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 131 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_define_appclass_time = NULL;
 132 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_define_appclass_selftime = NULL;
 133 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_app_classfile_bytes_read = NULL;
 134 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read = NULL;
 135 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_systemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 136 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_nonSystemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 137 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMFindLoadedClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 138 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 139 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JNIDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 140 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_unsafe_defineClassCallCounter = NULL;
 141 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_load_instance_class_failCounter = NULL;
 143 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_patch_mod_entries = NULL;
 144 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_exploded_entries = NULL;
 145 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_jrt_entry = NULL;
 146 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_first_append_entry = NULL;
 147 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_last_append_entry  = NULL;
 148 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 149 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_app_classpath_entries = NULL;
 150 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_last_app_classpath_entry = NULL;

 151 SharedPathsMiscInfo* ClassLoader::_shared_paths_misc_info = NULL;
 152 #endif
 154 // helper routines
 155 bool string_starts_with(const char* str, const char* str_to_find) {
 156   size_t str_len = strlen(str);
 157   size_t str_to_find_len = strlen(str_to_find);
 158   if (str_to_find_len > str_len) {
 159     return false;
 160   }
 161   return (strncmp(str, str_to_find, str_to_find_len) == 0);
 162 }
 164 static const char* get_jimage_version_string() {
 165   static char version_string[10] = "";
 166   if (version_string[0] == '\0') {
 167     jio_snprintf(version_string, sizeof(version_string), "%d.%d",
 168                  Abstract_VM_Version::vm_major_version(), Abstract_VM_Version::vm_minor_version());
 169   }
 170   return (const char*)version_string;

 704   for (int start = 0; start < len; start = end) {
 705     while (class_path[end] && class_path[end] != os::path_separator()[0]) {
 706       end++;
 707     }
 709     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 710     char* path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, end - start + 1);
 711     strncpy(path, &class_path[start], end - start);
 712     path[end - start] = '\0';
 714     check_shared_classpath(path);
 716     update_class_path_entry_list(path, false, false);
 718     while (class_path[end] == os::path_separator()[0]) {
 719       end++;
 720     }
 721   }
 722 }

 724 #endif
 726 // Construct the array of module/path pairs as specified to --patch-module
 727 // for the boot loader to search ahead of the jimage, if the class being
 728 // loaded is defined to a module that has been specified to --patch-module.
 729 void ClassLoader::setup_patch_mod_entries() {
 730   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 731   GrowableArray<ModulePatchPath*>* patch_mod_args = Arguments::get_patch_mod_prefix();
 732   int num_of_entries = patch_mod_args->length();
 735   // Set up the boot loader's _patch_mod_entries list
 736   _patch_mod_entries = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtModule) GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>(num_of_entries, true);
 738   for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
 739     const char* module_name = (patch_mod_args->at(i))->module_name();
 740     Symbol* const module_sym = SymbolTable::lookup(module_name, (int)strlen(module_name), CHECK);
 741     assert(module_sym != NULL, "Failed to obtain Symbol for module name");
 742     ModuleClassPathList* module_cpl = new ModuleClassPathList(module_sym);

1071     }
1073     // Do not reorder the bootclasspath which would break get_system_package().
1074     // Add new entry to linked list
1075     if (is_boot_append) {
1076       add_to_boot_append_entries(new_entry);
1077     } else {
1078       add_to_app_classpath_entries(path, new_entry, check_for_duplicates);
1079     }
1080     return true;
1081   } else {
1082 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1083     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1084       _shared_paths_misc_info->add_nonexist_path(path);
1085     }
1086 #endif
1087     return false;
1088   }
1089 }

