeOrigin::signature(return_type)),
2964         "Method expects a return value");
2965     return;
2966   }
2967   bool match = return_type.is_assignable_from(type, this, false, CHECK_VERIFY(this));
2968   if (!match) {
2969     verify_error(ErrorContext::bad_type(bci,
2970         current_frame->stack_top_ctx(), TypeOrigin::signature(return_type)),
2971         "Bad return type");
2972     return;
2973   }
2974 }
2976 // The verifier creates symbols which are substrings of Symbols.
2977 // These are stored in the verifier until the end of verification so that
2978 // they can be reference counted.
2979 Symbol* ClassVerifier::create_temporary_symbol(const Symbol* s, int begin,
2980                                                int end, TRAPS) {
2981   Symbol* sym = SymbolTable::new_symbol(s, begin, end, CHECK_NULL);
2982   _symbols->push(sym);
2983   return sym;
2984 }
2986 Symbol* ClassVerifier::create_temporary_symbol(const char *s, int length, TRAPS) {
2987   Symbol* sym = SymbolTable::new_symbol(s, length, CHECK_NULL);
2988   _symbols->push(sym);
2989   return sym;
2990 }
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