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rev 59477 : [mq]: cds_lambda

  88     BUILTIN:              (C->shared_classpath_index() >= 0)
  89     UNREGISTERED:         (C->shared_classpath_index() == UNREGISTERED_INDEX (-9999))
  91 [4] Lookup of archived classes at run time:
  93     (a) BUILTIN loaders:
  95         search _builtin_dictionary
  97     (b) UNREGISTERED loaders:
  99         search _unregistered_dictionary for an entry that matches the
 100         (name, clsfile_len, clsfile_crc32).
 102 ===============================================================================*/
 103 #define UNREGISTERED_INDEX -9999
 105 class ClassFileStream;
 106 class DumpTimeSharedClassInfo;
 107 class DumpTimeSharedClassTable;

 108 class RunTimeSharedClassInfo;
 109 class RunTimeSharedDictionary;
 111 class SystemDictionaryShared: public SystemDictionary {
 112   friend class ExcludeDumpTimeSharedClasses;
 113 public:
 114   enum {
 115     FROM_FIELD_IS_PROTECTED = 1 << 0,
 116     FROM_IS_ARRAY           = 1 << 1,
 117     FROM_IS_OBJECT          = 1 << 2
 118   };
 120 private:
 121   // These _shared_xxxs arrays are used to initialize the java.lang.Package and
 122   // java.security.ProtectionDomain objects associated with each shared class.
 123   //
 124   // See SystemDictionaryShared::init_security_info for more info.
 125   static objArrayOop _shared_protection_domains;
 126   static objArrayOop _shared_jar_urls;
 127   static objArrayOop _shared_jar_manifests;

 161   //    PLATFORM  classes: No package is defined.
 162   //
 163   // The following two define_shared_package() functions are used to define
 164   // package for shared APP and PLATFORM classes.
 165   static void define_shared_package(Symbol*  class_name,
 166                                     Handle class_loader,
 167                                     Handle manifest,
 168                                     Handle url,
 169                                     TRAPS);
 171   static Handle get_shared_jar_manifest(int shared_path_index, TRAPS);
 172   static Handle get_shared_jar_url(int shared_path_index, TRAPS);
 173   static Handle get_protection_domain_from_classloader(Handle class_loader,
 174                                                        Handle url, TRAPS);
 175   static Handle get_shared_protection_domain(Handle class_loader,
 176                                              int shared_path_index,
 177                                              Handle url,
 178                                              TRAPS);
 179   static Handle get_shared_protection_domain(Handle class_loader,
 180                                              ModuleEntry* mod, TRAPS);
 181   static Handle init_security_info(Handle class_loader, InstanceKlass* ik, PackageEntry* pkg_entry, TRAPS);
 183   static void atomic_set_array_index(objArrayOop array, int index, oop o) {
 184     // Benign race condition:  array.obj_at(index) may already be filled in.
 185     // The important thing here is that all threads pick up the same result.
 186     // It doesn't matter which racing thread wins, as long as only one
 187     // result is used by all threads, and all future queries.
 188     array->atomic_compare_exchange_oop(index, o, NULL);
 189   }
 191   static oop shared_protection_domain(int index);
 192   static void atomic_set_shared_protection_domain(int index, oop pd) {
 193     atomic_set_array_index(_shared_protection_domains, index, pd);
 194   }
 195   static void allocate_shared_protection_domain_array(int size, TRAPS);
 196   static oop shared_jar_url(int index);
 197   static void atomic_set_shared_jar_url(int index, oop url) {
 198     atomic_set_array_index(_shared_jar_urls, index, url);
 199   }
 200   static void allocate_shared_jar_url_array(int size, TRAPS);
 201   static oop shared_jar_manifest(int index);
 202   static void atomic_set_shared_jar_manifest(int index, oop man) {
 203     atomic_set_array_index(_shared_jar_manifests, index, man);
 204   }
 205   static void allocate_shared_jar_manifest_array(int size, TRAPS);
 206   static InstanceKlass* acquire_class_for_current_thread(
 207                                  InstanceKlass *ik,
 208                                  Handle class_loader,
 209                                  Handle protection_domain,
 210                                  const ClassFileStream* cfs,
 211                                  TRAPS);
 212   static DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* find_or_allocate_info_for(InstanceKlass* k);
 213   static void write_dictionary(RunTimeSharedDictionary* dictionary,
 214                                bool is_builtin,
 215                                bool is_static_archive = true);