1091 static void print_module_entry_table(const GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* const module_list) {
1092   ResourceMark rm;
1093   int num_of_entries = module_list->length();
1094   for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
1095     ClassPathEntry* e;
1096     ModuleClassPathList* mpl = module_list->at(i);
1097     tty->print("%s=", mpl->module_name()->as_C_string());
1098     e = mpl->module_first_entry();
1099     while (e != NULL) {
1100       tty->print("%s", e->name());
1101       e = e->next();
1102       if (e != NULL) {
1103         tty->print("%s", os::path_separator());
1104       }
1105     }
1106     tty->print(" ;");
1107   }
1108 }
1110 void ClassLoader::print_bootclasspath() {

1495                                                            loader_data,
1496                                                            protection_domain,
1497                                                            NULL, // host_klass
1498                                                            NULL, // cp_patches
1499                                                            THREAD);
1501     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1502       tty->print_cr("Preload Error: Failed to load %s", class_name);
1503     }
1504     return NULL;
1505   }
1507   if (!add_package(file_name, classpath_index, THREAD)) {
1508     return NULL;
1509   }
1511   return result;
1512 }
1514 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1515 static char* skip_uri_protocol(char* source) {
1516   if (strncmp(source, "file:", 5) == 0) {
1517     // file: protocol path could start with file:/ or file:///
1518     // locate the char after all the forward slashes
1519     int offset = 5;
1520     while (*(source + offset) == '/') {
1521         offset++;
1522     }
1523     source += offset;
1524   // for non-windows platforms, move back one char as the path begins with a '/'
1525 #ifndef _WINDOWS
1526     source -= 1;
1527 #endif
1528   } else if (strncmp(source, "jrt:/", 5) == 0) {
1529     source += 5;
1530   }
1531   return source;
1532 }
1534 // Record the shared classpath index and loader type for classes loaded
1535 // by the builtin loaders at dump time.
1536 void ClassLoader::record_result(InstanceKlass* ik, const ClassFileStream* stream) {
1537   assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "sanity");
1538   assert(stream != NULL, "sanity");
1540   if (ik->is_anonymous()) {
1541     // We do not archive anonymous classes.
1542     return;
1543   }

1545   char* src = (char*)stream->source();
1546   if (src == NULL) {
1547     if (ik->class_loader() == NULL) {
1548       // JFR classes
1549       ik->set_shared_classpath_index(0);
1550       ik->set_class_loader_type(ClassLoader::BOOT_LOADER);
1551     }
1552     return;
1553   }
1555   assert(has_jrt_entry(), "CDS dumping does not support exploded JDK build");
1557   ModuleEntry* module = ik->module();
1558   int classpath_index = -1;
1559   ResourceMark rm;

1560   char* canonical_path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, JVM_MAXPATHLEN);
1562   // save the path from the file: protocol or the module name from the jrt: protocol
1563   // if no protocol prefix is found, path is the same as stream->source()
1564   char* path = skip_uri_protocol(src);
1565   for (int i = 0; i < FileMapInfo::get_number_of_share_classpaths(); i++) {
1566     SharedClassPathEntry* ent = FileMapInfo::shared_classpath(i);
1567     if (get_canonical_path(ent->name(), canonical_path, JVM_MAXPATHLEN)) {
1568       // If the path (from the class stream srouce) is the same as the shared
1569       // class path, then we have a match. For classes from module image loaded by the
1570       // PlatformClassLoader, the stream->source() is not the name of the module image.
1571       // Need to look for 'jrt:' explicitly.
1572       if (strcmp(canonical_path, os::native_path((char*)path)) == 0 ||
1573           (i == 0 && string_starts_with(src, "jrt:"))) {

1574         classpath_index = i;
1575         break;
1576       }
1577     }

1578   }
1579   if (classpath_index < 0) {
1580     // Shared classpath entry table only contains boot class path and -cp path.

1581     // No path entry found for this class. Must be a shared class loaded by the
1582     // user defined classloader.

1583     assert(ik->shared_classpath_index() < 0, "Sanity");
1584     return;
1585   }

1587   const char* const class_name = ik->name()->as_C_string();
1588   const char* const file_name = file_name_for_class_name(class_name,
1589                                                          ik->name()->utf8_length());
1590   assert(file_name != NULL, "invariant");
1591   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
1592   ClassLoaderExt::Context context(class_name, file_name, CATCH);
1593   context.record_result(ik->name(), classpath_index, ik, THREAD);
1594 }
1595 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS
1597 // Initialize the class loader's access to methods in libzip.  Parse and
1598 // process the boot classpath into a list ClassPathEntry objects.  Once
1599 // this list has been created, it must not change order (see class PackageInfo)
1600 // it can be appended to and is by jvmti and the kernel vm.
1602 void ClassLoader::initialize() {
1605   if (UsePerfData) {
1606     // jvmstat performance counters
1607     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_accumulated_time, SUN_CLS, "time");
1608     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_init_time, SUN_CLS, "classInitTime");
1609     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_init_selftime, SUN_CLS, "classInitTime.self");
1610     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_verify_time, SUN_CLS, "classVerifyTime");
1611     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_verify_selftime, SUN_CLS, "classVerifyTime.self");

1654   }
1656   // lookup zip library entry points
1657   load_zip_library();
1658   // lookup jimage library entry points
1659   load_jimage_library();
1660 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1661   // initialize search path
1662   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1663     _shared_paths_misc_info = SharedClassUtil::allocate_shared_paths_misc_info();
1664   }
1665 #endif
1666   setup_bootstrap_search_path();
1667 }
1669 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1670 void ClassLoader::initialize_shared_path() {
1671   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1672     ClassLoaderExt::setup_search_paths();
1673     _shared_paths_misc_info->write_jint(0); // see comments in SharedPathsMiscInfo::check()

1674   }
1675 }
1676 #endif
1678 jlong ClassLoader::classloader_time_ms() {
1679   return UsePerfData ?
1680     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_accumulated_time->get_value()) : -1;
1681 }
1683 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_count() {
1684   return UsePerfData ? _perf_classes_inited->get_value() : -1;
1685 }
1687 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_time_ms() {
1688   return UsePerfData ?
1689     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_class_init_time->get_value()) : -1;
1690 }
1692 jlong ClassLoader::class_verify_time_ms() {
1693   return UsePerfData ?

 131 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_define_appclass_time = NULL;
 132 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_define_appclass_selftime = NULL;
 133 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_app_classfile_bytes_read = NULL;
 134 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read = NULL;
 135 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_systemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 136 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_nonSystemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 137 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMFindLoadedClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 138 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 139 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JNIDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 140 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_unsafe_defineClassCallCounter = NULL;
 141 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_load_instance_class_failCounter = NULL;
 143 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_patch_mod_entries = NULL;
 144 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_exploded_entries = NULL;
 145 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_jrt_entry = NULL;
 146 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_first_append_entry = NULL;
 147 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_last_append_entry  = NULL;
 148 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 149 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_app_classpath_entries = NULL;
 150 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_last_app_classpath_entry = NULL;
 151 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_module_path_entries = NULL;
 152 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_last_module_path_entry = NULL;
 153 SharedPathsMiscInfo* ClassLoader::_shared_paths_misc_info = NULL;
 154 #endif
 156 // helper routines
 157 bool string_starts_with(const char* str, const char* str_to_find) {
 158   size_t str_len = strlen(str);
 159   size_t str_to_find_len = strlen(str_to_find);
 160   if (str_to_find_len > str_len) {
 161     return false;
 162   }
 163   return (strncmp(str, str_to_find, str_to_find_len) == 0);
 164 }
 166 static const char* get_jimage_version_string() {
 167   static char version_string[10] = "";
 168   if (version_string[0] == '\0') {
 169     jio_snprintf(version_string, sizeof(version_string), "%d.%d",
 170                  Abstract_VM_Version::vm_major_version(), Abstract_VM_Version::vm_minor_version());
 171   }
 172   return (const char*)version_string;