 216   static bool is_jfr_event_class(InstanceKlass *k);

 217   static void warn_excluded(InstanceKlass* k, const char* reason);
 218   static bool should_be_excluded(InstanceKlass* k);
 220   DEBUG_ONLY(static bool _no_class_loading_should_happen;)
 222 public:

 223   static InstanceKlass* find_builtin_class(Symbol* class_name);
 225   static const RunTimeSharedClassInfo* find_record(RunTimeSharedDictionary* static_dict,
 226                                                    RunTimeSharedDictionary* dynamic_dict,
 227                                                    Symbol* name);
 229   static bool has_platform_or_app_classes();
 231   // Called by PLATFORM/APP loader only
 232   static InstanceKlass* find_or_load_shared_class(Symbol* class_name,
 233                                                Handle class_loader,
 234                                                TRAPS);
 237   static void allocate_shared_data_arrays(int size, TRAPS);
 238   static void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
 240   // Check if sharing is supported for the class loader.
 241   static bool is_sharing_possible(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
 242   static bool is_shared_class_visible_for_classloader(InstanceKlass* ik,

 268                                            Handle class_loader,
 269                                            Handle protection_domain,
 270                                            const ClassFileStream* st,
 271                                            TRAPS);
 272   // "verification_constraints" are a set of checks performed by
 273   // VerificationType::is_reference_assignable_from when verifying a shared class during
 274   // dump time.
 275   //
 276   // With AppCDS, it is possible to override archived classes by calling
 277   // ClassLoader.defineClass() directly. SystemDictionary::load_shared_class() already
 278   // ensures that you cannot load a shared class if its super type(s) are changed. However,
 279   // we need an additional check to ensure that the verification_constraints did not change
 280   // between dump time and runtime.
 281   static bool add_verification_constraint(InstanceKlass* k, Symbol* name,
 282                   Symbol* from_name, bool from_field_is_protected,
 283                   bool from_is_array, bool from_is_object) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
 284   static void check_verification_constraints(InstanceKlass* klass,
 285                                              TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 286   static void set_class_has_failed_verification(InstanceKlass* ik) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 287   static bool has_class_failed_verification(InstanceKlass* ik) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);

 288   static bool check_linking_constraints(InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
 289   static void record_linking_constraint(Symbol* name, InstanceKlass* klass,
 290                                      Handle loader1, Handle loader2, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 291   static bool is_builtin(InstanceKlass* k) {
 292     return (k->shared_classpath_index() != UNREGISTERED_INDEX);
 293   }
 294   static void check_excluded_classes();
 295   static void validate_before_archiving(InstanceKlass* k);
 296   static bool is_excluded_class(InstanceKlass* k);
 297   static void dumptime_classes_do(class MetaspaceClosure* it);
 298   static size_t estimate_size_for_archive();
 299   static void write_to_archive(bool is_static_archive = true);

 300   static void serialize_dictionary_headers(class SerializeClosure* soc,
 301                                            bool is_static_archive = true);
 302   static void serialize_well_known_klasses(class SerializeClosure* soc);
 303   static void print() { return print_on(tty); }
 304   static void print_on(outputStream* st) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 305   static void print_table_statistics(outputStream* st) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 306   static bool empty_dumptime_table() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(true);
 308   DEBUG_ONLY(static bool no_class_loading_should_happen() {return _no_class_loading_should_happen;})
 310 #ifdef ASSERT
 311   class NoClassLoadingMark: public StackObj {
 312   public:
 313     NoClassLoadingMark() {
 314       assert(!_no_class_loading_should_happen, "must not be nested");
 315       _no_class_loading_should_happen = true;
 316     }
 317     ~NoClassLoadingMark() {
 318       _no_class_loading_should_happen = false;
 319     }