 706   for (int start = 0; start < len; start = end) {
 707     while (class_path[end] && class_path[end] != os::path_separator()[0]) {
 708       end++;
 709     }
 711     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 712     char* path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, end - start + 1);
 713     strncpy(path, &class_path[start], end - start);
 714     path[end - start] = '\0';
 716     check_shared_classpath(path);
 718     update_class_path_entry_list(path, false, false);
 720     while (class_path[end] == os::path_separator()[0]) {
 721       end++;
 722     }
 723   }
 724 }
 726 void ClassLoader::setup_module_search_path(const char* path) {
 727   check_shared_classpath(path);
 728   update_module_path_entry_list(path);
 729 }
 731 #endif
 733 // Construct the array of module/path pairs as specified to --patch-module
 734 // for the boot loader to search ahead of the jimage, if the class being
 735 // loaded is defined to a module that has been specified to --patch-module.
 736 void ClassLoader::setup_patch_mod_entries() {
 737   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 738   GrowableArray<ModulePatchPath*>* patch_mod_args = Arguments::get_patch_mod_prefix();
 739   int num_of_entries = patch_mod_args->length();
 742   // Set up the boot loader's _patch_mod_entries list
 743   _patch_mod_entries = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtModule) GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>(num_of_entries, true);
 745   for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
 746     const char* module_name = (patch_mod_args->at(i))->module_name();
 747     Symbol* const module_sym = SymbolTable::lookup(module_name, (int)strlen(module_name), CHECK);
 748     assert(module_sym != NULL, "Failed to obtain Symbol for module name");
 749     ModuleClassPathList* module_cpl = new ModuleClassPathList(module_sym);

1078     }
1080     // Do not reorder the bootclasspath which would break get_system_package().
1081     // Add new entry to linked list
1082     if (is_boot_append) {
1083       add_to_boot_append_entries(new_entry);
1084     } else {
1085       add_to_app_classpath_entries(path, new_entry, check_for_duplicates);
1086     }
1087     return true;
1088   } else {
1089 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1090     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1091       _shared_paths_misc_info->add_nonexist_path(path);
1092     }
1093 #endif
1094     return false;
1095   }
1096 }
1098 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1099 void ClassLoader::add_to_module_path_entries(const char* path,
1100                                                ClassPathEntry* entry) {
1101   assert(entry != NULL, "ClassPathEntry should not be NULL");
1102   ClassPathEntry* e = _module_path_entries;
1104   // The entry does not exist, add to the list
1105   if (_module_path_entries == NULL) {
1106     assert(_last_module_path_entry == NULL, "Sanity");
1107     _module_path_entries = _last_module_path_entry = entry;
1108   } else {
1109     _last_module_path_entry->set_next(entry);
1110     _last_module_path_entry = entry;
1111   }
1112 }
1114 // Add a module path to the _module_path_entries list.
1115 void ClassLoader::update_module_path_entry_list(const char *path,
1116                                                bool throw_exception) {
1117   struct stat st;
1118   assert(os::stat(path, &st) == 0, "module path must exist");
1119   // File or directory found
1120   ClassPathEntry* new_entry = NULL;
1121   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
1122   new_entry = create_class_path_entry(path, &st, throw_exception,
1123                                       false /*is_boot_append */, CHECK);
1124   if (new_entry == NULL) {
1125     return;
1126   }
1128   add_to_module_path_entries(path, new_entry);
1129   return;
1130 }
1131 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS
1133 static void print_module_entry_table(const GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* const module_list) {
1134   ResourceMark rm;
1135   int num_of_entries = module_list->length();
1136   for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
1137     ClassPathEntry* e;
1138     ModuleClassPathList* mpl = module_list->at(i);
1139     tty->print("%s=", mpl->module_name()->as_C_string());
1140     e = mpl->module_first_entry();
1141     while (e != NULL) {
1142       tty->print("%s", e->name());
1143       e = e->next();
1144       if (e != NULL) {
1145         tty->print("%s", os::path_separator());
1146       }
1147     }
1148     tty->print(" ;");
1149   }
1150 }
1152 void ClassLoader::print_bootclasspath() {