  88     BUILTIN:              (C->shared_classpath_index() >= 0)
  89     UNREGISTERED:         (C->shared_classpath_index() == UNREGISTERED_INDEX (-9999))
  91 [4] Lookup of archived classes at run time:
  93     (a) BUILTIN loaders:
  95         search _builtin_dictionary
  97     (b) UNREGISTERED loaders:
  99         search _unregistered_dictionary for an entry that matches the
 100         (name, clsfile_len, clsfile_crc32).
 102 ===============================================================================*/
 103 #define UNREGISTERED_INDEX -9999
 105 class ClassFileStream;
 106 class DumpTimeSharedClassInfo;
 107 class DumpTimeSharedClassTable;
 108 class LambdaProxyClassDictionary;
 109 class RunTimeSharedClassInfo;
 110 class RunTimeSharedDictionary;
 112 class SystemDictionaryShared: public SystemDictionary {
 113   friend class ExcludeDumpTimeSharedClasses;
 114 public:
 115   enum {
 116     FROM_FIELD_IS_PROTECTED = 1 << 0,
 117     FROM_IS_ARRAY           = 1 << 1,
 118     FROM_IS_OBJECT          = 1 << 2
 119   };
 121 private:
 122   // These _shared_xxxs arrays are used to initialize the java.lang.Package and
 123   // java.security.ProtectionDomain objects associated with each shared class.
 124   //
 125   // See SystemDictionaryShared::init_security_info for more info.
 126   static objArrayOop _shared_protection_domains;
 127   static objArrayOop _shared_jar_urls;
 128   static objArrayOop _shared_jar_manifests;

 162   //    PLATFORM  classes: No package is defined.
 163   //
 164   // The following two define_shared_package() functions are used to define
 165   // package for shared APP and PLATFORM classes.
 166   static void define_shared_package(Symbol*  class_name,
 167                                     Handle class_loader,
 168                                     Handle manifest,
 169                                     Handle url,
 170                                     TRAPS);
 172   static Handle get_shared_jar_manifest(int shared_path_index, TRAPS);
 173   static Handle get_shared_jar_url(int shared_path_index, TRAPS);
 174   static Handle get_protection_domain_from_classloader(Handle class_loader,
 175                                                        Handle url, TRAPS);
 176   static Handle get_shared_protection_domain(Handle class_loader,
 177                                              int shared_path_index,
 178                                              Handle url,
 179                                              TRAPS);
 180   static Handle get_shared_protection_domain(Handle class_loader,
 181                                              ModuleEntry* mod, TRAPS);

 183   static void atomic_set_array_index(objArrayOop array, int index, oop o) {
 184     // Benign race condition:  array.obj_at(index) may already be filled in.
 185     // The important thing here is that all threads pick up the same result.
 186     // It doesn't matter which racing thread wins, as long as only one
 187     // result is used by all threads, and all future queries.
 188     array->atomic_compare_exchange_oop(index, o, NULL);
 189   }
 191   static oop shared_protection_domain(int index);
 192   static void atomic_set_shared_protection_domain(int index, oop pd) {
 193     atomic_set_array_index(_shared_protection_domains, index, pd);
 194   }
 195   static void allocate_shared_protection_domain_array(int size, TRAPS);
 196   static oop shared_jar_url(int index);
 197   static void atomic_set_shared_jar_url(int index, oop url) {
 198     atomic_set_array_index(_shared_jar_urls, index, url);
 199   }
 200   static void allocate_shared_jar_url_array(int size, TRAPS);
 201   static oop shared_jar_manifest(int index);
 202   static void atomic_set_shared_jar_manifest(int index, oop man) {
 203     atomic_set_array_index(_shared_jar_manifests, index, man);
 204   }
 205   static void allocate_shared_jar_manifest_array(int size, TRAPS);
 206   static InstanceKlass* acquire_class_for_current_thread(
 207                                  InstanceKlass *ik,
 208                                  Handle class_loader,
 209                                  Handle protection_domain,
 210                                  const ClassFileStream* cfs,
 211                                  TRAPS);
 212   static DumpTimeSharedClassInfo* find_or_allocate_info_for(InstanceKlass* k);
 213   static void write_dictionary(RunTimeSharedDictionary* dictionary,
 214                                bool is_builtin,
 215                                bool is_static_archive = true);
 216   static void write_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary(LambdaProxyClassDictionary* dictionary);
 217   static bool is_jfr_event_class(InstanceKlass *k);
 218   static bool is_registered_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
 219   static bool is_in_shared_lambda_proxy_table(InstanceKlass* ik);
 220   static void warn_excluded(InstanceKlass* k, const char* reason);
 221   static bool should_be_excluded(InstanceKlass* k);
 223   DEBUG_ONLY(static bool _no_class_loading_should_happen;)
 225 public:
 226   static bool is_hidden_lambda_proxy(InstanceKlass* ik);
 227   static Handle init_security_info(Handle class_loader, InstanceKlass* ik, PackageEntry* pkg_entry, TRAPS);
 228   static InstanceKlass* find_builtin_class(Symbol* class_name);
 230   static const RunTimeSharedClassInfo* find_record(RunTimeSharedDictionary* static_dict,
 231                                                    RunTimeSharedDictionary* dynamic_dict,
 232                                                    Symbol* name);
 234   static bool has_platform_or_app_classes();
 236   // Called by PLATFORM/APP loader only
 237   static InstanceKlass* find_or_load_shared_class(Symbol* class_name,
 238                                                Handle class_loader,
 239                                                TRAPS);
 242   static void allocate_shared_data_arrays(int size, TRAPS);
 243   static void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
 245   // Check if sharing is supported for the class loader.
 246   static bool is_sharing_possible(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
 247   static bool is_shared_class_visible_for_classloader(InstanceKlass* ik,