1537                                                            loader_data,
1538                                                            protection_domain,
1539                                                            NULL, // host_klass
1540                                                            NULL, // cp_patches
1541                                                            THREAD);
1543     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1544       tty->print_cr("Preload Error: Failed to load %s", class_name);
1545     }
1546     return NULL;
1547   }
1549   if (!add_package(file_name, classpath_index, THREAD)) {
1550     return NULL;
1551   }
1553   return result;
1554 }
1556 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1557 char* ClassLoader::skip_uri_protocol(char* source) {
1558   if (strncmp(source, "file:", 5) == 0) {
1559     // file: protocol path could start with file:/ or file:///
1560     // locate the char after all the forward slashes
1561     int offset = 5;
1562     while (*(source + offset) == '/') {
1563         offset++;
1564     }
1565     source += offset;
1566   // for non-windows platforms, move back one char as the path begins with a '/'
1567 #ifndef _WINDOWS
1568     source -= 1;
1569 #endif
1570   } else if (strncmp(source, "jrt:/", 5) == 0) {
1571     source += 5;
1572   }
1573   return source;
1574 }
1576 // Record the shared classpath index and loader type for classes loaded
1577 // by the builtin loaders at dump time.
1578 void ClassLoader::record_result(InstanceKlass* ik, const ClassFileStream* stream) {
1579   assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "sanity");
1580   assert(stream != NULL, "sanity");
1582   if (ik->is_anonymous()) {
1583     // We do not archive anonymous classes.
1584     return;
1585   }
1587   oop loader = ik->class_loader();
1588   char* src = (char*)stream->source();
1589   if (src == NULL) {
1590     if (loader == NULL) {
1591       // JFR classes
1592       ik->set_shared_classpath_index(0);
1593       ik->set_class_loader_type(ClassLoader::BOOT_LOADER);
1594     }
1595     return;
1596   }
1598   assert(has_jrt_entry(), "CDS dumping does not support exploded JDK build");

1600   ResourceMark rm;
1601   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
1602   int classpath_index = -1;
1603   PackageEntry* pkg_entry = ik->package();
1605   if (FileMapInfo::get_number_of_shared_paths() > 0) {
1606     char* canonical_path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, JVM_MAXPATHLEN);
1608     // save the path from the file: protocol or the module name from the jrt: protocol
1609     // if no protocol prefix is found, path is the same as stream->source()
1610     char* path = skip_uri_protocol(src);
1611     for (int i = 0; i < FileMapInfo::get_number_of_shared_paths(); i++) {
1612       SharedClassPathEntry* ent = FileMapInfo::shared_path(i);
1613       if (get_canonical_path(ent->name(), canonical_path, JVM_MAXPATHLEN)) {
1614         // If the path (from the class stream source) is the same as the shared
1615         // class or module path, then we have a match.
1616         if (strcmp(canonical_path, os::native_path((char*)path)) == 0) {
1617           // NULL pkg_entry and pkg_entry in an unnamed module implies the class
1618           // is from the -cp. Ensure the index is within the -cp range before assigning
1619           // to the classpath_index.
1620           if ((pkg_entry == NULL) || (pkg_entry->in_unnamed_module())) {
1621             if (SystemDictionary::is_system_class_loader(loader) &&
1622                 (i >= ClassLoaderExt::app_class_paths_start_index()) &&
1623                 (i < ClassLoaderExt::app_module_paths_start_index())) {
1624               classpath_index = i;
1625               break;
1626             } else {
1627               if ((i >= 1) &&
1628                   (i < ClassLoaderExt::app_module_paths_start_index())) {
1629                 classpath_index = i;
1630                 break;
1631               }
1632             }
1633           } else {
1634             // non-NULL pkg_entry and is a named module implies the class is from the
1635             // --module-path. Ensure the index is within the --module-path range before
1636             // assigning to the classpath_index.
1637             if ((pkg_entry != NULL) && !(pkg_entry->in_unnamed_module()) && (i > 0)) {
1638               if (i >= ClassLoaderExt::app_module_paths_start_index() &&
1639                   i < FileMapInfo::get_number_of_shared_paths()) {
1640                 classpath_index = i;
1641                 break;
1642               }
1643             }
1644           }
1645         }
1646         // for index 0 and the stream->source() is the modules image or has the jrt: protocol.
1647         // The class must be from the runtime modules image.
1648         if (i == 0 && (is_modules_image(src) || string_starts_with(src, "jrt:"))) {
1649           classpath_index = i;
1650           break;
1651         }
1652       }
1653     }
1655     // No path entry found for this class. Must be a shared class loaded by the
1656     // user defined classloader.
1657     if (classpath_index < 0) {
1658       assert(ik->shared_classpath_index() < 0, "Sanity");
1659       return;
1660     }
1661   } else {
1662     assert(is_modules_image(src), "stream must be from modules image");
1663     assert(FileMapInfo::get_number_of_shared_paths() == 0, "shared path table must not have been setup");
1664     classpath_index = 0;
1665   }
1667   const char* const class_name = ik->name()->as_C_string();
1668   const char* const file_name = file_name_for_class_name(class_name,
1669                                                          ik->name()->utf8_length());
1670   assert(file_name != NULL, "invariant");
1672   ClassLoaderExt::Context context(class_name, file_name, CATCH);
1673   context.record_result(ik->name(), classpath_index, ik, THREAD);
1674 }
1675 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS
1677 // Initialize the class loader's access to methods in libzip.  Parse and
1678 // process the boot classpath into a list ClassPathEntry objects.  Once
1679 // this list has been created, it must not change order (see class PackageInfo)
1680 // it can be appended to and is by jvmti and the kernel vm.
1682 void ClassLoader::initialize() {
1685   if (UsePerfData) {
1686     // jvmstat performance counters
1687     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_accumulated_time, SUN_CLS, "time");
1688     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_init_time, SUN_CLS, "classInitTime");
1689     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_init_selftime, SUN_CLS, "classInitTime.self");
1690     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_verify_time, SUN_CLS, "classVerifyTime");
1691     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_verify_selftime, SUN_CLS, "classVerifyTime.self");

1734   }
1736   // lookup zip library entry points
1737   load_zip_library();
1738   // lookup jimage library entry points
1739   load_jimage_library();
1740 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1741   // initialize search path
1742   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1743     _shared_paths_misc_info = SharedClassUtil::allocate_shared_paths_misc_info();
1744   }
1745 #endif
1746   setup_bootstrap_search_path();
1747 }
1749 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1750 void ClassLoader::initialize_shared_path() {
1751   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1752     ClassLoaderExt::setup_search_paths();
1753     _shared_paths_misc_info->write_jint(0); // see comments in SharedPathsMiscInfo::check()
1754   }
1755 }
1757 void ClassLoader::initialize_module_path() {
1758   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1759     ClassLoaderExt::setup_module_paths();
1760     FileMapInfo::allocate_shared_path_table();
1761   }
1762 }
1763 #endif
1765 jlong ClassLoader::classloader_time_ms() {
1766   return UsePerfData ?
1767     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_accumulated_time->get_value()) : -1;
1768 }
1770 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_count() {
1771   return UsePerfData ? _perf_classes_inited->get_value() : -1;
1772 }
1774 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_time_ms() {
1775   return UsePerfData ?
1776     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_class_init_time->get_value()) : -1;
1777 }
1779 jlong ClassLoader::class_verify_time_ms() {
1780   return UsePerfData ?

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