 273                                            Handle class_loader,
 274                                            Handle protection_domain,
 275                                            const ClassFileStream* st,
 276                                            TRAPS);
 277   // "verification_constraints" are a set of checks performed by
 278   // VerificationType::is_reference_assignable_from when verifying a shared class during
 279   // dump time.
 280   //
 281   // With AppCDS, it is possible to override archived classes by calling
 282   // ClassLoader.defineClass() directly. SystemDictionary::load_shared_class() already
 283   // ensures that you cannot load a shared class if its super type(s) are changed. However,
 284   // we need an additional check to ensure that the verification_constraints did not change
 285   // between dump time and runtime.
 286   static bool add_verification_constraint(InstanceKlass* k, Symbol* name,
 287                   Symbol* from_name, bool from_field_is_protected,
 288                   bool from_is_array, bool from_is_object) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
 289   static void check_verification_constraints(InstanceKlass* klass,
 290                                              TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 291   static void set_class_has_failed_verification(InstanceKlass* ik) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 292   static bool has_class_failed_verification(InstanceKlass* ik) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
 293   static void add_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* caller_ik,
 294                                      InstanceKlass* lambda_ik,
 295                                      Symbol* invoked_name,
 296                                      Symbol* invoked_type,
 297                                      Symbol* method_type,
 298                                      Method* member_method,
 299                                      Symbol* instantiated_method_type) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 300   static InstanceKlass* get_shared_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* caller_ik,
 301                                                       Symbol* invoked_name,
 302                                                       Symbol* invoked_type,
 303                                                       Symbol* method_type,
 304                                                       Method* member_method,
 305                                                       Symbol* instantiated_method_type) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(NULL);
 306   static InstanceKlass* get_shared_nest_host(InstanceKlass* lambda_ik) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(NULL);
 307   static InstanceKlass* load_shared_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* lambda_ik,
 308                                                        InstanceKlass* caller_ik, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(NULL);
 309   static bool check_linking_constraints(InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
 310   static void record_linking_constraint(Symbol* name, InstanceKlass* klass,
 311                                      Handle loader1, Handle loader2, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 312   static bool is_builtin(InstanceKlass* k) {
 313     return (k->shared_classpath_index() != UNREGISTERED_INDEX);
 314   }
 315   static void check_excluded_classes();
 316   static void validate_before_archiving(InstanceKlass* k);
 317   static bool is_excluded_class(InstanceKlass* k);
 318   static void dumptime_classes_do(class MetaspaceClosure* it);
 319   static size_t estimate_size_for_archive();
 320   static void write_to_archive(bool is_static_archive = true);
 321   static void adjust_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary();
 322   static void serialize_dictionary_headers(class SerializeClosure* soc,
 323                                            bool is_static_archive = true);
 324   static void serialize_well_known_klasses(class SerializeClosure* soc);
 325   static void print() { return print_on(tty); }
 326   static void print_on(outputStream* st) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 327   static void print_table_statistics(outputStream* st) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
 328   static bool empty_dumptime_table() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(true);
 330   DEBUG_ONLY(static bool no_class_loading_should_happen() {return _no_class_loading_should_happen;})
 332 #ifdef ASSERT
 333   class NoClassLoadingMark: public StackObj {
 334   public:
 335     NoClassLoadingMark() {
 336       assert(!_no_class_loading_should_happen, "must not be nested");
 337       _no_class_loading_should_happen = true;
 338     }
 339     ~NoClassLoadingMark() {
 340       _no_class_loading_should_happen = false;
 341     }
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